Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 104: evolution, dumb flower See also

"Huh, huh" I saw a large amount of white light suddenly emerge from the body of the trumpet bud in the open space, like a big light bulb.

"Speaker bud, next! Absorb the crystals of the leaves first."

Tian Ci hurriedly threw the leaf crystal in his hand.

"Crack!" After receiving the horn bud, he directly used the vine to smash the crystals on the outside.

Although it is also very surprised, the instinct of the body tells it to do so!

"Swish" The green energy of the leaves suddenly surrounded the trumpet buds.

"Moo ~ Moo (; ≥ dish≤ Tianci, Tianci! My body hurts! I feel terrible!

"Hold on, trumpet bud, although the energy injection is painful, it will definitely be of great benefit for you to improve your qualifications!"

From Louboutin's cry and the feeling of the contract, he understands that Huanjia is very painful and uncomfortable! He was also very anxious, and even thought about sharing the pain himself!

But this elf contract is completely beneficial to human beings, it cannot live and die with the elves.

Therefore, Tianji could only continue to encourage the trumpet buds by the side.

"Moo~(??_?? Tianji, it hurts! it hurts!

The energy is raging in the newly born body, arrogantly expelling impurities and blood foam from the body.

"Speaker bud, hold on! I believe in you!"

Looking at Trumpet Ya in such pain, Tianji couldn't help but redden his eyes. It turned out that Trumpet Ya had such an important place in his heart before he knew it.

Unknowingly after ten minutes, Tianji saw that the feet of the trumpet buds began to disappear in the green light, and the face in the middle began to grow bigger.

"Moo-moo~" It's comfortable, Tianji, feeling his body warm.

After going through the training of grass-type energy, when Trumpet Ya felt that she was back in the eggshell, her whole body felt very comfortable.

"Speaker bud, there is also a poison crystal, let's do it again! For our future!"

Seeing the trumpet buds who finally calmed down, a trace of reluctance flashed in Tianci's eyes, but in the end, he immediately threw the middle-grade poison crystals at the trumpet buds.

"Moo~moo! (??????_????)??" Hearing Tianji's words, Trumpet Ya didn't have the slightest hesitation in his eyes, and immediately shattered the crystals outside with vines.

"Xuuuuuuuuu!" Another burst of purple energy surrounded Trumpet Ya's body.

"Moo-moo-moo!" It hurts, it hurts! Tianji, the trumpet bud is so painful!

The painful cry of the trumpet bud came from Tianji's ear again.

"Boom~Boom(??_?? Bobo felt very painful when he heard it, so he couldn't bear to turn his eyes away.

"Moo-moo-moo" pain! pain! But I believe in Tanji, I want to go outside with Tanji! I don't want to lose to that big mouse again! I want to help Tianji win the championship!

"Speaker bud, hold on, come on! I believe in you, we will stand on the podium together when the time comes!"

Hearing the painful cry of Trumpet Ya and the firm belief behind him, the tears in his eyes finally stayed.

He understands that it is his own factors that cause Trumpet Ya to grit his teeth and persevere in such pain.

As soon as Trumpet Ya was born, he accompanied it to watch the league competition, and agreed that we would stand on the highest podium together in the future. mentally!

Finally, the surrounding light slowly faded, and the sound of the trumpet buds gradually calmed down.

Appearing in front of Tanji's eyes is the evolved mouth dumb flower!

Compared with the trumpet bud period, its head has become larger, and its mouth has also become larger. The roots have degenerated, but two leaves and part of the stem remain, and three spots have been added to the forehead.

"Moo??ω??" Trumpet bud, no, it should be said that she was dumbfounded, and slammed towards Tianji.

"Yeah! You are so heavy!" Tian Ci smiled and hugged him.

"Moo~" Kou Dianhua didn't care about Tianji's teasing, instead, she stretched out her leaf and wiped the corner of Tianji's eyes, where there were still wet tears.

"Koudouhua~" Tianji felt the softness on his cheeks, he didn't say anything, he just touched the top of Koudaihua's head with his hand as before.

"Moo??ω??" Kou Dianhua immediately rubbed her head on Tianji's hand happily.

This is the elves. Although there is a contract effect at the beginning, as time goes by, if you have been bad to the elves, they will not be sincere towards you.

But if you pay with sincerity, they are willing to accompany you whether it is a sea of ​​swords or a sea of ​​fire!

Whether it is a self-proclaimed upright alliance or a villainous dark organization, when treating their main elves, they will treat them with sincerity!

This is also the reason why when the villain is killed, their main elves would rather die than surrender. The alliance can only use them as waste, try to capture these super powerful villain elves alive, and then stock them in the base they control for breeding!

Because in the world of elves, the trainers who accompany them from birth to death are all they have.

What does the good and evil of human beings have to do with me! All I know is that my trainers are my family! It's all mine!

"Bobo~" At this time, Bobo, who was beside him, also silently flew to Tianji's shoulder, and greeted his evolved companion.

"Moo??ω??" Koudouhua also responded kindly.

"Okay, dumb flower, let me take a good look at you, first!"

Speaking of which, Tianji put Koudouhua on the ground, took out a measuring ruler and a weight scale in his hand, and began to observe carefully.

"Moo~" Koudai Huaan stood quietly on the ground, watching Tianji busy around him, he felt very at ease!

"Well, the length is 115cm, which exceeds the average height of 15cm in the textbook."

Saying that, Tianji turned over the page of the trumpet buds, and began to fill in the information on the next blank page.

"The weight is actually 14 pounds! It's also 1.2 pounds more than the average weight! It seems that these two energy crystals are very helpful to Duokou!"

From the appearance and body shape alone, Tianji found that Koudouhua completely surpassed her wild counterparts.

This also means that Kouduhua's qualifications have definitely been improved~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But how much has he improved, he doesn't have a picture book, and now it's too late to trouble Uncle Sam, so he can only wait for tomorrow. .

"Hey, the spots on Kooudouhua's face don't seem to be the same color as the picture?"

Suddenly Tianji discovered that the spots on Kou Deng Hua's face were actually light purple!

As for the dumb flowers on the pictures of the textbook, the spots on their faces are basically the same as their skin color.

"Purple, it has something to do with poison-type energy, dumb flower, have you comprehended any new moves!"

Tianji immediately looked at Kou Dinghua and hurriedly asked.

"Moo!" Kouduhua immediately swayed its leaves up and down, indicating that there are some!

"Wow!" Kouduhua immediately faced the big tree in front and sprayed out a large cloud of green and purple solution.

"Hiss~ 呲呲!" You can see that the part of the big tree covered by the solution is corroding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"This is the dissolving liquid! You have finally learned the dissolving liquid! And it is much stronger than the walking grass! It's too strong! The mouth is dumb!"

Surprised, Tianji praised Duanhua for a while.

"Moo??ω??" Koudouhua was very happy to see Tianji so happy!



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