Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 16: real battle

Soon, they discovered a single green caterpillar. After all, the strong reproduction ability is the key for green caterpillars to spread throughout Kanto.

Tianji took a closer look at this green caterpillar and found that its antennae were significantly redder, its body was only larger than before, and there were several scars on it.

This shows that this is a powerful green caterpillar, which is probably the reason why it dares to come out for food.

After all, weak elves like green caterpillars often go out together, and they always go out with at least two people along the way. The silly cute new one before was also because of their luck.

"Okay, this time we will use growth directly in the battle to be fair and just." Tian Chi nodded at the trumpet bud, indicating that the trumpet bud would go up to provoke

"Moo |???ω??)???" Trumpet bud mocked the green caterpillar

"Oh!" The green caterpillar, who was grazing, was very angry at the uninvited guest who disturbed his meal.

"Woo! Woo!" The green caterpillar quickly used three spins

"Moo!!!" Trumpet bud was obviously not used to it. After all, the green caterpillar before saw it and basically panicked. I didn't expect this green caterpillar to be not afraid at all, and suddenly attacked him.

"Horn Bud, run, and then use the vine whip to knock it flying! Finally, seize the opportunity to use Growth!"

Tianji also found that this green caterpillar was different. It was estimated that it was about to evolve. It was an experienced green caterpillar in the wild.

"Moo, Moo," the trumpet bud, which was dodging in a small area, began to run, and vines began to grow on its hands.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" After 5 times of spinning in succession, it failed to hit the trumpet bud, and the green caterpillar obviously paused.

"Crack!" Trumpet bud seized the opportunity to fly the green caterpillar

"Well done, trumpet bud, use to grow" Tianci hurriedly ordered

"Moo?(?`?'?)?" The stopped trumpet bud quickly mobilized the body's energy, and it was this enhanced feeling again

"Woo, woo!" Unfortunately, the green caterpillar that was blown away quickly stood up and used silk spinning towards the stationary trumpet bud.

"Moo?" Having used the growing trumpet bud, he suddenly found that his face was entangled in a sticky thread, and he was a little panicked.

"Wow (?>?<? I saw the green caterpillar, its body was covered with a layer of faint white light, its speed was obviously increased by a notch, and it rushed towards the immobile horn bud.

"Don't panic, trumpet bud, it's too late, just use the vine whip to block it." Tianji recognized that it was an ordinary hit trick.

This move can be said to be a bad street move, and basically all Pokémon can learn it. Hara Honda didn't care about this move, but after looking at the imposing green caterpillar, he realized that he really couldn't underestimate any move.

"Moo (???_??)?" The trumpet bud, who was very flustered at first, was unable to move, but after hearing the order, he calmed down and used the vine whip to hit the green caterpillar.

"Crack!" "Woo!" With a slap, the green caterpillar was blocked.

"Woo, woo," the panting green caterpillar was obviously even more disadvantageous

After all, the trumpet bud can be said to be unharmed, but the green caterpillar was hit by the rattan whip first, and the green caterpillar was obviously injured a little bit by the confrontation just now.

The increased power of the rattan whip is not something that can be offset by a simple impact. After all, the impact trick also depends on your weight and strength! If it is used by a Kentaro, it must be the trumpet bud that was knocked off!

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" The wounded green caterpillar spit out the silk thread several times before the trumpet bud broke free of the silk thread just now and hit the trumpet bud several times.

It immediately turned its head and quickly crawled back.

"No, it wants to escape! As expected of an elves that have lived in the wild for a long time, a green caterpillar can be so intelligent, but if you want to run away, you have to ask my flying knife if it will answer!"

Seeing the green caterpillar turning around, Tianji immediately came out from behind the tree and threw several flying knives stained with paralysis powder at the green caterpillar.

"Woooo? Woohoo!!" I didn't expect that there was a green caterpillar behind the tree. It was instantly pierced by several flying knives, and the thick paralysis powder on it entered the body with the wound and began to play a role.

"Woo, woo!" The green caterpillar crawled more and more slowly, it realized that it couldn't escape this disaster, and made a sad cry

"Okay, Trumpetya, hurry up and break free, use the rattan whip to kill him" Tianji said after helping Trumpetya remove the silk thread hanging from his body.

"Moo Moo|???ω??)???" Horn Bud was obviously very angry, but he didn't expect the first real head-on battle, if it wasn't for Tianji's help, he would have been run away by his opponent

"Clap! Clap!" The angry Hornbud slapped the green caterpillar with all his might with his rattan whip.

"Woo oh... woo" Soon the green caterpillar lost its breath of life.

"This seems to be the marks of the bird's beak and the claw marks." Tianji, who was going to decompose the corpse, found that in addition to the whip marks from the trumpet buds, there were several old wounds on the green caterpillar.

"It looks like an experienced green caterpillar, who can escape from the mouth of Bobo or Lie Que." Tianji thought to himself as he dismantled his trophies.

After all, both Bobo and the Fiery Sparrow are flying elves, the green caterpillars that can only crawl slowly on the ground can be said to be a near-death to the bird elves occupying the sky.

"This green caterpillar was able to escape. It is estimated that it has something to do with the continuous spinning of hair it has been trained to do." Tianji thought of the thread bag that was obviously enlarged in his hand and the spinning of the green caterpillar's continuous hair just now.

"Unfortunately~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I don't plan to conquer the green caterpillar anymore. After all, trumpet buds eat it every day, and the green caterpillar that lives outside all year round is estimated to have a shorter lifespan." Tian Ci felt a pity for this green caterpillar. Give it a try, but don't regret it!

"Speaker bud, you did a good job this time. The green caterpillar this time is obviously stronger than the average green caterpillar. You can still have the upper hand!" Tian Ci analyzed the previous battle as usual, and praised first. under the trumpet bud.

"Moo, moo (?ò?ó? Hornya, who was still ashamed of her performance just now, heard Tianji's compliment and nodded happily.

"But! You were caught by the worm silk behind you, and you panicked. This is totally inappropriate!" Tian Chi immediately poured another basin of cold water.

"Moo, moo" Horn Ya lowered her head and responded in a low voice, it also felt that her performance just now was poor.

"It seems that the previous sneak attack tactics made you too smooth, you must pay attention in the future, you must not stand still for too long, just now you have completed your growth, but you are immersed in the feeling of suddenly becoming stronger for a second or two. Zhong, this must be changed!"

"Moo" Trumpet Ya nodded and listened carefully to Tianji's analysis

"And then you must not let your opponent restrain you. Even if you are really restrained, you can't panic. You have to break free even if you are injured. You can't be a target, understand?"

"Moo, moo" Lou Ya nodded, indicating that she would absorb the lesson this time.

"Okay, then let's take a break, and then go to fight with the elves. This is elves' meat, a reward for you." Tianji looked at Trumpet Ya, who was listening carefully, and nodded.

"Moo? ω?" Trumpet bud happily took it, although the body was not hurt, but after using the vine whip and growth several times, its energy was a little insufficient.


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