Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 239: I am the protagonist! (Down)

"Fu~Yi!" Ba Dahu's eyes flashed blue light instantly after receiving the order.

"Hey~" An invisible thought force directly hit Koudouhua's body.

"Moo!" Koudouhua instantly felt a burst of pain, and it cried out in pain.

"Hold on! I'm dumbfounded!" No way, there's really no way to resist the power of thought, at least there is no way for Tianji to fight it now.

"Moo! Moo~" After enduring this abruptly, Kou Duan Hua gasped in place, and it came over.

Although his physical condition has fallen to the bottom level again, at least he can barely fight.

"Ba Dahou, a child of the clan, seems to be able to think about power? It's really unfair!"

In the stands, Xiao Ling saw that this Ba Dahu would also have mind power, so she couldn't help but mumble a few words.

"Bada Butterfly and Giant Needle Bee are the most common and easiest elves to form, so their cultivation secrets are not expensive. As long as it is a family, they will have their cultivation secrets."

When the stone next to him heard this, he immediately opened his mouth and said something.

"Then do we want to raise one? I remember that we got the breeding secrets of the giant stinger before, didn't we?"

Hearing Shishi's words, Xiaoling suddenly thought of the secrets of the giant needle bee that was still eating ashes at home, and couldn't help but say it out.

"Uh... no need, we have teamed up with Brother Tian Ci, his stubborn flower is much more powerful than the big needle bee, and the big needle bee tells the truth, it doesn't help our respective teams. The role is of a dispensable type.”

Hearing Xiaoling's words, Shitou was stunned for a moment, and quickly interrupted Xiaoling's sudden thought.

"Well, I just said that casually!"

At this time, Xiaoling also reacted. Just now, she took it for granted and quickly explained.

"Well, those extra secrets can be used to cultivate some quick cannon fodder when forming a force in the future, but it is estimated that it will take a long time. We still have to travel and play gymnasiums~"

Seeing that Xiaoling had given up on this idea, Shitou nodded and expressed his views on those extra secrets.

"Well, we should go to Nibi City first, there is a rock gym, you should like it very much, Brother Stone.

Next is to go to Hualan City, there is a water-type gym, I heard that there are a lot of water-type elves, maybe I can conquer one or two elves there! "

Hearing Shitou talking about travel, Xiaoling also introduced the two nearest big cities with a look of excitement.

"Then we two have to do our best. Brother Tianci should go on a trip after the high rank. We must have at least one elf to train to the high rank in the past two years!"

Looking at the excited girl, Stone touched the Poké Ball around his waist and encouraged.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back~" Xiaoling also agreed with Stone's words.

Although it is said that the gap between the high-ranking and the middle-ranking is not as big as that of the elite and the ordinary, but a high-ranking elf can still fight 4~5 middle-ranking spirits.

Therefore, in the wild, there is an ordinary high-level elf that can safely shuttle in most areas.

This is also the reason why in this small town, ordinary high-ranking members are the clan elders and the control of small forces.

Back on the battlefield, at this time, the mouth dumb flower was using the seed machine gun to deal with the big butterfly, hoping to delay the time and let it gradually recover.

"Fight down, seize the opportunity and use the wind! Ba Dahu!"

At this time, Tomo Endo also noticed something. He found that Koudaihua's injuries seemed to be slowly recovering, and he quickly let Ba Dahou fight the seed machine gun a few times, and then attacked with the wind!

Although Ba Dahu will inevitably suffer some injuries, it is better than dragging on like this and waiting for Duan Hua to recover!

If it really drags on, it will be a question whether Ba Dahu can win or not. After all, the natural recovery of mental power is not so fast!

"Bang Bang Bang~" Ba Dahu who stopped was directly hit by several seed machine guns.

"Fuyi~huhuhu~" Fortunately, the damage wasn't that big, and Ba Dahu held on to the impact and used the wind to blow.

"Moo~moo~" Kou Dianhua endured a wave, and found in despair that she couldn't seem to recover. The damage combined with the consumption of her own attack had exceeded the recovery speed.

"Koudouhua, just fight him like this!" Tian Ci understood the meaning of the mouth, but he had no intention of admitting defeat. a little.

"Cao!" Hearing Tianji's words, Tomo Endo scolded inwardly, but he could only let Ba Dahou kill that dumb flower as soon as possible.

