Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 169: Mandatory Mission (Team Rocket Robbery!)

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In the evening, when the three of them ate together, Tianji also asked Shito to go hunting together.

Xiaoling also nodded in agreement. The ten days of hunting in the wild had brought her a lot of changes.

First of all, in terms of temperament, Xiaoling is a little weaker and more heroic and capable.

There is also self-confidence. The hunting in the forest's periphery these days has also made her understand that her strength is not weak, at least not weak in the periphery.

So when she heard that she was going to take the stone to the wild again, she didn't hesitate any longer and agreed.

In the early morning of the new day, Tian Ci accompanied the two to the outskirts of the forest, but this time he did not serve as a nanny anymore, and after leaving the two, he walked all the way to the inner circle.

In the past ten days, not only Tianji himself has improved, but Koudouhua and Bibi Bird have also mastered their new skills, so he also needs an opponent to measure his current strength.

It just so happened that Luke, the squadron leader of the Rockets, seemed to have sent a mandatory mission to all of his subordinates yesterday, and Tian Chi had to come today.

"Task number: 00000

Task Level: Mandatory Task

Mission description: Robbery and kill the Jiang Qi family caravan, try to capture the family's direct line alive

Mission time limit: follow the arrangement of the lieutenant commander

Quest Rewards: Participants contribute 50 points to the base, and for each person caught alive, 100 points will be added! The wealth of the enemy does not need to be turned over! "

Looking at the information automatically sent from the black card on the phone, Tianci's face was uncertain, but it was time to go.

Jiang Qi's family went out this time. After he received the task, he went to the town to inquire about it. This time, it seemed to be going to Vibani City on the other side.

Others don't know what's going on in Vibran City, how can he know as a traveler?

Even if he wasn't a fan of elves in his previous life, he clearly knew that Vibran City was the home base of Team Rocket. Since there was Team Rocket in this world, it was estimated that the base camp would not be changed.

Tianzi guessed that Jiang Qi's family bought something in Vibrant City that should not have been bought, or that the transaction volume was simply too large and was targeted.

The Rockets just started to re-develop in Aoki Town. It was when there was a shortage of resources, and you passed under the eyes of others, not robbing you, but who would rob you.

"But the mission requirement is to be captured alive? That shows that Team Rocket also has the idea of ​​putting nails in the town. It seems that the town is not peaceful again."

Tianji also noticed the two words marked in red, catch them alive!

After a little thought, he understood. It is estimated that he will control these direct lineages, and then directly control the entire Jiang Qi family, and slowly change the flag in the town. The ultimate goal should be...

"Forget it, I don't want to speculate on the ideas of those big men. Let's think about how to survive and catch fish in group battles."

Tian Ci thought more and more deeply, but in the end he smiled bitterly, feeling that he was acting affectionately.

Since the elite-level squadron leader Luke is about to take action, he estimates that there must be elite-level trainers in this caravan.

He had seen the combat power of the elite giant stinger before when the power of the elements erupted. It is very likely that he would be killed by the elite if he didn't pay attention at that time.

"Fortunately, I was given a day to prepare." Tian Chi touched the newly bought high-level protective clothing on his body, and the three disposable amulets on the cuffs, and his heart calmed down a little.

"But these alone cost me 60,000 yuan! If I don't make money from this trip, I will lose a lot."

Thinking that he only had a bank card balance of 240,000 yuan, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. (I also earned 100,000 by doing tasks in these 10 days)

The cost is really increasing!

Tianji, who was thinking about various things, cleared the spray all the way and came to the front of the Rockets base.

"Di~" After swiping his face and entering, he was asked again for the latest password before he arrived at the meeting point.

I saw that the door of the laboratory was open, and 5 teams had been lined up neatly. Some teams already had 7-8 people, and some had only 3-4 people, but everyone didn't speak much, and some were just low. Talking loudly, as if waiting for something.

As soon as Tianji came in, he also let most of them glance at him, but when he realized that he was not the person he was waiting for, he turned his eyes away.

"Captain Okamoto, subordinate Taji came to report."

From the moment he stepped into Team Rocket's base, his face turned indifferent, so although he was startled by the attention, he calmly came to report to his team leader on the surface.

"Well, go and line up behind my team, and then wait for Lord Luke to come and make arrangements."

Captain Okamoto looked at the nominal members of his team and nodded, indicating that Tianji would just listen to the arrangement.

"Yes!" Tian Ci immediately obeyed the order, and after answering, he silently lined up behind his own team.

Then there was another long wait. I saw that one or two trainers wearing black R-shaped uniforms would come in from time to time at the entrance of the laboratory. Turned his head back.

"1, 2, 3...10" Tianji, who was ignored, could only be bored and count the heads in the back.

After all, he's just an outsider, a nominal one, except for handing over tasks and exchanging gifts, he is in the town the rest of the time, so where can there be friends in the Rockets.

"It seems that a squad is full of 10 people! There are 5 squad leaders here, which means that the squad leader has 50 ordinary-level trainers!

In addition, Luke himself is an elite level, which completely beats the apparent strength of any of the four major families in the town! "

After counting clearly, Tian Ci came to a terrible conclusion in his heart. The Rockets have created too many ordinary trainers, and this is only the first squadron!

If you know that it is not an elite class~www.wuxiamtl.com~Akiyama family, the most powerful of the four major families in Aoki Town, has only 30 ordinary-level trainers.

But now it's only the third-to-last tier of Team Rocket, and they can have so many ordinary-level effects. It has to be said that the number of civilians is too many.

Although the quality is definitely not as strong as the direct line cultivated by those big families, but I can beat you one-on-one, but I can beat you two-on-one and three-on-one!

"It seems that the strength of the Rockets is really strong in Kanto! This is only the Rockets that have just started in Aoki Town. It's hard to believe how strong the Victory Rockets are!"

Tianci made a silent comparison in his heart, and found that the reason why the Rockets have not become weaker in recent years, but has become stronger and stronger, maybe these huge numbers of low-level trainers are also an important reason.

"Da da~ da~" When Tianji was still thinking about how strong the Rockets really were, there was a sound of footsteps, neither light nor heavy.

"Shhhh~" At this time, he also found that there was a silence around him, everyone was standing upright, and he quickly adjusted his posture.

In the end, everyone bowed and greeted the person at the door.

"Welcome Lord Luke!"

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