Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 253: Turtle trained and safe

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"By the way, Brother Tian Ci, are you coming over to my side?"

Xiaoling looked at the Jenny Turtle who was following Tianci, and had some guesses in her heart, but she still asked a question.

"Cough~ It's like this, Xiaoling, although I have changed the nurturing secrets of the jenny turtle, but I feel that you should be more proficient in some skills, so I wanted to ask you to help."

Hearing Xiaoling's words, Tianji immediately picked up the jenny standing at his feet and looked at Xiaoling in a pleasing manner.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Jenny Turtle also co-operated coquettishly.

I have to say that most of the elves with evolutionary forms are still very cute when they are not evolved. When the Jenny Turtle acts like a baby like this, Xiaoling's girlish heart bursts in an instant.

"No problem, no problem, let's get started."

The girl directly hugged the Jenny Turtle and kissed it on its bare head before putting it back on the ground, motioning for the Jenny Turtle to show it.

"Jenny~" Because Xiaoling is an extraordinary water element, the jenny turtle is still very close to her, and she doesn't resist when she is kissed, but she feels a little shy.

"Jenny Turtle, use the water gun!" Seeing the blushing Jackie Turtle, Tian Chi smiled and ordered it to attack.

"Jenny~ huh!" The jenny turtle heard the trainer's order, and immediately pouted, and a thin water gun accurately hit the target in front.

"Bang~" Let the target sway for a while, it can only be said that Yusanjia is Yusanjia. If this kind of target is hit by a small Rada in the middle of the newborn, it will not shake.

The Yusan Clan, which were specially cultivated and distributed by the alliance to newcomers, were all released after a certain amount of combat training, in order to allow newcomers to form combat power immediately.

"Well, yes, let's go on, I remember there is a bubble."

Xiaoling was not surprised by this. When she first got her water jumping fish, she also showed this behavior.

"Okay, Jenny continues to use foam!"

Tianji also had no objection to this, and immediately let the johnny turtle continue to use the next water-type move.

Although he came to guide Xiaoling three years ago, but after these three years, the girl has long since had no idea how many times he has dumped him.

"Jenny, gulu~gulu~" The jenny turtle immediately spit out several large bubbles from its mouth and hit the target.

"Pop~bang~" But obviously it couldn't control the foam. Only two or three foams hit the target, and more foams floated to other places.

"Jenny~" Jenny Turtle patted his round head, feeling a little embarrassed~ He also just realized this trick, so he doesn't know how to say it.

"Cough~ The foundation is still very good. Brother Tianci, give me the jenny turtle these days. At least you can let him learn the spiral water gun. If you are fast, you can master the trick of foam."

Saying that, Xiao Ling waved his right hand, and instantly a swirling stream of water shot at the target that the Jenny Turtle hit before.

"Bang! Buzz~" Although it looks the same size as the water gun of the Jenny Turtle, this power is obviously a grade higher than that of the Jenny Turtle, reaching the level of the high-level freshman.

"Jenny!? ω?" Jenny Turtle was a little surprised, and looked at Xiaoling with a pair of shining eyes.

"Hahaha~ As expected of you, Xiaoling, you are willing to train with Sister Xiaoling these days, Jenny Turtle. We are all in the same venue, it doesn't matter."

Seeing the girl's knowledge of the water system, Tian Chi laughed and asked the Jenny Turtle for his opinion.

The spiral water gun just now reminded him of the way the girl slaughtered in the gopher cave. He still remembered that an ordinary mid-section rumble stone couldn't last two rounds under Xiao Ling's hands!

It can be said that Xiaoling can be regarded as a water elf now. The "Ripple Art" two years ago really made Xiaoling's progress a lot faster. In terms of combat power, she herself is at the level of ordinary middle class. !

"Jenny! Jenny!" Jenny Turtle nodded frantically, looking forward to mastering this move.

"Okay, then I will trouble you these few days, Xiaoling~ I will treat you well in the evening."

Hearing the answer from Jenny Turtle, Tianji reassured and handed Jenny Turtle into Xiaoling's hands, and at the same time he approached and said something in a low voice.

"I hate it~" The girl's delicate face turned red, and she immediately thought of Tianji's favorite trick ~ water control in the body, tide swirling, etc., really embarrassed!

