Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 325: elemental force

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After careful inspection, Tian Ci of course found nothing. After all, the Gym-level pinnacle Bibi Diao really did not have any malicious intent.

"Okay, Bi Diao, what new moves do you have?"

Taking his hand back, Tian Ci looked at Bi Diao and continued to ask.

"Beep!" Bi Diao nodded, only to see it closed his eyes, and began to cheer himself up frantically in his heart

"Bi Diao, you are the best! Bi Diao, your speed is very fast, your attack power is very powerful... Come on, come on!"

Of course, Tian Ci couldn't hear these words in his heart. He only saw that after Bie Diao closed his eyes for a while, white energy appeared on the surface of his body, and then his aura rose to a higher level.

"What kind of status skill is this? Biaodiao?"

Seeing this scene, he was a little excited. He was really missing something. Bi Diao really didn't have this kind of state-enhancing move. To be honest, it was quite a disadvantage.

If he had this buffing skill when he played against Medina before, he could take advantage of Bibi Niaofeikong's advantage to continuously increase his state, and the odds of winning would be much higher, and he would not need to take the last risk.

Hearing Tianci's question, Bi Diao's face was a little embarrassed, because he was not proficient, so he still needed to help himself with words in his heart, hinting himself, and boasting so many words, a little shame, but still "beep~beep" 's explanation.

"Oh, it turns out to be self-motivation. I'm not yet proficient. It takes a while to hint to myself that it's all right. We'll do more training together when the time comes."

Looking at the embarrassed Bi Diao, Tian Ji looked like it didn't matter. Isn't that the extraordinary version of Wang Po who sells melons-self-bragging, it's okay, I understand! Compliment it, don't worry, just don't say it.

"By the way, we haven't tried the power of elements yet, let's try this next."

Thinking that the move test was over, Tian Chi signaled Bidiao to start the next one, which was the most important one.

"Beep~beep~" But Bi Diao shook his head and said that he still had a move, but it didn't work!

Saying that, it landed on the ground, squatted down, and began to recover. "咻~咻~" You can see that energy slowly emerged from Bibi Diao's body, and its state is getting better and better, and soon Reply to full state.

"This, this, this, Yusu! You are amazing, Bidiao!"

Seeing this iconic scene, how could Tianji not recognize it, and shouted in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Bidiao, who had just broken through the elite level, could learn this trick. Although he remembered that Yuqi could understand it from the bloodline inheritance at the low level of the elite level, it would take some time to settle it!

But now the newly evolved Bibi Diao has already mastered it, and it can only be said that krypton gold is invincible, which shows that B Diao's energy level has already gone a certain distance in the low level of the elite, not the kind that can be broken through.

"Beep~beep!" Biyao was very proud of the trainer's shock, just like a child who just scored 100 points in the test and got a performance from his parents!

"Then what else?" After recording it in the notebook, he asked expectantly.

"Beep~" This time, Bi Diao simply shook his head, indicating that there was no more.

"Okay, then let's try the power of the elements!"

In this regard, Tian Ci had no regrets, nodded, and let Bi Diao prepare to use the power of elements.

When Nazi was still there, he specifically asked Nazi how the elite-level elemental power was divided and what effect the bonus had.

Nazi told him that the power of elements is equivalent to a status skill that can instantly improve oneself, but it is only valid for this department. For example, the elemental imprint of Bidiao's understanding is the flight type, then it uses the power of elements to release the flight type moves. When the time comes, the effect of this move will be increased. As for how much this bonus is, it will generally be increased to about 2 times the original.

That is to say, the other attribute moves of Bidiao will not get additional boosts. Of course, the energy level of the elite level is enough to crush the ordinary level, even if it is the ordinary high level, it can be solved in two or three times.

I still remember the elite level **** at the time. Even without the blessing of the poison element, it can easily solve a high-level Kentairo with a few shots. You can take away a Kentaro, the gap is not so big!

That is to say, the survival and death of the Kentarona group forced the leader of the big needle bee to face the front, and he couldn't run, so he surrounded and killed the elite big needle. The hundred or so common-level Kentaros slowly died.

Returning to the topic, I saw Bidiao's eyebrows, the wing-like elemental imprint flashed for a while, then the wings flapped, and the two sharp air blades hit the target in the distance!

