Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 193: Derby's mighty! (2 in 1!)

After the initial acquaintance, Shi Shi also let Xiao Quan Shi go out to play with them, and then the three of them chatted with each other for a while.

Soon it was after 9 o'clock in the evening. After sending Xiaoling and the stone away, Tianji called Dai Ruby, who was going to bed together, to him.

"Darubi, this is the honey of the giant stinger, you should eat this every meal in the future, it can improve your talent!

Of course, if Xiaoling and the others are here, I won't give it to you, but I will definitely supply you later. You yourself remember not to talk to mosquito coil frogs and small fist stones, you understand. "

Tian Ci poured a small bowl of honey on a piece of meat, and then solemnly explained it to Dalubi first.

"Wow!??ω??" Although Dairubi didn't know what the honey bee was, he could clearly feel that his body was longing for it, so he readily agreed.

"Let's eat then." Looking at Dai Ruby who nodded again and again, Tian Chi smiled and put the bowl in front of it.

"Wang Wang! Woo~Wang!" After Dai Ruby got Tianji's approval, he buried his head in the bowl.

"Oh~ I'm sorry, I really can't be a Virgin, Xiaoling, Shishi."

Looking at Dai Ruby who was feasting, Tian Chi sighed silently in his heart.

For the common people, the honey of the giant needle bee is definitely a strategic resource. It is impossible for him to distribute dozens of kilograms to Xiaoling and stones for no reason!

After all, this is also very important to him, and it is related to his own trainer journey.

Of course, if someone can guarantee that the elves he will conquer next are all elites, then he will definitely share them.

"Wang woo! Ouch!" After eating, Dai Ruby, who felt comfortable all over, let out a childish howl.

"Wang? Wang Wang?" After howling, it suddenly remembered something, and pointed to the sleeping flower and Bibi bird, why didn't they have to eat? Do you want to tell them?

"Hahaha, the two of them have eaten a lot before, this has no effect on them, so there is no need to eat it.

But you must remember not to talk to the mosquito coil frog and the small fist stone, understand! "

Tianji was a little happy to see Derubi, who still remembered his companion, but he warned him again just in case.

"Wang! Wang Wang!" Dai Ruby nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, then go to sleep, we will officially start training tomorrow!"

Seeing Dairubi who nodded obediently, Tianji couldn't help but touched the dog's head again, and then let it go to sleep.

"Wow!" Good night, Tianji!

"Well, good night! Darubi!" After saying good night to each other, the small house that was crowded a little further fell into darkness.

In the early morning, Shitou and Xiaoling had breakfast and left alone. They already knew that Tianji was going to train Darubi at home, so they didn't mention going out together.

In the open space in the backyard, Tianji and Dalubi just finished resting after their morning run.

"Darubi, put aside all the skills you know."

Tianji pointed to the tree stump in front of him and signaled Derubi to attack.

"Wow! Hu~ I saw Darubi screaming excitedly, and he spat out a little flame from his mouth and hit the stake.

"Wow~" As a flammable object, the stake was quickly ignited.

"Hey! Darubi, can you **** the fire back, this wooden stake can't be destroyed directly!"

Seeing the burning stake, Tianji hurriedly shouted.

"Wow!" Dairubi closed his eyes, opened his mouth and began to inhale. Instantly, the flame originally attached to the stake was sucked back by Dairubi.

"Well, the ignition feature works well, but it is estimated that this wooden stake can't be used anymore. Let's change it."

Although the flames were sucked back, Tianzi looked at the wooden stake that was half black, and reluctantly took Dairubi to change it.

This is the powerful attack power of the fire-type elves. You must know that Trumpet Ya has been practicing rattan whips with wooden stakes for a long time. Now it is replaced by Dairubi, and it takes less than 10 minutes to get rid of one.

"Wang~woo~" Seeing the wooden stake he broke, Dai Ruby felt that he had done something wrong, and lowered his head in a depressed mood.

"It's okay, it's okay, Darubi, you are great! It's not your fault, this target is originally made of wood."

Seeing Dai Ruby in a depressed mood, Tianji quickly comforted him.

"Don't worry, there are such targets everywhere, don't stay behind, use all your strength to attack, Darubi!"

Taking Dairubi for a new stake, Tian Chi pointed to the surrounding wood and said proudly.

