Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 339: fate

"Roar!" The first to hear was a deterrent dragon's roar, and the mighty dragon's might was undoubtedly revealed.

I saw a 8-9-meter-long tyrannical carp dragon floating over the lake. The ferocious dragon horns and the brutal face completely replaced the gym-level tyrannical carp that was the owner of the Pinglang Pavilion in the previous surveillance video. Long compares.

As a gym specializing in the water system, how could there be no water-type elves of this kind of dragon? The tyrannical carp dragon has reached the middle stage of the king level!

Not long after the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon came out, the other two lakes also made a "crashing" sound, and two powerful elves appeared.

One of them is the final evolutionary form of the three families of the Kanto water system. Indented into the shell, this is also its main offensive hand.

"Kaying~" As soon as the Kamy Turtle came out, he kindly greeted the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon and Granny Lan, with slightly cloudy eyes.

It is the oldest among the remaining guardians. Granny Lan also saw it when she was young, and the Tyrannosaurus is also its junior.

Even in this cave-like environment, being able to be promoted to Heavenly King really depends on its long lifespan.

"Roar~" To the water arrow turtle's gesture, although the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon was stronger, it still answered honestly.

Granny Lan also respectfully shouted, "I have seen the old turtle!"

The other one, in the white mist at this time, also slowly appeared. This is a blue, petite elf, but the majestic dragon head at the top symbolizes its extraordinaryness. It is obviously also a water attribute. The Yalong, the final evolutionary form of the Mohaima clan in the Kanto region - the Thorn Dragon King!

This is different from the tyrannical carp dragon. The rarity of the thorn dragon king is much greater, and the corresponding aptitude, the concentration of dragon blood is also higher than that of the tyrannical carp dragon family. Legend has it that just yawning will cause a huge vortex.

However, even with such a powerful and expensive Thorn Dragon King, after seeing the old water arrow turtle, he respectfully greeted it.

"Bi touch~"



The three remaining guardian elves greeted each other and looked at the tearful Granny Lan next to them.

"Kaying~" Xiaolan, I woke up in the blink of an eye, you have become so old, tell the old turtle, what happened?

As the oldest senior, the water arrow turtle asked a telepathically.

(The water arrow turtle can learn the head hammer through skill teaching. This old turtle has lived for so many years, and it is reasonable to use mental power to telepathize!)

"Uuu~ Gui Lao, the two seniors! They are the unworthy descendants of the descendants, and the Rockets have come to the door again. Among them, there is a poison-type king. Their goal is the foundation of Hualan City - the sacred spring. Lao and the two seniors made a move together to help retreat the enemy, as long as you hold on for a while, reinforcements from other cities will arrive!"

Granny Lan knelt on the ground, sobbed twice, and explained the situation.

"Cagyu!" Team Rocket!

"Roar! Roar!" Team Rocket! Damn it!

"Bi touch!" Damn it! All be damned!

Hearing that it was Team Rocket, the three guardian elves roared angrily, their eyes emitting a terrifying cold light, even the Dragon King, who was very immortal from the very beginning, was no exception. It began to spread out, and there was the sound of "click~kacha" freezing on the lake.

They are the remaining guardian elves, but it is very clear why Hualan City has been reduced to this point. It is because of the Rockets deliberately targeting them, and even the owner of the Dragon King, the previous two generations of gym owners died in the Rockets. hands!

Moreover, in the eight ancient cities, how come there are only 3 Heavenly Kings left, and the strongest ones are only in the middle of the Heavenly King class, and the other old brothers have not all died in the fight with Team Rocket!

You must know that in the operation in Nibi City, although the guardian of Moonseeing Mountain only dispatched three Heavenly King-level elves: Bangira, King Nido, and Longlongyan, but that was only because the Rockets were led to The place is just a trap, not the real giant moonstone.

Moreover, the Heavenly King-level Longlongyan blew himself up. Although the old man at that time was sad, he was not in a state of grief. He even had ideas to teach Xiaogang!

All these clues have been explained thoroughly, and you should know that there are definitely more than 2-3 Heavenly King-level elves in Nibi City as the background.

But this time, Hualan City really sacrificed everything. Cammy Turtle, Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and King Thorn Dragon are the last heritage of Hualan City!

"Kaji!" Thinking of the old brothers who never came back after he went out: the wise hippo king, the handsome Goda duck, the fast swimming frog who exercises muscles every day... The water arrow turtle couldn't help but send out a full of killing It screamed and rushed out, it was going to kill the **** of the Rockets!


