Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 188: The elf with elite qualifications?

"Dangdang! What about this next thing, but it is a good helper for our civilian trainers. Only with it in hand, you can master the state of your elves anytime, anywhere. What is it!"

The Big Sheep auctioneer, who has obviously done his homework, also understands this routine very well. Instead of lifting the red cloth immediately, he lowered his waist and asked aloud.

"Picture book!"

"Picture book!"

Sure enough, under the foolish question from the beauty, a lot of vigorous male trainers answered loudly.

"That's right, everyone is really smart! Our second product is an intact generation illustrated book. The starting price is 150,000, and the minimum price increase is 5,000 each time. Now the auction is on!"

In terms of copper plate commodities, the female auctioneer did not sell anything. After a little bit of fire, she directly announced the answer and started the auction with a hammer.

"Xiaoling, you can give it a try, but I guess there are more to come. If the price exceeds 300,000, then it's fine. Let's wait for the next game."

Tianji, who saw the Generation Pokédex, said something to Xiaoling next to him with little interest.

"Hmm!??ω??" Unlike Tianji, Xiaoling was very excited! She didn't expect to see her favorite product so soon.

"180,000!" Now the price has reached 160,000, Xiaoling directly raised the sign with a price increase of 20,000 and raised the price to 180,000.



However, this obviously can't scare other competitors. After all, the market price of the first-generation illustrated book is 200,000, so where does it go!

"250,000!" When the price reaches this time, the real competition begins.

"260,000!" Upon hearing the latest offer, Xiaoling immediately raised his placard and followed 10,000.

"265,000!" However, unlike Xiaoling, the others all add up to 5,500.

"270,000" Hearing the offer of 270,000, Xiaoling immediately wanted to follow up to 280,000, but Tianji made a 3 gesture at her.

"300,000!" The girl directly reported her bottom line! A price increase of 30,000!


This also made the others hesitate for a while. Of course, they understood that there must be more events in the future. They have all turned over the booklet. The auction house also gave a number of such treasures of hundreds of thousands.

"300,000 First Time"

"300,000 for the second time!" At this time, the female auctioneer on the field was also hitting the hammer according to the normal rhythm, and there was no intention to say anything on her face.

Obviously, the treasure of this copper plate is not enough for her to sell her beauty and show off.

After all, once or twice, the guests don't care. If you deliberately slow down the tempo every time, or even tempt you to raise the price, you are undermining your own auction house's brand!

"305,000!" On the third time, a young male trainer raised the sign hesitantly.

"Brother Tianji?" Seeing that his budget had been exceeded, Xiaoling didn't know if he still wanted to follow him, so he looked at Tianji.

"Add 10,000." Tian Chi looked at the girl's longing eyes and made a helpless gesture of 1.

"315,000!" The female auctioneer was also excited for a while, but unexpectedly, she looked at the male trainer who held up the sign just now, hoping that he would continue to follow.

"..." Unfortunately, they are not fools. Facing the auctioneer who exudes feminine charm, he firmly shook his head.

"315,000 for the first time, the second time, the third time! The deal! Congratulations to this guest!"

Seeing the silent male trainer, the sheep auctioneer, he felt a little regretful and quickly dropped the hammer three times.

When it was 300,000 just now, it was almost sold, and now the only competitor has clearly stated that he will withdraw from the auction, so there is no need to waste time.

"Xiao Ling, congratulations! Go to the aisle outside your seat and ask the maid to take you to pay, and you can get it."

Seeing the happy girl, Tianji smiled and asked her to get the illustrated book.

"Well, alright, then I'll be back when I go."

Hearing Tianji's words, Xiaoling nodded and walked out impatiently. Anyway, she came here to buy a picture book, and if she missed the auction items later, she would also miss it.

"Then, please come out with our third item!" The female auctioneer's voice on the stage became louder again.


The next few items include elf eggs, elf cubs, and powerful skill balls, but they are not necessary for Tianji, but there is a small fist stone with good and high qualifications. Unfortunately, he has already The small fist stone is excluded, and the tank can be handled by the stone, so he has not made a sound.

As for Xiaoling, she kept her head down and fiddled with her new illustrated book. She had already played with Tianji's illustrated book, but she still enjoyed it.

"Next, it's the last item in our morning auction. I can reveal in advance that it's a freshman-level elf with low-level elite qualifications!"

When it came to the final final product, the female auctioneer who was a little tired on the stage also got up again, and when she talked about elite qualifications, she even increased her volume!

"Wow~ it really is an elf with elite qualifications!"

"That brochure says one of the finale items is this one."

"Yes, yes, but that introduction is too stupid!"

Sure enough, when he heard the elite qualifications, the venue immediately became noisy! This is the same level as the Royal Three Family issued by the alliance!

"Cough cough~" The female auctioneer looked at this scene with a smile, and after everyone's voices were a little quieter, she coughed a few words.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on the cage behind her. Through the big screen, they could see that the cage was shaking violently, indicating that the elves in the cage were very uneasy!

"Quickly open it!"

"Stop selling off, let's get started! Grandpa has money!"

"Yeah, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Then I won't sell it anymore, it's the final product of this auction!" Hearing everyone's urging, the female auctioneer waited for a while, and when the urging sound reached its loudest, she lifted the cover Cage of red cloth.

"Cough, cough! Cough!" Instantly appeared in front of everyone was a small yellow beast holding a bone and shivering~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tianji noticed that it was also wearing a white bone on its head. mask.

"It's Kola Kola!"

"It looks like it's scared!"

"Kola can evolve at ordinary level, and Gala Gala is also very powerful!"

Seeing the mystery revealed, everyone was discussing again.

"Cough! Cough!" Suddenly being seen by so many people, Ke La Ke La was obviously extremely frightened, and desperately smashed the cage with her bones.

"Bang! Bang Bang!" But unfortunately, this cage is obviously specially made, and it can't be broken with its strength.

"Cough, let me introduce this little girl, this Kora Kora was captured by the great elder of our Wu Neng family. At that time, its mother, Gala Gala, was in the middle of the elite!

Of course, she has already died under the hands of the Great Elder. The bone rod held by this Kola Kola is made of her mother's bones, so its power cannot be underestimated! "

Seeing everyone's reaction, the female auctioneer was very satisfied. After she took Kola Kola back, she began to introduce the background of this elf. After all, some words were not suitable for it to hear.



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