Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 21: meet again

Tianji and Trumpet Ya were walking on the road. He looked at the big hole in the trouser legs of his protective suit and couldn't help but be afraid of the lethality of the little Rada.

Although this is a low-level protective suit, it can also protect against the attacks of new-level high-level elves! It was actually destroyed in the hands of a young Rada in the middle of a newborn.

Of course, he also understands that there must be a certain gap between the quality of second-hand goods and brand new ones, which is also related to the sharp front teeth of Little Lada.

After all, no one would take the initiative to let Little Radha open his mouth to bite himself.

However, the aptitude of this little Lada is at least at the average level, otherwise the attack power will not reach the level close to the average level.

This is also the reason why he used the only empty Poké Ball on his body to rein in it, otherwise the shops would not be willing to recycle the ordinary and low-quality little Lada on the bad street.

"But even if I misunderstood it and let it out and kill it to sell the materials, it's not a loss. The front teeth alone cost 800 yuan, not to mention 6 or 7 kilograms of meat!" Of course, Tian Ci also considered the worst case. , after the little Rada cramped and pulled out his bones, he only earned a little less.

"But if it's good qualifications, then I can keep it for my own use! Little Radha is not picky eaters!" Shaking his head, he dismissed this sudden thought.

He also knows how difficult it is to meet a well-qualified elf on the outskirts of the forest! He doesn't think that he is the protagonist, and any elf that he accepts at will is a good and above qualification.

"Moo?" Louja looked at the trainer who was talking to himself from time to time along the way, and couldn't help but worry, whether it was not disinfected and infected.

"It's alright, trumpet bud, I'm just thinking about the future plan!"

"Huh? You can already see the gate of the city, speed up the trumpet buds, deal with the spoils as soon as possible or it will be tomorrow!" Tian Chi patted the trumpet buds on the head and said with relief.

"Moo" trumpet bud nodded and started to speed up!

"Don't run away, trumpet bud" Tianji also began to speed up the chase

"Hoo! Hoo!" The two panting breathed against the wall of the inner city gate.

"Yo, how can you be so embarrassed! Your clothes have a big hole!" A hearty laugh came from the ear

"It's really you, Uncle Sam!" Tian Chi looked at the familiar face in front of him and blurted out

"Listening to what you mean, it seems like you really want to see me?" The big man standing beside him touched his nose doubtfully.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you in person for saving your life back then. I didn't dare to disturb you when I saw you in a hurry last time!" Tian Ci bowed to the big man after he finished speaking.

"Hey! No way, you kid! I was a little busy some time ago! Because the Arbor is going to break through, collect materials!" After speaking, a purple energy barrier appeared on Uncle Sam's body, and he looked very proud. !

"Ah! This is an extraordinary barrier, Uncle Sam congratulates you on breaking through the elite level!" Tianji said to the big man with an envious look on his face.

It is well known that only elite trainers can stand up straight in the wild. Even the barrier of the first stage of the elite can resist the full blow of the gym-level elves, so even if they are besieged by two or three elves of the same level in the wild, they can survive for a short time.

This time is enough for the trainer to take command of the overall situation in the battle, and even if it doesn't work, he can retreat completely!

Not to mention that after breaking through to become an elite-level trainer, the trainer himself has officially entered the ranks of superhumans, and he will also master different supernatural abilities due to different elves.

The most important thing is that the lifespan of a trainer after being reborn can be extended by 50 to 80 years, and almost all of them can live beyond the age of 150.

Moreover, the lifespan of elves will also be extended. Take Ba Dahu as an example. Once Ba Dahu, who has forcibly burned its lifespan to evolve, breaks through to become an elite class, its lifespan will be supplemented from less than one year to 100 years!

Therefore, only elite trainers have the strength and longevity to apply to the Alliance to form a small family! Of course, if there is no elite-level combat power in the family, it will be immediately expelled from the alliance!

Like the dozen or so families in the town, most of them put gold on their faces. Maybe their ancestors had elite trainers.

But now, as far as he knows, only Miss Joey from the Elf Center, Miss Junsha from the Security Bureau, and the patriarchs of the four major families, Akiyama, Asada, Endo, and Jiang Qi, are all elites on the bright side.

Of course, now we need to add a captain of the city guard, Sam Jiro!

"Hahaha, I just broke through by luck. I'm 52 years old. Fortunately, I finally got stuck at the threshold of 55 years old and broke through!" Although Captain Sam's words are relatively modest, the proud look on his face is obviously very proud!

"No way, Uncle Sam! You must know that the elite level is the one who has truly entered the inner layer of the alliance. I don't know how many trainers are stuck at the ordinary level for life! You can break through, and you have surpassed most of the people in the world. , I believe you can definitely become a gym-level trainer in the future!"

Tian Ji looked at the proud Uncle Sam and flattered him very politely.

"Hahaha, no, no, there is no gym level that people like us can reach!" Captain Sam quickly waved his hand, but the upward corner of his mouth proved that Tianzi said he was very happy!

"By the way, you haven't said why you are so embarrassed?" Uncle Sam asked with a straight face.

"Well, Uncle Sam, I want to give you a special gift of thanks. I can't repay the life-saving grace. Although I know it may be nothing to you, it is also my heart."

Speaking of which, Tianji dug out 10 kilograms of unicorn worm meat from the space backpack, and handed Uncle Sam the Poké Ball with Little Radha in his hand.

Hara Honda only intends to give green caterpillar meat and a few sacs, so let Captain Sam have a little impression of him and gradually deepen it!

But when he knew that Uncle Sam had broken through to the elite level, he changed his mind. Not only did he emphasize his original intention a little in his words, but he also sent out the most precious little Rada in this harvest.

After all, elite thighs can't be hugged casually.

"Uncle Sam, I think this kind of little Rada has better qualifications, so I took the risk and accepted it. I want to use it as a thank you~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Please accept it!" Tian Chi said. Throwing the Poke Ball straight to Uncle Sam

"You kid, the injury is a bit serious. It's the tightness of the trumpet buds! I can't see it." After Uncle Sam was forced to take it, he glanced at the miniature version of the little Radha inside.

"Dashu, as expected of an elite trainer, you can see the wound at a glance!" Tianci immediately followed.

"You sycophant, I just got a new thing that can come in handy." Captain Sam scolded with a smile, and took out a square red machine from the backpack at the back!

"It turned out to be an elf picture book. You bought the picture book in Uncle Sam's second-hand street store!" Tian Chi looked at this familiar style with hot eyes.

"Humph, of course, how can an elite trainer not have a picture book! Let me show you!"

As he spoke, he reduced the size of the Poké Ball and placed it on the circular concave hole at the top right of the illustration.

"Crack!" A locking sound was followed by the sound of an emotionless machine.

"Elf: Little Radha

Attribute: General

Category: Rat Elf

Height: 0.27m

Weight: 3.2kg

Description: Although it is a common Pokémon, it cannot be taken lightly. Sharp front teeth can easily bite through even hard iron plates

Qualifications: Normal and Superior (Stunned growth has resulted in the current being Moderate).

Supplement: The elf is currently a high-level freshman, which can be remedied. It is recommended to feed 3 medium-quality general energy cubes every day! And a bottle of moo milk every day for about a week to fully develop!

Status: Severely injured and coma

Suggestion: Immediately send to the Elf Spirit Center for treatment.

Cultivation plan:..."


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