Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 222: Team Battle Heluga VS Sea Star

"Okay, let's go first, don't stick here."

After understanding the basic situation, Tianji opened the door and motioned for the two to come in first.

"Aren't you going to do a mission?" Xiaoling asked with some doubts.

"I checked the time. It should be too late. We still have to go to the Elf Center to pick up tasks. It is already past 2 pm. We can also run in and learn from each other!"

After Tianji opened the door, he pointed to the clock in the room and said to the two of them.

"It's two o'clock so soon!" Xiao Ling was a little surprised, she always felt like it wasn't too long.

"Brother Tian Ci, you just said to learn from each other? Do you want to?"

Stone's attention was completely attracted by the last sentence, and he asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, that's right, my Dairubi has also evolved into a black ruga. It just happens to be an ordinary low-ranking player. You can learn from each other. Isn't this the best run-in."

Tian Ji looked at the nervous stone and gave a positive answer with a smile.

"Hey! Let's fight each other! Okay, okay, I will definitely take the first place, after all, my starfish is a water element, hee hee~"

Xiaoling finally reacted at this time. After looking at her starfish, she felt that she had a good chance of winning and looked very happy.

"That's not necessarily true, Xiaoling.

Anyway, we all have good medicines, so in order to find out the real foundation, we will not stop there.

Just according to the alliance's battle rules, one side only loses when it loses its fighting ability. Of course, it can also admit defeat. "

Tianji first said something to Xiaoling who was smiling, and then he said the rules.

"Well, I have no opinion"

"Neither do I~"

The two nodded quickly, indicating that they had no opinion.

"Then let's go to the open space in the backyard first, clean it up, and then determine the scope of the battle."

After the two agreed, Tianji said to the nervous and excited two.


Soon, a large flat area was cleared. The first match was Tianji vs Xiaoling.

Because Xiaoling was very excited and felt that she was going to win, she was the first to go.

Tianji was also very curious about Hai Xingxing's strength, and he didn't think Heluga would lose. Xiaoling was temporarily overwhelmed by attribute restraint, but he didn't.

Under the same level, Sea Star's super powers have no effect on Heruga, don't forget that Heruga also has an evil attribute!

As for fire being restrained by water, this is actually relatively relative. Water can put out a fire, but the power of fire can also evaporate water!

Of course, under similar circumstances, it is true that water-type elves have the upper hand.

"On my left is Tianshuiling, an ordinary-level trainer from Aoki Town!

On my right is Aoki Taji, a normal-level trainer from Aoki Town!

This battle adopts a 1v1 mode. If one side admits defeat or loses its ability to fight, the other side wins.

Two trainers, are you ready? "

The stone was charged as a temporary referee, and it was difficult for him to say so many words in one breath.

However, it is also because the alliance vigorously promotes the trainer profession, so even if you have not participated in alliance battles, basically everyone is quite familiar with the battle process.

After all, with the support of the league, videotapes of various games are sold at a very cheap price, and almost every household has such videotapes in their collections.

Therefore, everyone is familiar with the stereotyped opening remarks of the referee.

"Get ready! Go, Hai Xingxing!" Although there was no audience, Xiaoling, who was fighting against a trainer for the first time, was still very motivated, not to mention that this trainer was still Tianji!

"Hei Lujia, you can go too!" Tian Chi looked at Xiao Ling who was impatient, and helplessly asked Hei Lu to join the scene.

Originally, after the referee confirmed that he was ready, he issued an order to start the battle and sent the elves.

"Uh... the battle begins!" Shito was also a little bit broken by Xiao Ling, who was snatched away. After being stuck for a while, he immediately issued the command to start the battle.

"Sea Xingxing, preemptive strike, spiritual wave!"

When Xiaoling heard the battle started, she immediately asked Hai Xingxing to use her special skill. When hunting in the wild, she always used this move as a starting move.

"Hey!" Hai Xingxing responded immediately upon hearing the order, and at the same time the ruby ​​in the middle began to flash.

"Buzz~" I saw the starfish's gem flickering, and a light blue ripple in the air quickly attacked Heruga.

"Heluga, trick!" Xiaoling lost his head for a while, but he didn't, and it wouldn't hurt anyway, so he directly ordered Heluga to seize this opportunity to use tricks.

"Shuh" The mental wave was so fast that Helu Jiagen didn't have time to react, so he hit it.

