Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 369: Elite Trainer - Tianshuiling

Latest website: Kuaishui Frog also responded enthusiastically to Xiaoling who was hugging him. When he hugged him with one hand, he threw the girl to his shoulders and let her sit firmly on the muscular body. on the right shoulder.

Xiao Lan on the side looked like she was collapsed, looking at this scene with envy, elite level! Even if she was the granddaughter of Granny Lan in the past, she should treat them respectfully, after all, this class is the backbone of Hualan City.

"Okay, Xiaoling, let's test the aptitude and strength of the fast swimming frog."

Tian Chi also let them play around for a while, but he couldn't bear the curiosity, so he reminded them.

"Mmmm!" Xiaoling agreed and took the fast swimming frog back.

Then lock the Poke Ball in the groove of the illustrated book with a "click".

"Di~" Soon the Pokédex began to broadcast the data of the fast swimming frogs.

Elf: Fast Swimming Frog

Attribute: Water Fighting

Category: Frog Elf

Height: 1.67m

Weight: 72kg

Description: It has strong muscles in its arms and legs and hardly ever gets tired. Swim great distances even without breathing heavily. In addition, it can walk on water briefly.

Qualification: Elite Medium

Strength: Elite low

Status: intact

Cultivation plan: The strong physique of the fast swimming frog is the source of its strength...

"Congratulations Xiaoling! The elites are of medium qualification, and there is a lot of hope for advancing to the gymnasium."

When Tianji heard that it was an elite middle class, he smiled and congratulated the girl.

"Mmmmm~" Xiaoling nodded with joy, put the fast swimming frog back out, and then ordered:

"Swimming frogs, show us your newly learned moves!"

"Yo!" Quick Swimming Frog heard the girl's order, and immediately shrugged his muscles and began to move one by one.




After a while of beating and fighting, it soon showed off all the new moves it had learned, all of which were fighting-type moves, probably because of the official appearance of the fighting attribute.

These three moves are Hell Roll, Ba Tou and Explosive Fist!

I have to say that the long-term physical training of the fast swimming frog is still very useful. The long-term training allows it to have subtle control over the new body. Although it is the first time, almost every trick is very skilled. And the fighting is full of momentum and powerful.

At this time, Hai Xingxing, who had been waiting impatiently, finally interjected.

"Buzz~ buzz~" Xiaoling, should Xiaoling arrive at me? I've been waiting for a long time! I want to break the elite too!

When the girl heard the words, she was embarrassed for a moment. Just now, she really only cared about swimming frogs, and really forgot about Hai Xingxing.

But the evolution of Starfish is inseparable from the help of the girl named Xiaolan!

When the mosquito-repellent incense frog evolved, she has been using the spiritual contract to communicate with the mosquito-repellent incense frog. After all, it is related to the evolution of her initial elves, and the girl is still a little worried. If this girl is not recommended by Tianji and Nazi Yes, she wouldn't let such a stranger interfere.

Of course, the result is still good. For the mosquito-repellent incense frog, that special energy is really helpful to it. The whole process is as comfortable as natural evolution, and the energy control can be said to be arbitrary, and it is so smooth that it can no longer be It went well.

And it also checked repeatedly afterward, and indeed that energy did not make any marks in its body, which means that the girl named Xiaolan really helped it a lot.

Receiving Haixing's reminder, Xiaoling also ran to Xiaolan quickly and said gratefully:

"Thank you, Xiaolan, you really helped me a lot."

At this time, Xiaolan's face was a little pale. She overestimated herself. It would be too reluctant for the ordinary middle-ranking elf to help the ordinary high-ranking elves to break the elite. Fortunately, Xiaoling also prepared high-level materials of the mosquito-repellent incense frog to assist in the evolution. On her own, she might not be able to persist in evolution.

But now I have earned it. According to the owner of Qingzi Pavilion, Xiaoling is indeed the best point of strategy. She is very satisfied that this wave can gain Xiaoling's favor, so she immediately replied:

"Sister Ling, you're welcome, I just helped a little bit."