"Bi touch!"

The tyrannical carp dragon and the thorn dragon king followed closely. Their anger towards the Rockets was no worse than the water arrow turtle!

On the other side, the sky-high aura of the three elves, including the water arrow turtle, was also noticed by Lambda, who saw him sneer.

"It's finally here!"

"Pinglang, you are here with me. I will mainly deal with the three Heavenly King-level elves and the main force of the old lady Lan. The rest of her elves, and the wild gym-level elves she has gathered are all handed over to you."

After muttering to himself, Lambda said to the elegant man next to him, the traitor of Hualan City, the owner of the Pinglang Pavilion.

"Okay, my lord!" Hearing that he wasn't going to deal with the old woman alone, Pinglang's face was overjoyed, and he agreed immediately.

As a disciple under the guidance of Granny Lan, he fully understands Granny Lan's strength. He really stands at the pinnacle of the gymnasium level, and the use of some skills is not inferior to that of the Heavenly King!

Not to mention that he is only a trainer in the middle section of the gymnasium, and even in the high section of the gymnasium in the same realm, he would not dare to fight to the death with Granny Lan.

If it weren't for the fact that Granny Lan was the only clan elder left in Hualan City, and the heavy affairs were all on her body, Pinglang suspected that Granny Lan should have been promoted to the Heavenly King more than ten years ago.

After Lambda explained the owner of Pinglang Pavilion, he turned his attention to Ma Zhishi next to him.

"Yin Mian, after we block it, the Sacred Spring will be handed over to you. I believe that the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion of Hua Lan's generation should not be able to stop you."

"Don't worry, it's easy!" Ma Zhishi confidently patted his chest and replied to Lambda's explanation.

"En~ Come out, Stinger Jellyfish!" After Ma Zhishi's return, Lambda nodded, and released his other elf, Stinger Jellyfish!

Water + poison is also poison! The water damage is very common to the stinger jellyfish. In order to win the command of this mission, this stinger jellyfish can be said to have added a lot of points to him.

Chapter 340 Battle

"And you all come out too!" After letting the stinger jellyfish carry him to find an open area for battle, Lambda shouted and released several other elves.

They are a stinky mud, a double-bomb gas, and an elf that Tianji was surprised by. The elf has a large green leaf on its head and sharp teeth in its large mouth, which makes the overall image look more like The pitcher plant of Tanji's previous life.

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua cried out in surprise when she saw this image.

That's right, this is the final evolutionary form of the mouth-watering flower - Dashihua!

However, the Gym-level Dashihua didn't notice the little junior Koudouhua at all. At this moment, it was obeying orders to sprinkle seeds on this stone island and the surrounding waters.

"Look, Koudouhua, your seniors can reach the gym level, and they must be the elites who broke through during the Koudouhua period, so you have to do your best!"

As for being ignored, Tian Ci had expected it long ago, and he didn't care, so he touched the dazed face and encouraged.

"Moo (???_??)?" Koudouhua heard the words and immediately said that she would work hard!

Tian Chi also noticed that among the three elves sent by Lambda, the stinky mud was also a heavenly king, and its power was obviously stronger than that of Dashihua and double-bomb gas, and it also completely controlled his own odor. , it escaped into the bottom of the waterway under the order of Lambda, obviously this is a clever lurker.

It just so happened that Ma Zhishi wanted to lead the team to act after all the strong people in Hualan City were blocked. He also wanted to see how strong Hualan City was at the end.

It didn't take long for a "Kaji!" to get closer and closer to them. Tianci looked from a distance and only saw a huge water arrow turtle wrapped in a layer of transparent energy arrogance, straight like a cannonball. shot over.

"It's a rocket headbutt! TM can still be used like this!"

Seeing the water arrow turtle hurrying with the rocket headbutt, Tianji opened his mouth in shock.

Looking at the posture of the Water Arrow Turtle, those who didn't know thought that he had gone to the wrong studio and came to the scene of Dragon Ball. After all, it was too similar.

"It's your old tortoise. I thought it was already dead. The Abo monster rock blocked it and stopped it!"

Lambda said calmly when he saw the water arrow turtle.

"Just right!" Also at the level of Heavenly Kings, Abo Monster is of course not afraid of the Water Arrow Turtle. After it heard the order, it first called out intimidatingly, and then a large number of clods appeared around it, blocking it with a "swoosh". In front of the water arrow turtle that came straight at it.

