Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 323: Qualifications and Teaching

As the elves who have followed Tianji and Xiaoling all the way, they have attacked and been attacked a lot in the wild. It can be said that this kind of extraordinary barrier that can protect itself is very important!

At least in this way, there is no need to keep a elf by the trainer's side. Ordinary decapitation tactics will not be effective in front of this extraordinary barrier!

"Shhhhh~" After Kamui's tortoise shower, Tianji came to Heluga's dog dryer again, and after the constant sparks of drying, he changed into another set of clothes. Immediately, a handsome looking... er... no, a hot, young and promising 18-year-old elite trainer will make his debut!

He has already discovered that the so-called peerless genius can also come out of kryptonite! No wonder those big families are so talented!

With the premise of Nazi helping him with gold, he Tianji finally joined the ranks of the league's peerless geniuses, an 18-year-old elite trainer! Who else!

At this time, Tianji was very happy in his heart, and his face full of scars was also full of pride! To the elite level, he can be considered to have crossed the class!

"Brother Tianci! Congratulations on your entry into the elite!" At this time, Xiaoling also sent her sincere wishes with a smile on her face.

"Master! Congratulations! You are really amazing! Master!"

As for Ninghui, the reaction at this time was even more excited than Tianji, jumping up and down, the smirk on her face never stopped!

In fact, from another point of view, Ninghui's reaction is normal. Tianji and Xiaoling have at least fought hard in the wild today, while Ninghui is usually at home, doing housework, cooking food for elves, etc. When you go out into the wild, you won't go to dangerous places.

The cultivator's secret book, secret formula, etc., were all obtained thanks to Tianji's blessing. It can be said that since he became a maid for Tianzi, it has really been a smooth journey down the road!

Now that Tianji has broken through to the elite level, her status as an accompanying maid, of course, has also risen!

It can really be said that Ninghui surpassed 99% of the ordinary beautiful women in this world as soon as she lay on the bed!

Well, you can write a book titled "The Master Is Too Excellent, I'm Too Embarrassed as a Maid"!

"Well, thank you, I believe this will not be our end!"

To the blessings of the two women, Tian Ci responded with a smile, then turned his head and pointed the Poké Ball at Bidiao.

"Bidiao, come first, use the illustrated book to test your qualifications."

"Bipiao~?ω?" Although Bidiao was a giant beast about 2.5 meters tall at this time, but for Tianji, it still maintained the intimacy of the Bobo period. After a sound, he returned to the luxury ball voluntarily.

"Kacha~" The deluxe ball was inserted into the groove of the second-generation illustrated book, and the familiar icy-cold female voice soon rang out.


Elf: Pilgrim

Attribute: Flying/Normal

Abilities: Sharp Eyes

Category: Bird Elf

Height: 2.63m

Weight: 69.8kg

Description: Bidiao has a very strong flying ability, can fly fast in the sky at the speed of Mach 2, and the muscles in the chest are very developed, as long as it is lightly flapped, it can fan a huge wind, and can easily bend trees , also has excellent eyesight, can clearly see extremely far places in the air, is an excellent hunter, the prey it targets, it is difficult to escape!

Qualification: Elite and Superior

Strength: Elite low section

Condition: intact

Cultivation plan: Bi Diao has an extraordinary talent in flying moves. He can exercise his wings more, and his sharp claws can also be trained into daggers...

The test results did not exceed Tianci's expectations. Bi Diao's aptitude made a double jump, from the elite inferior to the elite superior. As for the further improvement, we can only look at the opportunities in the future.

He didn't want his Bi Diao to be stuck at the gymnasium level. After witnessing the imposing Bi Diao phantom before, Tian Ci suspected that Bi Diao could not break through the Heavenly King because of his lack of qualifications, and then he would live and die!

After all, as I said before, the qualifications of elves determine the upper limit of strength. Just like people in our real life, some people get good grades in the test easily and just play the test, and some people are admitted to the key points every day. Studying hard late at night, in the end, I can only barely go to a book, and some people who are not so good, even if they work hard, they can only go to an ordinary school.

