Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 251: jenny jenny

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After cheering for a while, he was awarded a trophy by the gym owner, and at the same time he also won the first prize, the Jenny Turtle. (Three Households of the Water System)

When he finished receiving the prize and got off the podium, several middle-aged men in the uniform of the Arai family stopped him and took him to a small room in the gym with a beautiful girl.

"...wocao! They won't let me enter the bridal chamber and get married on the spot, no! No way!"

Tianji, who was stopped, felt a little stunned in his heart, feeling not very good.

"Cough~ Tian Cijun, get to know me, I am the controller of Arai Sanshi, Arai Xia, this is my daughter, Arai Ryoko, you can get closer in the future."

After stopping Tian Ci, an uncle with a national character introduced himself, as well as the shy black long straight girl next to him.

I have to say that the third daughter is really good-looking. At this time, she looked at him curiously and shyly with her big eyes, and matched with a specially dressed Japanese jk uniform, giving people a campus heroine confession The feeling made Tianji's little heart beat unsatisfactorily.

"Cough~ I understand, Uncle Xia, and the beautiful young lady next to you, it's nice to see you for the first time."

In order to stabilize each other, Tianji immediately greeted the two in a friendly manner.

"Hahaha, it's good if you understand, go away Lao Xia, don't hinder young people's communication here, you can get to know each other here, the day after tomorrow, you will get married, hahaha~"

After hearing Tian Ci's answer, the two middle-aged uncles next to him stopped talking, and also took Uncle Xia away, leaving the room to the two who had become a couple in their eyes.

Of course, it's not so fast. Although it's a foregone conclusion, they still have to get to know each other, so they brought Ryoko's niece here, just to let the two communicate briefly and avoid the embarrassment of getting married directly as soon as they meet.

"Tian Cijun~ Hello, your dumb flower just now is so strong and powerful. If only my shuttlecock grass was so powerful."

After several elders went out, the beautiful black long straight girl started a topic and started to praise Duan Hua.

"Hey~ Miss Ryoko is also a trainer?" He was a little surprised when he heard the girl's words. He originally thought that the girl should be an ordinary person. After all, she was arranged for a family marriage.

"Well, but I've only raised Shuttlecock grass for a while, and I haven't gone out to fight in the field, so..."

"That's fine, I believe Miss Ryoko can definitely..."


After the topic was raised, Tian Chi began to get acquainted with the girl slowly. There was nothing he could do. He was locked in a small room. What else could he do? Go back and immediately slip away, it's a pity this black long straight lady.

After chatting for more than an hour, the girl had a good impression of him, and finally kissed him on the initiative (it was explained in advance, the life of Sanfang is not easy now, so I'm looking forward to the elite seeds collected this time.) , thinking of ending this exchange.

However, Tianji, an old man, took the opportunity to grab a handful before leaving, hugged the girl directly when the girl kissed him, and kissed the girl's cherry mouth, and at the same time his hands began to be dishonest.

"..." Maybe it's really a good impression, or maybe it's settled, so Ryoko didn't struggle too much except for being surprised at first.

It wasn't until Tianzi wanted to make an inch that he escaped and left the room. Of course, this must be because Tianzi didn't want to do anything, so he deliberately let her go.

"Hahaha~ Tian Cijun, it seems that you communicated well just now, so both of us will prepare for the past two days, and we will officially marry in three days."

When the uncles from the third room came in, they also saw the red lip print on Tian Ci's face, as well as the niece whose face was flushed just now and her clothes were a little messy.

They are very satisfied with this. They must know that there is only one elite level left in the third room, and the lifespan is not much. The elite seeds are urgently needed, so they only paid out the blood this time.

"Where is it~" Tianji didn't answer directly to this, but shyly touched the lip print on his face.

"Hahaha~ Then we'll go back first." The uncles from the third room thought it was the shyness of the young man and didn't care, so they said hello and said goodbye to Tianji.

After all, in their opinion, Tianci has no reason to escape. A helpless orphan who can reach the ordinary high section with a small chance, how can he refuse the invitation of the strongest gym force in the town, let alone He even gave him a beautiful woman as his wife!

"Let's go! Xiaoling, Shishi, go back and grab your things and leave immediately!"

It's a pity that Tianji is planning to leave. If it is Joey or Junsha, he may have other ideas, but he doesn't want to enter the gym, let alone the third room that is hated by the current gym owner.

Although staying in the town will make it safe and secure to enter the elite, he can already see his future at a glance, barely breaking through the gym class, and then dominating the town, working hard for the gym family, and finally here. remnant...

But he is still young and wants to fight, not to mention that the Rockets seem to be making big moves under the league. He can use the Rockets' opportunities to improve himself, so he gave up the development method of sticking to one place. .

Of course, this is because Tianci's strength is still improving very quickly. If in the future, his strength is stagnant and slow, then he will also create a force and stop to be the one who "accumulates grain and becomes king slowly". matter.

The next night, Tianji and the others didn't even go to the auction. Taking advantage of this wave of adults in the New Year, they ran out of the town~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After passing through the gopher cave overnight, he and Xiaoling, Shitou and Ninghui came to the wild of Nibi City. Fortunately, Tianci's mouth was at a high level, and the little maid was almost broken by a mountain king on the way.

Although the little maid's big milk tank has also reached the middle level of ordinary, it is cultivated as an auxiliary elves, and its fighting qualities can only be said to be good, and it is still a little worse than the brutal elves of the same level in the wild.

"Jenny~Jenny~" came out of the cave, and the new partner next to Tianzi, a little blue turtle standing upright shouted excitedly.

Although most of the elves in it were restrained by it, who made it weak? He could only spit a few water guns to add to the fun, but it was depressed.

"Okay, okay, let's go on, Jenny Turtle, are you tired? We've walked all the way."

Looking at the energetic little guy, Tian Chi was full of love, and after squatting down and touching its head, he asked a question.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Jenny Turtle immediately shook his head and said that he is not a baby, no need to hug!

"What?" He continued to play with Xiaoling's Marsh Leaping Fish. Maybe it was the mutual attraction of the three families, and the Jenny Turtle had the best relationship with it.

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