Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 341: meet

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"Tianji, I'm almost there, are you in the Hualan Cave now?"

On the other side, Tianji, who followed Ma Zhishi's actions, already heard Nazi's voice in his mind.

He also noticed that he seemed to be able to convey some simple sentences at this time, and it didn't take much mental energy, so he immediately replied.

"Well, I'm already rushing over there, Nazi, do you have to wait for Ma Zhishi and the others to appear when the battle with the Master of the Clearwater Pavilion is at its most intense?"

"Yes, Tianji, you seem to be very good at sneak attacks. I originally planned to teleport in directly, but the clan elder who came along asked me to wait."

On the other side, Nazi and her party had already obtained the space coordinates offered by Hualan City. They were hiding in the waters around Hualan Cave. When they heard Tianci's reply, the super girl was calm on the surface, but she felt a little bit in her heart. surprise.

In fact, it's no wonder that Nazi couldn't think of it. Her strength has surpassed the entire golden city. Except for the elves of the family's heritage, no one else is her opponent, so the girl is also accustomed to frontal crushing. means.

"Tap tap~"

Walking on the path in the cave, after hearing Nazi's reply, Tian Ci's embarrassed look flashed across his face, and he quickly replied:

"Hehehe ~ life is forced, life is forced."

Then quickly change the subject

"Nazi, when we meet, treat me as your most important subordinate, don't be too intimate."

"Well, I understand this. I've read a lot of books recently."

Sure enough, Nazi didn't struggle too much, and it was easy to change the subject.

Next, the two of them finished the call after a few voice transmissions, because the battle sound of the elves had already been heard.

Even if he is the person who was secretly named by Ma Zhishi to take care of, but here, he does not dare to relax too much. The most important thing in the battlefield is accidents!

"Electrical beasts, combine 100,000 volts!" He only heard this command from a distance, and then "crackling" dazzling electric light illuminated the entire trail.


"Damn! The owner of the Qingshui Pavilion will not let you go!"





Then the group of guards were easily defeated, which could be called destructive!

This surprised Tianji, how easy is it? There will be no traps, right?

But soon, he understood why.



The mosquito-repellent incense frog and starfish borrowed from Xiaoling came in great use when they touched the corpse here. The bosses of the special forces in front of them were at least in the middle of the elite. You can see it!

He put the corpses of the elves into the backpack, and touched the charred corpses of the guards, only to find that most of these guards did not reach the elite level, and they were generally in the high tier, and even in the middle tier!

This made Tian Ci stunned for a while. Is Hualan City already so weak? You must know that this place is the eternal foundation of Hualan City!

Guardians at this level? This TM is too good!

Thanks to him groping the waters before, planning an escape route, there is an inexplicable feeling that he has done nothing in vain.

In fact, this is the fault of the Qingshui family. The decline in strength is one aspect. The biggest reason is because it is unnecessary. There are a large number of high-level wild elves in the Hualan Cave. They are natural guardians. The guardians here really rely on The power is these wild elves. The core characters of the Qingshui family can mobilize these high-level wild elves in the Hualan Cave to stop the enemy.

We have said before that in the Hualan Cave, the elites are the small landlords, and only those with the gym level dare to become a big group, so counting them, this garrison is definitely on the same level as the Moonseeing Mountain in Nibi City.

But unfortunately, after the situation was found out, Lambda's special venom directly destroyed these wild elves.

The remaining wild elves, summoned by Granny Lan, are trying their best to hold back the part of Team Rocket under the traitor Pinglang.

Therefore, it can only be these loyal guardians who personally took action.

No one forced them to go. They wanted to test one or two for their companions guarding the spring, and took the initiative to come to die. After all, they had to know the level of the enemy that came.

On the other side, through the secret passage, this generation of Qingshui Museum owners who had arrived ahead of schedule received a message from the death squad who took the initiative to go to die.

"Elite of all staff, led by the gym, proficient in electricity, come prepared!"

Seeing the gray avatar on the emergency contactor, this beautiful woman's pavilion owner showed a dejected expression on her face.

These guardians are the backbone of the family's future! Although the strength is still slightly low, but being able to serve as the guard here, loyalty is absolutely guaranteed!

