Pokemon: Starting from the different color Lalulas

Chapter 504 Talents (please subscribe! Please vote!)

No matter what the world thinks of Xu Qiansu, it is undeniable that he is indeed a guy who can be envied by many people.

Beautiful appearance, hard work and self-discipline, extraordinary talent, wave messenger, smart mind, seemingly omnipotent... After practicing ten games of Go from Aunt Maria, he was able to participate in professional competitions, only to lose to professional players; he became a trainer It has only been about half a year, and he has already been able to defeat most of the gym leaders, and is even confident of defeating the Four Heavenly Kings; he can also sell drama scripts he writes casually.

But even so, Xu Qiansu still has many things that are difficult to master. After all, he has no system or anything like that, so he can only learn everything by himself.

Just at this moment... He had never swum before, so naturally he couldn't swim. At this moment, his body was unstable and he and Ma Li fell into the Buxing Lake. They didn't even have room to struggle, so they sank straight to the bottom of the lake.


His ears were filled with the dull feeling of the lake water passing by. Xu Qiansu didn't pay attention for a moment. He subconsciously opened his mouth and was poured a few mouthfuls of water. The blisters surged up from the tip of his mouth and nose. It was extremely uncomfortable. He opened his eyes and saw the red glow of the sunset. It came from the lake, but the surroundings were dark, and the whole body was wet, cold, and sticky.

Xu Qiansu hugged Ma Li's slender waist tightly with both hands. Later, she realized that she couldn't swim, so she couldn't drag Ma Li into the water, so she quickly let go of her arms.

Looking sideways, Ma Li's fair skin looked crystal clear in the dark lake water. She was as graceful and smooth as a mermaid. She held Xu Qiansu's hand with one hand and hugged Xu Qiansu's neck with the other. She noticed that Xu Qiansu was covered by The lake water poured into his mouth and nose, and he gently leaned forward, placing his moist and soft pink lips against Xu Qiansu's lips.


Some bubbles escaped upward from between their lips.

Ma Li had rescued Xu Qiansu once before in Shuizhou Town, and now there was no psychological burden if she did it again.

The soft and creamy touch mixed with the moist and cold water of the lake entered his heart, causing Xu Qiansu's heartbeat to speed up instantly.


Ma Li took Xu Qiansu out of the lake. Fortunately, she fell into the water not long ago and the boat didn't drift far.

Xu Qiansu was so strong that she grabbed the edge of the boat with one hand, and held Ma Li's legs with the other hand to push her up. Then she climbed up easily, then lay on her back in the boat and couldn't help coughing. She vomited several times before she managed to recover.

It seems that this boat is still not big enough, so I will replace it tomorrow! Just in case the girls fell down while playing in the water.

Just now Ma Li pushed her over, but Xu Qiansu was afraid of hurting her and didn't dare to use any strength. Unexpectedly, she was pushed directly down.

By the way, how is Miss Mary? You can't have a fever after falling into the water.

Xu Qiansu quickly sat up and looked sideways.

Ma Li sat sideways next to him and couldn't help panting. Her silky black hair stuck tightly to her snowy skin, dripping with water, adding a bit of tenderness and pity to her. Her thin sweater was soaked by the lake water. After getting wet, you can vaguely see the outline of a bit of snow-white flesh and close-fitting clothes. Looking at the size... Xu Qiansu looked down on her.

Ma Li noticed Xu Qiansu's gaze, raised her eyebrows, covered her chest with one hand, and looked at him coldly.

Xu Qiansu sat on the carpet, holding her hands behind her back, panting while looking at Ma Li's cold expression.

Suddenly, Xu Qiansu laughed. His laughter was very soft, but his eyes narrowed as he laughed happily.

"Why are you laughing!?" Ma Li was in a very bad mood and her expression was as cold as a snow-capped mountain 10,000 meters above the ground. But instead of being afraid, Xu Qiansu actually smiled even happier.

Seeing this, Ma Li became even more angry. She had been irritated about the future relationship between the two. She had been having trouble sleeping and eating for two months, but this guy was still laughing at this moment! ?

What made her even more angry was...

"What did you mean just now!? You don't know how to swim, but you dared to let go just after you fell into the water! Are you really not afraid of death!? You don't have to protect me in that kind of dangerous moment! When you are beyond your ability, come and seek my help Help!" Ma Li's clear and charming voice was slightly sharp at this moment. Perhaps it was because she had just fallen into the water. She felt a little cold and hot all over her body at this moment.

