Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 211: Servant's Covenant

"Your condolences, and then what? Then what do you have to do with me now?"


Tanji handed over a few napkins perfunctorily and asked straight to the point.


He actually guessed what Ninghui was going to do tonight. He probably thought that he was still the same d silk before, so he came to him as a spare tire.


"When the time comes, I will reject it outright. There is no need to be sarcastic, otherwise it will be too villainous!"


Tian Ci had already made a plan in his heart. If he was asked to take over, he would definitely refuse.


After all, Ninghui has nothing left now, and the patriarch has changed, so Ninghui is definitely not an important member.


And he didn't think there was anything he wanted to do with a small family that was barely maintaining, maybe he didn't have as many secrets as he did, so why would he let himself fall into such a quagmire for a woman.


"They persuaded me to be a maid for Captain Sam, woo woo ~ woo ~ but I don't want to be a maid for someone older than my father, woo woo ~ woo woo~"


"Woooo~ I'm actually still clean, woo~ I originally wanted to give it to my fiancé when I got married, but I didn't expect him to die at the hands of a fugitive today, woohoo~"


Seeing Tianji, who was a little cold, Ninghui also panicked, and immediately told the fact that she was still clean.


"Oh, what does that have to do with me?"


Tian Ci didn't answer when he heard the words, but asked bluntly.


"Tian Cijun, in fact, I came to you tonight to be your maid voluntarily!


I know that in the eyes of outsiders, I'm actually not clean anymore. I had a fiancé and was given to him by the fugitive in the afternoon, but in fact I'm still clean. You should have seen it in the afternoon, just through the clothes. "


Seeing Tian Ci who was getting more and more impatient, Ning Hui understood that her pitiful little tricks didn't come in handy at all, so she stopped crying, and Li Hua's face was facing Tian Ci, and she directly said herself the goal of.


"Oh! But it's still a pity. I don't want to get involved in your family's affairs. To be honest, I don't like your family's current situation at all. I believe you saw it when you got the reward in the afternoon. I have no shortage of cultivation secrets. Now, I have enough resources."


Hearing that Ning Hui volunteered to be his maid, Tian Ci was really surprised, and his heart moved a little too far.


From the previous life, he was quite open to wearing clothes, so he also agreed with Ninghui that she was clean.


However, after thinking about it carefully, he still shook his head and refused. If it was just for Ninghui's sake, it would not be worth getting himself into the struggle of her family.


He believed that there must be a requirement for Ning Hui to volunteer to be a servant, and this requirement must be inseparable from the family's scope.


"Tian Cijun, you misunderstood, I have a request, but it is not related to my family.


In fact, my current situation in the family is in danger. Some people fall into the trap. My current status is not as good as that of a sideline. Moreover, the new patriarch has always wanted me to serve the Sam Corps, so I have no good feelings for the family. "


When Ninghui heard Tian Ci's rejection, she quickly explained it, and then continued talking before Tian Ci could answer.


"My request is actually that in the trainer competition held in the town this year, if you want to get the top three, Tian Zi-kun, then I will give you my body completely.


There are still three months before the end of the year. I will also be Tian Cijun's maid in these three months, but I can't make it past the last step.


Of course, in exchange, I hope Tian Cijun can mention to Team Sam, let him mention my family, and explain my choice to my family, okay? "


After Ninghui finished speaking, she took off the big robe that was covering it.


Under the light, Ninghui was wearing a black and white maid's uniform. The skirt that was obviously shorter and the neckline that was turned down all showed the girl's proud figure, and also reminded Tianji that this is absolutely Not some serious maid outfit.


"Gulu~" Looking at the girl in an unruly maid outfit, Tianji swallowed hard, and his heart was at war between heaven and man.


"It doesn't matter if I mention it to Uncle Sam. If it's a big deal, it doesn't matter to me to give him the cheat book of Big Needle Bee as a favor."


"Then what if I don't get the top three in the town's competition? What should I do now?"


After weighing it for a while, Tianji resisted the temptation and asked a crucial question.


