Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 237: The Magical Uses of Smelly Flower and Fighting Pikachu

"In that case, as long as Brother Shitou sends Longlong Shi, it will not be affected! There is still a chance, come on! Brother Shitou!"

After listening to Tianji's explanation, Xiaoling's eyes lit up, he directly came up with a way to break the game, and started cheering on the TV again!

Now the entire rest area is full of people's voices, and her voice is not noticeable, so she dares to shout out loud.

"Hey~ the truth is that, but the Rumble Stone has a bigger target and a slower speed. Even if it is not affected by the odor, it is not easy to win~"

Looking at Xiaoling, who was working hard again, Tian Ci sighed, and the thought flashed through his mind, but he didn't say it. Instead, he shouted a few words, "Stone, come on!"

After all, elves are a miracle. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee that they can win 100%. If the battle is only based on attribute restraint and data strength, then there is no need to fight.

Back on the battlefield, Shishi really sent Rumbling Shi.

His opponent did not change the elves. When the referee said that the battle was starting, he directly let the stinky flowers grow first.

Because of the right to strike first, the stone can only strengthen the smelly flower once.

"Hana~" Smelly Flower shouted, feeling that her condition has never been better!

"Stinky Flower, Flying Leaf Knife!"

"Rumble stone, stone shield + heavy tread!"

After the Stinking Flower was strengthened, the two sides issued an order at the same time.

"咻咻咻~" 4 flying blade knives quickly flew towards the rumble stone.

"Hey cha~ dong!" Longlong Stone condensed a stone shield in his left hand, and the khaki energy in his right hand converged, bombarding the ground heavily.

"Bang bang bang~" The Flying Leaf Knife was blocked without any accident.

"Ha! Ha!" At the same time, Smelly Flower was shaken and fell to the ground.

"While now, the stone spears are fired!" Seeing the stinky flower lying on the ground, the stone hurriedly let the long stone attack.

"Hey! Swish~" Long Lung Shi agreed, and began to condense the stone guns in both hands, and in the blink of an eye it was 3 shots in a row!

It is now an ordinary middle-level wizard, and it is not difficult for him to do this.

"Turn on the spot, if you don't have time to avoid it, use the dissolving solution!"

Seeing the stone spear thrown, Stink Flower's trainer hurriedly let it dodge.

"唦唦~Gulu~" The smelly flower immediately turned over two in a row, dodging two, and for the last one, the spear tip was immediately corroded with the solution, so it did not cause any damage.

"Flying Leaf Knife! Fight it!" Seeing the smelly flower standing up again, its trainer immediately gave an order.

"Longlong stone, maintain the stone shield, and shoot the other hand with stone bullets!"

For counterattacks, Shitou said let the horses come over. I'm not afraid of this kind of confrontation!


"Bang bang bang~"


"Hey Cha~"

All of a sudden, the leaves and stones on the field began to flutter everywhere.

But in general, there is still the advantage of the shield rumble stone. Basically, all the flying leaf knives are blocked by it. On the contrary, there are many small scars on the body of the smelly flower, which are all smashed by the stone. of.

"It seems that Brother Stone has a chance to win this battle!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling said to Tian Ci with a look of joy.

"Well, but I always feel that something is wrong. Is that stinky flower just to consume the stamina of Rumble Stone?"

Tianji nodded first, but he always felt that something was not right.

Those who didn't go to the scene couldn't see that the stinky flower had been exuding a special odor.

Under the superb control of Stinky Flower, this odor has basically no effect on viewers who are far away, and it has no effect even on the trainer. It just feels very stinky.

But for the Long Long Stone in the field, it is now inexplicably tired and sleepy, and his eyes slowly become blurred, so that several stone bullets that are sure to hit have been hit crooked.

"Longlongshi, cheer up, use it immediately and you can win!"

At this time, Shi Shi also noticed the strangeness of Long Long Shi, but he just thought it was because he used too much physical strength, so he was a little tired, and quickly reminded him.

"Hey~ Hey Cha~ Cha~" Lung Lung Shi was about to recover his spirits, but found that his body seemed to be unable to obey, and a deep tiredness came from the depths, causing it to fall directly to the ground.

"Longlongshi! Why are you asleep! Get up, Rumbleshit!"

Seeing Ronglongshi who fell directly to the ground, the stone looked stunned, and immediately shouted at Ronglongshi.

