Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 206: fish, bait, hunter

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The author stands in class all day during the day. When the class is full, he has to code at night. It is really tiring! Then the data is getting worse day by day, especially the difference between the high order and the average order is getting bigger and bigger (that is to say, the number of people who read pirated copies may be more than the genuine ones.) So I still hope that book friends who read pirated copies can come back and support , the author is very grateful!


"...Then...then I...I'll just follow you."


After hearing Tian Ci's words, Ninghui was also confused for a while, and finally she spoke her decision hesitantly.


"Then keep up, speed." Tianji was not surprised by her decision, he waved to a few people and rushed to the other side quickly.


"Brother Tianji, it seems that Brother Fuji's team is also moving towards us."


After walking quickly for a while, Xiaoling took out the contactor to check the position of the other team, but was pleasantly surprised to find that the other team seemed to be moving quickly towards them.


"It's normal. After all, Brother Teng is just an ordinary mid-level trainer, continue to speed up and converge as soon as possible."


Tian Chi nodded when he heard the words, and the speed of the shuttle was raised again.


"Okay!" Xiaoling and Shitou didn't talk nonsense, they silently increased their speed.


Xiaoling is born extraordinary. When she wakes up, although it is mainly water energy, her physical fitness is also similar to Tianji's.


As for Shitou, he is also a strong man who has practiced forging for many days, and this speed is not a problem for him.


"Hu~huchi~huchi~" She felt pity for Ninghui, the former school flower, she chased after her desperately, and she felt that her lungs were about to explode.


Ninghui felt that if she hadn't contracted the little Lada before, and her body had gained some feedback, it is very likely that she would be tired now.


"Huchi~huhu~" Although she felt very tired, she didn't dare to ask the people in front of her to wait for her. She knew that Tianci would definitely not wait for her. She was actually afraid that the moment she opened her mouth, she would let out her breath. , now she can only hope to get to her destination soon.


After about a minute or two of running, the three of them finally met with Brother Fuji's group.


"Brother Fuji, do you have any good solutions?"


As soon as they met, Tianji asked quickly.


"Heh~ There is no better way to do it, it's just that we have many people and great strength, try to combine them as much as possible, and do some traps and sneak attacks, which can stop him.


Or we just hope that our location is far away from that person, and we just didn't come across it during the search, so that we can give Lord Depp an explanation.


After all, this area is quite big, no. "


Hearing Tanji's question, Brother Fuji sighed and reluctantly expressed his thoughts, the same as Tanji's, but in the end he also said a way that was not a solution.


"Okay, then let's act together, but I feel that even if we don't take the initiative to search, this person will take the initiative to come to us."


Seeing this, Tian Chi could only helplessly nodded.


"Why?" Hearing the second half of Tanji's sentence, a male trainer behind Fuji-ge couldn't help but ask.


Others, including Brother Fuji, also looked at Tianji curiously.


"If you think about it from another position, you will understand. If you are the fugitive, after you escape from the battle circle, will you continue to run out of ammunition and food and run away, or will you cook a wave of miscellaneous fish and grab some resources to recover yourself as soon as possible?


Moreover, although our place is not far from the exit path, he escaped at that time. In fact, he can run directly to the exit path.


No matter how ignorant the fugitive is, and no matter how panicked he is, the elf on him will never lead him to run away, so he must be trying to take care of us trashy fish and come to grab resources for a wave of recovery. "


Seeing everyone's curious expressions, Tian Ci simply stated his conjecture. Maybe after breaking their luck, these people would still be able to perform exceptionally well in the last battle.


"That's right, and this person's original position, if he ran directly to the second team, it would actually be faster to escape from the forest. I didn't expect him to run towards us."


Hearing Tianji's explanation, Brother Fuji's expression became a little more solemn. The contactor in his hand was actually directly related to the main contactor, so he could see the position of Depp's investigator.


At that time, the Depp Inspector was closer to Team 2, and the position was stopped for a long time. He estimated that he was fighting the fugitive leader at that time.


"Okay, since it can't be avoided, let's prepare well. Let's think about how to make the most of our strength."


After thinking about it quickly, Brother Fuji realized that it was a fluke, so he arranged it immediately.


