Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 270: corpse and robbery

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Although he planned to go in, the current state of the few people was still unsuitable, so Tianji first took out a bottle of water from his backpack and splashed it at the few people with a "clatter".

"Yeah! Brother Tianci, what are you doing!"

"Brother Tianji?"


A few people were splashed with water, and they were all in a state of confusion. They didn't understand why Tianci splashed them.

"Okay, think about the state just now, do you seem to be bewitched by others, and focus on rushing forward. This matter is not simple, it is estimated that it is the means of the Rockets." expression, he immediately explained.

"It seems so, I was thinking of rushing to the main mountain range at that time."

"Yes, I'm afraid that I'll be robbed by others one second later."

"This is too terrifying, shall we withdraw? Brother Tianci?"

After being woken up so little by Tian Ci, several people also reacted, because the two have followed Tian Ci for the past few years, so their behavioral styles inevitably move closer to him. They are all cautious people. It is reasonable to say that even if there is greed, Not so reckless and single-minded rush forward.

And Ninghui is a person who doesn't like fighting and hates dangerous areas. She was affected unknowingly at the time, so you can see that there is definitely a problem.

"No, we're going up. Your previous state is very likely to have an accident, but it should be fine now. Remember that no matter how much money you have, no amount of resources are as precious as your own life."

Hearing Xiaoling's last question, he shook his head, looked at the main mountain range next to him, a fiery flash in his eyes, and said lightly.

In fact, he also received Nazi's spiritual voice transmission just now, so that they can all set off, so it is impossible not to go, and this is indeed an opportunity, so he must go.

"Well, I understand!"

"I remember!" Xiaoling and Shitou nodded when they heard the words.

"Then, that~ master, can I stay here? I'm afraid to hold you back..." But the little maid who had regained her sanity obviously did not want to participate in the melee, and pleaded in a low voice.

"Well, that's right, then you can stay here, wait for us for a long time, it's not noon yet, if we haven't come down by late at night, you can go back by yourself, then these are one-time defenses. Amulet, take care of your own safety."

Seeing the frightened look on the little maid's face, Tianji didn't ask her for it, so he asked her a few words, and at the same time took out a few defensive amulets and handed them over to her. Tank, it should be no problem to hide here to protect yourself.

Moreover, Tianci estimated that it would not take a long time for the Rockets to retreat. When this happened, the Wu Neng family must have asked for help.

"Okay, thank you master~" The little maid said gratefully after taking the amulet.

"Okay, let's go!" After explaining everything, Tian Ci said, and took the two to the main mountain range of Yuejian Mountain.



"King Chuanshan, split!"

"Hahaha, it's mine, it's all mine!"

All the way to the main mountain range unimpeded, the scene is already very chaotic, killing ordinary trainers with red eyes, frantically plundering everything on the mountain, and even fighting each other.

In this kind of scene, Tianji has also put away the jenny turtle, and Xiaoling and Shitou have also put away the marsh jumping fish and the bag dragon who have just broken through to the ordinary level.

To tell the truth, without the strength of an ordinary middle class, it is too dangerous to be on the mountain road with the aftermath flying all over the sky. What Tianci and the others have seen most are the corpses of ordinary low-rank and new-born elves. For these corpses, how many people I didn't let it go, no matter if I was dead or not, I just added a knife and put it in the large space backpack.

Although the time and the occasion did not allow them to divide the materials on the spot, it would definitely be wasted at that time, and only elf meat could be sold, but it was always picked up for nothing, anyway, the stone is very happy to pick up now.

It is also fortunate that the space backpacks of several people are large, and because they have to mine, they have brought a few extra medium and small space backpacks, so that they can pick up corpses so happily, and even if they don’t bring them, it is so confusing. The scene, as long as you kill others, you will have more supplies...

Of course, because he had something important to do, Tianji didn't do it on purpose. Shitou and Xiaoling also thought that Tianji was cautious, so they didn't deliberately hunt other trainers.

"These are petty profits. The biggest benefit is in the Moonstone Cave. Even if we can't grab the fragments of the huge moonstone and pick up a few more ordinary moonstones, we will make a lot of money, which is better than killing each other here. many."