"..." It's a pity that He Lujia, who opened his eyes, didn't see anything at all. On the contrary, he was even more excited!

"Misty mist! Hide, Heruga!" Tatsu continued to give orders.

"Hey! Why doesn't it work!" Xiaoling was a little surprised when she saw the useless mental wave, but she soon understood.

"Why did I forget, the super power type has no effect on the evil type!"

Seeing Heluga who had been strengthened and gradually hidden, Xiaoling immediately figured it out, but at this time she had already lost her chance.

"Haixingxing, use it to harden!" Others have already strengthened it, and at this time, in the turbid fog, she was not sure that Seastar's water-type moves would accurately hit Heluga, so she simply took the time to use a strengthening move.

"Shu~" Hai Xingxing's body began to shine, and soon completed a hardening.

At the same time, Heruga was completely hidden in the mist.

Seeing Hai Xingxing that the enemy is not moving and I am not moving, Tianji nodded silently. At this time, meaningless use of moves is undoubtedly a complete waste of energy.

"Heruga, Sparks burst!" Of course, in order to test Haixingxing's strength, Tianji chose Sparks to give it a try.

"Wang woo ~ hoo hoo~" Heluga's reply came from the fog, and immediately three sparks attacked Haixing.

"Haixingxing, the water gun bursts! Block it, and use the power of thought to sense the surroundings!"

Xiao Ling, who understood that it was a temptation, immediately let the starfish return to her color.

"Pooh~呲呲~呲~" The three water guns and three sparks were directly cancelled in the air, and because of this, a large amount of fog rose again, and the vision became even more blurred for a while.

"Om~Om~" The rubies of the starfish slowly flickered again, because they have no facial features, so they usually rely on mental power to sense their surroundings.

"Hey~" Although the thick fog also blocked the detection of mental power, after it calmed down, it still heard footsteps and heartbeats.

"Okay, then I will fire water bombs against your senses!"

Through the contract, Xiao Ling also understood that Hai Xingxing had already found a position, and with a happy expression, he immediately let Hai Xingxing attack.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Sea Xingxing immediately threw water bombs one after another, 6~7 bombs one after another.

(This trick was taught by the mosquito-repellent incense frog to the starfish!)

"Heruga, run and dodge! If you can't dodge, use sparks."

"Ta Ta~ Ta Ta Ta~" He Lujia immediately started dodging left and right.


"Wang Woo~"

But unfortunately, the haze also blocked Heluga's own vision, and he was caught off guard by a water bomb that suddenly appeared.

"Hee hee~ Brother Tianji! It looks like I'm going to win!

Sea Star, the water gun bursts! The voice just now! "

Because of the thick fog, of course, Xiao Ling couldn't see the situation of the venue clearly, but she couldn't see clearly, it didn't mean that Sea Star couldn't sense it.

So after the tentative water bomb attacked, Xiaoling directly asked Hai Xingxing to use a more powerful water gun.

"Then we have to do our best! Heluga scent detection, and then the small flames are blocked!"

Tianji is not in a hurry at all. You have mental power, and I, Heruga, also have nose!

"Pfft! 呲呲~呲~" The small flames directly offset the two water guns, and the other one escaped due to Heruga's agility.

"Small flame bursts, Heluga!" After canceling it out, Tanji immediately told Heluga to continue.

The mist that had just risen in large quantities had further hindered Sea Star's spiritual power, but it had less impact on Heruga. After all, the smell was not disturbed.

"Wang woo ~ hoo hoo~" Helujia opened his mouth and two large flames shot towards the starfish.

"Hey~" Being caught off guard, Hai Xingxing only dodged one shot, and the other shot was too late. Xiao Ling saw the huge flame through the fog, and understood that the water gun would definitely be unstoppable. Even because of the fight, the starfish will be stuck in place.

If the starfish is deadlocked on the spot, then Heluga can completely approach it and attack it with lightning teeth, which is absolutely impossible!

Tianji's Heluga has thunder and lightning teeth, she knows it, after all, she has seen it used several times during the Darubi period.

So as soon as she gritted her teeth, she was ready to let Haixing fight hard. Anyway, fire-type energy wouldn't cause much damage to Haixing.

"Starfish, rotate at high speed, resist coming down, and shift position at the same time!"

"Swish~" The starfish immediately began to rotate at a high speed.

