Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 292: Love Rival Apollo

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"Don't worry, Tianji, that kind of mental restraint that I can break through after breaking through the Heavenly King, can be helped to unravel, without damaging the appearance in the slightest."

Seeing the sad Tianji, Nazi squatted down and patted him on the back, and said comfortingly.

"Really! Thank you so much, Nazi!" Hearing Nazi's words, Tianji turned his sadness into joy. If that's the case, then Shitou is a resource for the Bai Wuneng family, and he doesn't need to be controlled by others. !

"Of course, our Manjin City is most famous for our superpowers. We all contribute to the contract of the Poké Ball. As long as we break through to the Heavenly King, I can easily break that kind of restriction."

Seeing Tian Ci's look of anticipation, Nazi stood up, and a domineering air slowly emerged in her body. This was her self-confidence. In her opinion, it's just at your fingertips, which is why she already has the title of king even though she is not a gym-level, super queen! No one thinks that Nazi's talent will not be able to break the king, and some people even think that this era is Nazi's era, and the next champion must be Nazi!

Seeing the domineering look of the cold and arrogant girl next to her, who is arrogant and domineering, Tian Ci couldn't help lowering his head and kissing her on the lips.

"Nazi, I love you~"

"Ugh~" Being raided by Tianci and this sudden affectionate confession instantly made the domineering girl who had just leaked out of her powers, her face turned red with a "rub", and she was also steaming.

"Love, love or something, don't keep saying it, idiot~" The originally cold and arrogant girl covered her face and replied quickly.

"Thank you, Sister Nazi~" Seeing this scene, Xiaoling felt a little sad in her heart, but she was more joyful. This way, Brother Shitou would not have to be a bull and a horse for the Wuneng family all his life.

"Okay, let's go back, Ninghui should still be in that hotel in Xiaoshan Town."

Seeing Nazi still covering her face, Tian Ci smiled and said, since everything has been resolved, you can go back.

"En~ Tianji, sister Ling, you all grab my hand."

Hearing Tianji say this, Nazi also regained her composure, and stretched out her hands to signal for the two to hold her.

The two of them quickly took the elf back, and then clenched tightly.

"Hudi, you brothers, let's teleport out together!"

After holding it tightly, Nazi turned her head and spoke to the three elves next to her. With the help of the three elves, she could break through the shield faster and be more concealed.

"Yes!" Hu Di and the others nodded immediately.

"Okay, then let's go!" As soon as he finished speaking, everyone disappeared in place with a "swoosh". Tian Ci only felt dizzy for a while, and there was white beside him. When he stood still and opened his eyes, he found that he had already When they came to a meadow, and Yuejian Mountain had only a faint outline behind them, he judged that this place should be several kilometers away from Yuejian Mountain.

"Nazi..." Tian Ci was about to speak, but the girl gave a "shh", indicating that he should not speak.

"Tianji, there is a heavenly king-level elf here, it should be Apollo's Godard Duck!"

Hearing Nazi say this, Tianji and Xiaoling immediately let go of their grasping hands and stood behind Nazi with the demeanor of their subordinates.

Sure enough, Apollo and Gotha Duck appeared in front of them with a "swoosh" sound, because Gotha Duck was still the king who broke through to rely on her guidance, so he was still very familiar with her breath, and only appeared as soon as he appeared. just feel it.

"Come on~"

"Nazi, it's great that you're fine!" As soon as one person and one duck appeared, they said hello to Nazi, and didn't even look at the two ordinary-level trash fish behind Nazi with low brows and pleasing eyes.

"Well, Apollo, this is the huge moonstone fragment for this mission, here it is for you."

Seeing the concerned eyes of Apollo and Godard Duck, the girl nodded, and then she put the prepared moonstone shards in a backpack, which was just over a quarter of the size, and threw it to Apollo.

"It's hard work, Nazi, but you don't seem to be in good shape. This is a super resource that I specially collected, and it should help you and the elves under your command."

Taking the backpack that Nazi threw over, Apollo didn't open it for inspection either. He believed that Nazi was a person and wouldn't do anything about this kind of thing.

