Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 353: Single and dual attribute battle

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"Moo!" Hearing Tianci's order, Kou Duihua was not restraining the surging energy behind him.

"Crash", under the wave of energy, it controlled itself to fly towards the power of grass element, and the energy provided by the sacred spring also diverted and slammed into the blue gate.

In the blink of an eye, Koudouhua narrowed his eyes, greedily absorbed the power of grass elements, with the help of the sacred spring, these elemental powers are like opening a faucet. flow into its body.

Grass element, five percent, ten percent, twenty percent...

Duan Hua felt that she was getting stronger every minute and every second, and she was getting closer and closer to condensing the elemental imprint.

On the contrary, the poison element has been staying in the realm of 1%, and this 1% was just stopped at the junction and slowly absorbed.

Duan Hua had a feeling that this coquettish poisonous elemental energy seemed to be scratching its head and making a gesture to herself, hoping that she would go over to it and absorb it.

This is probably the case. The poison element villain, above the purple water, looks like a mother-sang who is entertaining guests. While twisting his body, he said:

"Come on, come on, come and absorb me, you can become stronger~"

Although Dumb Hua's intuition told it, in fact, what Mama Sang said was right, if it absorbed one more poison element, it would indeed become stronger in the ordinary high-level realm.

But no matter how strong the ordinary-level high-level segment is, it is not an elite level after all. It has been ordered by Tianzi to turn a deaf ear to the poison element that is trying to shake itself, and continues to concentrate on absorbing the power of drafting elements.

This is actually a common misunderstanding with no inheritance and no backer behind it.

For dual-attribute elves like Pocket Flowers, if both primary and secondary attributes are well-trained, most of them will face this choice when they are promoted to elites, and if they and their trainers are not instructed, most of them will choose Two-way promotion.

After all, geniuses are arrogant. I can keep abreast of the ordinary level, and it is difficult for me to have an element threshold?

And the elves feel right, the blessing of the power of the two elements will indeed make them stronger in the high-level realm.

This path can’t be wrong, but it’s too difficult. The further you go, the more difficult it is to walk through the threshold of the power of the two elements, because the power of the two elements will drag each other. In terms of strength, there is indeed one +1 for effects equal to 2 or even greater than 2.

But don't say it is equal to 2 in the advanced stage, the further back it is, the closer it is to 0, like a drop of the sacred spring now, the mouth dumb flower only understands the grass element, its progress is fast, it has reached more than 30%, and it is still Improve, but if it chooses to take the two-way promotion route before, then this drop of holy spring may only help it increase the grass element and poison element to ten percent and it will end.

Even Tianji gave it the remaining dozen or so drops of Sacred Spring to make it elite.

On the other hand, this road is so difficult to walk, will the strength explode after the successful promotion?

According to the information passed by Nazi, the elves who have been promoted with dual elements, whether it is physical fitness or the level of elemental power, will indeed be stronger than those who have been promoted with single elements. After training, they can reach the top of the same level, and even challenge them beyond the stage. level.

But it doesn't mean that elves with single-element power can't do this. If they do this, wouldn't those elves who were born with a single element suffer a lot?

Why can't the pure super-type elves look at sub-super-type elves like Shanghai Stars?

In fact, single-attribute elves are stronger in talent for that attribute than dual-attribute sprites!

As long as you cultivate single-attribute elves at the normal level, when they advance to the elite level, they will get no weaker than dual-attribute elves.

In conclusion, it depends on your training level.

Single-attribute and dual-attribute have their own advantages and disadvantages, single-attribute specialization, advanced faster, the corresponding is easy to be targeted.

The dual-attribute elves have a wide range of adaptability, and there are many means at the same level, but it is more difficult to advance.

However, on the first threshold of being promoted to the elite, a family with a long heritage like Nazi and the others already has a corresponding solution.

Whether it's a single-attribute elves or dual-attribute spirits, when you advance to an elite, you will use the strongest attribute to advance first. Like a dumb flower, it sees the most grass elements, so use the power of grass elements to advance to the elite first.

As for the follow-up poison elements, the upper-level families of the alliance have not eaten dry rice for so many years, and they have already had a set of countermeasures.

That's what Nazi said, kill! Just plunder the high-level elf source of this attribute, and then fill in the vacancy.

