Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 282: The story of a genius super girl

As Tianji guessed, Nazi was trapped in her own sea of ​​consciousness at this time. She seemed to have returned to her childhood. When she was only three years old at the time, she ran away because of her superpower and killed everyone who was playing with her at that time. peer.

"Blood, blood, it's all blood!" Little Nazi's eyes were full of scarlet, and she woke up after the runaway, looking at the stumps around her in horror, she felt as if she was in a flesh and blood in hell.

What's even more terrifying is that the peers who were killed by her seem to appear in her sea of ​​consciousness again in the form of ghosts.

"Hee hee hee~ Sister Nazi, come and play together!"

A little girl with her head bent 90 degrees, wearing a white gauze skirt, with **** tears from her empty eyes, issued a sincere invitation opposite Nazi.

"Nazi, you should try it too. It's fun to break your limbs."

On the other side, a little boy with all four limbs hanging from his body also made a sound.

"Yeah, you can also turn your body into two halves~"

"It's nice to connect the head and **** together~ Hee hee hee~"

"Come and join us, Nazi, didn't you let us play first?"

"Yeah, it's your turn~"

"We've been waiting for a long time, come quickly, Nazi~"


More and more strange ghosts appeared around the little Nazi, each of them died tragically, as if they had suffered terrifying torture before their death. At this time, they were all inviting to the initiator.

"No, don't~ don't come here!" The young Nazi looked at the secluded people who were getting closer and closer, and she stepped back step by step.

She remembered these deep memories that were initially sealed by the elders and then reinforced by herself.

After killing everyone at that time, Nazi, who was too frightened, fell into a coma and was taken away by the clan elders who came over after hearing the sound. As for this scene, of course, someone will help her deal with it.

As the controller of the golden city and the most powerful family, Nazi's playmates were specially sent by the little family below to accompany the prince and the princess to study, so they gave some compensation and it was all.

When Nazi woke up, because of her unparalleled supernatural talent, she was brought to practice by the elders of the family. She spent every day in a dark practice room. Until Nazi was 15 years old, her subconscious began to actively reinforce this After the deep memory was sealed, she reappeared in front of other clansmen.

As soon as she appeared, she directly swept the young generation of the entire golden city with the powerful mental power of the elite peak, and was known as the super queen.

In this regard, the clan elder handed over the only King-level Qualified Casey to Nazi, and under the alliance, Nazi broke through to the gym class in more than 3 years, and also swept the including clan. The entire golden city, including Lao, has truly become the queen of the golden city.

But she is not happy, all this is going according to the set trajectory.

Because of Nazi's unprecedented talent, the clan elders locked her from 3 years old to 15 years old, until Nazi became an adult. There are two reasons for this. The first is to hope that time will play down the impact of this incident. Don't let other people have the opportunity to bring this up in front of Nazi.

Some people may say that as long as the password is banned, it's fine, but at that time a group of children were playing in the amusement area of ​​the downtown park. Too many people saw it, and the amusement area was dead, including the accompanying maid, It's a purgatory on earth. This is not something that can be restricted by a password, and there is no guarantee that there will be enemies who will pay for their lives to let insiders advance this matter in front of Nazi, thus abolishing the peerless genius of the family, so she simply isolates Nazi. Get up and you'll be fine.

Sure enough, after more than 10 years, under the deliberate control of the family, not many people know about it.

The second is to better cultivate Nazi, let Nazi practice wholeheartedly, meditate and practice, learn how to fight, how to manage the city, and how to control her subordinates. This is all that Nazi has experienced from the age of 3 to 15 years old.

Does she hate clan elders? There seems to be a bit of hatred, hating them for treating themselves as caged birds, hating them for arranging everything for themselves, but hatred only accounts for a small part, more respect and trust, after all, she has always been in contact with those white people. The gray-haired old man, and these old people are also kind to her, and teach her to do their best.

So she's just lonely. With Kathy and other elves, it's a little better, but elves are just elves after all, not human beings like her, so in the final analysis, she still has no friends!

And because of that incident, in fact, she subconsciously wanted to have friends, but the people around her were too weak, they were only her subordinates, and they did not dare to overstep in front of her, so she invited her to join the Rockets in Banmu. When she agreed, part of the reason was that she didn't want to live on the set trajectory, the girl's rebellious mentality, but it was more because she felt that she would make friends in the strong Rocket Team.

Yes, that's right, the real reason for Nazi's joining the Rockets is that simple. Of course, it's definitely not the case on the surface, or it's not too embarrassing for the Queen of Superpowers!

But it is a pity that she did not make friends during this time in the Rockets. First, because she is used to being arrogant and indifferent, so she doesn't know how to make friends with people normally. Second, because she is not a member, she belongs to the secret three Cadres, the time spent in the Rockets is very short, and generally they have to change their appearance, so I don't really have much contact with other people~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Of course, I can't make friends.

"Woooo~woo~" Nazi, who was only three years old at this time, seemed like a helpless young child, locked in the corner of her sea of ​​consciousness and wept, and the sea of ​​consciousness was being captured by blood and black, and blood was the most ferocious. It's a room full of weird ghosts. It's black, but it's a cold practice room.

"Woooo~ why no one came to save me, why don't I have friends~woooooo~" Nazi didn't pin her hopes on herself when her sea of ​​consciousness was overrun, but kept crying, as if hoping that someone would come to save her In the same way, this seems to be the last death-defying counterattack for her mental defect. Either someone can accept her, or she will die!

"Nazi, I actually really want to be friends with you, the kind that are very close, but I guess you don't look down on me, but can you wake up, or the two of us will really die here~"

Just when Bloody forced Nazi to the corner of the wall, suddenly Tanji's greed for her body spread into her consciousness.

"Friend! Someone is willing to be my friend!" Nazi, a little three-year-old, suddenly stopped crying, her originally dull eyes instantly brightened.

As for Tian Ci's intention to be jealous of her body, she didn't actually hear it, because the clan elders were all male grandpas, and it was too embarrassing for them to teach Nazi about the relationship between men and women, so she gave them a few books. Teach her on her own, and it's clear that Nazi isn't very good at this.


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