After helping Xiao Lan up, Xiao Ling's face was embarrassed, but thinking of Hai Xingxing who was waiting eagerly, she still asked embarrassedly:

"Xiao Lan, if you want to recover, how long will it take? Uh~ there is a starfish here..."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan's expression became serious, and she showed an apologetic smile. Just when she was about to answer, Tian Ji next to him walked over and answered:

"Xiaoling, it's definitely too late today. It will take about a day for her to recover. It just so happens that you also let the fast swimming frog train and train, and Haixing can learn from it."

"Yes, Sister Ling, it should be tomorrow."

Xiao Lan also added a sentence after hearing the words.

"That's it~ Okay, that little blue, this energy crystal is given to you, you can recover well today~"

The girl heard both of them saying this, and also expressed her understanding. After stuffing a high-grade water energy crystal to Xiaolan, she took the fast swimming frog and Haixing to the side for training.

"Lord Tian Ci, this..." Xiao Lan looked at the high-grade water energy crystal worth 150,000 in her hand, hesitated for a while, and asked Tian Ci next to her.

"Take it, come with me next." He didn't care about this little money for a long time, and after letting Xiao Lan take it, he let her continue walking.

"Yes! Master Tianji." Hearing that she could accept it, the girl's delicate face showed joy, and she slowly followed.

Although it is only a high-grade water-based energy crystal, it is of great value to her.

You must know that Hualan City is still in a state of being evacuated. The resources accumulated in the past have been taken away by the Rockets, and it can still support the operation now, all relying on the materials transferred from the Golden City by Nazi.

Therefore, the life inside the Hualan Taoist Hall was not easy, even the Taoist master, Shuiyuan Qingzi, was tight-lipped.

In this way, Xiao Lan followed Tian Ci all the way forward, and met more and more beautiful women along the way.

The girl has a guess in her heart, this location seems to be the location of the artist training center!

And now the person in charge of training is Tianji's accompanying maid, that is, the head maid ─ Ning Hui.

She couldn't help thinking of Qingzi's admonition, as well as the sad expressions of other elite sisters.

In their descriptions, Ning Hui is the accomplice of the big devil Tian Ci, the traitor of their women, and the one who makes her be careful.

Of course, if it really falls into her hands, it is best to be obedient, otherwise there will be all kinds of strange prop training waiting.

"It seems that I can't escape..." The closer she got to the training building, the paler Xiao Lan's face became, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead, but she didn't dare to escape, so she could only follow the one in front of her. man's pace.

Chapter 370 Arrogant Ninghui

In this way, Xiao Lan followed Tian Ci into the building nervously.

The women I met along the way saw Tian Ci salute respectfully. Some of them had helped him practice and knew the inside story, and some of them were purely because of his position as a gold medal broker.

He, a gold medal manager, is actually equivalent to a general manager. Whether it is a trainee at the lowest level or an artist at the highest level, he can intervene in their related contracts.

In this way, he came all the way to the door of Ninghui's office. He didn't have the habit of knocking on the door of his maid. He took Xiaolan for a short distance teleport. He only heard a "swoosh", and he took the girl with him. After passing through this wall, he entered Ninghui's office.

You must know that his current level of superpower is at the level of a warrior. Although he cannot teleport over a long distance, it is still very easy to pass through a wall.

"Hey~ hey~" Xiao Lan was obviously teleporting for the first time, and after landing, she called out in shock, but soon, the girl who realized that she had lost her composure calmed down and peeked at Tianji.

But at this time, Tianji didn't have the time to control her. As soon as he came in, he realized that this little maid didn't seem to be here.

Because of the dark side training, Ninghui's office is specially decorated, the sound insulation is particularly good, and there are even anti-superpower detection materials mixed in it.

(I'm afraid that it will be discovered when someone from the golden city comes to inquire about the situation)

So he couldn't use his superpower to search for Ninghui's figure at this time.

But he also has a way, don't forget that there is still a contract left in his mind.

I saw that he suddenly moved the contract belonging to Ninghui with his mental power.

"Ah!" On the other side, Ninghui, who was in the basement darkroom, suddenly hugged her head and shouted.

She was training a few new hard bones at this time. These trainees were forced by Tian Ci to practice. They even secretly wanted to go to Miss Junsha to report. Unfortunately, Miss Junsha from Hualan City had already It was controlled by Nazi, and he was in sympathy with Tianji.