"Tian Cijun, I believe that with your strength, you should be able to get the top three. You also know that the highest combat power of ordinary small families is ordinary high-ranking. They usually don't end up with their own identities, and occasionally there will be two or three ordinary people. High-level combat power appears."


For this question, Ninghui did not answer directly, instead she first praised Shimodaji.


"Then don't forget, this year's end-of-the-year competition, not only the commoners will participate, even the apprentices at the gym, and the direct descendants of the four major families will come to participate, so you have confidence in me?"


For this kind of wearing a high hat, Tianji, whose mentality has long since changed, didn't catch a cold at all, and told the truth directly.


"Okay, if you can't get the top three, Tian Cijun, I hope you can make a copy of the big-mouthed bat cultivation secret book and give it to my family, and I am still your maid, which is equivalent to using an ordinary high-level bat. Duan's cultivation cheats in exchange.


In this way, I will be able to leave the family completely. "


Seeing Tianji who didn't have a suit, Ninghui reluctantly stated her conditions.


In fact, her purpose from beginning to end was to leave the family. After all, she was helpless, and she was only beautiful and would be given as a gift in the family sooner or later.


Then why not pick a young trainer who I think has potential.


Of course, the current controller of the family will not easily let go of her pearl, so she put forward the conditions for Tianci to get the top three at the year-end conference.


If he can get the top three, it means that Tianji's strength can definitely compete with the high-ranking trainers. In this way, he also has the right to speak and pull her out of the current family.


I believe that there is only one family with ordinary high-level combat power left, and it will not be so unwise to fight against such a genius.


Of course, in the past three months, I still need to use the name of Team Sam to remind the family.


This is also one of the reasons why she chose Tianzi. After all, she had already inquired about it before. Tianzi seemed to be favored by Team Sam. I believe that Tianzi should be able to speak.


In the end, if you don't get the top three, then you will definitely have to exchange things. A set of common high-level cultivation secrets is believed to be enough to stop the family's mouth.


All of the things she said have been considered since she was in the field in the afternoon, and it didn't cost much to Tianji.


After all, even if it is an ordinary high-ranking training manual, it is only a copy, and it is not for Tianji to sign the contract, but only sell one copy. On the contrary, the family needs to sign the transaction contract and cannot spread it casually.

"So he wouldn't refuse this condition, would he?"


After Ninghui explained the method of trading secret books again, she looked at Tianji expectantly.


It wasn't her fault, she insisted on being a maid, but she was helpless, and in the family, she really had nowhere to go.


"Cough~ Na Ninghui, I have one last question. Will your work at the Spirit Center be taken back by your family?"


After listening to it, Tian Ci actually wanted to agree. After all, it was too little for him, but he suddenly thought of something and asked Long Wangshu.


"...Tian Cijun, no, I entered the elf center, in fact, I am a member of the alliance. The position of the elf center belongs to the alliance, and the family's hand cannot reach it.


Of course, if I hadn't met you, without the reminder from Team Sam, they might have forced me to resign voluntarily, and then sent me out as a gift.


But if Team Sam is willing to say hello, the position on my side can definitely be reserved. After three months, even if you don't get the top three, Tian Zijun, after the transaction contract, I believe this position is still there. "


Seeing Tian Chi who only cares about interests, Ning Hui was a little speechless, but she had to bow her head under the eaves, so she explained it anyway.


"Then if I accept you, it's not a problem for you to work in the Spirit Center normally?"


After hearing this, Tianji nodded and continued to ask.


"Yes, it doesn't matter, but you can only be at the bottom position for a lifetime. The Alliance will not let a person's servant climb to the middle position, even if this position is only a clerical job."


Ninghui nodded, indicating that her daily work would not be affected.


"In that case, you usually go to work at the Elf Center as usual, and I don't need you to be a maid all the time, but when I call you, you have to come over, can you do it?


Of course, it is usually your off-duty time, but you can also ask for leave when you are at get off work occasionally. "


After understanding it, Tian Chi thought about it, there is a maid who works in the spirit center, maybe she will really use it in the future, so she finally asked Ning Hui.


