Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 132: foreign aid?

"Okay, let's get started, dusting tactics!"

Tanji saw Takashima who nodded, and after he arranged the position of the small fist stone and arm strength, he immediately ordered Koudaihua and Bibi bird to start dusting.


The tactic of "hu~huhu" was already very skilled for the two elves, and the yellow paralysis powder accurately covered the little Radhas.

"Pullada~lada!!" However, after Radha inhaled a little, he immediately shouted loudly. After all, to survive and evolve in this forest, there must be enough vigilance.

"Little Fist Stone, stomp on! You'll rush in as soon as you have your wrist strength!"

Seeing Radha making a warning sound, Takashima immediately followed the previous plan.

"Hey cha~ dong dong!" Xiaoquan Stone's fists gathered earth-yellow ground energy, and bombarded the ground heavily.

"Pfft~Pfft~" The ground shook for a while, which also made these little Radhas panic.

"Hey!" Seeing the little Radhas staggering about, he immediately rushed out with his wrist strength, and he split and kicked with his bare hands at the nearest little Radhas.

"Bang! Boom!" After a few moments, the four little Radhas were knocked unconscious to the ground.

"Lada!????(◣д◢)????" Seeing the opponent's Lada, he was very angry, his body accelerated sharply, and the lightning flashed and killed his front teeth!

"Hey 嘁~嘁" Seeing the sharp front teeth, he felt a dull pain in his left leg with his wrist strength, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"It looks like that's it." Tianji, who was very concerned about it, also immediately noticed the hind leg of the wrist, and shook his head in his heart. In his opinion, the wrist was useless.

"Bibi Bird, put the tornado in front of the wrist! Block it! By the way, clean up those little Radhas.

Dazed, after the tornado is under control, use the whip of thorns to kill those little ones. "

Of course, what you think about your psychology is another matter. It is still necessary to save now.

"Huhu ~ Huhuhu" Bibi Bird, who heard Tianzi's order, flew over immediately from not far away, and several small tornadoes appeared on the battlefield in an instant, one of them just appeared in front of the wrist, and the others Xiaolongju stopped a few other little Radhas who wanted to help.

This is the contrast of the energy control of the hard training. Takashima's Xiaoquan Shi can't even control the range of the heavy tread, while Tashi's Bibi bird can accurately control the position of several tornadoes.

"Da!" Although this Lada has evolved, its energy control is obviously not high, and it can only be used straight to the point of flashing light, so it crashed directly into the tornado.

Although the energy attached to the body broke through the tornado, its own attack was also dissipated, and there were many more subtle wounds on the body.

"Now, let's kick with the arm! Then take the kick with the empty hand." Seeing Rada who had stopped, Takashima's face was happy, and he immediately gave the order to the arm.

"Hey!" Fighting energy lit up on his wrist, and he kicked Radha heavily.

"Lada!" Rada, who had just rushed out of the tornado, was kicked to the ground before he could react.

"Bang! Bang!" With his unforgiving arm strength, he slashed with his bare hands again, as if to vent the anger of being bitten yesterday.

"Da~(??_??)??" Rada, who was double restrained, lost his fighting ability directly in the fat beating of his arm.

On the other side of "Moo-moo", Duan Hua also said that all the remaining little Ladas were solved by it, and none of them escaped.

"Bang bang bang~" But the arm strength didn't stop, and he continued to beat the incapacitated Radha.

Taji and Takashima didn't stop them either, they were going to kill them anyway.

However, in Tianji's view, this arm has lost the pride of a fighting spirit, and it can be said that the future is hopeless.

"Pfft!" It wasn't until Radha's head was shattered that the arm force stopped satisfactorily.

"Okay, let's clean up as soon as possible!" Tanji glanced at the devastated Radha group, and called to Takashima to clean up together.

After a quick tidying up, they got a small Lada with common qualifications, and the rest became materials in their backpacks.

"Hurry up, let's go to the next place! It only took about half an hour. If it seems to go well, it can be completed this afternoon."

"Okay, okay, Captain!" Takashima nodded in agreement, which was much easier than hunting by himself.


The time came quickly. It was after one o'clock in the afternoon. They were hunting the last wave of Lada. This time the opponent had two Lada and 14 little Lada, so they were in a hard fight.

Of course, this is the result of Tianji specially letting Koudouhua reduce the power of the paralysis powder. After all, this is the last battle.

In the previous hunting, Takashima himself opened a few times, and used the illustrated book to help test his qualifications.

After Tatsuya made Bibi bird's attention, he discovered that Takashima had intentionally put two or three Poke Balls in his backpack while he was dividing the materials.

Because the number of little Radhas accumulated in the back was too much, so he didn't count them carefully. Fortunately, Bibi Bird, who has sharp eyes, kept staring at it, so he could find out.

Of course, he didn't say anything, everything was Takashima's own choice.

"Wear strength, get close to that Rada, and kick the next set again!

Hold on, Little Fist Stone, and step on it again! "

Takashima watched Victory slowly leaning to his side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Half of the share, plus a few Poke Balls in his backpack, should be enough for the evolution of wrist strength and small fist stones.

"However, if those are all mine, then buying high-grade evolution stones is enough! There is also a picture book!"

Takashima secretly cast his fiery gaze on Taji's backpack.

"The flower of the mouth, the whip of thorns"

"Bibi Bird, peck!"

With his back to Takashima, Taji was also concentrating on dealing with the other Lada, but through Bibi Bird's spiritual contract, he also knew that Takashima had looked at his backpack 5-6 times.

"It's time." He looked at the two Radhas who were still struggling~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and took out a bottle of red potion from his pocket and poured it directly on the ground not far away.

Takashima didn't notice Takashima's small movements because he was facing his back, and Radha's painful cry was louder.

"It should be coming soon. This is a refined solution with a sweet aroma. It costs 5,000 yuan a bottle! It will definitely attract that guy."

Tianji was waiting in his heart, and at the same time, he also deliberately asked Bibi Bird and Koudouhua to approach the battlefield of the other Rada as much as possible, and moved his position in the direction of Takashima, but of course his back was turned.

He believed that if given the opportunity, according to Bibi Bird's secret observation, Takashima would have a high probability to choose the black hand.

After all, the act of stealing the spoils was not the result of his intentional guidance. If he hadn't instructed Bibi Bird to observe it secretly in advance, he would probably have been fooled by him.

"Roar!" When the battle was about to end, a powerful roar suddenly came from the bushes beside him.

"Bang bang, dong~" Tian Chi also heard the crashing sound of this elf ramming all the way.

"It's finally here." Tanji smiled with his back to Takashima, and at the same time prepared himself to be attacked.



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