Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 19: ongoing battle

"Huajia, let's continue to look for our prey!" Tianji reapplied the numbing powder on the recovered flying knife, and then walked inside with Trumpet.

The two who no longer chose weak opponents soon met a new opponent!

"There are two unicorns in front, trumpet buds, come here! I'll tell you how the unicorns fight first."

Tianji, who has decided to intensify the fighting, is going to meet these two unicorns for a while.

"Unicorn worms are different from green caterpillars. They are stronger than green caterpillars. The point lies in their sharp horns. In addition to spinning silk, they can also shoot poisonous needles! So you have to be very careful!"

"Moo" trumpet bud nodded

"Of course, it's the first time you meet, and I'll help you too, and the unicorn worm has a poisonous sac, you can eat it too, it should help you understand poison-type moves!"

"Moo? ω?" Louboutin's eyes lit up when he heard that there was such a good thing.

"Okay, to be on the safe side, let's use growth first! Then I throw out the flying knife, and you will follow with the vine whip, understand?"

"Moo! Moo" The trumpet bud quickly used the growth, indicating that it was ready.

"Hum, shhh! Shhhh!" In an instant, the four flying knives flew back and forth towards the unicorn.

"Ding ding ding!" Hearing the sound, the single-horned worms fired several poisonous needles from the corners of their heads together, and threw three flying knives, only one of the flying knives stuck into a single-horned worm.

"Woo~woo!" The unicorn worm that was hit by the flying knife let out a painful cry.

"Moo" trumpet bud followed by using the vine whip to attack the injured unicorn first.

"Crack! Slap!" The vine whip hits instantly, and these few battles have made the vine whip of Hornbud more and more handy!

"Woooo! Woo~woo (?_?)?" The injured unicorn was directly beaten and lost its ability to fight.

"So weak! It seems to be the strength of the low-level freshmen again." Tianji was obviously taken aback for a moment.

"Oh! 咻咻!" Another unicorn worm saw that his companion was knocked unconscious, and shot two poisonous needles directly at Tianci

"No." Tian Ci hurriedly rolled on the spot and narrowly escaped.

"I'm still careless, how can I get distracted in the battle!"

"Speaker bud, give it some color, use the vine whip"

"Clap! Clap!" Seeing that the enemy in front of him ignored him and attacked his trainer, Hornya, who felt despised, quickly raised his hands and swung the vine whip with all his strength.

"Oh! Woo." I didn't expect that my poisonous needle would be avoided, and the unicorn worm could not resist the oncoming whip at this time, and was also sent flying.

"Keep tying it up and smashing it to death!" Tianji, who got up from the ground, continued.

"Moo(???_??)?" Trumpet Bud nodded, without taking back the vine whip, he rolled it directly, lifted the unicorn into the air, and smashed it to the ground!

"Bang! Bang!"

"Woooo, woooo" This unicorn was obviously stronger than the one already lying on the ground.

It was smashed twice, and it was still struggling.

"Be careful! Trumpet bud, don't let its horns face you, throw it into the air!"

"Moo!" With a flick of the trumpet bud vine whip, it threw the unicorn into the sky

"Huh! Huh!" The single-horned worm in the air couldn't control the direction of the poisonous needles, and the two poisonous needles were shot in mid-air.

"Okay, trumpet bud, while now, the rattan whip will hit it back to the ground!" Tian Ci hurriedly ordered

"Clap!" The thick vine whip directly hit the unicorn, knocking the unicorn to the ground.

"Boom!" With the heavy landing sound, the unicorn worm lost its sound.

"Okay, Trumpet Ya, be careful." Tian Ci picked up the dagger, stepped forward, and sent them a ride with two knives.

"Although it's harder to fight, it's worth it." Looking at the sharp horns in his hand, one bigger and the other smaller, two bundles of string, and about 10 pounds of worm meat, Tianji nodded in satisfaction!

"There are 7 groups of thread sacs and green caterpillars in total, about 3500 yuan, two sharp horns are also worth 1200 yuan, the poison sac is also 1200 yuan, and the insect meat also looks like 34 to 35 pounds! Great harvest, great harvest!"

While dividing the elf meat, Tianji quickly counted his income from morning to afternoon.

Among them, the meat of the unicorn is 10 yuan more expensive than that of the green caterpillar, not to mention that the horns on the unicorn can be used as poison material. The normal size is about 5 cm, so it can also be sold for 100 yuan.

It's a pity that the other sharp corner on Tianji's hand is only 4 centimeters, it is estimated that it costs several dozen yuan!

The poison sac is also 100 yuan each. After all, the toxin of the unicorn is not strong. You can tell by looking at the poison needles scattered on the ground next to it, which only makes the grass a little darker.

"But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. The poison sac is not for sale. This slight poison sac is just right for the trumpet bud to eat the poison in the cultured body. The elf meat will sell all the green caterpillars. This time, the whole day training, the trumpet bud. The performance is very good, and I can come often in the future to advance early."

Tianji looked at the trumpet buds who were actively exploring new opponents in front, and he followed behind thinking about today's harvest.

"10 catties of worm meat can last three or four days, which is completely enough! Then 25 catties of green caterpillar meat can be sold in a butcher shop, which is 1,500 yuan, plus 7 sacs and two sharp horns. There should be a net income of around 5,200!"

"It's 2:15 in the afternoon, then stay for another 2 hours and then go back." Tianji glanced at the cheap electronic watch in his hand and made a decision.

"Moo?" Louboutin, who found that Tian Ci was a little far away from him, ran back and pulled his trousers.

"Ah, sorry, sorry! I'm thinking about today's harvest, trumpet bud! It's my fault~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't pay attention!" Tianji said quickly.

He really didn't pay much attention to his surroundings this time. It seems that as a person from a previous life, he was not used to being a trainer for the first time! Even thinking about things in the wild and fascinated.

"Fortunately, the neighborhood is the same road that I walked back and forth last time, so luckily, no elves raided him!" Tianci felt a bit of fear in his heart now, and told himself that he must not make such a mistake again in the wild, and his eyes paid attention. Must be around!

"Moo?_?" Trumpet Ya gave a helpless look

"I'll definitely not do it again next time! By the way, did Louboutin find the elf?" Tianji changed the subject immediately after promising.

"Moo moo, moo moo!" The simple trumpet bud was really hit, and said to Tian Ci that he had found a purple elf with front teeth and crawling on the ground.

"Purple, the front teeth! That should be the little Lada. The little Lada is very fast. It's not easy to deal with until you learn the three powders! My flying knife may not be able to hit it!" Tianji said with a bit of distress.

If Little Rada doesn't escape, Tanji believes that Hornbud can turn it into a trophy in his backpack.

But an elf like Little Rada is a bully and fears toughness. If he can't beat him, he will run away immediately. For Louboutin, who has no control skills, it is very likely that he will be injured in vain, and there will be no profit.

"Speaker Bud, that elf is called Little Lada. It can run much faster than the green caterpillar unicorn. It may not be able to keep it, and it may be a waste of time. Do you want to try it?" Tian Ci finally Or decided to ask the trumpet buds for his own opinion

"Moo? Moo(???_??)?" Louba hesitated for a while, thinking about what Tianji had said to him before, and nodded solemnly.


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