It's a pity that Ba Dahu hasn't been trained strictly for this move, so the two elves were at a stalemate for a while. You hit me twice with the seed machine gun, and I'll blow you twice with the wind.

No way, he mainly trains Pikachu and Rong Rong sheep. Before Ba Dahu developed super powers, he was a dusting assistant.

There's no way out for this one. Seeing that it was because of a stunner, Ba Dahou was brought on the stage.

Who would have known that this dumb flower was also wearing props, and there were so many restorative moves.

Yes, he has seen it now, the recovery speed of this dumb-mouthed flower is too fast, she must be wearing a prop like him.

"md! B-dog!" Endo Tomochi scolded inwardly, completely forgetting that Pikachu also had a lightning ball before.

"Bang~" After 3~4 rounds of fighting back and forth, in the end, she couldn't hold on anymore, and she lost her fighting ability in another round of Ba Dahu's wind-raising moves.

"Please send a second elf to Tianji." The referee said something to Tianzi when he saw the slammed Koudouhua.

"I still lost. I thought that with black silt and roots, the dumb flower could drag the big butterfly to death."

Xiaoling said something regretful when she saw the dumb flower who lost her ability to fight.

"This idiot flower has done a good job, not only defeated Pikachu but also caused so much damage to Ba Dahu.

Speaking of which, Tianji-ge's luck is really good, he actually met a large caravan in the forest that went to Vibran City, and exchanged those poisonous materials for a piece of black silt.

It would be great if there were props that we could use at the auction tomorrow~"

Shito doesn't have any pity on the defeated mouth dumb flower. In his opinion, the mouth dumb flower is already very strong, and the black silt plays a crucial role.

Because the black silt must be used in front of the two of them and cannot be hidden, Tianji explained to the two that when he was alone on the task before, he encountered a large caravan using poison-based materials and a small amount of money in exchange. of.

"Well, if it weren't for the energy restraint of the flight system in the wind, there should be no need to fight again.

As for props, there is no regular sale in our town. Those big cities must have them, Nibi City must have them, and maybe the price will be a little cheaper. "

Xiaoling felt it was a pity because of the resentment of being defeated, but she was not in a hurry about the props that Stone said.

"Well, let's see, Brother Tianci should win this game, whether it's Heluga or Bibi Bird."

Hearing Xiaoling's words, Shitou also pressed his heart that he wanted to buy props, and motioned to look down.

"It must be a spirit that can't fly, and it is very common to be unrestrained! Please~ Please!"

On the field, when Endo saw that Tanji took out the second Poké Ball, he worshipped the gods crazily in his heart.

As long as it is an elves such as Lada and Abo, even if its Ba Dahu is not in a good state, it can rely on air superiority and use poisonous powder to slowly grind the opponent to death!

Everyone has come this far, who doesn't want to be in the quarterfinals tomorrow!

"Go, Bibi bird!" Unfortunately, Tianji sent a Bibi bird to completely break his fantasy.

"It's over~ I can't fly fast enough, and my attributes are still suppressed!"

The moment he saw Bibi Bird, Endo's heart was ashes, and he felt that he was going to lose. Of course, it was impossible for him to admit defeat.

"The second battle begins!" The referee also looked at Big Butterfly with a little sympathy, and blew the whistle to start the game.

"Bibi Bird, let him see what the real wind is, Wind Blade!"

At the beginning, Tian Ji, who had the right to attack, was going to give that Ba Dahu some color to see!

"呲呲~huhuhu~" Little brother, I heard that you blew my eldest brother very cool just now! When Bibi Bird heard the words, she immediately flapped her wings, causing a gust of wind.

"Fuyi! Furu~" Ba Dahu felt that he was a fallen leaf in the strong wind, being blown everywhere, and there were even a few sharp blades slicing across its body from time to time.

"Pursue the victory, control the gust of wind, and end it with a tornado!"

Seeing the powerless Ba Dahu, Tian Ci immediately commanded Bibi Bird to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him in one go!

"Beep~" Bibibird's trajectory of flapping its wings immediately changed the frequency.

"Huhu~" In an instant, the gusty winds that were scattered around were gathered together, and a large tornado rolled Ba Dahu into the sky!

"Bada Butterfly!" Tomo Endo, who saw this scene, shouted anxiously. He didn't expect that Bibi Bird would be so strong!

