Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 195: Stone breakthrough, 3 people team up!

Latest website: In the next few days, Tianji also continued to team up with Dairubi and Stone to hunt in the wild.

But in order to make more money, he also went to the Elf Center to pick up a few one-star tasks to do with the stone.

After all, the one-star quest actually corresponds to the rookie level, but it's just that the alliance's rigid regulations require that the person who accepts the quest is an ordinary-level trainer.

Of course, for the corresponding merit points, he will be divided into 60%, and the rewards and battles will be divided into 55%.

In fact, at the beginning, Shishi didn't need merit points at all. After all, he was not an ordinary-level trainer, and he couldn't get merit points. Besides, this task was all because of Tianci. .

However, Tian Ci still insisted on giving it to him, and chose to write it down for him first, saying that after he was promoted, it would be transferred to him, which moved Shitou very much.

To be honest, Tian Ci didn't have to be a good person. He just felt that in the face of interests, he must first distribute and negotiate well, otherwise some small money today might be the fuse of the split.

Besides, a one-star mission can have several merit points, and there is no need to swallow these points alone.

Although he has only been hunting and doing one-star missions in the periphery these few days, it has also filled Tianci's shriveled wallet a little bit. Now he has a balance of 160,000 in his bank card. As for the alliance's merits, it has not increased much. Deducting the stone to be given, he should have 280 points now.

Originally, I should have gone to the outer areas to hunt tonight, after all, walking on grass was also restrained by Dairubi.

However, Shitou told him good news. It seemed that Little Fist Stone was about to break through, so he left Shitou at home and went out with Darubi himself.

In the end, it's just a breakthrough, not evolution, and there's no need for a bunch of people to guard it, just tell the stone the method and let him watch it himself.

Moreover, the small fist stone was cultivated according to the cultivation secrets since childhood, and there are many battles and tempering, so it should be able to break through successfully without any problems.

I saw that in the open space behind Shitou's house, Xiaoquan Shi was slowly absorbing a low-grade rock-type energy crystal.

Because it is just a breakthrough, not an evolution, there is no need to release a lot of energy at one time, nor a lot of energy.

In fact, this method is also mentioned in the cultivation cheats, which can make the small fist stone break through faster, and can also quickly increase the energy accumulation through the breakthrough.

"Hey Cha~ Hey Cha~" I saw that the body of Xiao Quanshi also slowly emerged with khaki-yellow rock-type energy, and it became more and more intense!

"Hey Cha!" When the energy accumulated to a peak, Xiao Quanshi shouted!

"Shhh!" I felt that a certain part of my body was opened up, my whole body was full of strength, and my energy was growing rapidly.

"Small fist stone smashes energy crystals! Absorb it directly!"

After Shi Shi also sensed the feedback from the small fist stone in his body, he understood that the small fist stone had successfully broken through, but he ignored himself and instead shouted at the small fist stone in the light.

He didn't understand why, but Brother Tianci asked him to do it, and he did it.

"Hey Cha!" Xiao Quanshi agreed, and then crushed the energy crystal in his hand.

"Bang!" As the energy crystals shattered, a large stream of rock-type energy came out.

"Shh~shhh~" I saw that Xiaoquan Shi's body that had just broken through was absorbing these energies with all his strength.

If it is not a rock-type elves, it may cause damage to the body, but for the small fist stone whose whole body is full of stones, as long as the innermost core ore is fine, other damages can be repaired by eating more concentrated iron ore. return.

So as long as you pay a little injury, you can quickly accumulate energy, why not do it?

"Hey Cha!" The small fist stone that quickly absorbed the energy reappeared in front of the stone.

I saw that the small fist stone at this time, the body has obviously become a little bigger, and the dark luster on the surface is a little brighter, indicating that the defense has definitely improved a lot.

Of course, if you take a closer look, you can also find that there are small cracks in some parts of the small fist stone's body. This is actually the result of such a rough energy absorption just now.

If it's evolution time, it's actually fine, because when you evolve, your body is already reorganizing, and it's going to be broken.

But now it's a breakthrough, so it still needs to be fixed.

"Little Fist Stone, let's eat some iron ore first." Looking carefully at the evolved Little Fist Stone, the stone also found the sequelae that Brother Tianci said, so he took out the prepared iron ore from his backpack first. , handed the small fist stone.

"Hey Cha ~ Ka Ka ~ Kacha ~" The small fist stone that took the ore was thrown directly into his mouth, and his body quickly absorbed these ingredients.