After handing the jenny turtle to Xiaoling, Tianji came to Ninghui's side.

"Shashasha~呲呲~" At this time, the maid was trying to make the food for the jenny turtle, manipulating her hands on the portable machine.

As she bent over, the pair of watermelons (F) became more prominent. Originally, it was only grapefruit (D), but under the nourishment of the milk from the big milk tank every day, and the perseverance of Tianji's training, more than two years. Two grades have been evolved.

And because she was training with the big milk tank, her watermelon did not hang down or stood tall.

I have to say that some people's talents are good, like Xiaoling, although they are still drinking and training, they have only changed from peach (B) to honeydew melon (C) in the past two years. This talent of Ninghui But Xiaoling is very envious!

"Well~ I'm busy." Tianji grabbed a watermelon from behind with one hand and began to ask.

"Yeah! Master, you startled me~" Ning Hui was concentrating on debugging the formula of the jenny turtle just now, but she didn't notice it.

"Hey hey~ Don't worry, every venue here is completely closed, there are no cameras yet, Xiaoling and Shitou are also busy~"

Playing with the watermelon, Tian Chi whispered in her ear. This is why Xiaoling directly demonstrated his extraordinary power just now. As a hotel under the Wuneng family, they use the reputation of the Wuneng family for thousands of years. Guarantee, do not inquire about customer privacy.

"Master, I'm going to buy you a elf, how is Pippi?"

After explaining one sentence, he felt that the watermelon under his hand was getting better and better, and considering the previous experience of the gopher cave, he decided to buy another elf for the maid.

"All~ listen to~ the master." Ning Hui was overjoyed, and after changing a posture that made Tianci more comfortable, she shyly agreed.

"Well, then it's Pippi." Seeing such a well-behaved little maid, Tian Chi nodded, and immediately made a decision to buy it after finishing the gym.

As the Wu Neng family that controls Moonlight Mountain, there must be Pippi for sale in Nibi City, and Pippi, who masters healing fluctuations, is often sold by them.

After all, it is useless to have too many, and the Wu Neng family likes rock-type elves, which are strong and burly! Therefore, Pippi, a cute and charming petite elf, is not really liked by the family, so it is sold.

Of course, the Wu Neng family is not an idiot. Of course, they understand how valuable and rare Pippi is to cure fluctuations, so they generally give priority to the needs of the family. Skin, each one has been marked with an expensive price by them, don't worry about not being able to sell it, there are so many people buying it.

As for where Tianzi got the money to buy Pippi, of course, the little maid earned it herself. Ninghui, who can make energy cubes and sell milk, has already completed self-supply and can create a lot for Tianzi. wealth.

I haven't counted it carefully, but now the money is still one or two million, and it is still growing. Ninghui can help Tianci earn about 300,000 to 400,000 every month.

This is because of the priority to digest some of the products internally, otherwise the number will have to be doubled.

So Tianji is already paying back, and the little maid does have this talent!

As for secretly hiding money, Ninghui can't do it at all, and she can't do such a thing. First of all, after more than two years of adjustment, she has become very obedient. Second, she can't escape the fluctuation of her spiritual imprint. Tianci often perceives it. Under her mental fluctuations, as soon as she has an abnormal mood, she immediately pulls over to ask.

Therefore, the money earned will be respectfully handed over to Tianci by the little maid every time. Of course, he will give more than 200,000 yuan at a time, considering that Ninghui wants to buy materials and so on.

"Well, then you can continue to prepare the food for the jenny turtle. I'm going to training."

Now that Pippi was determined, Tian Ci was not so mad that he practiced Ninghui on the spot in front of the two and so many elves. train.

For more than two years, he has not let go of the basic exercises such as "Pure Yuan Jue", and now his physical fitness is also very strong, and he can fight hand-to-hand with an ordinary low-level wrist.

He has also mastered the light art of "Vertical Movement". With the addition of "Earth Sha Fist" and other attack methods such as poisoned throwing knives, he dares to say that he has definitely beat an ordinary low-level wrist strength. He is proud of it. .jpg (provided that the arm strength will not attack remotely)

However, the physical quality has reached a certain level, and the improvement is very slow. It often takes ten days and a half months to feel a little improvement visible to the naked eye.

On the contrary, the stone next to him who is training against the bag dragon is the real ruthless man!

"Hey! Bang! Your punching speed is too slow!"