"This... why did Long Long Shi fall asleep!" At the same time, Xiao Ling and Tian Ji looked at the TV screen in surprise.

"It's the stench! That stinky flower must have incorporated the hypnotic powder into the stench, and because of its high degree of control, it only affected the elves in the battlefield, so the stone didn't find anything abnormal!"

After Tian Ci was surprised for a while, he came back to his senses and explained with a sure look on his face.

"Is it the stench?"

Back on the battlefield, Shitou also reacted at this time and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, admit defeat. Longlongshi is already asleep. As long as I let the stinky flower make up for the knife, you will still lose."

Smelly Flower's trainer is already winning, so he doesn't mind answering the loser's question.

"It turned out to be like this, thank you for keeping your hand, I admit defeat."

After getting a positive answer from his opponent, Shitou nodded and told the referee that he conceded.

He is very happy to have reached this round, and it is true that he is not capable, so there is nothing to hold back.

"This battle is won by player No. 489!"

After the referee heard it, he immediately announced the result of the match.

At this point, except for Tianji, the tour of the conference for the other two has come to an end.

"Brother Stone, also lost ⊙﹏⊙"

Seeing that the referee had announced the result, Xiaoling was frustrated for a while.

That's how people are. Originally, the two of them only aimed for two rounds, but after they entered, they would expect more, and if they failed, they would be disappointed.

"Xiaoling, it's okay, it's good to be content. The first time we participated, we were here to gain knowledge."

For the frustrated Xiaoling, Tianji comforted him a few words.

To tell the truth, seeing the performance of this stinky flower, he really had an amazing feeling, and instantly felt that the stinky flower seemed quite fragrant!

"Moo-moo!" As Tanji's initial elves, Koudaihua and Tanji have the deepest bond, so they can also sense some of Tanji's emotions through the contract.

As for Tianji's idea, Koudouhua said

"Dabaa! Aren't I more fragrant than those stinky elves? I'm also very strong! (??ò??ó??

"Okay, okay, I'm just sighing, we'll be playing soon, and you'll be arranged at that time~"

As for Koudouhua's jealous behavior, Tianji quickly touched the Poké Ball and comforted her softly.

"Brother Tianci! You have to do your best! Go!" On the other side, after clearing up her mood, Xiaoling said to Tianci with a fighting spirit.

"Well, it should be coming to me soon. Duanhua hasn't played yet, but I hope to meet the Pikachu you mentioned, just to let Duohua give it a try."

Looking at Xiaoling who was suddenly excited, Tian Ci couldn't help laughing and laughing. He understood that Xiaoling put all his hopes on him, so he solemnly agreed.

"Invite players No. 378 and No. 246 to go to Battlefield No. 3!"

"Invite players No. 378 and No. 246 to go to Battlefield No. 3!"

At this time, the radio suddenly rang again.

"No. 246! Brother Tianji, you're right! This is the number of Tomo Endo, you must avenge me, I'm gone, I'll stand in the stadium to cheer you on!"

Hearing this number, Xiao Ling was very excited and immediately said to Tian Ci.

"Well, then you remember to pull the stone, otherwise he will go to the rest area and can't find us. I will go to the player verification area first."

Tianji didn't expect his mouth to be so effective today. He felt that he should have said that he would definitely be in the top three!

As soon as the screen turned, Tianji stood on the right side of the field.

"Xiao Zhi! Come on!"

"Don't embarrass our Endo family!"

"Seckill! Instant kill!"

Because his opponents are direct descendants of the four major families, and there have been instant kills in these rounds, Tomo Endo's voice was very loud in the stands.

It was the name of Xiaozhi, which gave Tianji a headache, and he always felt as if he was fighting against something stupid.

Of course, after he scrutinized the other party carefully, he realized that it was just a coincidence. The other party was dressed in a very extravagant fashion, and his hair even had a small braid on purpose, so he was obviously a boy.

There was also a hint of arrogance in his eyes, except that the name was the same as that of a silly thing, there was nothing similar on the outside at all.

"Brother Tianji! Come on!"

"Come on! Brother Tianji!"

After a quick look around, he finally found Xiaoling and Shishi, but their voices were too low, and Tianji also recognized the shape of their mouths and felt that this was what the two of them should have said.

"The player on the left, please send the first elf!"

After quickly introducing the next two, the referee asked Endo to send the elves first.

"Go, Pikachu!" I don't know if it was because of his confidence, or if he really relied on it. He directly sent out his strongest elf.