Although this method will waste a lot of the power of the source, but in this world, elves occupy the general trend. As long as you are strong and kill, you will not worry about not having enough high-level elves for you to plunder.

Of course, in order to maintain rule, this method is only spread among the upper-class families and forces of the alliance.

Returning to the topic, at this time, the water blue energy on the surface of the mouth is slowly hidden, which means that the energy of the sacred spring has been exhausted, and correspondingly, its entire body is moist and moist at this time. , as if it had been watered.

Koudouhua also knew that the good time to easily absorb the power of the elements was coming to an end. It had already felt that the broken invisible door was slowly recovering, just like the twisted faucet was closing tightly, the grass element flowing out. The force decreases at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Moo~" It screamed in disappointment in the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally took a big breath, and this promotion just ended.

"Moo, Moo" Tian Ci, Tian Ci, I feel that I am a lot stronger. Now the understanding of the power of grass element is 46%, the power of poison element, I listened to you, did not absorb it, or stopped at one percent.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Kou Denghua threw himself into Tian Ci's arms, and after arching, reported to him the progress of his strength.

As for Koudouhua's love of acting like a spoiled child, Tianji said that it doesn't affect him at all, as long as it doesn't bite him on the head like Kojiro in the previous life anime.

After rubbing the top of Kou Duo Hua's head, he put it down and looked at Heruga, who was next in line.

"Ouch~" He Lujia, a ferocious-looking black dog, saw the trainer's view, and took the initiative to walk over and put his head on the top to show intimacy.

But just when Tian Ji was about to give it the Sacred Spring, Heruga shook his head and took a step back.

"Wang Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" Tian Ci, this drop of sacred spring, give it to the boss, I am a fire elf, and my intuition tells me that although this thing is good for me, it is not very good, it may just help me I skipped the level of accumulating energy, and I was able to upgrade to the ordinary high level.

To accumulate energy, I can absorb a few more energy crystals and the like.

Chapter 354 Humility

"Moo!" Hearing what Heruga said, Tianji hadn't answered yet, so he was dumbfounded and hurriedly stopped.

"Moo~moo~" I saw the mouth dumb flower at this time waving a whip, dancing and then telling Heluga the benefits of this sacred spring, indicating that it is not only to accumulate energy, but also to improve physique, improve spirit, etc. other potential benefits.

As for the persuasion of Duan Hua, Heluga's attitude was very firm.

"Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" Boss, that's because you are the main grass attribute, and I am the main fire, this sacred spring, the effect on me is different from yours...

In ancient times, Kongrong made pears, and now there is Heiluga to make water!

Seeing this scene, Tianji felt very relieved. Although his team was getting bigger and bigger, the atmosphere of the team was still very harmonious and friendly.

He simply didn't hide the tuck anymore. The 20 drops of the sacred spring were used to remove Xiaoling, mosquito coil frog, sea star and Pidiao, and he was preparing for himself, Kamui, Marsh Leap. Three drops of fish remain.

Now he estimates that there are still about 16-17 drops, and he still needs to use Helujia, himself, Ninghui, and Ninghui's big milk tank. Even considering the elves that will be subdued later, it should be enough. .

As for why they didn't give Ninghui's Pippi, I don't know if anyone still remembers the honey from a long time ago. Tianci gave this thing to it, and it was enough to improve its aptitude.

Anyway, according to the current point of view, with Nazi and Hualan City just started, the elves he conquered later should not be able to use this kind of honey that can only improve good qualifications.

It was Ninghui's big milk jar, and Tian Chi also reluctantly gave it a drop considering that as an ingredient supplier, it was already a bit unable to supply the nutrients needed by the elite.

Ninghui has said this before. The large milk tank in the middle of the ordinary, the milk it provides is used as an alternative ingredient to configure the food of the elite Bidi, and the nutrition can not keep up.

It's like Bidio usually eats a bowl of compacted rice, but now that bowl of rice has become a porridge with a clear soup and little water. In order to absorb enough nutrients and energy, it is necessary to increase the amount of porridge or increase it. The energy of a grain of rice.

