Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 97: Matsushima Akizawa

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Hearing that he found it out by himself, Ashu was instantly startled. He gave a thumbs up and said something to Tian Ci in admiration.

"Amazing, Tianji! I didn't expect you to develop a move yourself!"

"Ashu, aren't you also developing? I believe that with your strength, you can do it soon."

Tian Chi smiled and immediately changed the subject.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to see it. I'm still trying to combine the combo moves, but it's really coming soon."

Ashu laughed, then immediately straightened his expression and told Tianci the new distribution of rewards.

"Tianji, through the battle just now, you have proved your strength. Then your reward is the same as the other team member, which is 30%, okay?"

"Well, I have no opinion." Tian Chi nodded, 30% is still reasonable, after all, the main attacker will definitely be the captain Ashu.

"Okay, then you are welcome to join our team. Come with me. I will show you another team member."

Saying that, he pulled Tianji and walked to the rest area on the left.

"Aze, I found a new team member!"

As soon as he walked to the rest area, Ah Shu started to yell.

"Tread! Tread." As the footsteps approached, Tianzi's eyes were first printed with dark blue jeans, then with a black short-sleeved upper body, and finally with a plain face, the only bright spot was the light blue hair.

"How many times have I said it, Ashu, don't yell in public!"

The young man stopped the captain's noise as soon as he came up, and then turned to Tianji.

"Hello, new player! My name is Matsushima Akizawa, and I'm also an ordinary low-ranking trainer. Please give me more advice in the future!"

Saying that, the young man with short light blue hair in front of him stretched out his hand.

"Hello, hello, my name is Aoki Tianji, I don't dare to give advice, let's help each other in the future."

The two shook hands, and Tianji responded politely.

This world is actually quite strange. The names of people here are obviously biased towards a certain island country in his previous life.

But many etiquettes and some inheritances seem to be different from those of the island country.

After some simple greetings, the young man in front of him turned the topic to the battle just now.

"Tian Cijun, I was watching the battle between you and Ashu just now. Your strength is very strong. Is the whip of thorns just the inheritance of your family?"

"No, let me tell you, this trick was figured out by Tianji himself! He is also a commoner!"

Before Tianji could answer, Ashu, who was next to him, immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"Yes, Qiu Ze-kun, I'm just a commoner. You don't need to be so polite and call me by your name every time. Just call me by my name in the future."

Tianji, who was sitting down, nodded, indicating that Ashu was right.

"Oh, that's it, that's really amazing, Tianji, I think Ashu calls you that, so I'll call you that too! You can call me Aze too!"

Hearing the answers of the two, Qiu Ze was obviously relaxed, and his sitting posture became more natural and casual.

"Okay, Aze. However, you didn't always think I was a member of the big family just now, so just sit tight, haha"

Tianji saw Qiu Ze's relaxation, so he deliberately joked.

"Yeah, I don't want to lose face in front of the children of the big family. At first, I was quite surprised that there are children from the big family who are willing to form a team with our commoners!

After you came over, I looked at your clothes, and it didn't look a bit like it, so I couldn't help but ask.

Knowing that you are also a civilian, I would not pretend! "

A Ze replied with a look of regret, the chatting just sitting upright made him tired.

"Hahaha~haha" After hearing this, Ah Shu next to him immediately laughed.

Tianji also smiled, and it could be found that after the three of them finished laughing, the relationship seemed to become a little closer.

"By the way, you don't know my strength yet, so I'll tell you about it now, so that you can have a clear division of labor in the wild, and it's easy to cooperate."

After Azer finished laughing, he immediately began to introduce his strength and positioning.

"My strength is also at the low level. There are two elves, the Little Fist Stone and the Big Needle Bee. They are both at the low level and are mainly responsible for defense and containment."

"Mmmm, Aze is the defense and containment, Tianji, you are the scout and assistant, and I'm the main attacker! Our team is almost complete!"

After A Ze finished speaking, Captain A Shu next to him also immediately divided the three-member team.

"Okay, I don't mind." Tian Chi nodded, it's almost the same, there shouldn't be any problem with hunting the normal mid-section Aboriginal.

While the three of them were continuing to communicate, the broadcast above the rest area suddenly called their number.

"Please, Mr. Hirakawa Tree No. 125, bring the voucher to the No. 3 window of the medical care area to retrieve his Poké Ball!

Please, Mr. Hirakawa Tree No. 125, bring his voucher to the No. 3 window of the medical care area to retrieve his Poké Ball!

Please, Mr. Hirakawa Tree No. 125, bring his voucher to the No. 3 window of the medical care area to retrieve his Poké Ball! "

"Let's go, Tianzi, Aze! Let's go get the elves first. It's noon now. I'll invite you to dinner, which is considered a welcome to Tianzi!"

Ashu stood up, patted the two on the shoulders, and made a plan for the next step.

"En." The two nodded and went to the medical care area.

It is worth mentioning that Tianji's two elves were also restored under the name of Ashu. After all, it was Ashu himself who proposed the battle between the elves.

It's a newly recruited team member. After a new team member has been severely beaten, he has to pay for the recovery of the elves himself.

After getting the Poke Ball back, Ah Shu found a restaurant, ordered a table of dishes generously, and the three of them had lunch together, and after they exchanged feelings, they broke up first.

The three agreed to meet at the city gate at 7 o'clock in the morning tomorrow morning. It is best to spend only one day to complete all three tasks.

After the group disbanded, Tianji first let out Trumpet Ya and Bobo. After all, they had been locked in the Poké Ball for so long, and they hadn't eaten lunch yet.

The restaurants they go to are just ordinary people's restaurants. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com is not a big hotel with a special license for elf food from the alliance, so elves cannot be released.

He estimated that the first thing Azer and Ashu did after they left the group was to feed the elves first.


"Bobo~??????" As soon as they came out, the two little ones looked at Tianji aggrievedly.

It can be seen that they are still sad about the defeat in the battle just now.

"Okay, okay. Trumpet bud, don't be sad, Bobo, the opponent's strength is much stronger than us, but their training time is also much longer than us! And they are the final evolutionary type!

As long as we keep working hard, after you have evolved Hornbud and Bobo, your strength will definitely surpass that of the Lada.

And you can all evolve in three stages. That Lada has already reached its peak, so your future will definitely be stronger than that Lada! "

Tian Ci looked at the two little ones who were lost and aggrieved. First, a large amount of chicken soup for the soul was given to them, and then he took out insect meat for them to eat.

"Moo-moo (??????_????)??"

"啵(??????_????)??" Under the guidance of food + chicken soup for the soul, the two little dogs quickly regained their confidence.



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