Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 153: Bibi bird "pulls" cattle

"Hu Long Long ~" "Bang Bang ~" "Dong Dong Dong ~"

The rushing impact of the 12 Kentaros can be said to be huge, and they were directly knocked away by them, whether it was a thorn forest or a big tree along the way.

"Beep~beep beep!" But Bibibird was obviously flying faster, and he turned back and sneered from time to time.

"Moo!" But after chasing for a while, when Bibi bird ran out of the territory of their small group, the Kentaro leader suddenly let out a long howl and stopped chasing! The other Kentaros also hurriedly braked.

"Beep? Beep beep! Beep beep!" Seeing Kentaro who was no longer chasing, Bibi Bird panicked, and hurriedly stopped and started talking trash again.

"Moo~" "Moo!" There were other Kentaros who wanted to continue chasing, but were immediately suppressed by the leader.

"Beep-beep-beep!" The incompetent and furious Bibi bird could only curse there, trying to anger the group of Kentaros again, but after being suppressed by the leader, there were no other Kentaros to take care of it, it could only watch He walked back slowly with the herd of cows.

"Beep ~ Beep" Bibi Bird looked at them in disappointment. It didn't believe in evil and decided to try again. If it wasn't a last resort, it really didn't want to do such a thing of losing the bird!

Soon, Bibi Bird followed them and flew back to the grass.

"Huhuhu~" There were also several wind blades, attacking the cattle.

"Moo!" This time, the herd started a new round of charge under the call of the leader!

"Beep beep ヾ(^.^* Bibi Bird immediately became happy, it seems to be useful! Come after me, you idiots!

It's a pity, however, that this time the Kentaros stopped chasing after seeing the Bibi bird flying out of the territory. The last time they ran to the border of the territory by themselves.

"Beep-beep!" Looking at the herd of cows returning again, Bibi Bird patted her head with her wings, she had no choice but to lose the bird.

"Gulugulu~" Its abdomen also began to wriggle. As a natural supernatural being, it is innate to have basic control over the body. Otherwise, when you thought it was at Tianci's house, why would it be so punctual every day? what.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird let out a long whistle, and quickly flew towards the herd with her cannonball, and soon it flew over the herd.

"Moo!" "Moo~" This time, the Kentaro leader just gave Bibi bird a threatening call and then ignored it. At the same time, he also warned his clan to ignore this stray bird.

"Moo~" "Moo~" The other Kentaros also nodded and continued to do what they should do. Anyway, the attack of this stray bird was not painful or itchy to them, the small wound that was just cut open. It's starting to heal now.

It has nothing to do with us, and we have nothing to do with this bird, so what is it doing!

Bibi Bird in the air was very angry when he saw the Kentaros who had turned a blind eye!

"Beep! Beep??(◣д◢)??" After I evolve, no enemy dares to ignore me anymore, you wait for me!

"Mmmmmmm~" I saw Bibi Bird's belly squirming in the air, and then lumps of yellow-green things began to fall down.

"Patta!" "Patta~ta" The Kentaro leader was still Bibi Bird's main focus, and several buns fell on its body and head.

"Moo? Moo?" What is this? Slimy and still hot.

Young Kentaro rubbed his head in the grass on the ground, and suddenly his eyes widened!

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