Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 383: Fighting Gym

Of course, that's what it says. In fact, the Silver Company is just a wage earner. In the world of elves where strength is paramount, they are actually just vassals who don't have top combat power, or they are forced.

There are only a few gym-level trainers in the entire company, so what can they do to resist the oppression of the Golden City and the Rockets.

According to Nazi, Silver Corporation is the main force of research, but for them there is almost no remuneration, just a symbolic sum of money to go through the process.

For such an affiliated force, Tianji didn't plan to pass it immediately. His current plan is to go to the gymnasium first, get the two badges, and then talk about other things.

Originally, Nazi wanted to give this badge, including the fighting badge, to him directly, but Taji himself refused.

After all, this is also an opportunity to play against the same level. Although he has played against those female elites in Hualan City, it is obvious that they are all drained.

Otherwise, I really thought that just relying on him, a newly promoted elite, I would be able to fight back and forth with those veteran elites.

"Let's go, let's go to the fighting gym first." After walking around for a while, Tianji said to the two of them.

"En~" The two women had no opinion, nodded and followed.

Although the commercial street in Jinhuang City is very prosperous, it arouses the two people's shopping desire, but they are also used to obeying Tianji's arrangement.

When the group has a target location, the walking speed is much faster.

Not long after, they came to the door of the fighting gym.

It is worth mentioning that this fighting gym and Nazi's golden gymnasium are only separated by a street, but the styles seem to be very different. If Nazi's superpower gym is located in a sci-fi and gorgeous style, The fighting gym is quite similar to the decoration style of Nibi City. There are many wooden and stone buildings, which are very rough. Most of the people who come and go are men and women wearing loose martial arts uniforms.

Although it is less popular than the super power gym in comparison, it is not bad. It is still within a normal range, at least it is much better than the Aoki gym that has not been built for too long.

It is worth mentioning that according to what Nazi said, the name of the owner of this fighting gym is Nobuhiko, and he once fought with their Jinben family.

This is quite in line with the events in Tanji's memory.

However, the difference is that this fighting gym did not hold on after the defeat, but took the initiative to integrate into Nazi's command. Now it is still nominally independent, but it can basically be seen that this gym has become a A vassal of a super power gym.

There is no way, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie~

Fighting super powers is really too difficult. It's like a magician who is elusive, and the magician has multiple methods and a melee fighter. Before the melee fighters rush up, the magician has a way to solve you... not to mention more Coupled with attribute restraint, if you really resist stubbornly, I am afraid that Nazi's side will be able to eradicate the fighting gym in three or two times.

So if you don't want to die, bowing your head and becoming a servant is the only way out.

Although it loses the possibility of taking a step closer, at least it can pass on the gymnasium without worrying about food and clothing.

After all, in an ancient city, there are always some people who like fighting spirits, and for these people, the fighting gym in the golden city is the only choice. It is in a monopoly position, and it is not difficult to feed their family.

Looking at the huge fist carved out of stone outside the fighting dojo, Tianji and the others seemed to feel the enormous power contained in it. This seems to be a sign carved by a gym-level or even higher-level king-level fighting elves. , but also with its resolute fighting will.

"Hello~ Welcome to the fighting gym." As soon as he entered the door, a staff member greeted him with a smile on his face.

To the staff member in the white martial arts uniform, Tanji directly explained his purpose.

"Hello, we are here to challenge the gym, elite mode!"

After speaking, both he and Xiaoling revealed a trace of elemental power.

The staff felt the oppressive force, and immediately switched from a professional smile to a respectful expression, and asked:

"Excuse me, do the three of you want to challenge the elite mode?"

"No, no~ I don't challenge." Hearing this question, he understood that he was asking his own Ning Hui, and answered immediately.

"Okay, then ask the two adults to explain the strength of the elves. Our gym will arrange for disciples with corresponding strengths to compete in the elite competition."

Hearing Ninghui's answer, the staff agreed, then looked at Tianci and the two, and asked respectfully.