Although it is said that this problem has occurred in an elite class, but considering that his strength will become higher and higher in the future, Ninghui is also familiar with their tastes, so he finally decided to increase the energy of rice grains. It is to help the big milk tank improve its strength and qualifications.

Otherwise, do you really think that Tianji has changed his son and become a virgin? Every sprite has a drop?

It is also for this reason to give Ninghui, the accompanying maid. After all, I have been with Tianzi for so many years, and I am familiar with him in every aspect, and I have recently been working hard to study the cultivator information given by Nazi.

Returning to the empty training ground, Heluga remained firm in the face of Kou Duohua's persuasion, saying that he didn't need it, it was just a little time, and he could wait.

Both elves understood how precious this sacred spring was. They had also seen in the Hualan Cave before, those elves that were far more powerful than them were all fighting to death for this.

Now that they can get a drop, it is already a fluke. As for more, even if it is a dumb flower, as Tianji's initial elf, it is too embarrassed to speak.

Moreover, Nazi also said in the cave before that she will not continue to take the sacred spring and do things like fishing to exhaust the water, but to seal it up so that Hualan City can regain its vitality.

Otherwise, those diehard loyalists in Hualan City, including Shuiyuan Qingzi, the stunning pavilion owner, would most likely commit suicide by resisting the contract. If a fish died, the net would be broken, and the Qingshui family would be dead.

After all, the inheritance passed down by their ancestors has all been destroyed, and they have no face left in this world.

Now, at least on the surface, Hualan City is still owned by the Qingshui family. The most important thing is that the foundation of the family is still there, and the puppet emperor is also the emperor! There is still hope!

Therefore, these people would endure the humiliation and succumb to Nazi's golden market.

In other words, for a long time in the future, the Sacred Fountain may not appear again for hundreds of years, how can they be so embarrassed to ask for a few drops~

However, they don't want them, but Tianji is willing to give them.

"Okay, stop arguing, we have it all! Helujia opens his mouth, and you wait until the end. I will give you a few more drops and directly help you to upgrade to the elite level, so you can get the best of both worlds."

After shouting to stop the push of the two elves, Tianji said the final decision.



And Helujia and Koudouhua didn't dare to say anything to the serious Tianji, they both nodded and agreed.

Even in Tianji's induction, Helujia was a little bit happy, don't get me wrong, not for himself, but for the mouth.

What it said before was not all lies. In its feelings, this sacred spring does not have a good effect on its fire-type spirit, at least it is definitely not as good as what the dumb flower boss said, intuition tells it , even worse than the effect obtained by Big Brother Bidiao.

Of course, no matter how bad it is, it is still the ultimate treasure. Just shortening the time accumulation will make countless ordinary elves flock to it.

You must know the mosquito coil frogs, but they were already in the middle class more than two years ago. Xiaoling spent tens of millions of resources, and now he has transferred the secret collection version of the cultivation cheats. In this way, if the two elves were not from the Holy Spring Help, I'm afraid it will take a while to get to the normal high section.

Not to mention that the ordinary high-ranking stage has to accumulate to the point of comprehending the power of the elements, and this time is all measured in years.

I didn't see it. As Tianji's initial elf, Kouduhua was the best food to eat, but after three years, before taking the Sacred Spring, it was still one step away from the threshold of comprehending the elements.

So the Sacred Spring is absolutely useful to Heruga, even if the effect is almost, it is still a big effect!

Then why doesn't it?

Because Heluga was still in the era of Darubi~www.wuxiamtl.com~, it was brought up by the dumb flower and the two elves Bibibird.

It can be said that Bibi Bird has completed his merits, evolved into Bibi Diao, broke through the elite level, and has also become the strongest elf in Tianci's hands.

Heluga understands that Big Brother Bidiao has completed the agreement between it and Tianji in the period of Bibie Bird.

But the boss of the dumb flower has not yet. It vaguely remembers that at that time, it was still a very weak Darubi, lying on the rattan made by the boss of the dumb flower and playing on a swing. Here comes:

"Moo-moo-moo-moo~" coaxing to sleep, as well as anticipation.

"Darubi, you have to grow up quickly and become stronger! Hold up the fighting power in the team, I know that Tianji has high expectations for you, I want to help him win the championship, let's go to the Quartz Plateau together, the highest The podium, okay?"

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