The sharp air blade hit the target, and although it didn't cut off, there were two sounds of "puchi~puchi".

Tian Ci ran over to take a look and found that there were two tiny scratches on the target that was said to be unbreakable at the gym level. In terms of power, it was indeed almost the same as the destruction just now.

"Bidiao, continue, try to bless a few times!"

He turned back and shouted at Bidiao again.

Bi Diao heard the words, the elemental imprint between the eyebrows kept flashing, the sharp air blade flew over with a "swoosh", and the target hit "hum" and trembled.

But soon, its elemental power will be used up, and it needs to be restored slowly.

"Six times, as expected, Bi Diao has already walked a certain distance in the lower ranks of the elite."

On the other hand, Tianji looked at the data in the notebook excitedly, 6 times is not too much. According to Nazi, the elite level elves who have just broken through can only be blessed 2-3 times with the power of elements, while Bidiao can be blessed. 6 times, this shows that the root feather of the gym-level peak really helped it a lot!

The number of times this elemental power can be used is very popular, it is equivalent to the blue bar in our game, or pp. According to Nazi, this is also a standard for dividing the elite level. Generally speaking, the limit of the low level of the elite is about 10 or so, 20 in the middle, and 40 in the high.

Of course, this is just a standard. The strength of the elite level is not simply based on the number of blessings of this elemental power, but also on the energy level and physical fitness level of the elves. After all, the power of the elements is nourishing the elves all the time. The body, the elf with more elemental power, the elf with less nourishing effect and efficiency.

In other words, even if the high-level elves of the elite do not need the power of the elements, they can beat the low-level elves with physical fitness and energy suppression alone.

Not to mention that with 40 elemental blessings, high-level elves can completely turn on the elemental power blessing mode for the entire battle.

Therefore, the elite level is the same as the normal level, and the high segment is divided into a separate division, and the high segment has a little more status. Like the Rockets, the high segment is the captain, and the squadron leader may be the low segment or the middle segment.

Chapter 326

For the next few days, Tianji stayed in this training ground, practicing new moves for the fighter profession, and at the same time helping Bidiao familiarize himself with his own strength.

In the blink of an eye, 10 days passed, and he also returned the expensive training ground of 100,000 a day. It was really expensive. After staying for 10 days, it cost 1 million.

But it was worth it, anyway, when they left, the hotel staff looked at them like a fool.

It is estimated that Tianci and the others were regarded as experiences, and the rich second generation who came to have a luxury, after all, so young, I am afraid that they are not elites.

Several ordinary-level trainers use this gym-level training venue. They are not fools. What are they?

Tian Ci didn't mean to explain this. Instead, he was very happy. Looking at the staff member's eyes, he knew that the news of his breakthrough to the elite had not been leaked. He also believed what the hotel said, and the training venue was absolutely confidential. matter.

"Brother Tian Ci, are you going to register information at the Elf Center? For an 18-year-old elite class, I'm afraid that at the moment of reporting, Hualan Gym will come to grab people, hee hee~"

After exiting the hotel door, Xiaoling said something with a smile beside Tianji.

"No, on the side of the alliance, I'm not going to report it first, I'll go to the other side."

As for Xiaoling's words, Tian Ci smiled and said his thoughts.

"Oh, that's right~ that's right~" Xiaoling also reacted after hearing this. She had been changing things in the elf center before, and she was caught in a perception block.

She can predict what kind of sensation and unnecessary trouble it will cause if Tianji really reports to the elf center to which the alliance belongs!

A helpless civilian has become an elite-level trainer in more than 3 years. Everyone knows it's unreasonable. There is a big problem!

"But, Brother Tian Ci, if you don't report it, you won't be able to hide it for long."

After thinking about it, Xiaoling blinked and asked again.

In the final analysis, it is still the world of the alliance, elves strength testing, identity information verification, etc. As long as Tianzi still wants to walk in the city where the alliance belongs, it will definitely be unavoidable.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten that the city is going to be in chaos soon, and by then, Hualan City will be controlled by Nazi, and I will rely on Hualan City to promote it to the outside world. After visiting the Hualan Cave, it took a little bit of the sacred spring there to advance.