This is also a part of the elite competition that has more than the other two modes, and it is also to be as fair as possible.

After all, there is only a small gap between the elite low-level, the elite middle-level, and the elite high-level, but the difference in strength is huge.

If the player is in the low tier of the elite, and then the gym sends disciples from the middle tier of the elite, or even the high tier of the elite to fight, then it's not to make it difficult for the challenger to recruit enemies for his gym.

To know the elite level, you can be considered a strong person anywhere. Where would a gym do this for no reason?

On the other side, upon hearing this question, both of them immediately replied:

"Elite low section!"

"Okay, two adults, please follow me to the front desk."

The staff member nodded, made a gesture of please, and then led the way in front of him.

When the three saw it, they quickly followed.

When they came to the front desk, the staff asked the two of them for the trainer certificate and ID card, and then they quickly operated on the computer.

There was a crackling, and within two minutes, the information was tested.

The staff raised his head and reminded respectfully:

"Master Aoki, Master Tianshui, for the elite mode of our fighting gym, one person needs to pay a registration fee of 1 million yuan. Please put your bank card on this machine."

After speaking, he pointed to something like a pose machine.

"Okay!" Tianji and Xiaoling agreed, and immediately took their bank cards and swiped them.

"Di~ Your bank card ending in 0549 has completed the transaction and deducted 1 million yuan."

It has to be said that after reaching the elite level, it is indeed completely separated from the lower classes, and there are hundreds of thousands, millions of money transactions at every turn.

A piece of low-grade elemental crystal would cost 500,000 yuan for Kou Deng Hua for their training, and it could only last about 5 days. This is a cost that ordinary trainers can't imagine.

And this one gym challenge. The registration fee of 1 million is a lifetime savings for ordinary people.

From the point of view of resource consumption alone, the elites are big figures in the eyes of ordinary trainers.

As for Uncle Sam, choosing to stay in a small place like Aoki Town is indeed no way forward. From the current Tianji's point of view, the salary and the surrounding hunting income may be quite rich for ordinary-level trainers. , but according to the consumption of the elite level, it can only be said that you can't starve to death.

Chapter 384 Elite Gym Tournament

"Okay, two adults, your elite challenge will start in an hour and a half. If you can win the first challenge, you will not only get a fighting badge, but also get a skill inheritance bead for infuriating bullets.

But if you don't fail the first time, then even if you succeed in the next challenge, you will only get the skill inheritance beads for splitting tiles. I hope the two adults will go all out to win! "

After the two paid the money, the staff immediately arranged the game and told them about the additional rewards.

Hearing the trick of the infuriating bullet, Tianji and Xiaoling both lit up, feeling that the fighting gym seemed to be much more generous than other gyms.

You must know that infuriating bullets are the ultimate fighting moves!

Of course, the power of the move may be worse than that of destroying death light, but you must know that destroying death light, most elves use it with side effects.

And infuriating bullets have no side effects on oneself, and can even temporarily reduce the opponent's state, which cancels each other out, and infuriating bullets are almost on the same level as destroying death light.

And this level of inheritance beads is very valuable. If you have to use money to measure it, it will definitely exceed one million.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and understood what they meant. This time they must win.

I'm sorry, Duan Hua, I'm sorry, go swimming frogs!

Tianji originally planned to let the weaker Kou Dianhua play, just to hone it a bit, it doesn't matter if he loses, he will spend another 1 million and play again.

In the same way, Xiaoling also intends to use the weaker fast swimming frog between the two to play, one is to hone it, and the other is to hope that the fast swimming frog will learn some skills in the battle with the opponent.

One thing to say, the current physical fitness of the fast swimming frog, the extraordinary physique, has not achieved any improvement effect with the previous basic training, and it is also troubled by it. If it can compete with the elite elves of the fighting department One fight should give it some insight.

Of course, now that Xiaoling has decided to change his generals, he must be very interested in the move of infuriating bombs, and he will definitely be happy to explain it when the time comes.