However, in order to avoid the two of them thinking too much, Tianji still explained, and at the same time, he also found a reason for his behavior to go straight to the Moonstone Cave.

"Well, it makes sense~"

"I'll listen to you, Brother Tian Ci!" The two of them did not suspect him, and while picking up the corpse silently, they also agreed. They also found out that this road is the road to the Moonstone Cave, and they encountered There are more and more elves lying on the ground, obviously more than one person thinks so.

However, Tianji and the others didn't want to make trouble, but how could this situation really stay out of the way? Just when he was about to pick up the body of a hairball, a stone suddenly flew towards him with a thud.

"Pop~" Koudai Huama, who was closely following Tianci's side, smashed it with a whip.

"咻咻咻~" But soon, a large number of stones attacked them from all directions, and it was obvious that they encountered a team that specialized in attacking trainers!

"Rumbling stone, block the stone shield, rats and mice, joint magnitude! Force these mice out!"

For the sudden attack, Stone immediately let the defense act - Rumble Stone, protecting everyone, and at the same time starting to counterattack.

"Bibi bird, wind blade! Mouth dumb flower, seed machine gun fire! Heluga, fire bomb!"

"Mosquito-repellent frog, frozen wind, bird, starfish, and water cannon!"

The protected Tianji and Xiaoling also cooperated with their respective commanders to launch a counterattack.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Hey Cha~"



For a while, stones, flames, and water flowed everywhere on the battlefield, but soon there was a wailing sound, and there was a large-scale cooperation of the freezing wind, coupled with the dominant attribute, these temporary miner trainers, One by one they were shot out.

"Run, run!" Seeing the four of them, they were counter-killed in a very short period of time. Only three rumble stones and a mountain king were left. They shouted in fear and began to disperse. run away.

Originally it was just a team of miners, but it was tempted to start this unprofitable business. The few people I met before were all miners of similar level to them, so they successfully hunted down two waves, and the greed was further amplified. , they dared to hunt down a three-person team like Tianci, but they didn't expect to kick the iron plate for the first time.

"Oh! I want to run! Catch up and kill them!" Although he didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble, he was robbed and killed by others, so he could bear it! Tian Ci looked at the four people who were escaping, sneered, and immediately let the elves under his command chase them up.

"The **** forced me! Rumble stone, self-destruct!"

One of them saw the elf who was chasing after him, and there was a flash of pain in his eyes, and shouted to Long Long Shi who was following him.

"Hey Cha~" Rumble Stone, who had been with the trainer for the longest time, flashed a hint of determination in his eyes, and resolutely rushed towards them.

"I'm sorry, Lung Lung Shi, but as long as I have these, I can get up again!" Feeling the white light behind him, the middle-aged miner felt a pain in his heart, but he quickly stepped up and ran. , hold the space backpack tightly in your hand.

How can a middle-aged miner not be heartbroken by letting his initial elf go to death and delay time, but what is more important is the future of his children. I dare not say 10 million in this backpack, but there are still millions of dollars. Qian, his children will definitely start much better than most people, so he can only give up Longlongshi.

"..." But after running for a while, he still didn't hear the sound of the explosion behind. The middle-aged miner was a little strange, but he didn't dare to stop and continued to run.

On the other side, the rumble stone had long since lost its fighting ability and turned into a pile of rubble. It wanted to explode, but unfortunately, the mosquito coil frog followed, and the moisture in one hand suppressed the self-exploding rumble stone. , and then in its stunned expression, a freezing fist sent it back to the west, directly using the freezing to smash and kill the rumble stone, and get the most valuable ore core.

At this time, Tianji, who used the "Vertical Technique", also saw the middle-aged miner who was still running desperately in front of him. He waved his hand and shot three throwing knives.

"Puchi~puchi~" The middle-aged miner was inserted straight in front of him.

"Ah~" The middle-aged miner, who didn't expect to be caught up so quickly, fell to the ground in fright.