So after going around in circles, these innocent trainees came back here, and Miss Junsha, whom they had pinned their hopes on, was humbly helping Ninghui massage, and more than that, there were two other Qingshui clans. The high-level executives, the big figures in the eyes of the trainees, and the elite female elites, also please help Ninghui massage everywhere.

It can be said that the little maid is now at the peak of complacency, below three people, above ten thousand people, as for which three people are, it is of course Na Zi, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling.

Others, even the contemporary Hualan Pavilion owner, Shui Yuan Qingzi, in this training center, should listen to her obediently.

However, she was broken by Tian Ci at this moment of high light. With the fluctuation of the contract, Tian Ci easily determined the location of the underground darkroom, and teleported directly to this place with a "swoosh".

Seeing Tian Ci's Miss Junsha and the other two female elites, they all quickly stopped their movements, knelt down halfway, and saluted him:

"I have seen Master Tianji!"

"Well, get up!" To this, Tian Ci only responded lightly, and then looked at Ninghui, who was still having a headache, and said coldly:

"Ninghui, it seems that you are enjoying it more and more now, and you are almost catching up with me."

Although he understood that this was the norm before, Tianji wanted to use this to teach her a lesson, because he did find that the maid, Ninghui, seemed to be blinded by power, and even once put Kamui and Kamito together. Swamp jumper's food is mixed up.

Let's not talk about one mistake in my job, but in another task that was handed to her, there was a big flaw in the training work.

The reason why the trainees with ragged clothes and ruddy faces on the side had the opportunity to go to the police station and find Junsha was the biggest responsibility of Ninghui's negligence. At that time, she focused on training those female elites. They didn't pay much attention to these few trainees who had just contracted elves, so they found the opportunity to slip out.

Fortunately, Junsha of Hualan City was pulled into the water by them a long time ago. Otherwise, it would have been leaked out, which would definitely attract the attention of the Alliance. The Alliance also had an excuse to intervene in the affairs of Hualan City. Part of the interests went out, so how could he have the face to see Nazi.

"Master~ I don't, I have always been loyal to Master and Miss Nazi!

what! Master, don't punish me, my head hurts! "

At this time, Ninghui still didn't know where she was wrong. While grabbing the ground with her head, she also begged for mercy intermittently.

"Humph~" Seeing that the maid was so stupid now that she was corrupted by power, and she didn't see the cleverness of the past at all, he snorted coldly, and directly increased the strength of his mental power to destroy the mark, ready to teach a profound lesson.

At the same time, he also lay on the reclining chair that Ninghui was lying on before, and gestured to Miss Junsha next to him. The latter immediately understood what to do, and immediately came over and lowered his head to help Tianci practice.

On the other side, the two female elites of the Shimizu clan also winked at the left and the right, like two beautiful snakes sticking up...

Accompanied by Ninghui's painful wailing.

"Around me!"

"I was wrong!"

"Ah! My head hurts!"


When Xiaolan woke up, (because of the two teleportation before, her strength was low, and because Tianji didn't give her any defense, so her body couldn't bear it and passed out)

What I saw was the scene where Tianji and the others reprimanded Ninghui while cultivating.

"Ninghui, to be honest, you disappointed me a lot. I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"Do you think that apart from me, Nazi and Xiaoling, you are the biggest now? It doesn't matter what you do!"

"You know how harmful it would be for these few trainees to be stabbed out by them!"

"Even if I kill you with my own hands, I won't be able to make up for the loss!"


In the face of Tianci's questioning, Ninghui experienced mental and physical torture, and her IQ gradually came back online~www.wuxiamtl.com~ quickly admitted her mistake:

"I was wrong, Master!"

"I'm really too flirtatious, recently! I swear I will change in the future, and I will definitely help the master and Miss Nazi deal with these chores!"


After this series of guarantees, Tianji saw that she really had serious remorse, so she expressed her trust for a while.

At this time, he also found that Xiaolan had woken up. Thinking of another thing, he also ordered to the two female elites who bowed their heads:

"Li Hua, Yueqing, you two also teach this junior that I specially brought here."

Hearing this, the two female elites who bowed their heads to help with cultivation and Xiaolan trembled, but people were snipers, I was fish, and the three of them knew the parent-child plan, so in the end, the three of them helped Tian together. time to practice.

Of course, Tianji was measured and did not let Xiaolan go to the last step.

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