Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 202: Depp Investigator and the Elite

Although the purple color is obviously not as deep as her own, the presence of this sign means that the poison of this dumb flower has been cultivated very well.

"Come on, mouth dumb flower, stretch out your hand... Well, that's good, let's get some poisonous powder out."

I saw that Mina was using various instruments to test Koudaihua. After about 10 minutes, she asked Tianji to take Koudaihua back.

"I didn't see it, you, a miscellaneous soldier, have such a good elf!"

After the test, of course, she also obtained the true qualifications of Koudouhua, and looked at Tianji with a look of surprise.

The aptitude of the elite can be said to exceed most of the members of this base, and even the squadron leader level is not so easy to obtain elves with this aptitude.

"Uh~ luck, it's all luck~ that lord..." Hearing this, Tianji understood that the woman in front of him must have known the true aptitude of Koudouhua, and he had no choice but to laugh, and then Looking at Mina in front of her in a pleasing manner, she appeared to be hesitant to speak.

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense! Okay, come and get it in a week."

Looking at Tianji who was hesitating to speak, Mina already understood what he meant, said a word directly, and then signaled that Tianji could leave.

"Okay, thank you sir!" Tianci nodded in agreement immediately after being assured, and bowed out of the laboratory.

As the first daughter of the Mitsui family, Mina definitely doesn't look down on his stupidity, but others don't necessarily. If she accidentally leaks something and is heard by someone who cares, then he will inevitably encounter some troubles.

Although even if the re-contract is taken away, the feedback energy will not be obtained, but the elite qualifications are enough to give those trainers who are trapped in the ordinary high-level a little hope of promotion.

After leaving the Rockets, he returned to the town the same way, and after processing some of the materials on his body, the real deposit on his body reached 190,000.

The next morning, he and Xiaoling waited at the gate of the city.

When the three of them arrived, there were already four trainers in guard uniforms waiting there.

"Yo~ Brother Tian Ci, you're here." The person who greeted Tian Ci was an uncle in his 40s. I remembered that everyone at the wine table used to call him Brother Teng.

"Well, Brother Teng, I have to trouble you to take care of me this time."

Tian Chi also responded enthusiastically to the uncle.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say that the four of us will each be assigned a location to search. I'm ashamed to say that my strength is relatively weak among the four, so the area that is assigned to me is also less dangerous.

You and your two teammates will follow me when the time comes, and it will definitely be arranged for you. "

Brother Fuji looked at Tianji in front of him, smiled heartily, and immediately told his arrangement.

"Okay, okay, we don't have to catch the fugitives, we just want to come and see, but it will cause trouble for you, Brother Teng."

Hearing the arrangement of the salted fish, Tianji also continued to greet Brother Fuji with a smile on his face.

As for the other three, he obviously doesn't know each other, and looking at the cold and arrogant expressions on the faces of the three, it is estimated that they are all masters of the pioneering team. Just have a good relationship.

In the next time, Tian Ji was chatting with Brother Teng, and several teams of trainers were added one after another at the gate of the city. Brother Teng's subordinates also came to a team of three.

Tianji glanced around, and found that there seemed to be about 30 trainers gathered here.

"It should be coming soon. I remember it was around 9:30 in the morning, and it's almost 10 now."

He looked at his watch and thought silently in his heart.

"Wow~ rumbling~" Sure enough, it didn't take long before he heard the sound of birds chirping from outside the city, and there was also the rumbling sound of rushing.

Looking up, he saw a black spot that was running towards the city gate quickly. He could even see the dust scattered behind the black spot. From this, he could see how fast the elf ran.

"Yu ~ stop, Duduli." In the blink of an eye, a strong and tall Duduli appeared in front of everyone, sitting on it was a man wearing the uniform of an alliance investigator.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." The man jumped off Duduli and waved apologetically to everyone.

"Where~ Depp Investigator, you are out. Assisting you in hunting down fugitives is the responsibility of each of our alliance trainers."

Hearing what Depp Investigator said, one of the pioneers immediately answered with discernment.