Moreover, the special training method of the fighting gym, Xiaoling said that she is not unable to get it, the big deal is to spend money to ask for advice, if that doesn't work, then she can only go to ask Sister Nazi, the affiliated gym's She must have a secret book for elf cultivation.

At this time, the staff member also saw the surprised eyes of the two, and he smiled secretly.

"The master of the gymnasium is really wise~ With such a small operation, you can earn millions more for nothing every month!"

As the person who arranged the game, he naturally received Nobuhiko's instructions. Although it is limited to be in the same stage, you must know that the elite-level elemental power may be used once or twice more than others, and the battle situation can be established. .

In general, in the first match, he would choose the strongest person at that stage to challenge the challenger as instructed.

Like Tianji, they are all elite low-ranking players, and he arranged for the strongest elite low-ranking trainer in the gym - Upa.

The low limit of the general elite is about 10 times of elemental power blessing, and several elves under Wupa have reached this threshold of 10 times, but he did not choose to break through to the middle of the elite, but is still compressing, tempering, I want to lay a solid foundation.

So he is indeed an elite low-level trainer who conforms to the rules.

Next, the two of them, who didn't know it, started hanging out in the fighting dojo. An hour and a half was neither too long nor too short, so just hang around here.

It happened that Xiaoling also planned to see the daily training of fighting elves, so as to find inspiration for the fast swimming frog.

"Hey, ha!"

"Abilang, when you punch, you have to focus on one point, not just speed!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"


"Kick with the bottom plate, Sawarang!"


Under the leadership of the guide, the three walked around and found that the atmosphere of the fighting dojo was indeed very enthusiastic and the training was very serious.

But unfortunately, Xiaoling's goal was not achieved. What they visited was the training of some common-level elves. Although the method might be different, it was meaningless for the fast swimming frogs at this time.

Of course, even so, the two are actually summing up, because these training methods are indeed a little more efficient than their own wild methods.

The inheritance of knowledge is accumulated bit by bit. The two people who climbed up from the bottom understand this very well.

Soon an hour and a half passed, and the three of them entered the battle field of the fighting gym under the guidance of the guide.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came in, I felt the enthusiasm of the residents of Jinhuang City.

"Come on! Challengers!"

"Let's have a **** battle!"

"Elite bosses! Don't let me down!"

"Master Upa, show us the charm of fighting again!"

"War! War! War!"


On the audience stage, which can accommodate several thousand people, there was a crowd of people in Wu Yangyang at this time. They all cried out with excitement when they saw Tianci and several others entering the venue.

Seeing this, several people have come to understand, the so-called one and a half hours, I am afraid it is to promote this competition, and then make money for tickets.

Although it means that the gym is regarded as a free actor, this is also a common way of making money in other gyms, so Tianji and the others did not say much. After all, the general trend is like this.

Their attention turned to the other side of the contestant area~www.wuxiamtl.com~ where there was a bronze skinned man with a muscular body and closed his eyes.

Aware of the gazes of Tianji and the others, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed.

Obviously this is a master!

In Tianci's induction, there is still an extremely pure and huge qi in this person, although the total amount seems to be less than that in his body, it is probably the appearance of a low-level warrior.

But if he really fights with his body, he is afraid that he is not the opponent of the bald and strong man at all.

Tian Ci's eyes showed a solemn look, he felt that the skill inheritance beads of this infuriating bomb would be difficult to obtain.

"Brother Tian Ci, let me go first!" Xiao Ling is also an elite trainer now. Although her sensing ability is not as good as that of Tian Ci, who has super powers, she is not very weak in addition to her extraordinary blessing.

Naturally, he noticed that the bald-headed strong man was not easy to mess with, so he took the initiative to ask Ying, thinking of helping Tian Ji find out about the other party.

Of course, she is also sure of herself, instead of thinking about rushing to be cannon fodder.

After her gem starfish broke through to the elite level, she has received many pointers from Nazi.

Because the Jewel Starfish is an elite who has broken through with super powers, the Hu Di under Nazi's command also recognized a little bit, and naturally taught them a little bit more carefully.


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