Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 198: Tide and Stone Bullets (Stone Gun)

Next, Bibi Bird found another group of Pylas, and with the cooperation of the three, they quickly solved it.

This time, because there was no Pylastor, Tianji asked Bibi Bird to help Xiaoling.

However, after a battle, the pure water mosquito-repellent incense frog was also beaten to death, and the output was not even comparable to the small fist stone.

"Yo~yobo~" At this time, the mosquito-repellent incense frog was still sitting on the ground, and Xiaoling was supplementing it with water energy.

"It's almost noon. Let's find a place to eat first. I also have an idea for the mosquito coil frog. I can give it a try."

After Tianji finished packing up Pylas' materials, he looked at the mosquito coil frog, which had recovered most of it, and said something.



Xiaoling and Shitou nodded, followed behind Tianji and began to look for a place with a wider field of vision.

After walking for a while, the three finally found an open grass. After directly killing the Abo monster lurking in the grass, the three of them did it and started feeding them in batches.

After all the elves were fed, the three started to eat their own lunch.

"Uh~ Brother Tianji, what did you think you were thinking?"

After taking two bites of the cake hastily, Xiaoling couldn't hold back her anxiety and asked directly.

After all, this task is too unfriendly to her and the mosquito-repellent incense frog. Even with the help of Bibi Bird last time, her mosquito-repellent incense frog was seriously injured. Now there are less than 20 mushrooms, and it is estimated that she will need to fight two more times. Three to get together.

It can be said that every battle is a great risk to the mosquito coil frog, which is why she is so restless.

"Gulu~gulu~" Seeing Xiaoling who was anxious, Tian Chi didn't give up after taking two sips of water, and directly spoke his thoughts.

"Little Ling, do you know that there is a vortex of flames and a vortex of tides?"

He first asked Xiaoling about two moves.

"I know the tide whirlpool, which is a move that traps the enemy with a whirlpool of water and continues to cause damage to the enemy.

The flame vortex seems to be changing the water flow into a flame? "

Xiaoling flipped through the water-type moves she had written down in her heart, and immediately gave her answer.

"Well, yes, I actually want the mosquito-repellent frog to learn this trick, and I don't ask for much lethality. As long as it can trap Pylas, it will be a lot easier to deal with."

Hearing Xiaoling's answer, Tianji glanced at the girl with admiration, and then expressed his thoughts.

"Yeah! But~ Mosquito incense frogs don't know at all, even if it's too late to buy skill **** now."

The girl's eyes lit up, but she suddenly thought of her current situation and said disappointedly.

"Cough~ You can give it a try, Bibi Bird can know a tornado, it is a vortex in the air, and a tidal whirlpool is a vortex in the water flow, the formation principle is the same, I will let Bibi bird teach the mosquito coil frog, according to the mosquito coil frog The ability to manipulate water flow should be learned."

Seeing the girl whose thinking was solidified again, Tianji coughed and explained his thoughts to her.

The thinking of the indigenous civilians in this world is very serious. This is not the first time he has seen this, so he is not surprised by the idea of ​​Xiaoling's first thought of the skill ball.

"No, you can see that the tornado also has a center point, and the wind direction completely revolves around this center point, so is the vortex like this?"

Having said that, Tian Ci also took a branch and drew Xiaoling on the ground, and took out a water cup and shook out a small whirlpool as a comparison for Xiaoling to see.

This kind of simple common sense was basically known to everyone in the previous life. Although there is no more professional explanation, it is still possible to say a general principle.

And you don't have to know the detailed principles, anyway, Bibi Bird will know, as long as Bibi Bird tells the trick to the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"That's true! Brother Tianji! Are you too smart!?ω?"

After Mr. Tianci's explanation in simple language, Xiaoling also understood, and felt that he had opened the door to a new world. It turned out that the moves can still be learned like this! At this time, she looked at Tianji with admiration on her face.

"Haha~ Actually, there is no more. As long as you discover more and explore more, you will know."

Tianji, who was a scumbag in his previous life, never expected to be called a genius by a girl! He smiled complacently.

"Okay, I'll let Bibi Bird teach the mosquito coil frog."

After putting on a wave, he immediately looked positive, called Bibi Bird, and explained to it for a while.

"Beep-beep-beep-" Bibi Bird finally knew that she had to demonstrate the tornado skills to the mosquito coil frog first, and it was a little smaller, and she had to tell it how to cast its energy.

"Huhu~" I saw Bibi bird slowly flapping its wings on the grass, and instantly a small tornado appeared in front of the mosquito coil frog.

"Yo? Yobo?" The mosquito-repellent incense frog also got Xiaoling's instructions, and put his hand into the tornado and began to feel the flow inside and the characteristics of the whirlpool.

"Yo~yobo!" Because it was a small tornado, it didn't cause any harm to the mosquito-repellent incense frog. On the contrary, the mosquito-repellent incense frog seemed to have realized something and looked very happy.

"Beep~beep~" Seeing the mosquito-repellent incense frog who has comprehended, Bibi Bird immediately flew to the mosquito-repellent incense frog, and began to tell him how he felt when he cast the tornado, as well as some of the flow of energy.

"Yo~yobo! Yo!" Mosquito incense frog nodded again and again, feeling that he had already mastered it.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird was also happy to teach, feeling that the student should know it, and motioned for it to come and have a look. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Yo~" The mosquito-repellent frog called out, and began to spit water from its mouth.

"Wow~bang!" It was smooth at first, and a water ring was formed completely, but it suddenly exploded when it was spinning.

"Wow~ Come on, mosquito coil frog! It's half done!"

Although the vortex cracked halfway, Xiaoling looked very surprised.

Because the first experiment just now has shown that this should be feasible, but now it is nothing more than unskilled, and the energy flow is not well controlled, so she directly input the water flow with water energy into the mosquito coil frog's body, encouraging it to step up Exercise.

"Yobo(???_??)?" Mosquito-repellent incense frog felt the energy in its body and nodded, indicating that he would work hard.

"Beep-beep!" Bibi Bird also timely analyzed the reason for the crack, and said that maybe you were too impatient, so let's make a small whirlpool first.

"Yo~" Mosquito-repellent frog nodded, and also realized that he was a little too ambitious just now, and immediately began to slowly condense the small vortex.

"Uh~ Brother Tianci, do you see if there are any moves that can be trained with my little fist~"

Seeing the stone that the mosquito-repellent incense frog had already produced, he also leaned up embarrassedly and asked in a low voice.

"Hey cha~ hey cha~" Xiao Quanshi also called out twice.

After all, no one will dislike their many moves!

"Uh~ Stone, don't you have another trick to compress the stone bullet? You haven't mastered this trick yet."

Seeing that Shi Shi also came to ask for advice, Tian Ci was stunned, and then replied.

"Yes, but Brother Tian Ci, I feel that even if the small fist stone has learned to compress the stone bullet, it can only be used for sneak attacks in the wild. It really seems that no matter how much practice it takes, it takes time to accumulate power. This trick."

Hearing Tian Ci's answer, Shi Shi embarrassedly touched Xiao Quan Shi and explained it.

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