Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 390: The charm of the mother monster

"Monster force! Rock rain!" With a wave of Wupa's right hand, he commanded the strange force that was still shooting rubble.

"Ni Ke~" Hearing this order, the strange force also dispersed the surrounding gravel, and its four arms also waved violently.

In an instant, the rubble still floating in midair smashed towards Biziao.

And when the commentator saw that it was finally raining, he finally didn't have to hide it anymore, and I saw that the commentator spoke very fast:

"Appeared, this is the true form of rock rain!

This is a fusion move, which combines the three moves of shooting down, blockade of rocks and awakening power.

I believe everyone in the audience must be curious why those gravel float in the air. In fact, this is because the awakening power of the strange power is a super power. Although it is very weak compared to other elves with super power attributes, it is used to Manipulating rocks is just fine.

So this rock rain is a unique stunt of the strange power. With this move, it has defeated many arrogant flying elves! "

And hearing the narrator's explanation, the audience in the stands showed a sudden realization.

"So this is ah!"

"It looks like that Beagle can't escape this disaster!"

"Yeah, yeah, what super power type and flight type, think you can win with a restraint attribute? Facts tell us that fighting type is the strongest!"

"Go! Striking force!"

The audience in the stands thought that the rock rain had been completed and that Upa had won.

But only Tianji and Wupa knew that this rock rain was just thunder and little rain.

Don't look at the rush of these gravel rains now, but it's just like this. After all, it was discovered in the end, so I could only launch an attack in a hurry, not to mention that a part of the gravel was smashed by Bidiao's steel wings before. .

So for this gravel rain, Tianji was sure to let Bi Diao escape.

"Bi Diao, move at a high speed, dodge!" I saw him shouting, and Bi Diao's figure suddenly accelerated, and the gravel that was hit by "shushushushu" hit the wall that Bidiao left in the air. on the afterimage.

"Okay, what a fast speed! Contestant Tianji's Bidiao used an amazingly high-speed movement, and even managed to dodge these dense gravel!"

This scene also stunned the narrator, and he subconsciously praised Bidiao.

And the audience in the stands also had a shocked expression.

"This, so fast!"

"Isn't Bidiao better at long-distance flying? Why is short-distance evasion so strong!"

These viewers don't know, but Upa, who has been closely observing the battle situation, can see it clearly.

"I used the power of elements to bless my body, but it's not a loss."

He muttered to himself, and then looked at the strange force again.

The latter immediately understood and began to change tactics.

I saw the strange force suddenly become shy, and the four arms even made the movement of the orchid finger, and whispered to Bidio:

"Ni Ke~Nini~" Big Brother Bi Diao, do you think they are beautiful? Hit your chest with a small fist~

Seeing this scene, many viewers' expressions changed, and their stomachs felt like they were overturned.

"This~ this strange power is actually the mother's!"

"The mother monster is charming, it's too scary!"

"I heard that Tekken Wupa is looking for a breakthrough from another angle. Is he going to take the soft boxing route and combine hardness and softness?"

"It's terrible, vomit~ It's really terrible~"


I have to say that the charming soft fist of the mother monster is really powerful, especially the shy movement of pulling on the gold and black belt shorts, it really broke through to the sky!

Because Tianji on the field is going to fight, a part of his mental power has been paying attention to every move of the monster force. This is equivalent to watching a 3D movie. A female monster force is doing those actions to him right in front of him.

This made him feel like he was going blind, and he should have no love for the strange power family in the future.

This is just the onlooker's feeling. As the object of strange power's confusion, one can imagine Bi Diao's mood at this time.

Although Charming didn't confuse it, it also made it instantly distracted.

"Bi!" I saw Biyao let out a sharp cry, which was full of panic. It didn't want to do shameful things with the mother monster!

His mind was filled with the terrifying figure of the mother monster, which made Bi Diao's flying posture pause for a moment.

In an elite-level game, this pause is a fatal flaw!

"Fantastic force! Use it to shoot down!" Wupa, who understood the rare opportunity, immediately let the strange force use the quickest move!