"Bang~ Hey~" The flames made a head-on contact with the starfish. Although it used high-speed rotation to divert some flames, the high temperature and fire energy still made it scream in pain.

"Take advantage of it now! Heluga, the vortex of flames."

Tian Ci had long guessed that Xiaoling would choose to fight hard. After all, if he was deadlocked, it would undoubtedly make Haixing lose faster. He believed that Xiaoling would still remember the incident of Heluga's meeting with Lightning Teeth.

"Wang woo~ hoo~" Heruga immediately controlled the scattered flames, and formed a circle of fire around Sea Star.

The idea of ​​this trick was obtained by Tian Ci stealing from Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent incense frog. He had seen the mosquito-repellent incense frog borrow the scattered water flow to form a tidal vortex before, so he also specially trained the trick of Hei Lujia.

"How could it be! Starfish regenerates itself!" Seeing this familiar scene, Xiao Ling couldn't help crying out in surprise. She didn't expect that Heruga could even know a vortex of flames, and the method of gathering was exactly the same as that of mosquito coil frogs.

"It's too late, Xiaoling, let's break out, Heluga! Remember to reissue the lightning teeth"

Seeing Xiaoling who was surprised, Tianji immediately asked Heluga to use that trick.

"Shuh!" He Lujia ran quickly, and at the same time, the original flame vortex suddenly erupted, swallowing Hai Xingxing's body violently.

"Hey!" Hai Xingxing was about to use self-regeneration to recover his injuries, but he didn't expect the ring of fire that surrounded him and devoured it violently.

The fire-type energy that erupted this time was not inferior to the previous raging flames at all, and even caused more injuries due to lack of defense.

"Buzz~" The flames erupted quickly and disappeared quickly. When the flames faded, Hai Xingxing's body had already appeared a large area of ​​scorched black marks. Although he had not lost his ability to fight, he fell powerless for a while. On the ground, unable to move.

"Wow!" At the same time, Heluga also seized this opportunity, with his big mouth shining with thunder, and biting towards the sea stars on the ground.

"I admit defeat!" Seeing that the situation was over, Xiaoling didn't hold back. She knew that Hai Xingxing could no longer stop this, so there was no need to hold back, so she conceded defeat out loud.

"Heruga, stop!" Hearing Xiaoling admit defeat, Tianji hurriedly shouted to Heruga.

"Wow!" Heluga quickly closed the dog's mouth, dissipated his energy, and barked happily as a winner.

"Sea Xingxing, you've done a good job, let's regenerate yourself first."

At the same time, Xiao Ling, who had already conceded defeat, walked to Haixing's side, touched Haixing's core gem, and said comfortingly.

"Om~ Hey~" Hai Xingxing nodded, and her body began to light up with pale white light.

"Shu~shushu~" The effect of self-regeneration began to work, and Sea Star's charred body began to recover, and soon its body surface returned to its original state.

"Hey ah~ ah~" Hai Xingxing, who had recovered most of it, stood up by himself after a while.

"Haixingxing, you can absorb these two energy cubes first, and I'll give you some medicine. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Although the surface has been restored to its original state, Xiaoling also understands that this is just the surface, the inner energy, and the starfish is still deficient, so he took out two low-quality energy cubes from the backpack, handed them over, and held it in the other hand at the same time. With a bottle of good wound medicine.

"Hey~ This is a super energy cube. You really are a rich woman, Xiaoling."

Tianci walked in and saw that one of the two energy cubes was pale pink. He immediately recognized that it was a low-grade superpower cube, and couldn't help but laughed.

"Brother Tian Ci, don't make fun of me, I didn't expect my water and fire type to lose T_T"

Xiaoling said dejectedly while helping Haixing deal with the wound.

"Xiao Ling, your starfish strength is also very good, and Helujia's strength should be about half a catty."

Seeing Xiao Ling who was downcast, Tian Ji first affirmed the other party, and after seeing the girl's expression of joy, he continued to speak.

"However, do you know why you lost? That's because you made the mistake of underestimating the enemy at the beginning, and even subconsciously forgot the basic rules of super power and evil, which gave Heruga the trick to improve his ability. Chance!

Otherwise, Heruga really wouldn't be able to use continuous small flames. "

As he spoke, Tianji's tone became stern involuntarily.

"Well, I know Brother Tian Ci, I will never do this again in the future."

The girl looked at Tanji whose face slowly became serious, and nodded solemnly.

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