"By the way, Tianji, why is there one more person in your team, who is this woman?"


After he finished speaking, Brother Teng started to quickly flip through the profiles of several people, but at this time they also noticed Xiaoling who was following behind, and couldn't help asking strangely.


"Oh, Brother Teng, you don't need to arrange for her, this is an acquaintance of mine, and I just became a trainer, but when I met her, her elf had already died in battle.


Originally, I was going to send her back to the town, but didn't I receive an emergency order again? In this situation, I can't assign her an elf, so she doesn't have an ordinary elf, and she can't get out of the inner circle of the forest at all!


So let her follow, let her hide in a corner, we all don't know whether we are alive or dead, hey~"


After seeing that Brother Fuji noticed Ninghui, Tianji also quickly explained.


"Brother Teng, I'm causing trouble for you. Don't worry, I will hide it by myself. You don't need to worry about me."


Hearing Tianji's explanation, Ninghui immediately came out and bowed to Brother Teng and the others.


"Oh~ that's it, that's fine." After listening to Brother Fuji, it didn't matter, he nodded and continued to look at the 5 profiles.


Although there is no network, these materials were sent to the four of them in advance, so they can see it directly by opening the mobile phone.


After all, this kind of task cannot be accepted by any scumbag. The four members of the guard are actually interviewers. After receiving the information, they select and send messages to these passers. After some operations, the task is considered successful. .


Of course, the three of them went through the back door completely.


"It's too late for us to dig any pits now, so let the mouthful flowers and the vines weave some vine nets, and Alidos does the same, weave some strong and sticky cobwebs, and then the two big butterflies will Dust those nets with powder, whatever."


After reading the information, Brother Teng looked at the contactor in his hand. He saw that the biggest red dot was already at the border of their area. Since the Depp investigators are almost here, the fugitive leader must have entered this area. The area is over, so there is not much time for them to prepare, so if that's the case, it's better to simply come.


"As for the others, I can only say try to combine them according to their attributes. It is estimated that they will have to fight each other in the end, as long as they are careful not to accidentally hurt them."


After talking about this net, Brother Fuji didn't think of any other way, he could only let everyone fight their own way.


In fact, generally it should be the elves with the rock type or outstanding defensive power to fight first, but after looking at it, he found that this is completely a gift to Abillon.


There are a few small fist stones in the team, but the fighting elves have restraint on the rock elves, plus the elite suppression, let the rock elves resist, I am afraid that they will die directly without a punch .


As for the other big tongues, Nidolino and the like, one or two can't handle it at all. It is estimated that if they surround them, they will be killed in seconds. Since that is the case, he will simply let everyone fight their own way.




"That's all there is to it."


"I have no opinion."


Hearing that in the end it was their own battle, everyone had no choice but to nod their heads in agreement.


If you insist on cooperating in the whole process, it is actually unrealistic, and it may be self-defeating.


After all, you can't expect 6 trainers who haven't run in at all to come up with a subtly coordinated combination in just a few minutes.


"Okay, let's prepare the net first." Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement, Brother Teng waved his hand and released a big butterfly first.


"Okay." Tian Ci nodded when he heard the words, and let Kou Deng Hua go to weave the rattan net.


"Okay." The other male trainer had no objection, nodded, and released his vine monster to start weaving a net.


"Alidos, come and make spider webs too."


The trainer in Brother Teng's team, who had been silent for a long time, also called out a large spider when he saw it, and started to fabricate spider webs.


"Stone, Xiaoling, I asked you to buy all the protective jade talismans, and let your elves bring one. If you do encounter it, break it directly, and maybe it will save your life."


After arranging the dumb flowers, Tian Chi first said something to the two of them, and then he also took out the one-time jade amulet that he had prepared long ago from his backpack, and gave them to Bibi Bird and Dairubi respectively.


As for the mouth-watering flower, he had already given it to him just now, and of course he also carried one on himself in case of an accident.


"Well, I bought them." Seeing this, Xiaoling and Shitou also took out two of them, and took them with them as well as with their own elf.


"...That...that, do you have any more? Can you lend me one first, and I will return it to you when I return to town."