"Beep~" At the same time, Bibi Bird shot an air blade towards him.

"Pfft~" It was still his strong desire to survive that helped him. In a critical time, he rolled on the spot and avoided the key point, but the protective clothing outside was cut.

"Forgive me, spare me, I am old and young! My child is just 14 years old this year, and he is about to become an adult. I want to give him a better initial elf, otherwise I don't want to be like this Ah! I am a good man, a good man!"

The middle-aged miner who just got up saw Tianji who was slowly approaching, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, and began to justify himself!

"Heh~ Look at the blood on your body, you will always have to pay it back!" Tian Ci had no sympathy for this middle-aged miner who was honest and tearful, and there was still blood from several space backpacks on him. Judging from his clothes, he at least killed several people.

It's fine if he doesn't kill him. Tian Ci himself is not a good person, and he has orders, so he's too lazy to meddle in his own business, but you've already come to kill me, and you want me to let you go. Ma, just because of your great fatherly love, how funny!

"I, I~ I'll give you half, give you half, let me go, okay~ I have a mother in my 70s, and my child is still underage. Please, please show kindness!" When Tianji said this, the middle-aged miner immediately took out something substantial, put two small space backpacks on the ground, and knelt down and pleaded.

"Ha~" For this kind of robber who is weak and justified, and stands on the moral high ground, Tian Ci was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. After laughing, he used a poisonous flying knife to finish him with a "puchi".

"Why~ why~ I'm all for my family..." Being stabbed by Tianji's flying knife, he felt the toxins in his body getting more and more violent, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Tian with hatred At the same time, the characteristic dagger hidden in his hand also fell to the ground with a bang.

He originally wanted to wait for Tianci to get close to taking the space backpack, and desperately tried Yibo, but he didn't expect Tianci to be so cautious, and flew a flying knife directly into the crack of his protective suit.

"Then the other people you killed have no family..." After confirming that the person was breathless, Tian Ci walked to the middle-aged miner's side, put a few backpacks on his back, and looked at him with deadly eyes Said lightly.

Then he carefully searched the whole body of the middle-aged miner before returning to the previous battle site with Bibi Bird.

At this time, Xiaoling and Shishi had just returned here, and the same thing was that they also had a few more space backpacks on them.

"How is it, are you all alright?" Although they were all safe, Tianji still asked with concern.

"Well, the other three didn't want to blow themselves up, so Chuan Shan Wang wasted a lot of hands and feet, and the others were easy to solve." Shitou also briefly explained the situation on his side.

The three of them worked together just now. Tian Ci went after the middle-aged miner with the largest number of backpacks in the space, while the two went after the other three. They were worried that Tian Ci would encounter a girl who blew himself up again. For the sake of his own man, he took the mosquito coils. Frog temporarily lent it to Tanji, and Tanji also lent Heruga, who was good at tracking, to the two.

Moreover, they have a stone rumble stone here, and the carefully cultivated rumble stone is confident that even if the other two self-destruct, they can survive, so Tianji also agreed to temporarily borrow mosquito-repellent incense frogs.

"Well, let's tidy up the space backpack, it's too much to affect the action." After hearing that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Tian Chi skipped this topic and pointed to the two of them and himself. Said the backpack that doesn't fit.

"Yeah~ I feel that this time is really a good time to catch up. These 12 backpacks plus the 6 we brought ourselves, I'm afraid it is not 20 million, and there may be valuable things in it. ." Xiaoling nodded when he heard this, his eyes were shining, this was simply picking up money!

"Yeah!" Shishi mentioned money, and he was even more excited and speechless. He had a big physique and carried the most backpacks. He had 9 backpacks. Also mentioned two.

"You don't need to tidy up carefully, just put everything in the small space backpack into the large space backpack first. If the large space backpack can't fit any more, put it in the medium one, and then if you have an empty small space backpack, don't throw it away, it's empty. We can fold it and take it with us."

Looking at the excited two people, Tian Ji also quickly explained how to organize them. He still hasn't forgotten that he is still in a chaotic battlefield, and he doesn't have time to sort them out carefully.

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