Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 151: parted ways

"Brother Tianji, how was my performance this time?"

After some division, Xiaoling asked with a pale face in front of Tianji who came with the divided unicorn material.

"That's right, Xiaoling! You are already a real trainer. I believe that Takashima-kun knows about it and will be happy for you!"

Looking at the girl with a look of anticipation, Tianji nodded and praised.

"Thank you ヾ(^.^*), I will continue to work hard!"

With Tianji's affirmation, Xiaoling is very happy, she will not be abandoned! She is now a real trainer.

"Then I will accompany you two more times. You can hunt by yourself. I will also go to the inner circle to complete my task. We will gather at the entrance of the forest periphery, about 5:30 in the afternoon."

Seeing the happy girl, Tian Chi smiled, and then told his plan for today.

"Ah? Brother Tian Ci, so fast? I don't know if I can do it alone, and there is no Bibi Bird to find an opponent for me."

Hearing Tianji's arrangement, Xiaoling began to doubt herself again.

"Don't worry, in the next two battles, there is no need for Bibi Bird to find an opponent, you can just find a direction to explore, and we will hunt whatever we encounter.

Of course, just in case, you can explore as far as a few hundred meters, or a thousand meters at most. "

After listening to Xiaoling's question, Tianji also changed the arrangement. After all, this tool person has almost been tempered and formed, so she can't be allowed to die at will.

"O'O, okay~" After thinking about it for so long, the girl was used to obeying Tanji's orders, so she didn't say anything after hearing the words.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the girl walked in front with the mosquito coils and tadpoles to explore, while Tian Chi followed far behind.

In the next battle, Xiaoling encountered three unicorns and two little Ladas. I have to mention here that the foam light of mosquito coils and tadpoles is really useful to Little Lada!

Coupled with the girl's own assistance, it can be said that these two little Radhas were defeated without taking advantage of their speed at all!

Xiaoling's performance is much better than that of Tianji himself when he was a freshman.

Of course, it was not without injuries. During the battle with the little Lada, the girl made one of the little Ladas use Qi Gathering due to a misjudgment, which caused the mosquito coil tadpole to be bitten.

I'm spraying mosquito coils and tadpoles with wound medicine at the moment.

"Mosquito coils and tadpoles, it's all my fault~ Are you still in pain?"

The girl took the spray and carefully treated the wound to the mosquito coil tadpole.

"Yo ~ yo yo" Mosquito coil tadpole saw the sad and worried trainer, and immediately endured the pain, shook his head, and said that he was fine!

"You mosquito-repellent tadpole has a good personality!"

Tianji, who came from a distance, looked at the little guy who endured the pain and couldn't help but praise him.

"Well, mosquito coils and tadpoles are the best!" Xiaoling heard Tianci's compliment and immediately followed him all the way.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you going to the inner circle alone?"

After treating the wound to the mosquito coil tadpole, Xiao Ling raised his head and asked weakly.

"Yes, but it's almost noon now. Let's have lunch together first. I have something to tell you."

After hearing Xiaoling's question, Tianci nodded, and then led Xiaoling to the outermost area where she had a wide field of vision.

"Okay, let's have lunch, take out the meat patties I asked you to buy, and talk while eating."

Looking at the wide field of vision around him, Tianji nodded, and after calling out to the girl, he also took out the sealed package of meat patties from his backpack.

"Ooo~" Xiaoling nodded when she heard Tianji's words, and took out the same meat patty from her backpack and ate it.

"Little Ling, I have two more points to say.

The first point is to find a place with a wide view to rest, and then eat separately. For example, if you are eating now, let the mosquito coils and tadpoles be alert.

Of course, our meals are best to be dry food that is easy to carry, remember not to eat things with strong fragrance! "

"Yeah, I remember, Brother Tianji!" The girl quickly swallowed a mouthful of meatloaf, took out her notebook and began to record.

"Well, the second point is that when you are alone in the wild, you may encounter other trainers, although the forest is very large, the probability is relatively small.

But if you come across it, you must never believe what they say, just avoid it from afar. If you can't avoid it, run to the exit of the forest, understand!

You must know that apart from the danger of elves in the wild, other trainers are also a big danger! "

Seeing the girl who was listening carefully and taking notes, Tanji nodded and continued on the second point.

"Hmm, I only listen to you, Brother Tianji (??????`??)*????*"

Hearing Tanji's second point, the girl immediately replied.

"Well, then I can rest assured. It's alright, I've finished eating, it's time to go! Xiaoling, remember safety first, understand!"

Seeing such a well-behaved and obedient girl, Tianji felt that the hard work of these ten days was not in vain, he patted the dust, and walked in the other direction with the two elves who had already eaten quickly.

"Okay~ woo~ Brother Tianji! You have to be more careful!"

After getting along for more than ten days, the girl has long understood that Tianji is a person who will not easily change his decision, and the next road can only be walked by himself~

Thinking of these ten days of getting along day and night, the girl also stood up and shouted at Tian Ci's back.

"What a simple tool man~" After hearing the girl's concern, Tianji waved his hand and continued to walk towards the inner circle.

Gradually, the girl couldn't see Tianji's back. She quickly ate the rest of the cake. After getting used to the water, she took out the mosquito coil tadpole's lunch.

"Mosquito coils and tadpoles, don't be vigilant, come and eat, I'll take your place~"

After speaking ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Xiao Ling took out the **** dagger from her backpack, held it tightly in her right hand, and water flowed from time to time in her left hand, and her light blue eyes began to look sharply around. .

"Yo! Yo-yo~" It was the first time Mosquito Coil Tadpole saw his trainer like this, and he was a little surprised!

In its impression, its own trainer seems to have always been weak and weak.

"Yo~woo~yo (but this is also a good thing, the master has finally grown up! Mosquito coil tadpole eating lunch thought happily.

On the other hand, Tianji really doesn't care about his new younger brother (sister), but he has been worrying about this tool man for more than half a month. Now that he finally sees some results, he can continue his great business of making money. !

Even if Xiaoling really died alone in the wild, that Tianci had no other choice but to feel pity. After all, he couldn't be a nanny for Xiaoling all the time, and the extraordinary nature under such protection was not the tool he wanted. people.

"Today's goal is to catch a Kentaro alive. These rich people will really enjoy it. They can spend so much money for beef."

Thinking of the task he just got lucky with, he couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart. There really is nothing more beautiful than money in this world.


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