"Yeah yeah."

"Master Depp, you are working hard, come all the way."

"Yes, yes, we are waiting for work, why wait for a long time."

Hearing the words of the pioneering team member, the other three team members (including Brother Teng) who were editing also spoke quickly.

As for the others, there is no right to interject on this occasion.

After all, those who have this confidence to participate in the pursuit mission, except for Tianji and his team, the weakest are ordinary middle-level trainers, and they are also veteran middle-level trainers.

Having been alive for so long, of course they know what to say on what occasion.

After all, if their mercenary-type trainers are not qualified to intervene, even if Inspector Depp doesn't care, the other four native guard members will give them a note in their hearts.

"Sir, do you want to rest first, or?"

It's almost the same as the flattery, and one of them also proposed the next step in a timely manner.

"You don't need to rest, go straight into the forest and catch the fugitives."

Out of confidence in his own strength, Inspector Depp touched Duduli's body next to him, then turned over and sat on it.

Taking this opportunity, Tian Chi, who was behind the crowd, finally saw the face of Inspector Depp. He was probably in his 30s, or around 40. He looked like a public face, very mediocre and uncharacteristic.

"Then how do you arrange these hired trainers?"

Seeing the inspector who had turned over and sat up, Brother Fuji immediately asked the question of team transfer.

"The four of you, look at the arrangement, hurry up." Depp obviously didn't care about a group of soldiers who didn't even have an organization, and directly waved his hand and gave the right to move the team to the four.

"Yes, thank you sir." After getting the expected answer, the four of them also began to choose.

Tanji, who was observing secretly, found that Brother Fuji seemed to be the last pick every time, and he should have the lowest strength.

After about three or four minutes, the 4 people were all assigned to the team, and the Tatsu trio was the last remaining group and was directly assigned to Brother Fuji.

"Sir, it has been arranged properly." After dividing the team, the four came to Depp and bowed to return.

"Well." Depp nodded, and let Duduli turn around and face the crowd.

"I'm Depp, a special investigator from the Alliance. Our mission this time is to hunt down a group of heinous criminals. The others here have nothing to say. If you encounter them and kill them, I will have an extra reward!

But if you encounter their leader, I hope you will not be greedy for merit, and notify me in time by pressing the contactor in your hand, which is also a locator.

Their leaders are quasi-elites, and they are no different to you than real elites, and can kill your elves with one blow! Got it! "

"Understood!" It was about his own life, and everyone listened carefully, and finally answered loudly.

"Well, let's go!" Hearing everyone's unanimous answer, Depp waved his hand and led everyone out of the city.

Because the 4 guards divided the team in advance, as soon as they left the city gate, the formation that was originally not very good was now completely divided into 4 pieces.

"Brother Teng, tell me, what's the difference between a quasi-elite and an elite?"

On the way to the forest, Tian Ci couldn't hold back his curiosity, slipped directly to the front of the team, and asked curiously.

"This is no secret. A quasi-elite trainer is actually an elf who has just entered the elite level and has just born the power of the elements. Correspondingly, the elf's own strength is not enough to improve, so there is no way to provide the trainer with enough. Energy to open the elite shield, so such a trainer without shield is called quasi-elite."

Hearing Tanji's question, Brother Fuji didn't care and explained it directly to Tanji.

"Ooo, but I remember that Uncle Sam seemed to have only one elf at that time, but I saw Uncle Sam put out a barrier that time?"

After listening to the explanation, Tian Ci suddenly realized, but he suddenly thought of the scene when he traded the little Lada with Uncle Sam before.

"How can you compare Captain Sam to these fugitives!

In fact, crossing the quasi-elite is very simple. It is nothing more than insufficient energy. As long as you prepare a few more energy crystals for the elves to absorb, you can cross it immediately.

But this group of fugitives escaped from other towns and were chased and killed by the investigators all the way, so there was no time to collect the corresponding energy crystals.

And I heard that the boss of this group of people was fighting **** battle with a search team when they broke through the elite. It was also with the help of the elite Abilene that they broke out of the previous town and escaped to our side. .