"Ni Ke~" Hearing the strange force of the order, he immediately agreed, and at the same time his movements of scratching his head and making gestures changed accordingly.

"Brother Bidiao, someone gave you a stone of love! Be sure to pick it up~"

Hearing only the sound of "Shuh", a huge boulder flew towards the stationary Bidiao.

At this time, if you use your voice to shout, it will definitely be too late to convey the order, even if it is a spiritual contract, it may not be too late.

For Tanji, who has always marked his superpowers on both sides of the battle, it was still too late.

"Bidiao! Shadow clone! Hurry up!"

After hearing Tianzi's order, Bibi Diao was still immersed in the shocking charm, but his long-standing habit made him subconsciously obey the trainer's words.

"Shhhh~" I saw the figure in mid-air split into four immediately. The boulder with special power didn't have a very lucky chance of hitting a quarter, it just hit one Just an afterimage.

This thrilling scene also made the narrator excited.

"Oh! My God! Contestant Upa's charming just now, although he did the opposite, the effect was surprisingly good.

I have also seen many viewers getting hit, but what amazes me even more is that Bi Diao Mingming got hit, and he used his shadow clone to dodge it at the last minute! What a fast reaction time! "

And the audience in the stands was also stimulated by the adrenaline hormones soared by this scene.

"Comparing carvings! Comparing carvings!"

"Counterattack! Beat the eagles!"

"Strange power! Continue to use the rock rain!"

"Iron fist, you beat it with a frontal iron fist!"


Thanks to the amazing performance just now, some audience members at the scene forgot the deterrent behavior of Tianji just now, and started cheering on Bidiao.

At this time, Tianji really planned to let Bi Diao fight back.

Beginning just now, the constant series of blows from the strange force made Bi Diao exhausted, but now he has finally seized the opportunity.

"Bidiao, use a sharp blade of air!"

As soon as Tian Zi finished speaking, Bi Diao immediately waved his wings. It is worth mentioning that the elemental imprint on his forehead lit up again. This was the second time he used the power of elements.

The sound of "咻咻咻~咻咻~" also indicated how powerful this invisible blade of air should be under the blessing.

Chapter 391 Self-built tomb

Although Wupa is a powerhouse in the lower ranks of the elite who is breaking the limit, Tianji's Biyao is not weak. The limit of ordinary elves in the lower ranks is 10 times of elemental power blessing, while Biyao is now at 9 times.

Of course, you don't just look at this amount, but just divide it according to this. In fact, the more times you have, the more power you have in your elements, and the more improvements your body will bring in all aspects.

Therefore, Bidiao, who is also reaching the limit soon, shoots, and the speed of this air blade is also extremely fast.

Before the strange force could come and change its moves, these air sharp blades "puchi~puchi~" opened several openings on its body.

"Nee! Nee!" Being hit by an annoying flying-type move, a painful expression appeared on the face of the strange force, and the whole person also curled up unconsciously.

And the commentator hurriedly started explaining, mainly because you have to come to some moves that ordinary people can't see or understand.

"We can see that the strange force suddenly curled up, and a few holes were opened on his body. In fact, this is the effect of the air sharp blade hit by Bidiao just now. Now it seems that the strange force has fallen into the disadvantage, what should Wupa player do? How to deal with this opponent flying high in the sky?"

Hearing this explanation, some viewers who couldn't understand also suddenly realized, and quickly cheered loudly.

"Weird! Come on! Stand up!"

"come on! Come on!"

"Bi Diao, how could you treat a girl like this! My cute monster, are you alright?"


It is worth mentioning that, in these cheers, Tian Chi actually heard very surprising words. This kind of shocking speech made him unconsciously glance at it with his superpower, and found that it was a middle-aged man who was biting a handkerchief. After becoming a strong man, he quickly returned his mental strength.

It can only be said that strange flowers exist every year, but they are rare. Everyone has different aesthetics, and we must respect them.

For a small episode, it's very easy for a general-level superpower who is single-minded and dual-purpose.

He didn't stop attacking. After hitting the strange force, he immediately gave an order to Bie Diao.