I saw the burly stone, just punched on the cheek of the dragon.

"Galu!" Being hit by a suffocating fist, the dragon grimaced in pain, and after hearing the teachings of his own trainer, he nodded quickly and obediently.

It has been raised by the stone from childhood to adulthood, and it has also been beaten from childhood to adulthood, so it understands how strong the stone is.

That is a fierce man who can fight with Big Brother Long Long Shi! Really a humanoid hero!

It can be said that in addition to "Zhongxing Shu", in terms of the training progress of "Disha Fist" and "Pure Yuan Jue", Shitou surpassed Tianci, especially "Dishaquan", Shitou has cultivated to the state of completeness. When attacking, you can also attack with Earthshade. (equivalent to special rock ground energy)

It truly achieved a head-on fight against ordinary low-middle elves!

"It's really perverted..." Seeing that the 2-meter-high bag dragon was beaten by a stone, Tian Ci twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed in his heart.

If he hadn't joined the Rockets, he would have only developed in the league just like the two of them. It is estimated that he would have been surpassed by the two of them long ago. I have to say that he is really an ordinary Chinese.

In this way, they trained together until about 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. A few people went up to rest. Tian Ci and Ninghui shared a room, and Xiaoling and Shishi each had a room.

(Although Shitou knows in his heart that Xiaoling likes Tianci, he still doesn’t know that the two have been living together for more than two years. In addition, Tianzi also has Ninghui. In order to avoid too exciting the single dog Shishi, so let’s hide Shishi first. )

Of course, after going back and taking a shower, Xiao Ling, who got the hint in advance, ran to Tianji's room wearing a silk nightgown.

At this time, Tianji was lying in the arms of the little maid and eating watermelon, and at the same time, the little maid was milking the milk like a big milk jug.

"Yeah!" Secretly, Xiao Ling, who had received a room card, swiped his card to enter, and saw such a scene, and blushed. Although it was not the first time, it was still very easy to be shy.

"Come and drink moo milk, Xiaoling~" Tian Ci said evilly when he saw the girl's exquisite figure under the silk nightgown, picked up the big milk jug that had been chilled long ago.

"En~ Gulu, huhu~" The girl agreed softly, took a sip of the milk from the bottle, but didn't swallow it, but controlled the milk to spin in her mouth...

In the next few days, Tianji only went out secretly once to inquire about the situation, and spent the rest of the time training in the hotel.

After 7 days like this, they were ready to go out. Tianzi guessed that there was nothing to do. In Aoki Town, the third room of the gym should have given up.

In the past 7 days, the strength of the Jenny Turtle has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the energy level is very close to the high level of the freshman. Although Xiaoling was a little curious about why it was so fast, he did not ask much.

She is a smart woman and knows that Tian Ci has a secret, but if Tian Ci doesn't say it, she won't take the initiative to ask.

So why is it possible to improve a little bit so quickly? First of all, because Ninghui quickly made the food that the jenny turtle eats in the newborn stage, there are still a lot of paid information on the Internet for elves like Yusanjia, which are very comprehensive. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The second is because the cultivation cheats that Tianji exchanged in Team Rocket is not the public version. The public version (up to the normal high section) only needs 500 points, and he changed the cultivation cheats for the secret edition, so he spent 1000 points. The Rockets' contribution is also almost exhausted.

Regarding the point of only multiplying by 2 times, he feels more and more that the Rockets are deliberately lowering the threshold and saving organizational strength. Otherwise, with the advantages of the Secret Edition, even if it is doubled by 5 times, it will be replaced by 10 times!

Because the Secret Collection Edition Cultivation Cheats has a special matching Elf Cultivation Cheats!

It is precisely because of this that the passive absorption method of the jenny turtle has been transformed into active, so it has compressed almost half of the time, and it will reach the high level of freshmen in 7 days.

In addition, in terms of moves, the Jenny Turtle not only mastered the spiral water gun, but also mastered the foam. Now it can accurately control each spit out, and the speed has become much faster.

In addition to these two tricks, Xiaoling also taught the Jenny Turtle a very simple water bombing technique, which the Jenny Turtle also thoroughly mastered.

"Let's go, check out! Go to the gym!" After testing the strength of the Jenny Turtle, Tianji nodded and decided to go to the gym!

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