After eating about 5 to 6 pieces of iron concentrate, the cracks on the surface of the small fist gradually disappeared.

In fact, this is also the advantage of the rock-type elves. As long as the core is not injured, there is no need to use wound medicine, and it can be recovered by eating a few stones.

Of course, if it is an ordinary stone, it needs to be eaten in large quantities, and the recovery is very slow.

However, the small fist stone eats concentrated iron ore, and it will definitely recover soon.

"Little Fist Stone, have you recovered?" Looking at the small fist stone with no cracks on the surface, Shi Shi still asked worriedly.

"Hey Cha (_)! Bang Bang~" Xiao Quanshi patted his body with his fist when he heard the trainer's words, indicating that he had fully recovered.

"Okay, then show me your strength first. Are there any new moves in the field?"

Seeing the confident Xiaoquan Shi, Shi Shi also showed a rare smile and asked with a little anticipation.

"Hey Cha~" Xiao Quanshi nodded proudly, and it was also thanks to the energy he had absorbed just now that he was able to acquire a new style of inheritance just after breaking through.

"Boom! Boom!" I saw the small fist stone drifting to a far place, and then a strong ground-based energy appeared in both fists, and slammed towards the ground.

"Rumble~Rumble~" The stone only felt the ground shake for a while, especially the small tree closest to the Little Fist Stone, which fell directly.

"This is a heavy step! It's amazing, little fist stone! I didn't expect that you could use the heavy step right after you broke through!"

After the ground returned to calm, Shi Shi looked at Xiao Quan Shi with a little surprise and praised him.

"Hey Cha ω ~ Hey Cha, He Cha ~" Xiao Quanshi, who was praised by the trainer, was very happy.

"Then let's hurry up and train. It's still early. It's not even 8 o'clock. If you train early, you can catch up with Brother Tianci and the others."

Looking at the smiling little Fist Stone, the stone's face immediately turned positive, and he was ready to train immediately, especially the heavy tread, so the little Fist Stone must have a good grasp of the range!

Otherwise, if it is like this, it will be easy to accidentally hurt one's own comrades.

However, if you master it well, you can actually replace the magnitude. After all, the damage of the magnitude is much more uncertain than the heavy stepping, and in fact, the damage every time is not very good. Because it is too scattered, more Just use it as a distraction skill.

"Hey Cha!" Xiao Quanshi has long been accustomed to the style of his own trainer's hard training. Hearing that, he nodded as expected and agreed.

For the next two days, Shitou did not hunt with Tianji either, because he wanted to master the strength of the ordinary level as soon as possible.

Tianji is of course also happy for the stone. In the past two days, he has been hunting day and night around the periphery with Dairubi by himself.

After all, there are two middle-level elves in his hands. To be honest, there is really nothing in the periphery of this forest that can threaten him.

These two days, he often went out at 6-7 in the morning, and then came back at 9 in the evening when the city gates were closed.

As for the main force of the battle, of course, Dairubi, and fortunately, the honey is very powerful, coupled with the sufficient supply of elf meat, so Dairubi successfully supported the high-intensity battle and quickly transformed the honey into Fighting power!

The current Dairubi has successfully broken through to the high level of the freshman, and has also learned a new move - bite, and because he is born with thunder and lightning teeth, after Tianci gave him ideas, he successfully put the thunder and lightning teeth. Combined with biting, Tanji named this trick - thunder bite!

As for the power, in the battle not long ago, Dairubi directly killed an intact unicorn. With one move, he broke the opponent's energy protection and directly bit the unicorn to charred black. of two paragraphs.

Of course, such a high-intensity battle also means high income. Anyway, Tianji's bank card balance has reached 200,000 smoothly in the past two days.

On the other hand, on the third day after Shitou left the team, he finally fully mastered the strength of the ordinary level, and could form a team with Tianji and Xiaoling.

Now the three of them are standing together in front of the self-service computer in the spirit center, picking out tasks.

"Brother Tianci, now we can finally do the task together. We have three people and four ordinary-level elves, so we can take on the more difficult tasks in the two-star level!"

Although Xiaoling was shrouded in a big robe, her voice was very excited.

"Well, let me pick it out." Hearing Xiaoling's words, Tian Ci nodded and continued to flip through the tasks with his fingers.

As for the stone, he had no opinion, and stood silently beside Tian Ci, waiting for Tian Ci's decision.


