Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 218: material

For the next half-day, he went directly to the Abo Monster's territory, and began to search for the ordinary low-rank Abo Monster. As for the middle-rank, he chose to ignore it directly.

After all, the mission only requires the lower ranks, so why do you have to spend so much effort to kill the snakes in the middle ranks, and the snake skins in the middle ranks don’t add any contribution points.

"Darubi, Thunder Bite!"

"Double-mouthed flower, wrap it around!"


Because they didn't have the restraint attribute, it took a little effort for them to deal with it, but they finally completed the task in the evening.

For this reason, Darubi also had some scars on his body, some of them were bitten by Abo, and some were wounded by entanglement.

He still remembered the cunning of the Aboriginal monster, and even pretended to be caught in the paralysis powder of the sneak attack to lure Darubi up to bite it.

At that time, before Darubi bit down, he was caught by the snake's tail that was caught off guard.

Tianji, who originally thought of a sneak attack, was also attacked by a counterattack because of this.

Luckily, Bibi Bird has learned how to chug, and with the flash of electric light and the attack of mad chug, it was the first time to hit the Abo monster, and the shrunken body of the snake also loosened unconsciously.

Because of this, Darubi ran out only after being strangled, and bit Aboguai with his lightning teeth.

In the end, with the concerted efforts of the three elves, this cunning Aberdeen still fell at their feet, the snake skin was peeled off, and the snake meat was ready to be brought back for dinner. Only the snake teeth are the materials for sale, and the three pairs of snake teeth also have an income of 10,000 yuan.

Now each of them practice kung fu and consume a lot, so all they eat is elf meat. In addition to the consumption of their elf, they eat a lot of meat every day.

However, the three of them are not so finely divided. If you hunted a common-level elves, the meat will be stored in the big freezer.

This large freezer was also specially bought by Xiaoling to store the ingredients. As a cook, how can I tolerate the fact that there are too many ingredients and it has to go bad.

So she specially bought a large freezer and put all the ingredients in it, whether it was human or elf. Of course, there are various compartments in it, so there is no need to worry about usurpation or poisoning due to some strange combination. .

After returning to Team Rocket's base, he first handed over the two tasks and got 75 contribution points, with a total contribution of 135 points. Then he skillfully took two tasks and walked to the exit.

As soon as he walked out of Team Rocket's gate, Tanji took the three elves all the way home.

When he returned to the town, it was already past 7 o'clock in the evening. He sold all the materials on his body first, so that the balance on his body reached 390,000.

Then he went to the Elf Center, and after picking up a mission at the Elf Center that overlapped with Team Rocket's two missions, he came to Ninghui's window.

"Tianji-kun! Hello!" Ninghui, who saw Tianji, was startled when she looked up, and her conditioned reflex put her hand on a certain part of her buttocks.

Since she was taken here by Tian Ci, she has been called often. She still remembers Tian Ci who served here last night, and she is still in pain.

As for why you should be called Tian Cijun instead of the master?

That was specially explained by Tianji. In the spirit center, just call the name.

Although I don't know why Tianji is so strange, she just called her name in the center of the spirit, but it also conforms to her own hidden thoughts.

Otherwise, her colleagues will know that she is already a slave, and she will inevitably gossip behind her back.

Therefore, Ninghui was very happy to accept Tianji's order.

"Well, Ninghui, the same old place tonight!"

Seeing Ninghui with her hands covering her buttocks, Tian Ci smiled. She didn't have any thoughts of pity, and said what to continue tonight. After all, it was her own choice and his right. You don't have to go here.

"...Okay, Tian Cijun, I get it..." Ning Hui's face crossed, but in the end she didn't have the guts to refuse, she nodded in agreement.

She can have this comfortable life now, but it's all because of Team Sam's greeting, or she estimates that she has "voluntarily" resigned and went home now.

In the final analysis, the reason why Team Sam said hello was to sell a favor to Tianji.

So she understood that she herself was not qualified to say no in front of Tianci.

