Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 335: wild elite elf

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"Come out, mouth dumb flower!" In this place, it's not suitable to put the eagle, so Tianji still released the mouth dumb flower to pick up the leak.

After all, Bidiao was flying too fast and was splashed by the poisonous rain in front of him. He believed that it would take at least several bottles of special antidote to save Bidiao, and it would also affect the combat power of Bidiao.

How could one's highest combat power be damaged in such a situation?

And there will be some toxin residues on the ground, which must be done by sending spirits with high poison resistance!

Dumb mouth has the strongest resistance to flower poison, and can also control multiple vines, a little expert at picking up corpses! The efficiency is several times that of others, this is not to send it, who to send it!

Looking around, the other members of Team Rocket are not fools. They all sent elves with poisonous properties, such as double-bomb gas, Abo monsters, bats, etc. Those who did not have poisonous elves sent elves with high poison resistance, such as Rumbling Stone, King of Mountains and the like.

"Moo Moo!" As soon as Kou Dian Hua came out, at Tian Ci's command, he was multitasking, his mouth "咻咻咻" kept firing the seed machine gun, and at the same time, a number of poisonous whips covered with thorns appeared behind him, and they gathered A secondary elf of Kokuda.

I saw a vine tightly tied to a goldfish king that was overturned by poison, and the thorns on the vine also pierced into its body with a "puchi". ~Pfft~", she was absorbing the toxins from the Goldfish King's body, not only to avoid its premature death, but also to increase her own toxins.

This toxin from the Heavenly King-level Aboriginal was first diluted by rainwater, and then diluted by the entire body of King Goldfish, and the mouth-watering flower could barely endure it.

"Moo-moo!" Duan Hua from the mouth was slightly painful, but he kept absorbing it, and it could be seen from the appearance that he never stopped, this poison is indeed very beneficial to it.

Of course, Tianzi's vision is also high now. He is low in ordinary, and he doesn't want one in the middle. Only the elves of the ordinary and high ranks will let Koudouhua take action.

As he walked and collected, there were more than a dozen Poké Balls in his backpack. Well, yes, they are Poké Balls! Instead of elf corpses!

He has learned to be smart. The place occupied by the elf corpse is too large. A fast swimming frog will occupy about 1.5 meters of his space. It is better to use the elf ball and throw it into the backpack.

It is worth mentioning that, along the way, he also subdued an elite goldfish king, which was dying, was directly defeated by the mouth dumb flower, and took a few super **** to subdue it.

The happy Tian Ci had a smile on his face. Although he certainly wouldn't use it for himself, selling money was a huge fortune!

This kind of wild elite-level elves, not to mention that the feedback given to trainers will be much less than that of elves that are cultivated from scratch. Even the three views that have been solidified and the unchangeable wild nature also make most elite-level trainers discouraged.

Anyway, Tianji is not sure to make it obedient, maybe only the kind of full-time domestic breeder can barely.

You may be fine with it, but if you compete with other elites, you may be beaten into a dog.

Elite-level battles, as long as the elves don't cooperate a little, they will definitely lose.

Of course, no matter what, it's still an elite level, and there are still some ordinary level trainers who can't be promoted by themselves. When they get discouraged, they will try their best to buy one.

But even if your 6 contract quotas are not used up and left to it, the trainers who directly contract elite-level elves will not get feedback from the power of elements, and their physical fitness will be improved a lot less. The iconic elemental imprint of the level trainer and the extraordinary barrier are of course gone.

However, if this elf can barely obey and fight, you can put money on your face and call yourself a quasi-elite trainer. (Similar to the fugitive leader in the previous two hundred or so chapters)

Although the league does not recognize this kind of elite, it is still possible to go to the local area to be a team leader or something, and it can be regarded as a better way out for oneself.

On the other hand, your way up to promotion will be cut off. After a normal-level trainer directly contracts an elite-level elf, it will no longer be possible for you to become a real elite.

Even if you get a heaven-defying adventure and cultivate the elves you cultivated from scratch to an elite level, you will no longer get an elite-level extraordinary barrier.

Because your body has been polluted by the power of different source elements added halfway.

Why does the alliance advocate the contract of the new level, the ordinary level should not live at all, and only accept the materials, one is because the potential of the ordinary level elves is wasted, and the three views are formed.

