Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 268: New mandatory tasks

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After about half a month, Tian Ci's wallet reached about 6 million, and the alliance merits also increased by more than 200 points. Now there are 5,450 points. As for the Rockets' contribution, it is not much, and it is still around 1,200 points.

For more than half a month, their group has also searched for the unmarked roads in the next month. Of course, there are several obvious forbidden places, they dare not go, and they know without thinking that they must belong to the Wu Neng family. The secret lies in either the breeding grounds for high-quality elves, or the various cherished ore veins.

Although they are all very valuable, but if they go to other people's homes to steal things and stay on other people's sites, I'm afraid they don't want to live.

After searching the unmarked area, it did pay off, and even caught a good unicorn, but it didn't fit a 4-person team, so I finally sold it.

In this way, Yuejianshan has almost been explored once, and Tian Ci is also ready to continue to set off, heading for Hualan City, but just a few days before they were about to leave, an accident broke his plan.

"cao! I won't come early, I won't come late, but it's just this time!" In a dense forest on Yuejian Mountain, Tian Ci came to the hidden place alone, looking at the special information on his mobile phone, and couldn't help but curse. one sound.

"Task number: 00000

Task Level: Mandatory Task

Mission description: Cooperate with the local branch of Mount Tsukiyama to **** the huge moonstone fragments!

Task time limit: follow the command of the cadre

Reward for the task: Participants contribute 500 points to the base, and the moonstone fragments will be rewarded with a contribution of 2000-5000 points according to their size. During the battle, the enemy's spoils belong to the participants. "

Seeing this information, he regretted that he didn't set off earlier. At first glance, the reward for this mandatory mission was very rich, and it was much richer than the previous hunting mission in the small town!

But you have to get it. This time, it is not just one or two elite-level small families to deal with, but the thousand-year-old family, the Wu Neng family!

This kind of family, although it is said that there is no heavenly king-level combat power on the surface, who knows how many trump cards they have secretly hidden, even if a heavenly king-level Bangira suddenly appeared in the war, he would not be surprised.

As far as the Rocket Team's sub-base is concerned, how dare you **** the giant moonstone? Even if the Rocket Team base has several gym-levels and an additional cadre (the King of Heaven), you can also know with your feet that at such an important resource point, martial arts. The Neng family must have a lot of trump cards, even if it is a king, I am afraid that in the home court of others, it will be deflated!

"No, if it's her, and there is a heavenly king to contain it, it's really possible!" Thinking about it, Tianci suddenly thought of something, and muttered to himself, he recalled how the Rockets entered the league in the next life. Inside the nails, there seems to be a very powerful superpower hall master—Nazi!

Nazi's status in the previous life seems to be very high, of course in this world, but it is not yet second to Banmu. As the team leader of the Rockets, he also learned about the basic structure of the Rockets, or It was because he entered the eyes above, so he understood the detailed layering.

Squad leader—normal high level strength, squadron leader—elite low level to mid level strength, team leader—elite high level strength, director—gym low level—high level strength, cadre—superior strength, and then the big boss Banmu boss !

Although Nazi is strong, she still belongs to the second-level minister level except Banmu. As a gym owner with natural superpowers, she is definitely very strong, and she has a lot of methods!

Looking at Haixing's current combat power, you can see that Haixing in the middle of the ordinary can use her superpowers to play flowers, not to mention the museum-level Nazi. There are also family secrets to practice, which can't be compared to Haixing. 1,800 times stronger!

"Forget it, let's see later, anyway, I can't run away, I just don't know how that king-level cadre will arrange for us little shrimps who are spies." Shaking his head, Tianci returned. The team of a few people went, the strength is low, it is useless to think too much, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, fortunately they will stay for a few days, so it is still too late.

That night, Tian Ci came to the base of Shiya Village alone. It can be clearly seen that the flow of people outside the village has doubled than usual, and many people have a stinky face. After all, they are not fools. Everyone knows how dangerous Yuejianshan is, and most people don't actually know the identity of the person above, so they can't think of Nazi.

