Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 99: Fight the Aberdeen

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On the way, Tianji took off his outer jacket, revealing the intermediate protective suit under the jacket.

After all, he hadn't planned to make himself known so quickly.

Although he had shown his true appearance in the battle at the Elf Center, there were not many spectators in that game, and he trained all the year round, so he was taller, and no one would think of being 15 years old.

He intends to wait for the trumpet buds to evolve, and after he has a certain combat power in the ordinary level, he doesn't need to hide it any more.

Now, of course, it is better to have one less person if one less person knows. After all, the guards guarding the city gate are boring, but they talk a lot.

Of course, what A Shu and A Ze said was that it was cold in the cold wind in the morning, so I added a coat.

They didn't plan to ask in detail, and it just happened.

Soon, the three came to the outskirts of the forest, and Tianji released Bobo to explore the way ahead.

On the way, they encountered several waves of elves, but at Tianji's request, both of them agreed to give Bobo training.

After all, Bobo is only a freshman, so he needs to exercise more combat experience.

On the contrary, the two little ones were cooperating with the action of dusting, which made A Ze's eyes shine.

"Taji, you also came up with this? It's really amazing!"

"No, no, I also got this idea after I conquered Bobo and saw that Bobo's wind control is relatively strong."

Hearing the compliments from others, Tian Chi subconsciously humbled himself.

A Ze nodded, having a new idea in his mind, he turned his eyes to Captain A Shu next to him and asked.

"Ashu, we can also use the dusting tactics. If we let Tianji's waves control the wind, it will be easier."

"Well, if it's from other elves, it should have a good effect, but Abo's monster is very poisonous and has strong poison resistance, so it may not be very useful."

Ashu shook his head and added another sentence.

"Aze, you forgot that last time my Badahu numbness powder only played a little role"

"Oh yes, the last time I dealt with Abo Snake was not very useful."

Hearing A Shu's answer, A Ze also immediately remembered the successful sneak attack last time, but unfortunately, Ba Dahu's paralysis powder was only sucked by the Abo snake and found out.

Also because of the last attempt, the two knew that they would definitely not be able to complete these tasks by themselves, so they came up with the idea of ​​finding teammates.

"I have an idea," Tianji, who was listening silently beside him, interjected.


"what idea?"

The two turned to look at Tianji in unison.

"Cough, it doesn't matter if Abo's monster poison is high, as long as we are more poisonous! Even if it's just inhaled, it will definitely have some effect.

I believe that as long as the numbing powder of Ba Dahu and the trumpet bud are mixed together, the toxicity will definitely be stronger! "

Looking at the two people with question marks on their faces, Tianji slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Yes indeed!"

"Taji, you are a genius!"

Hearing Tianji's method, the two of them had a sudden realization.

"Take a walk, speed up the progress and try it out at the haunt of the Aberdeen."

The impatient two people began to urge Tianji to speed up the pace.

Tianji didn't care about the peripheral spirits he encountered again, and started to make Bobo speed up.

Soon the three of them arrived at the location marked on the map where the Abo was frequented.

"Bobo, go search!" Tianji immediately asked Bobo to look around.

"It's really convenient to have a flying elf!"

Ashu, who had released Radha, said enviously.

Although his Ba Da Butterfly and A Ze's Giant Needle Bee can also fly, their body size is about 1m. The target is too big and it is too easy to be found!

Therefore, although the two of them also asked Ba Dahu to search before, but they also followed a few meters away. If they really encountered an elves, they could only start to be hard-hearted, and they couldn't do it first.

In a few minutes, Bobo flew back and reported his findings to Tianci.


"Ashu, Azer, Bobo said that there is an Abo monster with several scars on its body not far ahead, and a little farther to the right is an Abo snake, how about it, which one should we kill first? ?"

After listening to Bobo's report, Tianji shared the information and let the two of them decide.

"Aboriginal! Aboriginals are relatively rare in comparison, and we also have to hunt three ordinary Aboriginals!

There are several scars, which means that this Aboriginal has experienced hundreds of battles, and its strength should have an ordinary mid-level! "

A Shu immediately made a decision, and A Ze next to him nodded.

"Okay, Nabo will lead the way. Let's go to the Abo Monster first, just to try to double the powder to see if it works."

The three of them quickly reached a distance of only about 20 meters from the Abo monster under the leadership of Bobo.

At this moment, Ah Shu took out another Poké Ball, pressed the switch, and a red light flashed.

"Fuyi~" A purple body and a black and white winged Ba Dahu appeared in front of everyone.

"Moo-moo~" At the same time, Tianji also released trumpet buds.

"Hey Cha~" Aze released a small fist stone, a stone-shaped elf with a gray body and two huge fists.

"Let's start, dusting tactics, if it doesn't work, then let my little fist stone go to the front to absorb the damage!"

Aze said to Tianji.

"Excuse me, trumpet bud uses paralysis powder"

At first, he was still a little worried that if the dusting was useless, then Bobo, the source of the wind direction, would definitely be attacked first by the Abo monsters, and the new high-level Bobo might really not be able to keep up with the attacks of the ordinary middle-stage Abo monsters. speed.

"Ba Dahu, you also use the numbing powder, and try to get it together with the powder of the trumpet buds."

"Fuyi~" I saw Ba Dahu nodded and began to flap his wings gently, and the powder began to gather in the powder of the trumpet buds.

"This Ba Dahu seems to have good aptitude! The degree of energy control is also very high!"

Tian Ji specially looked at the powder control of Big Butterfly Chin, and only a little bit spilled out.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone!"

He was calm on the surface~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but in the bottom of his heart he silently suppressed the pride that had just risen, and then directed Bobo to control the wind.

"Shashasha ~ Shasha" A large amount of paralysis powder was carried by the breeze to the sky above the Abo monster.

"Chah? Chuck ≥﹏≤" Unprepared, the Aboriginal took a big mouthful, felt a little discomfort in his body, and showed a painful expression!

"Good chance, Radha, flash!"

Apparently, Ah Shu absorbed the command from the last time he fought with Bobo, and reduced the flash + bite to flash.

"It's so cool!" Although my body feels slower, my mouth can still be opened and my energy can be mobilized. You big mouse just rushed over in such a daze, didn't you kill me!

"Boom!" A lot of poisonous needles were shot out of Abo's mouth.

"Little fist stone, the falling stone blocks those poisonous needles!"

"Big tit, double needle!"

Hara Honda was also a little strange, why Ashu rushed out like this, you must know that even a flash of lightning at this distance can't attack Ashu quickly.

Hearing Aze's order, he knew that the two of them had a tacit understanding!



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