Suddenly, Ye Chen disappeared from where he was and appeared directly in the Chengdu area!!

The Kanto region and the Chengdu region are two completely different regions.

I am from the Guandong region, and this is my first time in the Chengdu region!!

"It's a pity that I only have one day to go back, otherwise I really want to have fun."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

After all, no one in this area knows about his series of information, and if it appears, it will not cause such a big commotion.

Even if his reputation spreads to this area, those people will not really know it. I've seen myself.

People are afraid of being famous. Although being famous has its benefits, it's only when you become like Ye Chen that you realize how annoying that feeling is.

"Player Ye Chen, the one-day trip to Charizard Valley starts now, and the countdown is now at 24 hours!"

"Okay, okay, got it."

Ye Chen waved his hand.

When his body regained balance, he opened his eyes and saw that the feeling in front of him was completely different!

Ye Chen felt that the air in this place was different from the Kanto region where he was before..

In addition, this place has a strong smell of fire!

It's like being in a high-temperature furnace!

"It turns out that this is the Charizard Valley!"

Ye Chen looked around and saw that he was in a valley. The surrounding mountains were very high and looked like volcanoes!

From time to time, flames would shoot out from the mountains.

The flames would spray out with magma on the mountains. Above, the rocks here have turned black over time.


Although you can't see any Pokémon, you can hear the roar of a huge dragon in the valley.

The huge mountain peaks have been flowing with magma for many years, and the black rocks have become extremely hard.

And in the middle of the valley , there is a spring that boils all year round, with gurgling bubbles.

The surrounding valleys are all very high, and it is difficult to go up unless you fly. On the top of the mountain, you can clearly see the Pokémon castings above. 's lair!

"Is that where the fire-breathing dragon lives?"Ye Chen's eyes shone with light, and at the same time, his body levitated and released his superpowers.

He has blue-level superpowers and can see things in this valley through perspective.

"so big……"

Ye Chen could clearly see every scene in the valley, but found that this place was much bigger than he imagined!

There are about twelve mountain ranges in total, and there are obvious dividing lines between the mountains and the partitions between them.

There are clear dividing lines between each mountain range, just like divisions.

And in every mountain range, there are many fire dragons!

Not only Charizard, but also Fire-type Pokémon live here.

The environment here is very suitable for fire-type Pokémon to live in, so there are not only Charizards, but also other Pokémon. However, there are especially many Charizards here, so it is called Charizard Valley.

"I only have one Pokmon Ball that can capture the Pokmon here."Ye Chen thought:"So I have to carefully select the strongest fire-breathing dragon here and take it away."

I just used my superpower to take a rough look. There are probably thousands of fire-breathing dragons here. It is not easy to find the strongest one among these thousands of fire-breathing dragons!"

"Roar!!"In the valley, the fire-breathing dragons seemed to sense the arrival of outsiders, and they all began to roar.

"It was nothing more than a Charizard, and now it had become prey of my choosing."Ye Chen smiled faintly, and with a thought, he released a Pokémon


A sharp bird song pierced the sky!

The huge flame bird spread its wings in the sky!

Red flames with yellow fire hearts burned on the wings of the flame bird, and the power of the powerful flame attribute was released instantly.

In an instant , the valley around Ye Chen became quiet.

After all, the Flame Bird is a magical beast with flame attributes!

The Pokémon with both flame attributes and flying attributes has the same attributes as the Fire Breathing Dragon! Such powerful Pokémon, these fire-breathing dragons are still very fearful.


The flame bird is hovering in the sky, although it likes this place very much, because this place is really suitable for the life of fire-type Pokémon.

But without the owner's order, it still can't leave Ye Chen's side without authorization

"It's okay. You go and play first. I'll call you if I need anything. Just don't run too far."Ye Chen smiled slightly, giving the Flame Bird a holiday.

"Beep!"The Flame Bird chirped loudly, then spread its wings and flew into the sky with relief!

This valley is very large, and the Flame Bird can fly freely here.

For flying Pokémon, being locked in a Pokémon ball is a long time. It’s very frustrating, and it still exists at the level of a mythical beast.

"Okay, now it's my turn."Ye Chen smiled slightly, and his body levitated, which was the power of his super power.

Since he learned the super power, unless he was traveling long distances, he rarely used his other ability, the power of flight, to fly.

Because compared to With the power of flight, you can master your superpower faster and more powerfully! It can prevent unexpected accidents. You can levitate your body and float high enough to overlook every mountain and ravine below.

, you can clearly see the vertical and horizontal directions of each mountain range, and the unevenness.

Some peaks reach straight into the sky, and some peaks are very plain.

Ye Chen found that only those high peaks had lairs built by fire-breathing dragons. The short mountain range is only inhabited by some other less powerful fire-type Pokémon.

"Charizard is indeed the top being in this valley."Ye Chen smiled slightly and went straight to a high mountain.

"Roar? Roar!!!"

There is a huge orange fire-breathing dragon on top.

It stands on the mountain, with its wings half open and its neck held high.

The orange skin all over its body and the blazing fire behind its tail illustrate its power.

"Charizard Valley, choose the best one to conquer, it starts with you."Ye Chen smiled slightly, and flames appeared in his hands.

This is Ye Chen's own flame ability, which can spray flames.

Although this is not very strong, it can also inspire the fire-breathing dragon's desire to fight.


Sure enough, Charizard saw that the person in front of him also had the power of fire attributes, and instantly sprayed powerful flames from his mouth!!_

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