Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 244: Auction big purchase

It can't be said that Tianzi doesn't want anyone, it's just that the families who look at him are all families below the three major forces. The problem is that Tianzi himself doesn't look down on these strongest but elite families, so he politely declined.

The next night, he asked Ninghui to wait at the gate of the gymnasium. Tonight's auction was also held at the gymnasium, and he just conceded defeat with Xiaoling and the others.

At around 7:10 in the evening, when the three of them came to the entrance of the gym, they saw a woman with a pure face and a hot body looking around at the entrance of the gym.

Fortunately, she still has the armband of the medical department on her cuff. Others understand that she is a staff member inside the gym, so although they look at her a lot, nothing happened.

"Master~" When Ninghui saw Tian Ci coming, she ran over in surprise, and the proud twin peaks swayed quickly with her running.

"Kacha~" Tianji seemed to have heard the heartbreak of the male compatriots around him.

"It turned out to be someone else's maid~"

"These rich people are really stupid, and they have to show up!"

"Hey, look at other people's maids, looking at my yellow-faced woman~"

Because Ninghui didn't lower her voice, the crowd around heard her sweet "Master~", and they also started to talk with envy.

"Well, Ninghui, why did you come out and wait so early, didn't it start at 7:30?"

Tian Ci rubbed Ninghui's hair and asked suspiciously.

"Master~ You will take the third place. You have a special box for this auction. I was afraid that when the master came, he didn't know that he went directly to the open-air seat, so I waited here early."

Hearing Tianci's question, Ninghui explained it immediately, and raised her voice when she said that she was the third place in the conference.

She is a smart woman. From the beginning, she has been telling the crowd around her that she has an owner, and her owner is the third place in this conference.

After Tianji promised her last night, she also asked her to quit her job at the Elf Center, so today she was wearing her own clothes, a light white dress, and the sweet waist bow in the middle perfectly showed her hot curves .

If it wasn't for this temporary armband to protect her at night, it is estimated that she would have been surrounded by wild bees and butterflies.

"It turns out that he is the biggest dark horse this year!"

"I heard it's only been a year since I became a trainer!"

"That woman is his maid, forget it, don't look at it any more~"

"Get the top three in one year, and it won't be in a few years..."

The crowd next to them obviously heard Ninghui's words, and immediately turned their eyes away, and their eyes began to look at other places, but they were still a little bold, and occasionally pretended to inadvertently glanced at Ninghui's body .

"Is there still this benefit? Why didn't I know?"

Hearing Ninghui saying that she would have a box, Tian Ci scratched his head in confusion, but no one told him.

"Cough~ I didn't have the third place before, but it seems that your talent has spread to the top of the gym, so the top of the gym who hosted the auction reserved a private box for you~"

Hearing Tianci ask this question, Ninghui immediately raised her twin peaks proudly and said loudly.

It can be clearly felt that when the surrounding crowd heard this sentence, they no longer dared to have their fiery gazes on Ninghui's body. .

"That's really thanks to the gym! Come, let me introduce you, these are my two teammates, Xiaoling and Shishi.

Shito, Xiaoling, this is the maid I told you before - Ninghui. "

Tian Ci of course also felt the changes in the eyes around him, but he was not disgusted by Ninghui's small actions, but was happy to see it succeed. After thanking the gymnasium, he opened his body and introduced them to a few people.

"Sister Xiaoling, Brother Shitou, my name is Ninghui, and I will be Master Tian Ci's maid in the future. Please take care of me."

Ninghui lowered her posture immediately after Tian Ci's introduction, and bowed deeply to the two of them.

"Uh~ don't be so polite, hello, my name is Tianshui Ling."

Xiaoling was originally somewhat hostile to this maid who suddenly appeared, but when Ninghui took the initiative to lower her stance, she softened for a while and replied friendly.

"Well, hello, my name is Murayama Shi." As for Shirou's return gift, it was quite normal.

"Let's go, Ninghui, take us to the box."

After a few simple acquaintances, Tianci asked Ninghui to lead the way, and the group walked towards the box.