On the contrary, he is more concerned about Nazi's situation. With his Heavenly King-level strength, he can see that Nazi and the three elves under his command are all overwhelmed, and the magic wall puppet is particularly serious. While taking over the backpack, he also took out a backpack that had been prepared and filled with super energy resources and handed it over.

"Thank you, Apollo." Nazi hesitated for a while, but took the space backpack. Apollo is Nazi's closest relationship in Team Rocket. , after all, I have communicated several times more than ordinary people,

If she didn't know how Apollo felt about her before, and just regarded it as an ordinary colleague, then she seems to understand a little bit now, and Apollo seems to like her a little bit, but she is now Tianji's lover, so she only I can pay attention to myself.

The fact that she received this backpack was indeed a great help to her recovery, and when she and the elves under her command recovered, they could help Tianji become a superpower in advance. Yes, this is the gift she prepared for Tianzi, as her The lover of the super queen, how can she not have super powers!

And it can't be the kind of superpower who has been transformed by the day after tomorrow and has a very ordinary aptitude. She decided to sacrifice a little of her origin to help Tianzi awaken, so that Tianzi's superpower talent will definitely not be bad!

"Thank you, Nazi, do you want me to **** you back."

On the other side, Apollo, who didn't know that he had been rejected, saw Nazi accepting the backpack with a happy face, and immediately offered to go with him.

The poor water king, he still doesn't know what he gave. In fact, he will use it as a wedding dress for Tianzi later, and Nazi will spend it on this common-level trashy scoundrel.

"No need, Apollo, I still have something to stay here for a few days, and then I can teleport back by myself. You should go back to your life as soon as possible, and bring back the huge moonstone fragment."

There is no doubt that this request of Apollo was directly rejected by Nazi.

"Alright, then be careful, Nazi."

Apollo has no doubts about him, Nazi has this character, and he has taken a big step in receiving his gift this time. He is not in a hurry. I believe that the entire Rockets must have no more relationship than him and Nazi. There was someone close, so he nodded, and no longer insisted, he flew away with a "swoosh" from the Gotha duck.

It's a pity that he didn't go in and rescue Nazi. He also tried to sneak in in the past two days. Unfortunately, although Goda Ya is the king of heaven, he has not studied the super shielding device, so he does not know the loophole, although he can force it. break, but then it must be discovered, and there is no way to save it,

He could only let the water elf melt into water and search for it secretly. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sure enough, before the water elf came out, Nazi came out by herself.

Chapter 293 Proposal for Nursing

"Nazi, does Apollo also like you a little bit?"

But what Apollo didn't know was that as soon as he left, the trashy fish with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes came up to hold the hand that he hadn't touched, put Nazi in his arms, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I didn't know before, but now I seem to feel it a little bit, but don't worry, Tianji, I have only you as my lover, and the things in this backpack will be used for you when I recover, help you Become a superpower!"

Being held in Tian Ci's arms, Na Zi rarely showed a shy and nervous expression, and hurriedly explained a few words to Tian Ci.

As a woman's instinct, she has learned some ways to get along with lovers without a teacher, not to mention that she took the initiative to incorporate Tianci into her spiritual core. In this way, although Nazi is stronger, in fact When the two get along, Tanji's dominance is a little higher.

"It's alright, Nazi, I'm not so careful. Okay, let's go back to Xiaoshan Town."

Although he was very happy in his heart, Tianzi said on the surface that he just asked casually, grabbed Nazi's buttocks hard, and let her go.

"En~" Nazi nodded with a blushing face, and was about to teleport again. Tian Ci guessed right, she was indeed much more sensitive behind her.

"Shuhu~shu~" Next, with Nazi's teleportation, the three easily entered Xiaoshan Town, found the hotel they stayed in directly, reopened two rooms, and the three of them met in Ninghui's room. .

"Nazi, she is Ninghui. The maid I accepted is also in charge of the logistics in my team. She has a little talent in fostering a family. She is responsible for feeding my elves."

In the room, Tian Ji first introduced Ninghui to Nazi. Of course, in order not to make Nazi look down on her too much, she said a few more words, saying that Ninghui was not an ordinary maid to vent.

"Ninghui, I've seen Miss Nazi~" Ninghui heard Tian Ci introducing herself, and also felt that Nazi was so precious and imposing in a high position, she was smart and immediately walked towards Nazi. The maid salute, with a low posture.

