Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 275: trap?

"Bang bang bang~"


"Work harder, Goda Duck!"


"Continue to tear the claws!"




In the stone pit, everyone was still digging in full swing. Suddenly, after breaking the outermost rock, the paw of a cat boss went straight into it, and it turned out to be hollow inside!


"Meow?" The cat boss probed with his paws in confusion. It was really hollow, and there was nothing?


"Huh?" Why was the inside of the giant moonstone suddenly hollow?


"Yeah? What's going on?" Soon, people who were excavating in other directions discovered this matter, and said suspiciously.


"Hey cha~" At this time, there was also a cry of rumbling rock from the hollow place inside.


Looking at the long-lost light above, Long Longyan let out a puzzled cry. Why did he not seem to belong to the Wu Neng family?


"Long!" Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he remembered his mission. As the elf of the previous pavilion owner, after his trainer died, he was ordered to hide in this huge man-made moonstone. One was to let him To advance to the king and even the champion faster, the second is to leave a means of perishing together!


"When someone breaks the surface of the huge moonstone from the outside, if you perceive the bloodline of our Wu Neng family, then please obey them temporarily and expel the foreign enemies. If not, then you can directly use all the energy. Self-destruction and being touched here by the enemy, then my Wu Neng family must be in danger, and it is a wave to kill!"


Long Longyan's mind seemed to have heard his trainer's will before his death again, his eyes revealed determination, the energy in his body began to mobilize frantically, and instantly a breath of energy far beyond the gym level began to spread. .


That's right, in the long years, it has been successfully ground by time water milled by the wrapping on the surface of the huge moonstone, and it has been polished to the heavenly king level.


"Not good, spread out quickly, all defend!" Aware of this self-destruction of the heavenly king level, Nazi immediately shouted, and at the same time, she also called out all her elves, and used the mental barrier together!


It's a pity that the speed of other people is still too slow, or they are too close, even if the barrier is opened for the first time, but how can the self-destruction of the heavenly king level be resisted by these elite level who are close at hand, only to hear " "Boom", a burst of extremely powerful energy fluctuations began to disperse with the Moonstone Crater as the center.


"Bang bang bang~"


"Ah, no!"


"I do not want!"


These closest elite-level trainers were directly shattered by the barrier and gasified in the energy!


"Ah!" Tian Ci also hurriedly bit his tongue with his teeth. The severe pain helped him regain some control over his body. He immediately picked up Xiaoling and the stone, who had been unconscious on the ground. Moved to the back of Nazi.


"Ka~ka~" Nazi didn't have time to deal with a few ants now. She was trying her best to maintain her mental barrier, but within a few seconds, a crack appeared in her barrier, and this was just the first contact!


Nazi shouted "Ah!", instilling all her mental power, even the meager mental power that transformed her body. She didn't want to die, and she couldn't die!


At this time, in another stone pit, an old man and a young man were feeling the huge energy fluctuation not far away.


"Xiaogang, you have to remember, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, even if our Wuneng family has no Tianwang trainer for the time being, it is not just a gym-level thief who can come in!"


I saw this old man with a white beard taking this opportunity to teach a young man with brown skin and squinting eyes.


"I understand, Grandpa, but the quarter of the huge moonstone was wasted, and there was also a Tianwang-level rumble rock. I heard that it was left by the great grandfather."


After the young man named Xiaogang listened to the old man's teaching, a pity expression appeared on his resolute face.


"Don't worry, as long as the core of the giant moon stone is still there, it will be able to regenerate in a few hundred years, even sacrificing a few mountain ranges to supply them with their core spiritual ore for a hundred years. The choice not only burns energy, but now even life burns, I guess it wants to see its own trainer~"


Hearing the young man's regrettable words, the old man touched his head and explained a sentence, but when talking about the long rock, the old man was inevitably lost.


He still remembered that when he was a child, this rumbling rock played with him, but he didn't expect so many years to pass in the blink of an eye, and it was a goodbye when we saw each other.


As soon as the screen changed, facing the self-destruction of the heavenly king level, which was burning with vitality, even Nazi couldn't hold it any longer. With a "click", the blue barrier was completely broken into pieces, and a wave of pure white energy covered the entire grotto. , there was also a faint cry of rumbling rock, "Hey cha~"


"Master, I have completed your last order and come to accompany you~"


At this time, whether it was the battlefield outside, or the young and old in another grotto, whether it was the human beings of the Wu Neng family, or the elves under their command, they all shed a tear with a tick.


"Roar!" In the outer battlefield, even Bangira, known as the desert tyrant, roared in grief and indignation after feeling the death of his old friend, and a tear left in his eyes. It also showed great power to counter-pressure the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.


"Damn it! Let's retreat first!" Seeing that the main mountain range of Yuejian Mountain was partially collapsed by the explosion, Apollo's expression changed. Retreat~www.wuxiamtl.com~ sends a signal to retreat!


He has already felt the powerful auras coming from not far away. If he doesn't withdraw, no one else will be able to leave except him.


The Rockets' great cause has not yet been completed. These elites cannot be lost here in vain, so he issued an order to retreat. As for saving Nazi, with his strength as a king, and acting alone, it will definitely be faster than such a big fanfare. .


As for Nazi's death, Apollo doesn't believe this conclusion. His king-level Goda duck was promoted only by Nazi's guidance. For such a character, you say she died in a fight In the self-destruction of the Heavenly King, he did not believe it, let alone as a gym owner, there would definitely be something to save his life.


Of course, he also knows that Nazi, who only has gym-level strength, will not be in a good condition even if she survives, so he has to retreat faster, and then he can come to the rescue alone.


"Retreat, retreat! Turn the whole into zero! Speed ​​retreat!"


"Don't be in love, retreat quickly!"


"Lord Apollo has an order to retreat!"






After Apollo issued the retreat order, the Rocket Team members in this large mountain range began to retreat. Taking this opportunity, other trainers on the mountain who took the opportunity to make a fortune also began to retreat. They did not want to be caught by the Wu Neng family. .


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