When I came to the box, I found that there was nothing special. It was nothing more than giving you a few sofas and placing you on the second floor. In short, you are very good in the eyes of outsiders.

It didn't take long for the annual auction at the end of the year to start. It was still a hot spot for beautiful female auctioneers. Although the things were good at the beginning, it was obviously a little worse than the auction in Nibi City.

Not only Tianji didn't open his mouth to compete, Xiaoling and Shishi obviously didn't like these things, but they didn't pass it.

After all, they don't like it, but for ordinary people or newly promoted trainers, low-level cultivation cheats and good elf cubs with genetic skills are still very attractive.

Next, something really interested in the stone appeared. A common mid-section prop—hard stone, can slightly increase the power of the rock system.

Tianzi estimated that the raw materials should be obtained from the depths of the gopher cave. After all, this kind of ore can only appear in the cave, and there is only such a gopher cave next to Aoki Town.

In the end, after some competition, Stone spent 750,000 to photograph this prop. In fact, according to the market price, this prop should be about 650,000, but it is rare and expensive. There is no alchemist in Qingmu Town who can make props. You can only provide raw materials and bring them to other cities to make them, so the price will be expensive.

After this item, the atmosphere became hot, and the spiritual contract scroll that Tianji needed appeared next.

It's a pity that Tianzi is helpless, not to sell leaflets! A set of 5 pieces is auctioned, and the reserve price is 500,000 pieces. This price seems to be cheaper than a single piece, but he is alone, and he is not trying to create a power, so it is useless to ask for so many pieces!

"Hey~ Forget it, it will be used in the future."

Looking at Ning Hui, who was giving him a well-behaved massage behind him, he still raised the bidding card.


However, this price obviously did not frighten those family controllers, and it quickly increased to 700,000.

After all, which family doesn't secretly cultivate a few dead soldiers, or has some shameful things to deal with, this spiritual contract scroll is never too much for them.

Although it is only made by the super-power elves in the middle of the elite, the utility can only be maintained to the middle of the elite, but the strongest family in the town is only the elite level, which is completely enough for them.

After all, elite-level dead soldiers may only be found in the three major forces, and they do not use it to auction this at the venue. In fact, most of the items in this auction are brought by the caravans of the three major forces from other big cities. , so there is absolutely no shortage of them.

"1 million!" In the end, Tianji spent 1 million to take these 5 spiritual contract scrolls.

To be honest, it's a bit of a loss. This scroll is only a one-time use, and it needs to be fully cooperated by the contractor, so there can be no resistance at all.

1 million to buy a top grade evolution stone is more than enough! But after contracting one for Ninghui, the other four can only be pressed at the bottom of the box, and it is necessary to continue to spend money to cultivate Ninghui.

But who made him make a lot of money by betting, and it was indeed very comfortable to be served by Ninghui in the past few months, so he spent it.

And in the long run, it can still be earned back. As long as Ninghui can guarantee the logistics of his elves, the cost of food alone will be saved by 7~8 thousand a day, and he will be able to make a return in more than half a year!

Of course, if he loses his bet today, then he will definitely not spend 1 million to buy this. At most, he will let Ninghui wait for a while. He will go to Nibi City to try his luck. When he buys it, he will give it to her. Buy sprite training.

After buying the contract scroll, the next thing surprised Tianci, because the next few cheat books auctioned were all for human cultivation.

"Jin Feng Jue", "Changchun Jue", and "Hou Tu Jue", three martial arts training books for fighters have been published one after another. According to the female auctioneer, these are all follow-up exercises that can be used for "Forging Jue". , as the name suggests, it can not only make qi practice faster, but also allow the qi to be cultivated with attributes. For example, "Jin Feng Jue" will have the characteristics of Jin Xing, which is particularly sharp.

This made the small families below go completely crazy and began to bid wildly. After all, their families no longer have elite-level powerhouses, and some exercises have long been lost. Even if there are leftovers, it may not be suitable for everyone. Legal cheats, they will never let go.

Tianji asked Shizuo to bid too. He felt that "Hot Earth Jue" might be suitable for Shishi, but after a while the price exceeded their expectations, so he gave up.

