Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 191: Derube

"Sir, this is the product you bought!" After handing over the seat number and bank card to the auction house, Tianji got a blank Poké Ball with a miniature black dog looking up. follow him.

"Ooo, okay!" He felt a little pain when he took over the bank card with only 50,000 yuan left. This is all his savings!

But looking at Derubi who was still staring at him, Tianji also smiled relievedly, put the Poke Ball to his mouth, and said something softly.

"Hello, Dairubi~ My name is Tianji, and I will be your trainer from now on!"

"..." Although he couldn't hear the sound, he could see through the Poke Ball that Derubi heard it, and then nodded his head.

It's not actually a wild elf in the wild. It stayed in the breeding base of the Wu Neng family as soon as it was born. Although there are similar people, the food and drink are actually arranged by humans.

So Darubi, who was completely raised by humans, did not reject being subdued at all. On the contrary, he was looking forward to it. After all, he really wanted to go outside the base to have a look.

"Xiaoling, return this card to you, and then let's go back." Tianji, who got the Poke Ball, couldn't wait, and after calling Xiaoling, he walked to the exit of the auction.

"Aoao, Brother Tianji, are we going directly back to the town?"

Xiaoling silently took the bank card, walked beside Tianci and asked a question.

"En~" Tianji nodded.

Even if the auction at night is better, it has nothing to do with him. Why stay here and waste time.

After making a decision, the two left the auction and went straight to the gopher cave.


Because there is no need to wait for the truck, and most of the way is to drive away the spray to open the road, and the mouth and mosquito repellent frogs are responsible for checking the leaks and filling the gaps, so they returned to the Aoki Forest without any accident.

"It's after 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it's getting dark! Xiaoling, let's speed up, we must get out of the inner circle of the forest before it gets dark!"

"Bibi Bird! Please, go ahead and explore the way!"

Looking at the time on the watch, Tianji hurriedly released Bibi Bird.

After all, the night in the inner circle is much scarier than the outer circle! Even he dared not spend the night in the inner circle.

"Okay, the mosquito coil frog is about to run! Pay attention to the surrounding area!"

Xiaoling nodded, she also understood the danger at night, and quickly warned the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"Shashasha~呲-呲~" The two people who were on their way while using the repellent spray finally saw the stone tablet separating the inside and outside when night fell.

"Rush over!" Seeing the outline of the stele, Tian Chi had a happy face, and after shouting, he quickened his pace again.

"Okay!" The girl agreed, and hurriedly stepped up her steps.

It's a pity that it seems that God doesn't want them to cross this short distance so easily.

When Tian Chi ran under a big tree, a purple figure rushed down from the tree.

"That's right!" I saw the Arbo monster rushing down from the tree, biting him with a big mouth.

"Beep beep!" Bibi Bird flew in front, and when she heard the movement, she turned back in a hurry, and when she saw Tianji who was attacked, she shouted anxiously.

Mainly because the night was already dark, and this Aboriginal didn't even attack it, so he ignored the past. Even if it flashed an electric light, it was too late.

"Moo! Tututu!" Koudouhua, who had been following Tianci's side, reacted and spat out several seeds directly from his mouth.

"Just give it a try, how powerful is my true qi right now!"

Tianji, who was suddenly attacked, not only did not panic, but also felt a little excited. He believed that Koudouhua would definitely not let him have an accident, so he got lucky and hit his right hand in a circle.

"Bang!" Tian Ci couldn't bear the huge force and was hit and rolled a few times, but because of this, he escaped from the melee attack range of the Aboriginal.

"That's right!" Of course, being hit by the seed machine gun and Tianji's infuriating energy, Aboguai didn't feel well, and cried out in pain.


"Gulu~Gulu" As for Xiaoling who was behind Tian Ci, he was also taken aback just now, but after seeing that Tian Ci was all right, he immediately launched an attack with the mosquito coil frog.

"Bang bang bang!" Abo, who hadn't reacted for a while, was hit by water bombs and foam rays one after another.

"Moo!????(◣д◢)????" As for the mouth-stopping flower that was still not far from Abo Monster, it was very angry now.

"Clap! Clap!" He directly raised the thorns and poisonous whip, and frantically whipped this daring Aberdeen.

"Moo-moo!" It's just an ordinary low-level stinky snake, how dare to attack Tianji! When I don't exist! what!

"Bang! Bang!" After a hard slap, Koudouhua didn't give it a chance to breathe, and then **** the Abo monster with tight bundles, and then slapped the ground frantically!

"Qia! Qia~(??_??)??" Being hit by successive attacks and being smashed a few times, the Aboriginal quickly lost its fighting ability and had no chance to resist.

After all, you are an ordinary low-level elf. After you lost the opportunity and fell into siege, why would you fight with them?

"Beep!" At this time, the angry Bibi bird also flew back, and directly tore the head of the Abo monster with one claw, ending its life.

"Good job, Xiaoling!" Tian Chi also stood up at this time, patted the dust on the protective clothing with his hands, and first praised Xiaoling for his performance just now.

"Hee hee~ there's no more. Those little Ladas also like to suddenly come out and attack when they are on the periphery. It's a subconscious reaction! It's Brother Tianji, are you alright?"

The girl who received Tianci's compliment was very happy, her eyes narrowed with a smile, of course she was modest on the surface.

"I'm fine! It's just that my clothes are a little dusty."

"Beep-beep-beep..." At this time, Bibi Bird also flew in front of Tianji, and admitted her mistake in a low mood.

"It's alright, Bibi Bird, there will be occasional accidents~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, you are not a bio-detection radar, but you should pay more attention next time."

Tianji touched Bibi Bird's bowed head and comforted him.

"Beep! Beep beep!" Bibi Bird immediately promised loudly that he would detect the surroundings next time even at night!

"Bang!" At this time, Darubi, who had already made a contract with Tatsu, also jumped out of the Poke Ball. (After leaving the auction, Tanji entered information into the Poké Ball on the street.)

"Wang Wang! Wang~" Damn stupid snake, dare to attack my trainer!

As soon as Darubi came out, he ran to the corpse of Abo, and threw and bit.

In fact, it wanted to jump out just now, but Tianji was worried that it would be accidentally injured by the battle, so he stopped Derubi's move.

"Alright, alright, Darubi, I'm fine. It just so happens that this snake can give you a snack at night!"

Looking at Darubi who was jumping up and down next to the Abo, Tianji said with tears in his eyes.

The happy thing is that Darubi is worthy of being a canine elf, and he is completely loyal to him after making a contract.

The worry is that this Darube seems to be a little too bold, although it seems that evil spirits have this common problem.



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