That's why the Alliance sent elite-level investigators to hunt them down. Otherwise, the search team must have come, and the reward wouldn't be so generous. "

Hearing that Tianci compared the Sam Corps with the fugitives, Brother Fuji quickly retorted, and said a lot, and explained the whole story to him clearly.

"Ao, that's how it is. In my heart, Uncle Sam must be 10,000 times stronger than that fugitive."

Seeing Brother Fuji who was a little excited, Tian Ci quickly expressed his loyalty, knowing that he was a young junior who was favored by Uncle Sam on the surface.

"Well, you know it's good, go back to the team, you have been seen by that adult in front of you, I'm afraid it's not good."

After hearing Tianci's words, the middle-aged fan of Captain Sam's expression softened a little, but he lost the nature of a conversation, so he made a random excuse and sent Tianci back to the team.

"Okay, Brother Fuji." Tian Chi also saw that he seemed to have said something wrong, so he didn't ask any more questions, and silently retreated to the back of the team.

At the same time, on the other side, in a tree hole in the inner circle of the forest, a group of fugitives covered in blood were treating the wounds of their elves in twos and threes.

In the center of the cave, there is an Abillon who is eating elf meat, and the muscular man sitting next to it is also its trainer, the boss of the group - Hirano!

"Boss, the dog of the alliance should be chasing after you. Is there really a Rocket base in this place?"

One of the trainers with a bandage on his left hand walked over to the man and asked carefully after treating his wound.

He couldn't help but be careless. Now they are almost at the end of the road. All kinds of medicines and energy supplies are running out all the way.

It is precisely because of this that the muscular man's temper is getting bigger and bigger. Not long ago, he even fed the elves who died in battle to Abilang.

Although it is said that this is the best choice, it can allow the elves to exert their residual heat, and let Abilang increase his energy as soon as possible to reach the true elite level.

But as their subordinates, they cannot accept it emotionally.

Although it was said that the trainer and the elves were killed in battle, the others did not want to say anything for a dead man.

But others have worked hard for you, and in the end even the corpse is not spared, which is somewhat chilling.

"En~ are you questioning me?" Hearing what Huang Mao said, he turned his head and stared at Huang Mao's face and asked directly.

"No~ No~ Boss, I'm afraid you'll be deceived, and we're running out of medicines now. We're really going to run out of ammunition and food. Brothers, I can't see a way out."

Looking at the expressionless face of his boss, Huang Mao began to tremble in fear, but in the end he still wanted to live, and he gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"Yeah, boss, we will accompany you through life and death. Now I really can't see a way out."

"Boss, only two of my elves have died, so let's give you the truth."

"Boss, all you have left are your confidants. There's no need to hide it from us. It's life or death, you can give me a letter."

Hearing Huang Mao's words, the others immediately joined in. After all, in the face of his own life, no one could not panic.

"Compared to his own life, the boss is a piece of shit. If you really bluff them, you might as well run away. Maybe the boss is the main target, and they can still run away!"

The eyes of the remaining two who were silent also flickered, and a small calculation was made in their hearts.

"Bang!" Seeing the noisy team, the muscular man punched the ground directly.

"Ka~ka~" The ground cracked a few tiny cracks in an instant.

"It seems that I, Hirano, are too good to you! Are there any rules? Please calm down for me. Since you want me to make a statement, well, I'll make a statement for you."

After Cangye shouted a few words, Ai Bilang also stood up and looked at the people in the tree hole with bad eyes.

In an instant, the tree hole was silent, and even the seriously injured elf who was still humming did not dare to speak.

"Okay, listen to me, we were able to kill in Pinliang Town because there was a Rocket who should help me.

Otherwise, do you think that when Abillon breaks through, others will watch me break through? It was also because of his shot that he suddenly backstabbed other elves that allowed me to break through.

Then he gave me a letter of introduction and identification to come here to join the Rockets. "

Saying that, Aoye took out a letter and a special black R-shaped badge from his backpack.

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