After all, the worst training book was sold for nearly one million yuan, which was far beyond their expectations. You must know that even the cultivation book of elves, such as dumb flower from 0 to high level, only takes 67 The contribution is only 100 points. In the Rockets, 1,000 yuan can be exchanged for a little contribution, that is to say, only about 600,000.

Tian Ci felt that only families who chose to stay in the town for development would be so eager for the cultivation secrets. If they traveled alone, I believe they would definitely sell them in those big cities.

However, Tianji insisted that Xiaoling spent 1.1 million to shoot the water-based exercise "Ripple Exercise" that was auctioned next.

After all, Xiaoling's cultivation of "Pure Yuan Jue" is too slow. According to his inference, as long as the attributes are compatible, the girl's cultivation speed should be accelerated.

Of course, Xiaoling's current alliance merits can also be exchanged for the naturally extraordinary cultivation manual "Shui Ling Jue". She has 1000 merit points, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

In the final analysis, this town is still the largest gym. As long as there is a careful investigation, basically nothing can be hidden from the gym, and Xiaoling obviously hates the Arai gym very much.

If a cheat book that has been ignored for a long time is replaced, it will inevitably cause suspicion, so it is better to go out on a trip and find a way to get a copy. If nothing else, it should not be difficult to get a copy in Hualan City.

After buying "Ripple Art", they did not participate in the next few cheats, because it was a VIP box, so there would be a waiter who took the initiative to send the auction items. At this time, Xiaoling was concentrating on interpreting this new cheat.

"Okay, thank you for your strong support for our auction. Our cheat book session has come to an end. Next is the elves cub session! Unlike the previous ones, there will be special elves in remote cities, and there will be other regions. the spirit!"

When the auction of the last cheat book was successful, the female auctioneer on the stage wiped the sweat from her forehead and began to promote the next special auction.

Next, as the auctioneer said, the first elf cub was an elf living in the world of ice and snow—Milip Baby, which was a humanoid elf that was very similar to a human cub.

Although the evolved Sister Lips is not as cute as she was when she was a child, her strength will undergo earth-shaking changes. It is worth mentioning that their family, like Haixing, basically has super powers.

Therefore, the price is also very high. This good-quality lip-smacking baby finally sold for a sky-high price of 1.8 million.

Originally, he wanted Xiaoling, a rich woman, to take a look, but unfortunately she shook her head directly after seeing the evolved sister.

After the lip-synching baby, there are some monopoly elves with good quality qualifications and elves from other regions, and even the catty dog ​​appeared in the gym again, but unlike the elite qualification, this catty dog ​​has only good quality It can be said that unless you spend a lot of money to increase your potential, you can only evolve into a wind speed dog with the best evolution stone.

Originally, he thought that all the Katie dogs had appeared, so would the auspicious eggs of the Joey family appear, but unfortunately, after asking the waiter, he got a negative answer.

(Originally, the VIP box can get a detailed catalog in advance, but Tianji added this temporarily, so of course he doesn't have a catalog, so he can only ask the waiter outside the room.)

There is no way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He took the next step and photographed a large milk tank with good qualifications for Ninghui. As the monopoly elves of the Hawad family in the urban area, its price is also very expensive. .

After all, even a big milk tank with poor qualifications can fill their own pasture, and Moo milk is their family's industry! It relies on tens of thousands of large milk tanks.

Moreover, with good qualifications, after training, he can also have good combat power, so in the end, Tianji spent 710,000 to buy this elf.

Now that he has decided to train Ninghui as his own logistics support staff, he should try his best to be better.

After buying the big milk tank, they didn't see the elf they wanted, but the item interspersed in the middle, the water gem, was also an ordinary item in the middle section. Xiaoling bought it and continued to improve the effect. A little bit, but the advantage is that it can burst out at one time, which can almost increase the power by a small amount.

The final product is an elite coyote with inferior qualifications. This kind of elves are particularly common in the Hoen area, but they are quite rare in Kanto, and they are also dogs, which are especially useful for trainers.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Tianji. After seeing that it was a coyote, he directly took a few people home. He couldn't afford it, and the function was duplicated, so there was no need to spend time here.


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