Compared with us, the Elf world has already broken the rules. There are heaven and earth treasures with improved qualifications, and the qualifications of the elites are higher than those of the current elites. The limit of strength is the high level of the gymnasium. Tian Ci has found a treasure of heaven and earth for it, and this kind of treasure may not be found on Na Zi's side. Of course, it is far away from the peak of the gym, so there is no hurry.

"Come out, Bidiao!" After the inspection, Tianji put the Bidiao back out.

"Beep!" As soon as Bidiao came out, it fluttered its wings and flew over the field, and it was still familiar with its own body.

It can be seen that Bi Diao is just a wing, and his body came to the other side of this field, which is the size of a football field, with a "swoosh". After another fan, it came back immediately.

"Beep~Beep~" Tianci, Tianci, this place is too small, let's go out, then I'll take you to the sky to fly to your heart's content!

After a few back-and-forths, it called Tianci twice with a depressed look on its face. This place is really too small for the eagle, and it can't be used at all.

"Well, don't worry, both you and I need to familiarize yourself with our own bodies first, so that you will be dumbfounded before carving you, mosquito-repellent incense frogs, and they will talk about the experience process of breakthrough, I will briefly familiarize myself with my own situation. ."

Looking at Bibi Diao with a depressed face, Tianji held back his desire to fly to the sky, pointed to the other elves beside him who looked envious and eager, and said to Bi Diao.

"Beeping~" Bi Diao agreed and flew in front of the other elves.

"Moo-moo!" Congratulations, Bidiao!

As the eldest brother, Kou Denghua was the first to say congratulations.


"Yo boo!"




After Kou Duo Hua, several other elves also opened their mouths one after another and sent their blessings.

"Beep~beep~" Bi Diao also responded one by one, his face even more joyful.

After a chat between the elves, they didn't know what to say, and then they looked at Bi Diao eagerly, waiting for it to share the experience of breaking through to the elite level.

"Beep-beep-beep!" Bibi Diao didn't sell too much, he just opened his mouth to teach, what is there to be an invisible gate, you have to use all your strength to break through the gate, there are many, many elemental powers inside the gate...

"Moo~moo!" Several elves listened very seriously. Among them, Duo Hua, as the existence closest to the elite level, is the most serious. From time to time, he asks a few questions, asks for details, and waits for the answer. After that, I thoughtfully wrote it down.

And even though Bi Diao is now the strongest, he still shows a lot of face to the idiots. No matter what the idiots ask, he will answer them in detail.

Chapter 324 Destruction of Death Light

When Bi Diao and the elves were imparting experience, Tian Ci was also on the training ground, familiar with his body after entering the elite level, and at the same time, he also opened his mouth to talk about his feeling of breaking through the elite level. Xiaoling and Ninghui helped and assisted, Play around with equipment or something, listen carefully, and take notes from time to time.

For the two of them, Tian Ci didn't hide anything. They were his own women anyway. Of course, if the stone was there, he wouldn't hide it. Brothers and women are on the same level.

After about an hour or so, Tianzi mastered his body. The reason why it was so fast was due to Tianzi's daily physical exercise, so no matter whether he was able to open kryptonite or not, it was still necessary to work hard!

After mastering it, he compared his situation with the situation stated in the fighters' cheats, and found that his physical fitness was stronger than that of a pure fighter. He guessed that it should be a side effect of super powers. .

After all, superpower is also rooted in the body, and it will definitely improve the body to a certain extent, but the proportion is relatively small.

At this time, Bi Diao had already passed on his experience, and he was flying in mid-air with the two youngest, Kamui and Pippi.

"Kami! Cammy!"


It can be seen that the two elves were very excited. Although they only flew at low altitude and did not fly far, they were very happy to go to the sky for the first time. A faint flight-type energy shield.

Otherwise, the Bidi is the most practical and cost-effective flying mount. It's handsome, and it flies fast. People can even bring their own cockpit!

Although this energy shield that resists the wind, the general manned flight elves can learn it after special training, but Bidiao learned it as soon as it evolved.

"Okay, come here, Bidiao, and put down Kamui and Pippi too."

Seeing that they were having such a good time, Tianji let them fly a few more laps before he stopped.

When Bi Diao heard the words, he also gently put down Kamui and Pippi, and then slowly and obediently flew to Tian Ci.