And Hualan Taoist Hall also accepted me because of this, so it makes sense! And it won't expose Nazi's relationship. We also have a backer on the bright side. After all, no matter how weak Hualan Taoist Hall is, it is still one of the eight majors. "

As for Xiaoling's question, he has also thought about it these few days, and soon whispered his thoughts to Xiaoling by telepathy.

This is the best way he thinks of. At that time, Joey and Junsha can also take cover and manipulate the data uploaded in the Elf Center, such as writing older age, and then upload his information deliberately. Put it in a corner or something.

After all, 18-year-old elites are indeed too rare, but 28-year-old and 38-year-old civilian elites are not common, but in the eyes of the top of the alliance.

As for Joey in Hualan City, whether Junsha will cooperate or not, then it is up to them. For Joey in a small city like Qingmu Town, Junsha's status is equal to that of the gym owner, and even slightly higher in some aspects. However, in the eight ancient cities, as the private land of a thousand-year-old family, whether it is the Wuneng family in Nibi City or the declining Qingshui family in Hualan City, they are equivalent to surrendering in name in their own cities, but in fact they are self-governing. feudal king!

I would like to ask which vassal king would allow a disobedient court to envoy under his command. Hualan City is actually not bad, but now women are in charge. In Nibi City, the second and third wife of the contemporary Wuneng family belong to Nibi City. Miss Joy, and Miss Junsha.

Rather than saying that they came to serve in the eight ancient cities, it is better to say that they came to marry.

Therefore, even if Hualan City is in decline, women are in charge, but Joey and Junsha in Hualan City are still vaguely empty. Except for some unimportant aspects, they have decision-making power. Others, whether it is the elves center , or the Police Bureau, in fact, it is the deputy department who has the final say, that is, the people who are placed by the Qingshui family in Hualan City have the final say.

At that time, when Nazi took control of the Qingshui family, how could Junsha, who was already marginalized, be spared, not to mention helping to revise the data, even to warm the bed for Tianci together.

Cough, of course, this idea was not brought up by Tian Ji, but during the 10 days of training, during the night Nazilei couldn't stop talking, she took the initiative to bring it up. The ghost knows what books she has been looking for recently, so she started to think about it. The reproduction plan of the Taji Miku family.

However, if Tian Ci saw the book "On the Virtues of Family Wife" hidden in Nazi's room, he would have understood it. It is worth mentioning that the author of this book is a man, a woman who has been raped by a big woman. A man who takes care of himself.

Nazi's idea at the time was that when Tianci came to Golden City, she would let Miss Joey and Miss Junsha from Golden City receive them. As for the thoughts of these two people, she didn't care at all.

As the most prosperous and powerful Queen of the Golden City among the Eighth Congress, Miss Joy and Miss Junsha from the Alliance Headquarters have long been mascots and puppet-like existences in her hands, although they are elite trainers , but the status is even lower than that of other elite-level direct descendants in her gym.

If it weren't for the face of the alliance headquarters, the Joey family, and the Junsha family, plus the rules set at the beginning of the alliance, Nazi would have driven these two back, why would they have given them a minister's free time Positions, resources, and alliance coins are given to them.

If you know that Nazi is also a woman, you don't need to marry Joey, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Junsha.

On the other hand, the all-female Joey family and the Junsha family are also quite helpless. They can't do anything about the eight major cities where the female pavilion owner is headed by them, but it's even worse if they don't dispatch them. It's better to occupy a position than nothing at all. .

If it is said that the eight ancient cities are the vassal kings of the great court of the Alliance, then the Joey family and the Junsha family are the prime ministers of this great court. They seem to have a higher status, but in terms of practical interests, they are not as good as ceding territories and autonomy. feudal kings.

Then someone may ask, are those elite clansmen who come to serve in the eight ancient cities willing? In fact, they are willing. First of all, they are put up on the air, or they are married, which means that they usually have few things, basically nothing, which is equivalent to taking resources for nothing.

Secondly, although they are elites, their strength is much weaker than others. Let alone the logistical support of the Joey family, let’s talk about the fighting type Junsha family, the elves they contracted, although it is easier Breaking through the elite, but after breaking through, the upper limit is inherently weaker than others by about a third.

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