In the original anime, there is a Pokémon in the light red gym Aju that evolves from a furball to a moth on the spot.

The appearance of the Moth this time was expected, but the other two Pokémon were something Ye Chen didn't expect.

"Moth: Insect and poison attributes, poisonous moth Pokémon"

"Characteristics: Phosphorus powder (guarded by phosphorus powder, will not be affected by any additional effects of moves)"

"Level: 65"

"Double bomb gas: poison attribute, poisonous gas Pokémon"

"Characteristics: Floating (floating from the ground, so it will not be harmed by ground attributes))"

"Level: 65"

"Nidoking: poison type and ground type, drill Pokémon"

"Characteristics: Fighting spirit (Facing opponents of the same gender, the fighting spirit will be ignited and become stronger. Opponents of different genders will become weaker.)"

"Level: 64."

Ye Chen saw these attribute lists and instantly felt relieved.

When he was in the Golden Gym before, all of Nazhi's Pokémon were around level 70, and the Pokémon in this gym were also at level 70. He was only at level 65.

When Ye Chen didn't see the opponent's attributes, he couldn't be sure. Even if he was very strong, Ye Chen couldn't be sure when he didn't know the opponent's condition.

But now it's completely possible. It’s confirmed. It

’s the same as what the spectator said! Gardevoir is a super-type Pokémon, and it’s level 90, let alone level 30. , even if it’s just one minute, there’s no problem at all!

"You seem very confident. Are you completely sure you can beat me?"A'jue looked at Ye Chen, his face always showing calm emotions.

"certainly."Ye Chen smiled slightly and looked at Ah Ju

"Hahaha! I knew Ye Chen could win! Look at what he looks like! It’s stable!!"

"Hello! Ye Chen, you have to work hard! I bet all my experience points on you to win. You must live up to your expectations!"

"I have chased you all the way, I must win!!"

"This opponent, this opponent is completely inadequate! Mr. Ye can come out of the golden gym, why should he be afraid of the light red gym? Drop it instantly!"

"Direct seconds, immediate seconds! Needless to say what level of Pokémon Gardevoir is!"

"A Nidoking, a double-shot gas, and a moth. Are these three Pokémon used to deal with Gardevoir? This is too overestimating one's abilities!"

Around the battle venue, the players shouted loudly

"If both sides have no problem, the battle will officially begin!"That female ninja acted as the referee and announced directly!

"Ding dong, players please pay attention, the task of challenging the light red gym has begun, the three-minute countdown starts now!"

In Ye Chen's mind, just like in Maiden's Gorge, a number that looked like a countdown to a bomb explosion appeared.

Around the battle site, all the spectators fell silent for a moment.

Let's talk, let's talk, let's talk, You still have to watch the game carefully!

It's Ye Chen's battle, and how many of them are at stake!

"Moth enters the moth, flies into the air, and releases paralysis powder! Double bomb gas to release poisonous gas! Nidoking, jump up and shake the ground, forcing Gardevoir into the air!"

The moment the battle began, Ah Ju quickly made combat arrangements.

Let Nidoking fight on the ground and force Gardevoir into the air.

And let the flying moth and the floating double bomb Gas responded in the air!

In this way, he could quickly form an encirclement and control the opponent's behavior.

But Aju really miscalculated this time, because the opponent was a Pokémon with super powers!

"Gardevoir."Ye Chen said lightly. He does not need to give any instructions for this battle. He only needs to give Gardevoir the power to fight on his own.

"Shanai~~"Gardevoir looked at the three enemies in front of him, his whole body wrapped in red light.

Directly use telekinesis to blast out, the powerful telekinesis directly breaks through the paralysis powder and poisonous gas, and bombards Nido King's body!

"What!"A'Jue was stunned. The calm look he had just now completely changed, and his face changed drastically!

For a moment, all the players watching the show were also stunned.

They had all seen Ye Chen's battle, and they also knew Ye Chen's Strength, but no one thought that Ye Chen could do this!

That Gardevoir directly used his telekinesis to blast away the level 65 Nido King!

"Roar!!"Nidoking couldn't withstand the huge impact of this telepathy, and his body flew straight out!

"gas~gas~~"In the air, Double Bomb Gas saw the superpower around Gardevoir and wanted to quit.

"Phew~" The moth and the double-bomb gas used powerful skills to defend Gardevoir.

But those were ineffective. Gardevoir wrapped himself with a layer of superpower barrier, the poisonous gas and paralysis. Fan couldn't get in at all!

Looking at Nido King who was attacked by his telepathy from a distance, Gardevoir continued to release his telepathy in that direction!

"Is this the strength of super-type Pokémon?"A'Ju looked at Ye Chen seriously, his eyes full of disbelief:"No, it's not just the strong attributes, but also the level gap! The power that can blast my Nidoking away in one go is definitely not an ordinary strength!"

"Yes, but so what?"Ye Chen smiled slightly, opened the game interface with his consciousness, and looked at the numbers on the game interface. Half a minute has passed now.

As long as the battle is completed within three minutes, it will be considered a success. It seems to be still early.

"call~~"From a distance, Nidoking was directly knocked away by Gardevoir's telekinesis just now.

The huge impact caused it to collapse to the ground and be unable to get up. Just when it was about to work hard and struggle again, another move of telekinesis followed!

"Roar~~"Nidoking roared, but as the super power enveloped it, it gradually became weak.

Two telepathic attacks left Nidoking no longer able to get up.

"Huh~" Finally, he fell to the ground completely, losing his ability to fight.

"Nidoking has lost the ability to fight!"The female ninja announced.

In less than a minute, she killed a Pokémon in two moves in two seconds, and it was the Nidoking with the strongest defense!!

The moment the female ninja announced, everyone was stunned.

Although I knew Ye Chen was awesome.

I knew Gardevoir was awesome, but I didn’t expect it to be so simple? _Fei

Lu reminds you: Collect, recommend, and share!

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