The second is because, starting from the normal level, the energy in the elves has undergone a qualitative change. At that time, the compatibility with humans will be even worse, and the trainer cannot reverse the process, so it is doomed not to May be promoted to the elite.

After all, the spiritual contract is the link between the trainer and the elves. The energy in the bodies of ordinary and elite elves has been transformed once. If you go to the contract again, it will definitely be inconsistent. A lot of energy is wasted, the spirit is improved, and it feeds back a lot of energy to you. If you don’t conform to you, it will waste a lot of energy. How can you be promoted to the elite?

However, as we have been saying before, the elite level is the mainstay after all, so there are still many uses, and the alliance still advocates catching live.

It can be tamed and sold. It’s good to have a few more quasi-elite-level trainers. You can also let these wild elites go to the factory to make energy crystals or elemental crystals. You can even breed them to give birth to young pets with good qualifications. Promoted to the elite level, especially in the wild, the elf aptitude is definitely not low.

To sum up, the price of an elite-level wild elf is definitely not low. The goldfish king in Tianci’s hands is in the low-level elite and can be sold for about 500,000 yuan. This is because the fighting power of the goldfish king is affected by the environment. Too much reason.

So after reaching the elite level, this money is easy to earn. As long as you catch a wild elite level elf, it will be a suite in a small town, and it is also the price of a low-quality elemental crystal.

And a low-grade elemental crystal is enough to cultivate for 5 days, which means that if you catch 6, you will have the cultivation resources for a month!

But it's still a bit difficult for Tianzi and Bidio who have just been promoted. Didn't you see that they were repelled by an elite-level stinger jellyfish before? .

If Bi Diao rushed into a small group with an elite level, under the siege of an elite level leader and a large number of ordinary level soldiers, it is estimated that it would be a bit laborious to run.

Generally speaking, elite trainers who have just been promoted will go to slaughter ordinary high-level small landlords, accumulate resources, and let the second elite level elf appear as soon as possible. Troubles of the tribe.

Chapter 336 Coping

For example, Uncle Sam in Qingmu Town did this. After the Abo monster was promoted to the elite level, he went to various places to slaughter those ordinary high-level small landlords, in exchange for resources, to promote his other poison attribute elf.

Because there is a poison element imprint on it, it must be easier to upgrade the elves with the same poison attribute.

If Tianji also has another flying-type elf, then driven by Bidiao's elemental imprint and a lot of resources, he can upgrade an ordinary high-level flying-type elf to an elite level in one or two months. .

It's a pity that Tianji didn't. The closest thing to his subordinates is Dazed Flower, which has nothing to do with the flying attribute at all, so he still has to rely on Deng Hua himself.

On the other hand, such a powerful poisonous rain naturally attracted the attention of the guards of Hualan Cave.

After listening to the report of her subordinates, a grey-haired old woman had a flash of death in her eyes. She stood up and said to the waitress next to her:

"Let this generation of Qingshui Pavilion owners bring the elites and come to the rescue! In addition, send a signal for help! It is said that the Rockets just robbed Nibi City a while ago, and now they are robbing Hualan City. a matter of time."

"It's a matter! Granny Lan." The waitress agreed and passed on the order.

"In addition, there is no need to guard the entrance of Hualan Cave. It is the King of Heaven, and you can't guard it. Break it into pieces and fight them in this natural big labyrinth of Hualan Cave, and try to lead the enemies of the Rocket Team as much as possible. into the trap."

After that, the old woman named Lan Granny looked at the cave guards who were still young through the surveillance camera, and gave another order with a sigh.

"Mother Lan, this, the most important level has just been given up! We are not afraid of death!"

Hearing this order, except for a small number of guards with flickering eyes and secret joy in their hearts, the other guards responded with excitement.

As the guards of this place, they were all chosen by the Qingshui family, they were innocent and loyal, so they were unwilling to hear that the enemy had just broken into the house like this.

Hearing the guards' objection, the old woman was very relieved, but she didn't want to waste her life force in vain, so she still had a stern face and said, "Obey the order! Don't be against my old wife!"

Seeing that Granny Lan was really angry, the other guards didn't dare to say anything, and executed the order silently.