Otherwise, she will definitely be directly abandoned by the man in front of her.

She still remembered the way Tianji forced her that night, regardless of her struggles and crying, she just gave her the first shot!

This made her understand that she was just an ordinary maid in front of this man, a maid who was not qualified to say no.

"Well, there is one more thing. You can check the information of the rookies of the family in the past three years. You only need the most initially registered information. You should see it with your authority. Remember to record every one."

Seeing Ninghui nodding, Tian Ci smiled with satisfaction, then began to chat with Ninghui about other things, and finally wrote this line of words on a piece of paper and handed it to her, then left.

When he got home, Tianji didn't mean to disturb Xiaoling or Shishi. After feeding the three elves, he started to cook his own dinner.

It is worth mentioning that after Dairubi's qualification was promoted, there was not much honey, and Tianzi estimated that he could only promote 2 elves.

And this level of honey has no effect on Darubi, so Darubi is now the same as the dumb flowers, and they are fed daily according to the feeding plan of the breeding recipe.

Dairubi's feeding plan is like this, one middle-grade energy cube for fire type, one low-grade energy cube for evil type, plus 1 kilogram of ordinary-grade elf meat.

In this way, Darubi will eat about 700 yuan for a meal, which is 2100 a day.

After arriving in Heluga, the energy cube has not changed, but the amount of meat has increased, from 1 catties to 4 catties.

With some extra consumption, these three elves cost him almost 8,000 yuan per day.

After dinner, they each started their own training, and the three elves were all honing their proficiency in moves.

After all, in this real time, only training can maintain your daily strength.

For example, it has been a long time since Koudouhua didn't use the sand-splashing move, and now its speed of splashing sand is similar to the data of the freshman-level test.

This is a typical energy level that goes up, but the skill of the moves has not gone up, so this happens.

After all, it's not a data online game, but a real world, so if you don't train, you will definitely experience the phenomenon of hand training, and the power of your moves will decline.

Tianji also understands this truth, so the training of the three elves has been going on all the time, and there is no such thing as retraining after several days.

As for himself, it is even more so. Although he hasn't thrown a throwing knife for a long time, he practices it every day. After all, this is his ability to look after the house.

He even thought that it would be even better if he could replace "Earth Sha Fist" with a hidden weapon technique.

After all, in close combat, how can it be safe to put cold knives at a distance.


"Hey! Ha!"

"Bang bang bang~"

Unknowingly, it came to 10 o'clock in the evening. The three elves also found a place to sleep, and he himself practiced all four kinds of kung fu (including the flying knife) several times.

At this time, Ninghui had also appeared in Tianji's room. His appointment was at 9:50 pm, so Ninghui had been here for more than 10 minutes.

"Master, you've worked hard!" As soon as she saw Tian Ci returning to her room, Ning Hui quickly stood up and gave Tian Ci a salute.

"Well, it looks like you didn't get off work for a long time. Come into the bathroom with me. Let's take a shower together."

Looking at Ninghui, who was still wearing a professional attire, Tianji looked at her figure, which seemed to have developed a little recently, nodded with satisfaction, and said to Ninghui.

"Wow~Wow~" After he finished speaking, Tianji went into the bathroom by himself and started to take a shower. After all, he had been practicing for several hours just now, so he must have been sweating.

"Master, I'm in." Ning Hui bit her lip, and finally took off her clothes and walked into the bathroom.


At about 11 o'clock in the evening, Tianji, who had tossed for about an hour, was holding Ninghui and looking at the documents.

"Master, should I go?" Ning Hui still remembered Tian Ci's schedule, she asked in a low voice while leaning in her arms.

"No, let's go after breakfast together tomorrow morning. The two of them have been busy recently, so they won't come to my side."

Hearing Ning Hui's question, Tian Ci rubbed the softness of his left hand and answered with a smile.

"Hey~ That master, are you taking these materials to prepare for the competition at the end of the year?