The water arrow turtle didn't hide from the rocks in front of it, and rushed over.

The explosions of "Bang Bang Bang~" were heard endlessly. Although Abo Monster's moves did not cause any damage to the Water Arrow Turtle, its indomitable momentum was still hindered.

"Humph~" Lambda snorted softly. Unlike Nibi City, in Hualan City, their Rockets have been rooted for a long time, and there are still people who have a deep understanding of the elves in Hualan City.

This old turtle's rocket headbutt needs an acceleration superimposed damage. If it is not blocked in time, or its speed is not greatly reduced, this crisis will be very terrifying in the end, killing a low-level king in one blow. 's record.

Knowing this, of course Lambda will not let the water arrow turtle continue to accelerate.

After being hindered many times, the water arrow turtle finally landed on the stone island with an unwilling "bang~".

Tian Ci originally thought that the water arrow turtle should make another move after landing, but unexpectedly, there were waves near the water.

He only heard a roar of "roar!", lurking at the bottom of the water, and the tyrannical carp dragon, which was not slow at all, rushed out of the water.

As soon as it appeared, there was a pure white light ball at the mouth of its blood basin, exuding terrifying energy fluctuations, and it shot at Lambda's Abo monster with a sound of "Shu!".

"Abo, hold on!" Lambda shouted at the sudden attack.

"Just right!" Aboguai agreed, and a light green barrier appeared on his body, which perfectly blocked this move.

However, the tyrannical carp dragon's attack did not end. Almost at the same time, a ball of energy light appeared in its mouth, and another burst of destructive death light was about to shoot out.

"Stinger jellyfish, use poison strangulation!" At this critical moment, Lambda did not dare to bet on the second success rate of defending, and hurriedly let the stinger jellyfish who hid in the water in advance take action.

The stinger jellyfish hidden at the bottom of the water immediately stretched out its 10 or so tentacles, each of which was purple and black.

Just when the tyrannical carp dragon appeared, Lambda's stinger jellyfish lurked nearby, so the dozen or so poisonous tentacles slammed into the tyrannical carp dragon's dragon tightly with a "pop". Inside the torso, take it to one side and lean away.

"Roar!" The tyrannical carp dragon screamed in pain, and the second wave of destruction and death light that was originally aimed at also "bang" and shot to the other side of Shidao.

Just hearing a "bang", another large floating island burst open, and the gravel fell into the water "crashing".

Seeing that the strongest tyrannical carp dragon on his side was deflated, the Thorn Dragon King couldn't hide it any longer, so he jumped out quickly, and hit the stinger jellyfish with a wave of the dragon.

"Buzz~" At the critical moment, the forked bat shot, its wings fluttered rapidly, just a few air slashes and the wave of the dragon stabbing the Dragon King collided with a "bang" to cancel out the invisible.

In the blink of an eye, the attack of the three Heavenly King-level elves in Hualan City was completely broken by Lambda, and the situation even seemed a little disadvantaged because the tyrannical carp dragon was bound.

"Kaji!" The Water Arrow Turtle had no choice but to shout out~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and fired a water cannon at the Abo.

He secretly sent a voice transmission to the other two elves: There is nothing we can do.

"Roar!" After hearing the words, the tyrannical carp dragon responded, and immediately used the dragon dance to open the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish and swam with it.

The poisoned Tyrannosaurus is really in a bad state, but it's okay to fight and procrastinate.

The Thorn Dragon King also attacked each other from a long distance by means of the cross-hatched bats in the water and in the air. The two sides occupy the right time and place respectively, and no one can do anything for a while.

On the other side, Granny Lan, who was commanding the elves under her command to fight against the traitor Pinglang, was relieved when she saw this scene.

The three guardian elves were able to do this, which was considered very good. Everything was going well. She also saw the masked men under Team Rocket split up and rushed to the Sacred Spring.

But she can't do anything about it. If it's just the traitor Pinglang, she still has the confidence to separate out two elves to hinder one or two, but now she has to deal with the six elves from Pinglang, and she also has to deal with the six elves sent by Lambda. The double-bomb gas and Dashihua, in the case of six-to-eight, are also powerless.

"I hope the owner of the Nazi Pavilion in Golden City will arrive as soon as possible!"

Granny Lan thought so in her heart.


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