"Pika~Pikachu!" As soon as the Poke Ball was opened, a small yellow figure appeared on the battlefield.

"Wow! So cute!"

"Pikachu! Pikachu!"

"Pikachu, come on!"

As soon as Pikachu appeared on the stage, Mengmeng's appearance was matched with Mengmeng's voice, which instantly captured most of the audience, and one by one began to cheer for Pikachu loudly.

"Hmph~ I don't believe that you are really the Son of Destiny."

Looking at Pikachu, when thinking of his opponent's name, Tianji admitted that he was still a little nervous. After taking out the dumbfounded Pokeball, he seemed to be emboldened and muttered to himself.

"Om~" Kou Deng Hua was in the Poké Ball, as if he felt Tianji's uneasy mood again, and he vibrated the Poké Ball slightly to show comfort, saying that everything was left to me!

"Please, the contestant on the right, send the elves!" At this time, the referee's words also sounded in his ear.

"Go on, dumb flower!" Tianji threw the Pokeball.

"Moo! (??????_????)??" Kou Dianhua shouted with full of fighting spirit as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"The battle begins!" Seeing that the elves on both sides were in place, the referee immediately gave the order to start.

"Pikachu, electric shock!" Tomo Endo, who had the right to attack, let Pikachu attack directly and try it out.

"Pika~ Zi!" Pikachu nodded, lightning flashed all over his body, and soon an electric current shot towards the mouth.

"Venom machine gun! Stop it!" Because they were on both sides, there was still time to react.

"Bangbang~hiss~" The electric shock and the venom bullet canceled each other out, and the scattered venom splashed on the ground making a corrosive sound.

"It's very poisonous..." Tomo Endo, who noticed this scene, secretly remembered this in his heart. Although Pikachu is equipped with electric balls, it can't change the fact that it is a crispy skin.

"Pikachu, lightning flash!" After a round of testing, Endo continued to order.

"Phi! Pippi! 咻~" Pikachu's figure ran fast, and at the same time, electricity quickly gathered on his body, and in the blink of an eye, it was surrounded by an electric ball.

"Mouth of the flower, the seed machine gun interferes with it!"

Seeing the rapidly approaching electric ball, Tianji hurriedly asked Koudouhua to try to interrupt it.

"Huh, huh huh~" A series of seed machine guns shot away from Koodaihua's mouth.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Pika, Pikapi~" Unfortunately, most of them were dodged by the sensitive Pikachu, and even if a few were affected, they were quickly blocked by the electric ball on its surface.

"It's too late, the shadow clone!" Seeing that the blocking had no effect, Tianji had no choice but to let Koudouhua use the shadow clone to escape.

He didn't expect Pikachu's move to be so powerful. The electric ball covering the body was helped by the electric ball. Even if it was offset a little by the seed machine gun, it quickly recovered, and even became bigger!

"Moo ~ 唰~" Kou Daihua exerted all her power to cast her shadow clone, and two Kou dumb flowers soon appeared on the spot.

"Left!" Seeing the multiple-choice question, Endo Tomo directly shouted.

Fifty percent, he can bet! And even if he loses the bet, his original purpose has been achieved, which is to draw the distance between the two!

As long as the distance is pulled in, then with the efficient attack speed of the current, it will never be blocked again.

As for whether Pikachu will be caught up close, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He is not worried at all, as long as he kills the enemy with one move, there will be no enemies!

"Zi~bang!" The moment Pikachu's combo made contact with the mouthful flower on the left, it exploded, and the phantom shattered in an instant.

"Wow~ it's dangerous! Fortunately, it was the shadow clone that hit." Xiaoling in the stands wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fears.

"Shh, shh!" Different from Tianji's orders on the battlefield, Kou Denghua raised the poisonous whip of thorns and swung it towards Pikachu!

Tianji has said about the cultivation of elves before, and they will consciously give them the right to play flexibly in battle.

Therefore, the control of fighter planes is much stronger than that of other elves who only listen to orders.

"Hey! The response is very fast!" Tomoru was surprised at Koudouhua's self-reaction. He was very sure that Tianji didn't speak, and thought it was because of the spiritual contract.

"Unfortunately, no matter how fast it is, there is no electricity! One hundred thousand volts!"

He shouted to Pikachu, in his opinion, the battle is over.

PS: Thank you Laohan for your reward of 10,000 points, the total has exceeded 20,000, and another chapter will be added!



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