"Just these few. Let's do a hunting mission first and run it in. The last few are the more difficult ones."

I saw Tian Ji step aside and open the few tasks that he liked one by one to Shishi and Xiaoling.

The first is the first,

"Task number: 10567

Mission level: 2 star

Quest description: Collect 30 mushrooms from Pylas

Mission time limit: none

Mission reward: Alliance Merit 20 points, Pylas' mushroom 3,300 yuan, and Pylast's 15,000 yuan. "

"Pylas, it seems that mushrooms are more valuable. I remember that meat seems to be the same price as King Carp."

Seeing the first mission, Xiaoling, the image of Pylas in the textbook immediately appeared in his mind, and he said something uncertain.

"Xiaoling and I both seem to be restrained by it." Shitou didn't remember so much during the night's make-up lessons, but the attribute restraint was still hard to memorize, feeling that this task was a bit difficult for the two of them.

"Cough~ Xiaoling and Shitou both of you are right, but I also have Bibi Bird and Dairubi to restrain them. Although Dairubi is only a freshman, but considering the restraint damage bonus, It's still a decent amount of damage against normal low-tier Paras."

After listening to the opinions of the two teammates, Tian Chi also began to analyze the reason why he chose this task.

"Then, it is also because you have never fought against elves that restrain yourself, and you lack such experience, so I chose Pylas as your training.

The speed of Pylas and Pylast are not fast, which is similar to your little fist stone. As long as you pay attention, you should be able to contain them and even defeat them.

In the end, it is because this task gives a lot of money. To know the price of recycling, the mushrooms of Paras are only 3,000, and the mushrooms of Paras are only 13,000. This task is almost a tenth of the premium to acquire it, which is very good. ! "

"Aoao, that's the way it is. Brother Tianji, you are really thoughtful. Indeed, we will definitely fight against elves who restrain ourselves in the future."

After listening to Tianci's analysis, Xiaoling suddenly realized that it made sense.

"Well, I will listen to you, Brother Tian Ci." The stone next to him also nodded seriously.

"Hoo~ Fortunately, I've come here, God is pitiful, I actually just want Dairubi to exercise more."

Seeing that both teammates believed what he said, Tianji couldn't help but praise his wit.

"Let's look at the second one." Tianji, who seemed calm on the surface, directly clicked on the second task.

"Task number: 02479

Mission level: 2 star

Description of the task: Clean up the stinky mud outside the industrial pollution area, basically a newborn, ordinary low-level elves.

Mission time limit: within 7 days after receiving the mission

Mission reward: Alliance Merit 20 points

Alliance currency 30,000 yuan. "

"This task mainly depends on your performance of the stone. After all, the stinky mud will be restrained by the ground energy."

Before the two could speak, Tian Chi smiled and patted Shi Shi's shoulder.

"Well, I'm fine, Brother Tian Ci." Seeing that Tian Ci trusted him so much, Shitou didn't ask any more questions, but agreed.

"I don't have any problems, but the industrial pollution zone outside the town seems to be getting worse and worse. I remember that it wasn't long before the last cleanup. I still heard from Brother Xiaoyuan at that time."

Seeing that Shi Shi had agreed, Xiao Ling also agreed.

"Well, in fact, I chose this one because I was a little selfish. The only thing that stinky slime can sell is the poisonous slime that remains after death. You all know that I have been trying to increase the toxicity of the mouth-watering flower, so I want to collect the core poison of stinky slime. The mud is used for the mouth, of course, the money for this material will definitely be deducted from my share!"

Both of them nodded when they saw it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tianji only stated his purpose at this time. This was the first thought that flashed when he saw this task. I will definitely take it, it is better to make it clear now.

"Well, it's okay, it's okay, a little bit of poisonous mud at the freshman level is only a few hundred yuan, Brother Tianci, you are too serious, we can divide the tens of thousands of yuan as agreed.

You have helped us a lot. If you have to calculate this poisonous mud very carefully, then it would be too much to treat the two of us as outsiders. "

Xiaoling waved his hand first, with a look of indifference.

"Well, Brother Tian Ci, there is no need to calculate this kind of money so carefully with us. You bought the house I live in now."

Stone nodded, expressing his agreement with Xiaoling's statement.

"Well, okay, in that case, I'm welcome."

Seeing the expressions of the two of them not seeming to be fake, Tianji agreed to take advantage of the situation.

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