"Bidiao, the storm continues to suppress!"

"Bi Diao~" Bidio, who heard the order, didn't hesitate, and saw that he shouted, and then his wings began to emerge with more intense flight-type energy.

Even the audience sitting in the last row of the auditorium could hear the wind of "Huhu~".

This kind of wind made the monster attacked by the main force even more uncomfortable. At this time, it blocked it with both hands in front of it, and it was difficult to block the strong wind that was stronger than a typhoon of level 12.

"Huhu ~ Huhu"


The strong wind not only made it difficult for the strange force to move, but also left a lot of tiny scars on it.

And the flight-type energy carried in the wind also quickly eroded its body through these scars.

At this time, Upa's order finally arrived.

"Strange power, block it with rocks, seal it up, and let's talk about it after resisting this strong wind!"

"Nike!" Hearing the strange force ordered by the trainer, khaki-yellow rock-type energy immediately appeared on the surface of the body, and soon boulders appeared out of thin air, and "bang bang bang" fell on its side, give it to it Blocked most of the wind.

"Then, use Qi Gathering and Bodybuilding! Strengthen yourself!"

Seeing that the storm was blocked, Upa followed with another order.

His idea is very simple, since you are so good than Diao and can't hit me close, then I will strengthen myself while resisting, and then continue to use long-range attacks. Just let Bi Diao lose his ability to fly and fall to the ground at that time, it is better to let his strange force knead!

Upon hearing the order, the female monster force also immediately took a pose in the self-blocked rock pile, and with every move, the muscles on its body bulged high block by block.

At the same time, its aura was gradually increasing.

As for Bidiao's storm, to be honest, it really doesn't affect the strange power very much.

In general, the destructive power of the storm is very high, but it can't bear its wide range of attacks. Even if it is controlled by the eagle, the power of the melon is not all in that small area.

So the situation seemed to be pulled back for a while, and even if it was dragged down, the strange force should still have the advantage.

At this time, the narrator also just explained the situation.

"Now we see that Upa's strange power used a rock block to seal himself up, and then hid inside to strengthen it. In this way, the right to choose came to Tianji. Why should he find a way to remote Break rocks or risk melee combat!

As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be any long-range and powerful moves in the Bidiao bloodline inheritance, so would he take a risk? "

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Tian Ci's mouth. It was true that there was no powerful long-range move in Bi Diao's bloodline inheritance.

The storm is already the most powerful. Of course, as for the single attack, it must be the air blade that is more powerful.

But this power will certainly not break the thick boulder that has been maintained.

If you want a powerful move, if you use the values ​​in the game to measure it, it must be a single unit with more than 100 power.

Unfortunately, Tianji said that his Beagle is really good, and the self-blocking of the mother monster's power also provided it with a 100% chance of hitting.

Thinking of this, Tanji immediately sent the order through telepathy.

"Beat the eagle! Use the destruction to die! Say hello to the bodybuilding strange power!"

Hearing this order~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Bibi Diao's sharp eyes also revealed a bit of joking.

In its eyes, the strange force in the rock pile at this time is already in its own coffin.

"Complete!" It opened its mouth slightly, and a destructive white light ball immediately emerged.

After that, Wupa didn't have time to react. With a "swoosh", a beam of light hit the rock pile below.

"Oh! My God! This eagle can actually destroy the death light! The strange force is dangerous. This perfect rock house that sheltered the wind and rain has now become an obstacle to its escape. It can only watch and destroy the death light. Attack, do you want to decide the winner!"

The commentator also followed the battle situation closely. When he saw the beam, he spoke very fast to explain to the audience.

At this time, the audience in the stands held their breaths and watched this scene quietly. They also understood that the critical time had come.

In the elf world, even the most ignorant people still know the trick of destroying the death light. After all, this is a very powerful and famous move, and the price is so high that there is no market for it.

"Fuck! Strange power! Use the most powerful continuous burst punches to block them as much as possible!"

And Wupa's face changed greatly at this time, he really didn't expect Bi Diao to be able to do this trick!


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