Although Ba Dahu said that he was slightly injured before, he still has 60-70% of his combat effectiveness, and the gap between the low and middle ranks is not so big.

But I didn't expect that as soon as Bibi Bird came on stage, two moves would knock down her Ba Da Butterfly.

"Lying cao! That tornado is so powerful!"

"Yeah, I can feel the wind blowing when I sit here!"

"That big butterfly should be hanging~"

"Sure enough, those family children rely on props. Without props, they are not hanged and beaten by our potential civilians!"

"By the way, that civilian trainer seems to be called Tianji, right?"

"Well, you look quite young!"

In the stands at this time, even people who knew nothing about the profession of trainers could see that the trainer of the family faction was crushed, so the wind in the stands turned to Tianji again.

"Ahem~ His name is Aoki Tianji! He's only 16 years old this year! He's the captain of our squad!"

Hearing so many people praising Tianci, Xiaoling felt a sense of pride and arrogance, so she dared to shout at the stands.

It's a pity that her voice was too small compared to the noisy venue, and only a small group of people nearby could hear it clearly.

"Oh hey! It's incredible! The little girl said that the civilian trainer below is only 16 years old!"

"Isn't that just a year as a trainer!"

"Let me tell you, the one named Tianji below is only 16 years old after Chinese New Year!"

"What! What! He's only 16 years old!"

"Then he's not even more talented than the guy named Qi!"

"Yeah, yeah! Qi is just 20 years old and has just reached the high rank. He was in the middle class at the age of 16, and he even defeated the mid-rank trainer of the family faction!"

"What a genius!"

However, people always have the mentality of watching the excitement, so although only a small piece heard Xiaoling's words at the beginning, the news soon spread throughout the entire stand, and the whole stand was talking about Tian Ci for a while. Compliments are good!

Back on the field, the big tornado also slowly dissipated.

"Bang! Fur~咿(??_??)??" Ba Dayu fell heavily from the sky, and after making a scream, he lost his ability to fight.

"I declare that this battle will be won by No. 378 Aoki Tianji!"

When the referee saw Ba Dahu who was incapacitated, he immediately announced the result of the match loudly.

"Oh! Taji! Taji!"

"Taji! Taji!"

Hearing that it was Tianji who won, the audience, who had greatly changed their opinion of Tianji, began to spontaneously call out his name!

"It doesn't seem like a bad thing~" Hearing the audience's shouts for him, Tian Chi felt a sense of accomplishment and honor spontaneously.

At this point, Tianji, who had been obscure and developed in a vulgar manner, finally showed his edge to the world for the first time, and he also gained some fame in this small town.

"Tadata~" As soon as he stepped out of the battlefield, he saw Xiaoling and Stone walking towards him quickly.

"Congratulations! Brother Tianji! Thank you for helping me take revenge!"

As soon as Xiaoling got close to Tianji, she gave him a big hug.

"Tian Ci, congratulations!" As a blue child, Shi Shi was embarrassed to hug him, so he could only congratulate him aloud.

"Thank you, by the way, you two don't have to stay and wait for me. If you want to cheer, just come over at night. It's still early. You can go out for a walk if you don't have a game."

After putting Xiaoling down, Tianji first said thank you, and then made a suggestion to the two.

There are many other events outside~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I heard that quite a few players who were eliminated early went to participate and made a lot of money, so he reminded him.

"No, no. Those who lost are participating in those activities. It's better to watch the game here and learn more. At least the level here is much higher than outside."

After Xiaoling was released, she was still a little lost, and she quickly waved her hand after hearing Tianji's suggestion.

"Well, what Xiaoling said makes sense. We can earn money after a year, but it's not every day that you can see the live games of so many excellent trainers. I'll stay here and learn more."

After Xiaoling finished speaking, Shi Shi said that he would stay here too.

"Okay, then let's go next door to watch the game. These people are all my potential opponents. Only after winning a game at night can I enter the quarterfinals~"

Hearing what the two of them said, Tian Chi nodded without persuading them, and took them to the next venue.

"Is that the master chosen by Ninghui? The strength is really good. I heard that they are 16 years old. It seems that I have to give feedback to the family. Should the plan be changed?"

At this time, in the corner of the corridor, a trainer who had watched Tianji's entire match touched his nose, took out his mobile phone and silently sent a video.



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