"Tadata~" After reporting the password, Tian Ci followed everyone into the base, and then came to the largest underground square in the center. At this time, it was simply divided into two groups.

One group has a more gloomy temperament, and strangers should not be close. The sign in front of them says that they are making up members. The other group looks no different from ordinary trainers. There are even many people dressed as local miners. The sign in front of them Is a non-staff member, that is, spy status.

Of course, Tian Ci came to the group of non-staff members, but he didn't know anyone, so after he found a place to stand, he closed his eyes and rested. disturb.

Although there are more than 100 non-staff personnel here, they are all local civilians, and most of them are usually just miners, so their strength is about the average low-middle level, and the high-level squad leader level and Tianci are only 3 people. People also have their own team, so they didn't bother him.

Although Tianji's strength is very good, but suddenly adding a stranger in at this time is not a good thing for the team, so after rejecting several trainers who are also loose people, no one will come to him again. chat.

"None of the elite level appeared, and the members of the ordinary level were divided into two parts. There should be a detailed plan." He looked around and found that the highest level of the waiting crowd was the team leader. After thinking about the two brands, he calmed down a little.

"Tatata~" Not long after that, the sound of unhurried footsteps slowly came from the passage.

"Congratulations, Lord Apollo!" At the same time, there was a sound of welcome.

"Shhhh~" The ordinary members in the center of the square immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted together, "Congratulations to Lord Apollo!"

"Tatata~" The cadre walking in the front slowly walked up to the specially set up high platform, looked at the crowded crowd, and nodded with satisfaction. This is the foundation of their Rockets.

"Please come, everyone!" Apollo said softly, although his tone was gentle and not loud, but his voice clearly reached everyone's ears, as if he was speaking beside you, no doubt , Apollo, as a king-level strength, is also a very powerful extraordinary person.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed and stood up in unison.

At this time, Tianji also noticed that not only one person was standing on the high platform, but dozens of people were standing according to their positions.

Among them, standing at the forefront and at the center is Apollo, the commander-in-chief of this mission. He has blue hair, a handsome face, and always has an elegant and gentle smile on his face. Not a black uniform, but an overall white, special uniform like a small suit, the red R on the right chest clearly identifies his Rockets identity.

There are two people who are a step behind him, one of them is a middle-aged man, wearing a black and white Rocket uniform, Tianji has learned from the comments of the people next to him that this is the controller of this sub-base, and he is also at the minister level. Gym level trainer - Fulan.

There is another person, who is also wearing a black and white uniform, but she is obviously a female model. Whether it is the waistband design in the middle or the attractive black silk long legs under the short skirt, it is revealed that she is a slender, 20-year-old woman. It's a pity that she is a young beauty. She wears a silver-white mask to cover her face, but from her waist-length and shiny black hair, it can be seen that she is still very young.

The third row behind is the captain. He counted 6 people, and then there are 18 squadron captains. Among them, the protector of Shiya Village, Gui Jin, stood there impressively. Strength can only stand in this row.

That is to say, in this operation, the Rockets dispatched a heavenly king, 2 gymnasiums, 24 elites, and more than 800 ordinary-level trainers. This force was more than enough to destroy Tianji's hometown of Aoki. It can also have an absolute upper hand on the power on the surface of Nibi City, of course, there must be more than this power on the surface of Nibi City.

"Cough cough~ Okay, let me briefly talk about the task arrangement." After everyone stood quietly, Apollo coughed twice and began to prepare to talk about the task arrangement.

"This time we have two operations. Minister Fulan is in Ming, and he is still a member of the Rocket Team, which is under the command of the commander. There are 4 captains, 12 squadron captains, and more than 600 ordinary-level trainers. They directly attack Yuejianshan. Moonstone Cave, although it is more dangerous, but the basic contribution points will be doubled, and I will also participate in the action on the bright side to contain most of the resistance forces." He first said the feint on the bright side, while those who did not bring The middle tier of Team Rocket, disguised in masks, also stood on the side of the crew, including Minister Fullan.