"Of course, Tian Cijun!" Ning Hui immediately agreed happily.


She can't wait to be like this. After all, she always takes care of Tianji closely. Originally the eldest lady, she really couldn't do this kind of work of serving people.


"Nataji-kun, please sign the contract and upload the information on the computer."


Ning Hui immediately pulled out two contracts from her big robe outside and motioned for Tian Ci to sign it.


Yes, although the technology in the elf world is very advanced, slaves, a product of the feudal society, still exist, or in other words, they have never disappeared in the elf world.


After all, this is an extraordinary world of elves. People with extraordinary power always need some obedient ordinary people to deal with chores. The slave contract is the most common one.


Of course, this most common paper contract actually has no spiritual imprint, just an identification on the alliance's information network.


After signing the contract, Ninghui changed from being a freelancer to becoming a slave. Of course, she didn't say it herself, and other people certainly didn't know, but the alliance could definitely check when she was transferred to her post. her way up the league.


As for loyalty, this kind of paper contract can't be guaranteed. It's just that legally you have the power to kill this person, so it's not a crime to kill your servant directly.


Of course, if your servant kills you and escapes to a dark organization like Team Rocket, the Alliance will have no choice but to give him a wanted order.


After all, it's not a spiritual slave contract. It is said that it was made by a superpower, and it needs to be a superpower to use it.


In the spiritual slave contract, as the master, you can really decide the life and death of the slave with one thought, which guarantees the loyalty of the slave to the greatest extent.


Of course, unless it is necessary, ordinary superpowers will not plant slave contracts on the venting maid, which is also a waste of mental energy.


So as far as he knows, the maids of ordinary people are all contracted on paper.


After all, as a trainer, you don't even have the confidence to look after an ordinary maid, is it too useless!


Moreover, it is impossible for ordinary people to leave the town casually. It is estimated that they will live under the jurisdiction of the alliance all their lives. The information of the alliance is actually enough.


"Shhhhh~" Tianji signed his name after three out of five, and then took a photo of the contract and uploaded it to the alliance's slave website.


"Ding~ Your identity information has been changed..." At this time, Ninghui's mobile phone also received a text message in real time, which clearly showed that her current information was already a slave.


"Master~Your maid Ninghui greets master~"


Ninghui's face darkened and she sighed. If there was no way out, why would she rush to sell herself.


But she immediately picked up her mood, smiled again, raised her skirt slightly with her hand, and bowed to Tian Ciyingying.


"Well, don't worry, I'll tell Uncle Sam about you first, and I'll give you complete peace of mind."


Tian Ci saw the scenery that flashed past in his skirt just now, and his breathing was a little short, but for the sake of loyalty, he still called Uncle Sam in front of Ning Hui first.


As for whether Uncle Sam will go to bed, he said that he definitely won't. Uncle Sam, who is passionate about a certain cause, never goes to bed so early.


"Dudu~ Hey~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Uncle Sam, I'm sorry to bother you so late, I'm Tianji, that's it, I have one thing I want to ask you for, the girl I asked you about before. classmate's family.


Is such that......"


Tian Ci briefly and concisely explained the ins and outs of the matter to Uncle Sam, and then sincerely hoped that Uncle Sam could help him and say something.


"Hahaha, Odaji, you are also a man now, don't worry, I'll talk about it tomorrow."


Uncle Sam laughed in surprise, and agreed immediately. Anyway, it was just a matter of words.


"Okay, thank you Uncle Sam!"


After Tianji thanked him for a few words, he hung up the phone.


"Thank you, Master!" Ning Hui had a happy expression on her face. When Tian Ci called just now, he was hands-free throughout the whole process, so Ning Hui heard it clearly from the side.


She didn't expect Tian Ci to be so concerned about her affairs, and directly solve all her worries first. If there is loyalty, this wave of operations just now will definitely make her loyalty +10 directly!


Because she found that the relationship between Tianji and Team Sam seems to be really good, which shows that Tianji's potential is greater than she imagined!


If she thought of it like this, she finally got the right one!


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