"Well, get up, my name is Nazi, I'm Tianji's lover. You can call me Miss in the future. Since I have some talent in the nurturer, I'll sort out some nurturer's information and pass it on to you after I go back."

As for Tianci's maid, Na Zi certainly won't call her sister, Xiaoling is not a maid, she is a natural water-type extraordinary, plus Xiaoling came first, so she reluctantly admits Xiaoling's status, but a maid , Even if it is a maid of half a nurturer, she is just a maid in her opinion, and is not qualified to be placed in the same position as her. The great thing is that Tianji's maid group will be managed by her in the future.

This world has serious class divisions and slavery like maids, so it is reasonable for Nazi to treat Ninghui like this. She even promised to bring her a secret biography of the cultivator as a gift, which is already very good. Tanji has a face.

"Thank you, Miss Nazi!" As a native resident, of course Ninghui understood, so she was very grateful for Nazi's commitment and gave another big gift.

Tianji didn't stop this either. He was also slowly integrating into this class, and he didn't think that my women are equal. There should be no class in this world, and everyone is equal.

He understands that this is impossible, not to mention that this is still an extraordinary elf world, and he is still a vested interest, how can he be so great.

He climbed up to enjoy the convenience brought by this class, not to pull down all the classes above. He is just an ordinary person, not a saint. Besides, according to local conditions, he sets the concept of one world into another world, really Okay.

Not to mention, if everyone in the elf world is equal, and the aftermath of a battle of a heavenly king accidentally kills a few ordinary people, the heavenly king will be dragged to lose his life, is it worth it?

In this way, does the King of Heaven have to tie his hands and feet when he fights against the enemy, can't let go of the enemy, and without the interests that support him, will he still protect ordinary people?

So Tianji is integrating into this world, not thinking about thinking about the concept of his previous life. When he was reading novels in his previous life, what he hated most was such a stupid x!

"Okay, I've seen it all. Let's discuss how to go next. By the way, let's talk to you first, Ninghui, the food of the stone elf will not have to be done in the future. He was taken by Nibi gymnasium. It's important, I let him join the gym."

Seeing that they all knew each other, Tian Ci clapped his hands and the four of them sat in a circle, and then began to discuss the development plan of the team behind him. Of course, he first shared the news of Shitou's departure from the team and Ninghui, who didn't know it yet.

"Oh, okay." Ninghui didn't feel much about Shitou's departure, and nodded to show that she knew.

"Tianci, follow me to the Golden City, I will provide you with resources for your development!" Nazi, who was still in love, was the first to speak. After she was the queen in charge of the entire city, she was definitely the top rich woman in the league. , so they said they would take care of them in a big way!

"I, I listened to Brother Tian Ci." Xiao Ling spoke second, and she continued to follow Tian Ci as always.

As for Ninghui, she usually listens silently and doesn't express her opinion.

So it just depends on what Tianji thinks.

"Cough~ Nazi, although I really want to be taken care of by you, but think about it calmly, is it really realistic? And our relationship may not be public yet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because the gap between me and you is too great Big, no matter in terms of strength or status.”

Knowing that Nazi is still in the hormonal stage, Tianji did not refuse, but let her think for herself. He believed that Nazi, as the queen, would definitely be able to figure it out.

"..." When Na Zi heard Tian Ci say this, she began to close her eyes and ponder, and soon she showed a wry smile, she understood, it was really inappropriate.

Although it may not have any effect on her, for Tianji, he will encounter all kinds of rumors and even provocations. Maybe the family won't say anything on the surface, but secretly it will add fuel to the flames, that's all.

What is even more frightening is that there will definitely be someone secretly attacking Tianji and the others. Just a few ordinary-level trainers who are civilians, as long as they pay enough price, they can always be wiped out, even if they are in the base camp controlled by Nazi, because There are probably more people in the golden city who want Tianci to die!

And as the master of the gym and the ruler of the golden city, it is impossible for her to keep an eye on the whereabouts of Tianci and the others at all times.

Not to mention, if the Heavenly King-level Apollo shot, even if she was present, it would not necessarily be able to stop him, and the Heavenly King-level life-saving means, the entire gymnasium was not much.



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