However, these materials are very simple, and it can only be seen that a starting elf still has qualifications, so it is not very useful. I remember that some people even changed the starting elf. "

Hearing Tian Ci's words, and feeling that the dishonest hand was still moving, Ninghui's face turned red again, and she asked curiously.

"Well, that's right, the master wants to give you this little maid in vain, and the rewards for the top three are pretty good too!

These can be useful if you can see the attributes, Ninghui, you did a good job! "

Tianji, who understood that Ninghui had misunderstood, didn't mean to explain, and went on directly following Ninghui's words.

But he didn't lie, he did have the intention to prepare for the end-of-year competition.

In his opinion, this material is still valuable. Although some people change the initial elves for various reasons, he believes that most people will not change the initial elves.

And for ordinary people, the primal elf must be the strongest one on them!

After knowing the primordial elves in this way, he believed that if they really met them in the competition at the end of the year, his odds of winning would be slightly higher.

Of course, his main thought is to trade this for the Rockets' contribution points. The end-of-year competition is still a long way off.

"En~ It's all... I should do it~ En~ Thank you master for your compliment!"

Ninghui felt that the hands on her body were becoming more and more dishonest, and her voice became intermittent.

In the morning, under Ning Hui's personal service, both of them had a hearty breakfast.

In addition to the porridge, Tian Chi also ate two extra large white steamed buns, Ning Hui also drank the porridge, and she also added a sausage.

After Tian Ji and Ninghui parted ways with enough food and drink, he walked towards Team Rocket's base with three elves and a USB flash drive.

This morning, he scanned the handwritten notebook with a computer, converted it into an electronic version, and put it in a USB flash drive to take with him.

After a quick trip through the forest, he came to the Rocket team's base.

"Hello, I'm here to hand in a mission. This is the information about the family's children that I took great pains to collect."

In the task window, Tianji handed a USB flash drive to the staff inside.

"Okay, because the mission is quite special, please wait a moment,

The result will be available in about 10 minutes. You can check the information in front of the self-service computer. If you pass it, your contribution points will increase.

If you don't pass, then this task page will also have a failure sign, of course, you can still accept it again. "

The staff politely explained it to Tianji, and then handed over the USB flash drive to another person, signaling him to send it over.

"Okay, okay, trouble." After Tianji understood, he immediately walked to the self-service computer.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and he nervously put the black ID card in the induction area.

"Di~" I clicked on the exchange list as soon as I entered, because I could see my balance from there.

"260 points!" What caught his eye was a number that had nearly doubled. He clearly remembered that yesterday his contribution points were 135 points, and now it is 260 points, which means that he added 125 points.

"Sure enough, it's still useful, but I remember that the information I submitted seems to be 32 people. If it is based on the lowest 5 points per person~www.wuxiamtl.com~, it means that only 25 people's information passed."

"Forget it, it's fine as long as you have it. In other words, if Ninghui can get the treatment records, then you can see the current strength of these family children based on the treatment records."

Seeing that the contribution points had almost doubled, Tianji thought a little greedily.

Of course, he also understands that this is an extravagant hope. Ning Hui, who has become a slave, cannot be transferred to a treatment post, and even if he does, it is impossible to increase his authority to obtain treatment records.

After all, this is a very important piece of data. Others can fully see your cultivation level and the strength of your elf based on the treatment records.

As far as he knows, it seems that only Miss Joy can access the data at will, and everyone else needs to get approval from Miss Joy.

This authority mechanism is equivalent to the Joey family guaranteeing their reputation to everyone, and your current strength will never be revealed from Joey's mouth.

Of course, this is also very beneficial to the Joy family. They will always be the first to discover the potential of the trainer's talent.

If you meet a commoner trainer who is talented and beautiful, or a small family trainer, Joey who has read the treatment records will definitely be able to see it.

In this way, it is equivalent to grabbing the first opportunity, so although the Joey family is exposed to the world as a doctor, in fact, their armed forces can even wrestle with the Junsha family. Also much more than the Junsha family.

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