Ning Hui, who was on the side, also recognized this defensive jade talisman, which was a matter of life, so she put down her face and had the courage to borrow one.


"I still have one, so I'll lend it to you."


Without thinking much, Xiaoling took out a jade talisman from her backpack and handed it over.


She actually bought 4 pieces, and there were many more. In line with the principle of being a girl, and she felt that Ninghui was very pitiful, she gave her one directly.


"Okay, thank you~Thank you~" Ninghui didn't expect it to go so smoothly, she bowed deeply to Xiaoling after she got it.


"Then Ninghui, find a place to hide yourself."


"Okay, okay." Although Ninghui, who took advantage of her, was puzzled, she didn't dare to say anything more. She nodded and started looking for cover around her.


"Aren't we going to continue?" Xiao Ling asked in confusion when she saw that Ning Hui had already left.


"I got news from Brother Teng just now that the investigator seems to be intentionally driving the fugitive to us.


Brother Fuji's liaison device can see the position of the investigator. At first, it moved left and right, but now it is rushing straight towards us. "


With an ugly expression, Tianji explained to Xiaoling and Shishi.


"Then this is not forcing us to stop it!"


After Shitou heard this, his face was also very ugly. He was honest but not a fool. He could see such an obvious intention.


"Yes, but the inspector also gave us additional compensation and sent it privately to Brother Teng, saying that the basic reward for our group will be doubled. If we can successfully win the fugitive leader, everyone can also get an extra. reward."


Tian Chi looked at the two with solemn faces, and told the only good news.


"Then you have to take your life!" After hearing this, Xiao Ling's face was still very solemn, and she couldn't help but complain.


"Yes, but we can't escape right now. We can't run away. The investigators are very close to us, and it's too late to run. Get ready to fight."


He also felt very cunning. He didn't expect that the investigators directly under the Alliance would do this! Directly force these mercenaries to take their lives!


I always feel that things are not so simple. It seems that the concubine of a gym owner is not worthy of the investigator's shamelessness!


"Or maybe I'm still ignorant. In fact, the alliance is already so rotten!"


This thought flashed through his mind immediately, but he quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about these messy things. After all, it was still too far away from him.


The fact now is that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Only by working hard to survive can they be qualified to go to the upper floors to have a look!


When Tianji and the others were ready to fight to the death, not far from the other side, the tattered plains were swiftly moving through the forest.


"md! This dog is consciously leading me to the front, there must be someone ahead!


But I don't believe that two elite investigators can be sent to kill me. If there were two, I would be dead long ago! "


Although Hirano looked miserable, he was actually not injured at all, so he acted quickly and thought clearly, and he quickly understood Depp's intentions.


"Abi Lang! Then let's go and kill that group of trash fish!


I don't believe how long that group of ordinary fish can stop me. Since I want to fish, I have to prepare for the bait to be eaten! "


After thinking about it clearly, he patted Abillon on the shoulder next to him and said cruelly.


"Yebee~beep~" Abilang called out twice, expressing his confidence.


"Okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hahaha, as long as you are still here, I will be able to recover soon."


Hirano laughed when he saw Abi Lang, who was still in a state of aura despite his serious injuries, and felt that he was full of confidence in the future!


He can definitely escape to Team Rocket, and then he can quickly capture the elves and recover. Compared with the other five elves, they can be considered dead.


"Hmph~ But when I become a top team member of the Rockets, I will definitely make you pay the price!"


Although he was right, when he thought of the five dead elves, his heart still throbbed.


After all, he also paid real affection to these elves, otherwise, how could they delay time for him as if they were dead.


As I have said before, in this world, whether they are villains or decent ones, most of them will give their hearts to their main elves, and only in this way can they display the full power of elves, and sometimes even perform exceptionally well.


"唦唦~唏唦唦~" After a while, they came to Tianci's group.


"Shh~shhh~" Seeing the sudden appearance of Abi Lang and the fugitive leader, everyone was not surprised, and immediately shot out one net after another.


In fact, after making the net, they let the flying spirits patrol around, so when the plains just approached, they actually found the situation and were ready to fight.


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