On the other side, in the spacious and modern office on the top floor of Hualan Taoist Hall, a beautiful woman in white business attire is bowing her head and processing the feedback report of the star project during this period.

In the twilight of the morning, her noble and elegant hair bun was lifted high, and her dazzling and dazzling cheeks were gleaming with the soft sunlight. A pair of sapphire drop earrings were just right on both sides of this soft face. .

"Wow~ I'm so tired! But Hualan City is really getting better!"

After closing the report, she got up, stretched, and sighed.

The extraordinarily flexible and slender waist, as well as the S-shaped figure displayed when she slowly got up, all showed the familiar charm of a woman.

"Tadata~" She slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the lively streets and alleys outside the gym, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she muttered to herself:

"A Jun, I will definitely make the Hualan City that you handed over to me on the wedding night better!"

The dark blue pupils showed sadness and longing, and she couldn't help recalling what should have been the most festive time of that night in her mind.

At that time, she still remembered that more than 30 years ago, she was only 17 years old. As a famous genius girl in Hualan City, she married the contemporary museum owner of Hualan City.

The two were concubine and concubine, but on the same night, the Rockets attacked, and the contemporary pavilion owner could only put down his wife and go to fight. Unfortunately, no one came back until dawn.

Hualan City has lost its elite, and only three or two big cats and kittens are left. As a genius who is well-known throughout the city, coupled with the identity of the master's wife of the gym, she was defeated by the remaining clan elder of the Qingshui family - Granny Lan. Take it with you, cultivate it carefully, and finally be able to take over the post of Gym Master.

Now count the age, as the owner of the Qingshui Pavilion of this generation, she is in her 50s, but she still looks like a stunning woman in her 20s. One is because she is a warrior-level (elite-level) extraordinary, about 200 years old. The life expectancy is indeed in the 20s in the 100-year-old routine.

The second is because the water-based exercises she practiced have the effect of nourishing and nourishing her face, so although she is still Yunying, her body is more and more hot and perfect, with a bulging front and back.

"DiDi~Di!" While she was still feeling sentimental, the emergency contactor she was carrying with her suddenly rang, and she immediately took a closer look.

"The Rockets are attacking, and the target is the Hualan Cave. The owner of the Qingshui Pavilion, please bring the elites of the Qi Dao Pavilion to come to the Hualan Cave for rescue!"

Seeing this news, she turned off the contactor with a "pop", her eyes were full of hatred, and she began to use the internal network in the office to contact the elite of the gym.

Soon, more than a dozen people set off in a mighty manner. One gym owner plus a dozen gymnasium disciples is the full strength of Hualan gymnasium. It can be seen that the name of the weakest is not an exaggeration.

Back on the battlefield of Hualan Cave, after arriving at the entrance of Hualan Cave, Tanji thought that he would encounter fierce resistance just like the main mountain range in Nibi City, but he did not expect it to be so smooth. passed.

"Cross-shaped bat, go and find out!" Lambda was also a little incredulous. He immediately released another elf, a huge purple bat about 2 meters in size, shaped like an X.

"Buzz~" The cross-shaped bat nodded, and as soon as it fluttered its wings, it sent out invisible ultrasonic waves.

From the breath that came out, there was no doubt that this was another Heavenly King-level elf.

It is worth mentioning that, unlike the caves in Nibi City, the Hualan Caves in Hualan City have a very high distance from top to bottom, about 60 to 70 meters high, and they are also very spacious. It is a "crashing" waterway ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and khaki-colored rocky roads. From the arrangement of the rocky roads, it is obvious that some are natural, and some are built by Hualan Road Hall.


"Buzz ~ hum"


The cross-shaped bat obviously has the ability to control other supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats. Using special ultrasonic waves, it easily controls a small group near the entrance of the cave, and then uses them to detect step by step.

This can be regarded as a loophole, and some of the guards are turned back when they are not aware of it. Of course, this is also because they are wild ultrasonic bats, big-mouthed bats, accustomed to using ultrasonics to communicate and communicate. Summon your subordinates.

Soon with the help of other bats, this king-level forked bat figured out the surrounding situation, and the guards at the gate really followed the order to withdraw!

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