"Okay, next is the action in the dark, led by the silver-faced captain, including 2 iron-faced brigade captains, 6 copper-faced squadron captains, and more than 100 spies below, you are still in the month as usual. Just like the trainers who are adventurous in the mountains, after the battle on the bright side begins, you have to secretly stir up chaos, encourage others to fish in troubled waters, loot those forbidden areas together, and then take advantage of the chaos to the Moonstone Cave and take away the huge moonstone, no matter how bad it is Cut a few pieces of gravel down."

After Apollo finished speaking, the woman wearing the silver mask also stood in front of the non-staff members and bowed.

"I hope it's Nazi. If it's Nazi, there is still a good chance. Maybe I can fish in troubled waters and find a piece of debris!" Yinmian's voice was obviously processed, but it could still be heard that it was a woman, and Tianji was also looking forward to it in his heart. write.

"Of course, let me add that in this operation, non-staff members can also actively join the rocket team in the editorial team. The basic remuneration of the active members will be doubled!" After finishing the two-step action plan, in order to expand the appearance The combat power, Apollo also added.

"Tata~" But after Apollo finished speaking, only 7-8 people chose to change teams.

After all, everyone is not a fool. Attacking on the bright side is the most dangerous, and it is also the easiest to be caught. It is fine for elites and above, and they are all extraordinary in the true sense, and they are not so easy to be caught.

Although the physical fitness of ordinary-level trainers has been greatly improved, they have not yet reached the extraordinary level in nature, and they do not have natural shields. It can be said that the probability of being caught is very high.

Even the 7-8 people who walked past chose to let Yibo go because they realized that they were being targeted by the police.

"Okay, since everything has been assigned, then follow your own command to discuss the detailed action arrangements." Seeing that apart from these few people, no one else chose to change teams, and Apollo didn't say more. What, indicating that the big meeting is over, you can go to the small meeting.

"Come with me~" The woman codenamed Yinmian said coldly, and motioned everyone to follow her.

"Tadata~" Of course, a group of trash fish with the highest but ordinary high section did not have the courage to resist, and followed behind the masked man honestly.

Soon more than 100 people came to a large room, and they all stood in line.

The silver-faced woman stood at the front, facing them, "Shu~" Suddenly an invisible wave began to glance at everyone.

The people around Tianci were all horrified, feeling as if their whole body had been read, unable to hide any secrets, and even the elves in the Poké Ball began to stir, and they were also read up and down the mountain.

"Nazi! It's definitely Nazi! You didn't guess wrong!" Feeling the fluctuation, Tianji was also shocked, but it was more of ecstasy. With Nazi's powerful superpower, and with the elves under her command, Still very hopeful to complete this task.

"Buzz ~ hum ~" Just when he was in ecstasy, he suddenly found himself lifted up. Besides the two high-level trainers who had already revealed their identities~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and Two trainers.

"You guys are barely enough, just join my team directly under my command, and then you can join in if you have your own small team to help clean up some trash." I saw Nazi bringing the five people to the front. After that, he gave a light command.

"Yes! Lord Silver Face!" No matter what they thought in their hearts, the five of them could only nod their heads in yes.

Looking at the two who were hiding, Tian Chi guessed that the two of them wanted to hide and sneak in. Unexpectedly, they were caught directly under Nazi's mental scan.

To tell the truth, if he hadn't registered as a team leader, he would also like to hide his clumsiness like this. Wouldn't it be fragrant to give 500 points for nothing?

Although following Nazi, the chances of picking up and encountering good things are much greater, but the danger is also much greater! Nazi's direct troops must enter the Moonstone Cave, which has been run by the Wu Neng family for nearly a thousand years!

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