"Wow! Tatata~!" Hearing what his trainer said, Dairubi felt relieved, and immediately ran towards the stake, while a little yellow lightning appeared in his mouth.

"Ow!" It snapped at the stake.

"Pfft! 呲zizi~" Under the action of the current, the stake also turned black.

"Uh... Well done, Darubi, let's replace it with another one!"

Tianji looked at the broken wooden stake, and was speechless for a while. He felt as if he needed to buy an iron target.

Of course, he is still very happy in his heart, after all, this is the main attacker with powerful attack power he wants! Also praised Darubi.

"Wow!" Of course the young Dairubi didn't know that his trainer was about to buy a new target for him. He was very happy when he heard the trainer's praise, and ran to the new target after Tianzi. .

"Ow!" This time, in front of the new target, it first made a long cry, and then spit out sparks from its mouth, but this time it doesn't seem to be sparks, it can be called a small flame!

"Well, is it about the same as the growth of the mouth dumb flower? The power after the increase is quite good, but unfortunately this long howl is too easy to expose yourself, let's give up first."

When Tianji saw this change in power, his eyes lit up, but when he thought of this prefix, he also crossed out this skill.

After all, after calling for so long in the battle, is it because he didn't hide well enough, or he didn't die fast enough.

Of course, this will definitely not be told to Darubi, it's just that Tianji is sitting and recording in the notebook.

"Anything else? Darubi?" After writing the notes, he asked Darubi again.

"Wow, **** wang~" Dai Ruby nodded, but it told Tianci that the rest needed a live target.

"Bibi Niao, come here!" Hearing the live target, Tian Ji immediately thought of Bibi Niao, and immediately called to the two elves who were training with their heads on the other side.

"Beep-beep!" Bibi Bird hurriedly flew over when she heard Tianji call it.

"Cough~ Bibi Bird, this time I have another very serious task for you."

Looking at the curious Bibi Bird, Tianji said something unnatural.

"Beep! Beep beep!" You won't let me be the target again!

"Cough, that's what it means, but it's all for the sake of making Dairubi play better, and you're in the middle of the ordinary class now, don't worry, you won't get hurt."

Seeing Bibi Bird who had already guessed it, Tianji touched his head embarrassedly and said it.

"Beep~Beep~" Alas~ Come on, come on, just take care of this little brother.

Bibi Bird didn't have too many entanglements, it was already lying flat, who called Tianji its trainer!

"Beep~beep" I saw Bibi bird landing on the ground and calling at Darubi twice, indicating that it was ready.

"Let's start, Dairubi!" Seeing that Bibi Bird was ready, Tianji also directed Dairubi to attack.

"Wow!" I saw Dai Ruby called out, and then his eyes suddenly widened!

"Beep?" It's a pity that Bibi Bird's level is too high, and it has also been born to fight to the death, so it is not afraid at all, but looking at Darubi who is working hard and vicious, he wants to laugh...

"Uh~ Darubi is fine, this is a staring move, it's just that Bibi Bird's psychology is stronger, let's change it."

Looking at Dairubi, who was working hard and vicious, and Bibi Bird, who was unresponsive, Tianji probably understood what was going on. After comforting the disappointed Dairubi, he asked Dairubi to change his moves.

"Woo~" Dairubi responded, and decided that the next move must be to let Tianji see how powerful he is!

"Woo~Wow!" I saw this time Darubi let out a loud roar after pondering for a while!

"Beep!" This time Bibi Bird finally reacted, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"It's a roar, but it's more useful than staring!"

Tianji also recognized this move, but in reality, this move actually caused the enemy to run away with great fear. It can be said to be an upgraded version of staring!

Correspondingly, Bibi Bird, who had no response at first, took two steps back in fright. You must know that Bibi Bird is a big level higher than DeRuby!

And Bibi Bird is not an elf that has been eaten and raised by humans to the level of ordinary, but it was killed by Tianji.

"However, it still depends on the quality of the heart. The uncertainty is still relatively large."

Tianji still marked the move next to it.

"Anything else? Darubi?" He felt that it should be almost the same, but just in case, he still asked.

"Wow!" Darubi nodded, indicating that he had another move.

"Hu~hu~" I saw it opened its mouth, and a gray-black gas protruded from its mouth toward Bibi Bird, and soon Bibi Bird, who did not move, was shrouded in a cloud of mist.