But soon, she cheered up and ordered to the remaining guardians:

"The ordinary guards should hide. You are the seeds of the family. The enemy is extremely powerful. You don't need to die in the next battle. The elite guards will come out and fight the enemy with me!"

"Yes, the pavilion owner!" Although some people wanted to say something, they still nodded in the cold eyes of the stunning pavilion owner. For the first time, these ordinary guards felt that they were too weak! When the family was in trouble, he became a burden!

Before, each of them had a corresponding group of wild elves that could be mobilized, so they didn't pay much attention to their own strength, but now they know that in such a world, external forces are external forces, and only their own strength is real!

Soon, there were only a dozen people left in the original team of dozens of people, and there were only 16 people in the Qingshui Pavilion.

"Tatata~" At this time, Ma Zhishi also brought his team over.

Everyone is surrounded by an electric elf, most electric shock beasts, and a few Raichus, three-in-one magnetic monsters or something, uh... please ignore it, hide in the back, and stay close to your own trainer's Bidiao , is the person who came from the Pinglang Pavilion owner, who is also in the middle of the elite level, and also brings a thunder elf that matches the team.

Tianji, who knew he couldn't help, hid at the back with his eyesight in order not to destroy the formation, and let Bi Diao follow him, so he could protect him in time.

On the other side, the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion also released his own elves, Goda Duck, Jewel Starfish, Marsh King, and a few tyrannical carp dragons, water arrow turtles and so on.

Although the difference in numbers is not very big, but looking at the breath, you can see that Hualan City is definitely at a disadvantage. Most of these 15 elite-level trainers are in the lower ranks of the elite, and Ma Zhishi's side, with There are 20 people on the horse, not counting Tianji, and the worst is the middle class of the elite!

"Team Rocket! I advise you to leave. The reinforcements from Golden City and Nibi City will be here soon, otherwise none of you will be able to leave!"

The owner of the Qingshui Pavilion had a murderous look on her delicate face. As soon as the two sides met, she said something coldly.

Chapter 342

"Ha~" Ma Zhishi didn't respond too much to the funny idea of ​​the woman in front of him, he just chuckled, and immediately ordered, "Do it!"




Under Ma Zhishi's order, the electricity-type elves who had already charged each other used the electricity-type trick together, which were basically 100,000 volts.

"Thorn!" The huge electric light shone through the entire passage. Several gym-level and more electric elves used this move together, and the power definitely exceeded one million volts!

"Rock Blockade!"

"Earthquake, Water Arrow Turtle!"

"Shrink the shell!"

"Use your superpower shield, Godard!"

Unlike Ma Zhishi, who was obviously specially trained, if the masked men under Ma Zhishi were soldiers who cooperated tacitly and fought in unity, then the master of the Qingshui Pavilion was a group of miscellaneous soldiers. In the face of this attack, except for the master of the Qingshui Pavilion. Let the elves under his command, the water arrow turtle and the marsh king block the nearby people with the rock block, and the other people have a variety of moves.

Of course, in the first round, the Hualan City side suffered losses. There were 4-5 water-type elves at the low level of the elite who were directly crippled by the electric-type moves of the opposite combination.

This is also the reason why Ma Zhishi intends to keep his hands. He knows that Nazi wants Hualan City, and keeping these people alive is just a good sale.

His own Dead Leaf City and Hualan City are just separated by a golden city. In addition, he doesn't know any superpower control, so he has no idea about Hualan City. It is better to grab the existing resources and run away. Well, he has a share of all the resources the Rockets get from Hualan City.

And in this way, it would be more worthwhile to bring Nazi's Golden City into their faction in Team Rocket.

"Bastard!" On the other side, the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion felt that his side had been defeated in just one round, and couldn't help but cursed, Yin Ya bit his lip tightly, and his beautiful face was very anxious.

In fact, Hualan City used to have this kind of formed special unit, but unfortunately Hualan is now in decline, and there are not many elites, so how can they make elite teams.

