Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 24: Master the Whip of Thorns

"Bobo! Woohoo!" Another morning, Tianji and Hornja, who were already up, were doing regular physical training, running in circles around the junkyard.

"Hu! Hu! I feel a little more relaxed than before" Tianji looked at Trumpet Bud, who was taking the initiative to run the fourth lap, and his body that didn't feel very tired.

Knowing that this is the feedback that Trumpet Ya has brought to him after his strength has improved, of course, it is only a small amount of accumulation. If he hadn't been exercising every day and had a better understanding of his own physical fitness, he might not have felt it!

After all, no matter what, the trumpet buds still belong to the big level of the freshman level!

The three laps of warm-up passed quickly, the two of them had breakfast and rested for half an hour.

Tianji is still doing boxing and practicing flying knives! Beside it stood the trumpet bud, and it had raised two vines that were much thicker than before.

It is closing its eyes, immersed in its own blood memory, and feeling the energy flow trajectory of the tight-knit moves!

"Moo!" I saw the trumpet buds suddenly opened his eyes, a faint green energy appeared on the vine again, and then a wooden thorn grew from the end of the vine.

"Moo?(;'Д'? Seeing that the wood thorns were only so small, Trumpet Ya couldn't help but let out a frustrated cry.

"Don't be discouraged, Trumpet Bud, you are already great. Since you learned it in the wild, you have completed this move for the first time! All you lack is proficiency, come and continue to cheer!" Tianji noticed the movement here. hurriedly encouraged

"Moo (???_??)?" Hearing Tianji's words, Trumpet Ya raised her leafy hands, and after giving herself a breath of air, she threw herself into practice over and over again!

In the blink of an eye, it was noon. After lunch, Trumpet Ya, who was supposed to take a nap, looked at Tianji, who was still asleep, and the scene at the city gate flashed in his eyes.

Although it was shocked by the strength of that man, it just watched silently from the side. But it has grown up in human society since childhood, in fact, it has been able to roughly understand what happened at the gate of the city from the dialogue!

Tian Ji gave the little Rada to the man, in exchange for this skill ball of absorbing for himself!

Moreover, Tianji himself rarely drank spiritual flesh, he ate almost all of it himself! It knows that this energy-rich meat is also of great help to Tanji's own physique!

"So, I must work hard and break through as soon as possible, so that I can help Tianzi even more!" Hornya quietly opened the back door and walked out.

"Every time we are in the wild, we can only search for the target carefully, and if there is a big movement in the battle, we will retreat quickly.

All of this is because I am not strong enough. If there was that little Lada, at least Tianji wouldn't have to be so careful in the wild! "The scene of Tianji and himself in the wild came to mind," Trumpet Bud thought.

Trumpet Ya knew that Tianci had thought about conquering this little Lada. After all, the speed was very fast, and the aptitude was not bad!

But in order to give himself the best development, Tianji chose to give up the little Lada!

"The first person I saw at birth was Tianji! It was also Tianji who gave himself wound medicine in the wild! He was talking about grabbing meat, but in fact it was Tianji who only ate ordinary food! There are also vegetable farms who are preoccupied with me, but they Generous Tanji!"

Trumpet Ya closed her eyes, and the things about Tianji and Tianji came to her mind one by one. Her mind was slowly immersed in the bloodline memory, and she became more and more determined! You must learn it yourself!

"Moo?" No, the energy needs to be dispersed a little here

"Moo-moo!" This is also not possible, the energy dispersion causes the thorns to be too blunt!

Trumpet Bud has tried again and again, although it has failed so far, but it knows in its heart that it will definitely succeed!

Because of the lack of energy in the middle, in order to train many times and replenish energy faster, it secretly went to the room to get a bag of grass-type elf food and ate it!

Although it doesn't like the smell, it replenishes energy much faster than it takes root and absorbs sunlight to recover.

In the blink of an eye, there are still 23 and ten minutes before the afternoon training time. Trumpet Ya looked at the thorns on the vine in her hand and nodded!

"Moo (●—● can definitely be completed within three days!

In fact, Tianji's concern is justified. After all, he is only a good and inferior aptitude. This aptitude can only be said to surpass most mediocre people, but it is far from the level of genius!

Fortunately, Tightening is its bloodline inheritance move, and it is a low-level move that can be improved by brushing proficiency.

Before Tianci woke up, Trumpet Bud quietly returned to the room. It wanted to surprise Tianzi!

"Dingling! Dingling!" Twenty minutes passed, and the sound of the alarm woke up Tianji and Trumpet, who was pretending to be asleep.

"Okay, Trumpet Ya, we're going to start the afternoon training!" Tian Chi patted Trumpet Ya's head and walked out of the room

"Moo (???_??)?" Trumpet Ya nodded and followed.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon on the third day, and Trumpet Ya secretly practiced at the back door again.

"Moo moo?" "Moo moo!" Trumpet bud summed up his experience in repeated failures.

"Moo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Seeing that the sharp wooden thorns took up at least half of the vines, Trumpet Bud shouted happily in a low voice.

It finally succeeded, but just in case, it chose to continue practicing to deepen the image of the energy flow!

"Moo up~( ̄▽ ̄~)~, woohoo!" He poured unpalatable feed into his mouth, but thinking of Tianji's surprised expression in the afternoon, his eyes narrowed happily again.

After another period of training, Trumpet Ya already knew that she had mastered this trick and returned to the room!

It's the afternoon~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tianji in the open space is nervous and anxiously watching Trumpet Bud's training!

"Ah, it probably won't work, let's encourage it more then!" Tianji, who felt that he had expected the result, had already thought of a countermeasure.

Because there is no skill in this trick, it is simply a matter of energy control and flow position! So he couldn't help either, he could only rely on the trumpet buds to try and become proficient.

In the past two days, since he couldn't be of much help, and he also believed in Trumpet Ya, he just concentrated on training himself, and only occasionally took a look at Trumpet Ya.

"Moo (???_??)?" Trumpet Bud cried out confidently, and then saw two vines appear.

And unlike the previous ones, as soon as the vines appeared this time, sharp wooden thorns spread upwards from the ends.

"This is it! This is it!" Tian Jizhuo watched this scene with wide eyes, and was very surprised!

"Moo!" Louboutin shouted, his hands pressed hard for a while, and the thorny vines swung directly to the big tree in front!

"Hey!" The vines with a cracking sound were quickly drawn to the tree

"Crack!" Scattered sawdust is everywhere!

"This power is much more powerful than before, haha, you have succeeded, Trumpet Ya, you are truly a genius!"

Tian Ci looked at the bumpy tree that had been beaten, and happily directly picked up the trumpet bud and turned it around twice!

Before "Moo? ω? Moo", wasn't the extra practice at noon every day just for this moment! Trumpet Bud was also very happy to see Tianji cheering for him.

"Well, let's try the trumpet buds again and become proficient." Putting down the trumpet buds, Tian Chi said immediately.

"Moo, moo" Louya said that she had mastered it completely, and immediately demonstrated it to Tianci twice!


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