"Okay, Bibi Bird can come out." Seeing that he could no longer see it, Tianji calculated the time, so that Bibi Bird didn't need to stay inside.

He had already recognized that this was the haze they used to gas bomb them before.

"Beep! Huhu~" Bibi Bird, who received the order, also flapped her wings twice, and the cloudy mist was dispersed.

"Okay, Bibi Bird, if you're okay, just continue training by yourself.

I'll talk to Darubi about the training plan again. "

Seeing Dairubi who had finished the demonstration, Tianji gave Bibi an energy cube and signaled that it could go.

"Beep~beep" After eating the energy cube, Bibi Bird looked at Shimo Tianji with a bit of resentment, shook her head and flew away.

"Oh, what a ruthless man, he likes the new and hates the old, and the new generation replaces the old!"

Bibi Bird complained a few words in her heart, and flew away. It only complained twice. In fact, she knew in her heart that it wasn't like this when she was in Bibi Bird.

"Darubi, the next thing is my request for your training plan! Listen carefully and do it well!"

After finishing his notes, Tianji quickly came up with a training plan.

"Wow!" Darubi nodded, as if I was a good dog.

"Okay, it's actually not complicated. The physical fitness is still based on the previous Bibi Birds. Let's run laps first. When you can run a lot of laps, consider the weight.

Then there is the training of the moves. The most important thing for you to train is the spark, and the lightning teeth, especially the spark. Every time you use this move, you have to **** the fire back as soon as possible, which can also improve your own characteristics. Develop!

The last other time is training roaring and turbid fog, and roaring should be able to incorporate staring into it! "

Tanji briefly explained the training plan in one breath.

"Wang! Wang Wang~" Darubi sounded like there was no problem, but the time was a little confusing?

"It's okay, I'll practice with you these two days, and then you can practice by yourself."

Seeing that Dai Ruby was a little confused, Tian Chi crouched down and touched the dog's head, and said something.

"Wang??ω??" Dai Ruby was very comfortable to touch, and immediately nodded in agreement, okay, okay!

As for Dairubi's feeding plan, in fact, mixing meat with honey is the best. It can not only improve his qualifications, but also ordinary-level honey has enough energy for Dairubi.


5 days passed in this way, and Dai Ruby also completed the initial training plan formulated by Tianji.

There are actually several reasons for it to be completed so quickly. One of them is Dairubi's talent, another is the experience imparted by Duokouhua and Bibi Bird, and the other is the sufficient energy provided by honey!

Anyway, Tianji felt that in just a few days, Dai Ruby seemed to be about to be promoted to the top tier of freshmen.

This also confirms that his previous loophole of buying good, medium-quality new-level elves and then using honey to upgrade the elite does not exist at all.

At present, Darubi's energy control has also reached perfection, which is also a perfect skill that civilian trainers can easily obtain.

As for the moves, the power of the spark has also been further strengthened. Anyway, he thinks that a green caterpillar is absolutely fine now, even if it is a freshman high-ranking!

Thunder Teeth has also been trained many times on special targets, and now Darubi's teeth feel a little sharper.

As for other auxiliary skills, howling, Tianji has already given up, as long as he can use it, the most important thing is that Darubi successfully combined the shouting and staring together~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, these two tricks They are all used through facial organs, so there is still a certain commonality. Under the scientific trial and error of Tianji, Dairubi completely mastered this combination skill on the third day. Named - Grow!

Because this skill is not dangerous, Tatsu himself acted as a target. Anyway, Tatsu himself was frozen for several seconds at that time!

I believe that as long as the mental quality is not particularly good, it will have an impact.

As for today, the reason he was waiting at the door was of course to form a team with Shishi, who was still at the freshman level!

One is to get used to it in advance, and the other is to adapt Darubi to actual combat, especially smell detection and tracking!

In these few days of training, Tianji actually added this item, but due to the small area, Dairubi can find items every time, but this does not mean that Dairubi is already a qualified Hound up! .

Only after having experienced life and death in the wild, can Dalubi turn his apparent strength into real strength!

As for who lives and who dies, that's a question! When Bibi Bird and Kou Dui Hua are eating dry rice, it can be said that Dai Ruby has also experienced the treatment of a family's direct descendant, and there are two common-level elves to fight for it!



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