For example, in the golden city where Nazi is located, there are many elite teams of this kind. Although they lost a lot of people in the big explosion last time at Yuejianshan in Nibi City, Nazi was not very distressed. It is nothing more than a matter of resources. As the most prosperous city in Golden City, the resources for promotion to the elite level are still given.

"Continue! Come again!" But Ma Zhishi would not be merciful, and immediately said after a round of attack.




Under Ma Zhishi's order, the elite team under his command soon launched another round of lightning attacks.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, Ma Zhishi did not fight with the opposite Qingshui Pavilion master at all, and the king vs.

As for some of the elves that are immune to electrical attacks and do not cause bonus damage, such as Swamp King, Giant Swamp Monster, Lotte Kappa, etc., he also let his subordinates release other elves to deal with them.

"Stop! Reinforcements are coming soon!"

"Hold on! Godard Duck!"


"Ah! It hurts!"


Ma Zhishi's attack can be said to be inexplicable, at least for the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion. They just bully you and the gap between them is too large, and they don't do any tricks. They just press you directly and don't give you any chance. , she could only use her words to boost the morale of her subordinates, hoping to last a little longer, and she kept thinking about it.

"The reinforcements from Golden City are coming soon, hold on!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Miss Nazi, why haven't you come yet!"

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that the reinforcements she was expecting would take a while longer, because Tianji was at the end watching the play while giving Nazi a voice transmission, and occasionally commanded Bi Diao to attack those elves who were not restrained by the electricity system with air slash. He also participated in the battle and was eligible to divide the spoils.

"Nazi, there's still a while, when only the owner of the hall is left in Hualan City, and when the state is not good, I will notify you to enter, then the success rate will be higher!"

"Well, okay, Tianji." Outside the cave, Nazi, who was waiting silently, also responded in her heart.

Then she looked at the two elders next to her and said:

"Grandpa Lisuo, Grandpa Jinmu, my dark son said that there is still some spare capacity in Hualan City, let us wait a while, he will tell us when the time comes."

The two white-haired old men next to him nodded when they heard the words, and their rosy faces also showed expressions of praise.

"Xiao Nazi, your dark son is well arranged, but the spiritual slave method should not be used too much even if it is voluntary. It is rumored that this method is ominous."

"Well, I know." Nazi nodded at the persuasion of the two clan elders, indicating that she knew.

Regarding Tianji's identity, Nazi lied half-truths to the people in the family, and she simply told the family about the rescue. (Of course not about the red-faced things in the middle!)

This is also the reason why the family did not object too much, and she mobilized so many resources to Tianji.

As for Tian Ci's position under her, Nazi's explanation to the family is like this, because of the life-saving grace, she secretly accepted Tian Ci as a core member to train, and after the spiritual slave was also made clear, Tian Ci himself was willing to surrender. .

In short, Tianji is the loyal subordinate she secretly accepted in Nibi City. The new core members have spiritual slaves, and the family does not have to worry about betrayal.

After returning to the Hualan Cave, another ten minutes passed. At this time, on the only way to the Sacred Spring, a piece of water-type elves had fallen, and the elite trainers under the master of the Qingshui Pavilion had also fallen. On the ground, dying, Hualan's side is still standing with only the beautiful and elegant Qingshui Pavilion owner of this generation, but at this time, she can no longer see the elegance and calmness of the past on her beautiful and gentle face, but is full of anxiety. , it feels like a year.

Because she herself was running out of fuel, and there were still fighting spirits in her hands. There was only a water arrow turtle and a giant marsh monster left. They were all scarred and panting, as if they were about to die. The appearance of falling down.

"Why haven't you come yet, reinforcements from Golden City!"

"Damn~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm too weak to last too long."

The owner of the Kiyomizu Pavilion kept looking forward to it.

Seeing that the opposing Rockets were about to attack again, she silently closed her eyes.

However, the expected pain did not appear to her.

"Magic Wall Puppet, all-out light wall! Others help the Magic Wall Puppet!"

She opened her eyes and looked, only to see a girl in a purple tights, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, with the elites under her command, blocking her in front of her.

The magic wall puppet was supported by many super-type elves, and the light wall made was very large. With a "bang~" sound, the powerful electric energy was blocked, and there were many rebounds. go back.

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