The joke just now was not purely a joke. It was consciously controlling its speed to avoid flying too fast and crashing the car when it was time to take Tian Ci to fly. It would be very embarrassing!

"Bidio, do you have any newly learned skills, show us."

Tian Ci touched Biziao's lowered head and said something lightly.

"Beep! Beep beep?" Some, some, but right here? I feel like I can't hold back.

As for the trainer's question, Bi Diao nodded, and then said suspiciously, indicating that he felt that he was very strong now!

"Heh~ It's okay, it's right here, this is the most expensive and highest-level training venue. Gym-level fluctuations won't leak out, and don't look like it's similar to a normal venue. In fact, those equipments also need gym-level levels. to break."

Seeing the slightly swollen Bibi Diao, Tian Chi smiled and immediately explained.

This is also the reason why there was such a big movement before, and no one felt it outside. As a hotel directly under Hualan, it must have taken into account that there may be big bosses stopping by, so there is such a training venue, in fact, Nibi City also has it, basically Larger cities have them, otherwise the gym-level boss trains an elves, so the house will not be demolished.

"Beep beep~" Hearing Tianci say this, Bidio was relieved, opened his mouth, and a white energy group gathered around his mouth.

"Wow~woo~" You can see that Biediao is not skilled at using this move for the first time, so the energy gathering is a little slow, but the fluctuations emitted by the energy ball around his mouth are getting more and more terrifying.

Looking at the white energy ball, Tianji was a little shocked and delighted. He probably guessed it, this is it!

"Shuh!" But this is Bibi Diao finally finished accumulating energy, and a white beam of light the thickness of a bucket slammed into a target not far away.

The beam of light hit the target and made a loud noise, "Boom!" and a burst of smoke came out.

When the smoke dissipated, the target that was said to be indestructible at the gym level was indeed still intact, but there were also some traces of charred black on it!



Both Kouduhua and Helujia were shocked to see this scene. They had tried it before. To know the strength of the ordinary high-ranking Kouduhua, even the strongest move could not leave a trace on this target. what!

"Beep~" After using this move, Bidio landed on the ground, looking very tired and exhausted, so he had to take a rest.

Tianji also noticed the strangeness of Bi Diao, which confirmed his guess, but just in case, he asked aloud.

"Bidio, is this destroying the death light!"

"Beep!" To Tianci's question, Bi Diao exclaimed proudly and nodded.

"It's really destroying the death light, it's great, Bidiao!"

After receiving the affirmative reply from Bi Diao, Tian Ji jumped up and down with Bi Diao in his arms, looking very happy!

The power of destroying the death light is only slightly inferior to the big explosion that perishes together!

And compared to the aftermath after the big bang, the aftermath of destroying the dead light can be said to be very mild.

It is nothing more than because too much energy is output in an instant, the consumption is too large, and the load is too large to cause a short period of rigidity, and this time, even if it takes a long time to recover than the carving now, this is because it is not skilled, in fact, as long as you are skilled After you get used to it and strengthen your physical exercise, you can shorten this time to a very short time, and you won't even have stiffness!

This kind of power comes with this sequela~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is definitely the same magic skill as defending, and it is different from defending this move. Destruction of death light is an offensive magic skill. Of course, one thing is the same, that is this The skill beads of the two moves are very rare, and they will not be circulated in the market.

So although there are many elves that can learn these two tricks, in fact, most trainers' elves will not know these two tricks in their entire lives.

After all, if any commoner could make such a big move, it would be easier to become stronger, so it would be difficult to control.

"Hey~ No, Bi Diao, I remember that there is no such trick in your bloodline inheritance, right?"

After the excitement, a question appeared in his mind. He remembered that he had not taught this knowledge, so he asked directly.

"Beep~Beep~Beep~" Bi Diao immediately explained, probably meaning the inheritance left by the old senior of the same family. Before its consciousness dissipated, it left behind the skills and methods of using this trick!

"Oh~ that's true, but it's better for me to check."

After hearing this, Tian Ci nodded, but he was naturally cautious, but he still used his mental power to enter the sea of ​​consciousness of Bi Diao, and began to check, for fear of some secret hand.

"Beep~" It doesn't matter to Bibi Diao, Tian Ci is the closest person to him, so he directly opened the sea of ​​consciousness and let Tian Ci detect it.


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