Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 177: 3rd?

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Soon someone handed the counted list to Luke.

"There are 40 high-grade energy crystals, and a total of 30 high-grade evolution stones of each line."

When Luke got his hands on it, he skipped the evolutionary resources of the middle and lower grades, went directly to the number of the upper grades, and checked it out in person. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Line up and return to camp!" Touching the three top-grade evolution stones in his pocket, Luke was not ready to investigate the missing part of the middle- and low-grade resources. He shouted and walked back with the assembled team.

After all, other people have sacrificed their lives for you, and some soups must be eaten by others.

If it's too serious and it's so detached, what else is he doing as a squadron leader.

"Yes!" Seeing that Luke didn't pursue the missing part of the evolutionary resources, the five team leaders were overjoyed and immediately began to help organize the team.

In fact, except for a very few unlucky people present, everyone else has sneaked some evolutionary resources.

When they heard that Luke was going to count, they were still a little scared. After all, although one person didn't take much, the total number of people present was a big gap.

Seeing that Luke didn't plan to pursue it now, the whole group were all smiling and happy.

After returning to the base safely all the way, Luke Squadron was also very happy to let the task transfer personnel send their contributions.

"427 points contributed!!" Tianji was very excited when he saw the number on the screen. This is a huge sum of money.

"Bibi Bird is already a normal mid-segment, so let's change the mid-segment cultivation recipe first."

Tianji, who turned to the exchange interface, immediately replaced Bibi Bird's mid-section cheats, so that he had 277 contribution points left.

"Do you want to change Xiaoling's breeding secrets for Mosquito Incense Lord..."

Looking at the few contribution points left in front of the screen, he hesitated a bit.

"I still have 200,000 in my card, those energy crystals can be sold for money, and the evolution stone is hard currency, 18 low-grade energy crystals plus a low-grade leaf stone, the market price is 1.1 million, even if it is sold back, it is a bit discounted The damage should also look like 1 million."

After roughly calculating the harvest in his heart, he is ready to take a look at it again.

In the end, Xiaoling is still a deceived outsider, and she must put herself first.

"Look at Yusan, I don't know how much the flaming chicken of Luke Squadron spent to get it."

Tianji, who was going over the exchange list, suddenly thought of the flame chicken he saw before. He immediately clicked on the elf category and went to find the list of Yu Sanjia.

"Have it!" His eyes lit up, his fingers slid down, and the exchange price of Yu Sanjia appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Elf name: Little Fire Dragon

Elf Qualification: Under the Elite

Elf Strength: Freshman

Exchange price: 5000 points"

"Genie Name: Jenny Turtle

Elf Qualification: Under the Elite

Elf Strength: Freshman

Exchange price: 5000 points"


After only seeing the two in Kanto, Tianci stopped sliding down. He knew that he would definitely not be able to exchange. Although the exchange conditions for the relative alliance were already a lot looser, it was calculated based on 1000 alliance coins = 1 contribution point. This also needs 5 million one!

"But it's still easier than the alliance. I remember Uncle Sam told me that he needed 5,000 alliance merits to exchange for an elite-qualified royal family. Although the price is the same, the alliance merits cannot be exchanged for money."

He is not surprised that this figure is much higher than 3 million, because this is the price that can be directly exchanged without the political review.

Tianji made such a comparison in his mind and found that as if the elite and below, the Rockets were obviously more attractive.

"I just don't know if the gym level will be any different from the alliance level."

Seeing the lack of permissions on the screen, Tian Chi smiled and stopped thinking about such long-term issues.

"Forget it, let's get another one for Xiaoling. Anyway, it's only 50 points. As a natural water-type supernatural being, she and mosquito coil tadpoles complement each other, and her development should be much faster than that of a stone."

After a rough browse, he found that his current contribution could not be replaced by anything that was very helpful to him, so he simply replaced a common low-level breeding recipe for mosquito coil frogs.

"It's just a good impression~ Born to be extraordinary, it's not a loss!"

Seeing that there were only 227 contribution points left in his account, Tian Chi comforted himself and went to the exchange area with two exchange certificates.

After queuing for a while, Tian Ci successfully got two USB flash drives. He looked at the time. It was after 4 pm, which was about the same time as the appointed time, so he walked to the periphery of the forest.

After all, it was the first day for the two newcomers to form a team, and Tianji still agreed with them on a meeting time.

Walking in the forest, he did not deliberately avoid the elves along the way, but he killed a few sporadically. After a calculation, it was probably a little more than 10,000. Let’s take it as a windfall. There are Bibi birds to eat for three days...

Because he didn't look for it deliberately, when Tianci arrived at the entrance of the forest, he still didn't see Xiaoling and the others, so he waited at the entrance, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how the money should be spent.

"Koudouhua and Bibi Bird are both middle-level strengths. It seems that it will take a long time to accumulate to the high-level. Now it seems that the only way to directly improve their strength is to learn new moves, but they have just finished learning them, and they are not lacking now. now~"

Touching his hair, Tianji didn't think that he still had to worry about how to spend money!

"Buy a lot of high-quality energy crystals to shorten the development cycle?"

The idea flashed through his mind, but quickly rejected it himself.

"No no, this is too wasteful, and Yanmiao encourages it."

Just when he was distressed, suddenly his eyes lit up, thinking of his team configuration, combined with the elf exchange list he had flipped through in the base earlier.

"Then I can raise a third elf!

I can't change the elite qualification directly. I can change it to a good one. There is still a lot of honey in the big needle bee. "

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt, and Tian Chi became excited and began to compare the elves he wanted in his mind.

"It's best to have a certain degree of frankness in attacking the fortress..."

Immediately, various elves appeared in his mind~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Unlike the few before, now he has a lot more choices, and he was a little uncertain for a while.

After all, he is rich now! So buy better!

"Brother Tianci!" While he was still worrying about what to choose for his third elf, a female voice from the side suddenly woke him up.

"Aoao, it's Xiaoling and the stone, why are you walking silently~"

Tanji, who came back to his senses, looked at the girl who had just shouted in his ear, and couldn't help being startled.

"No way! We've said hello from afar. I don't believe you're still dumb when you ask Bibi Bird."

Hearing that Tianji finally recovered, Xiaoling immediately explained.

"Moo-moo~" "Beep-beep~" The two elves also nodded, saying that they had reminded them just now.

However, because the two of them knew each other and lived together for a long time, and there was no malice on their bodies, they did not pose a threat to them, so they were let over directly.

"Aoao, I'm sorry, I was thinking about things just now."

Seeing the two elves nodding, Tianji smiled awkwardly.

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