"It was like this just now, and it was like this before! If you hadn't protected me in Binhai City, you wouldn't have gone to Xicui by chance! You wouldn't have been with Cattleya! You!" Ma Li paused, and then He continued coldly: "We won't be like this now!"

"Hahaha——" Xu Qiansu's dark and lively eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she didn't refute a word. Instead, she raised her chin with laughter when she heard the words. Her laughter was brisk and gentle.

"In the final analysis, it's because you are too smart and have too much sense of responsibility!" Ma Li's voice was cold, nagging and complaining.

"You don't need to be responsible for Cattleya at all, just use your sense of responsibility on me. When I asked you to watch "Chen Cui on the Left, Sinnoh on the Right", I just wanted you to know your Solo How has your life been for so many years? I never thought that you would actually confess your feelings to Cattleya! Why are you determined to be responsible for Cattleya when you don’t even have memories!?"

"It's inexplicable! It's really inexplicable!"

Xu Qiansu stretched out his hand and pushed away his wet black hair that was clinging to his forehead, revealing his forehead with drops of water. When Ma Li said something, he laughed a few times and kept squinting his eyes.

"I would rather you be as indecisive as the hero of that trash novel than be so decisive! After all, as long as the relationship has not been confirmed, the winner must be me!"

"Seriously?" Xu Qiansu spoke and asked with a smile.

"You dare?" Ma Li's expression became colder and her voice was depressed, "If you were that kind of indecisive person, I would have severed ties with you long ago."

"Hahaha——" Xu Qiansu continued to laugh, his smile was gentle.

"Frivolous! When we first started traveling, you were full of love words. It was obvious that you didn't like me at all at that time!"

"Slutty! You haven't married Cattleya yet, and you do that kind of thing with her! I'm disgusted!"

"Do you know that as early as in Shuizhou Town, I saved you once when you fell into the sea! I kissed you once! That was my first kiss! You didn't notice it until now! Why are you so slow! You are so slow to face me , but can confess his love to Cattleya without hesitation!"

Ma Li's chest couldn't help rising and falling, and her breathing was sometimes heavy and sometimes slow. The two were so close that Xu Qiansu could even feel the warmth of Ma Li's breath on his face.

Ma Li opened her pink lips lightly and kept scolding Xu Qiansu from the time she first started traveling to now, saying that she didn't like everything about Xu Qiansu.

"My matter hasn't been finalized yet, so you go and provoke Dale. It seems that deep down in your heart, I don't matter in the end!" At the end of this sentence, Ma Li took a few breaths.

Today was probably the day she talked the most in her life.

Xu Qiansu has been laughing after being scolded for so long.

After laughing for so long, Xu Qiansu finally slowly stopped smiling and looked into Ma Li's eyes, "Miss Ma Li, I like you. Even if you hate me, please stay with me and spend the rest of your life together."

No matter how much Ma Li was dissatisfied with Xu Qiansu, no matter what happened between the two, when Xu Qiansu fell into the water, Ma Li would always save him, and when Ma Li was in danger, Xu Qiansu would always protect her.

Xu Qiansu cannot live without Ma Li, otherwise, it will be like a fish out of water and a person without oxygen.

Darkness began to appear in the extremely high sky, and the sky seemed to be divided into two, half sunset and half night.

Thin clouds like heading miscanthus hang in the sky, winding and undulating.

Staring at it, the sky is lonely.

Ma Li's breathing was faint at the moment, as subtle as coming from the entrance to another world.

Otherwise everything was completely silent.

Leave no sound behind.

Ma Li stared into Xu Qiansu's eyes, her slender shoulders trembling slightly, and her charming and pretty face with an extremely sad look.

"I like you, Miss Mali, your cold but soft little hands, your hair flowing down like a waterfall, your big light green eyes, your small round soft earlobes, and your tightly pursed lips when you are angry. …I love every inch of you.”

Ma Li's eyes were slightly misty, her lips were tightly pressed together, and her voice was dry, "Don't think that because I kissed you, you can stay with me on the excuse of being responsible. Instead of sharing you with Cattleya and the others, I might as well live alone.”

Ma Li's voice was all painful and desolate, but she still rejected Xu Qiansu.

"But I really like you from the bottom of my heart and I can't live without you no matter what." Xu Qiansu's voice was sincere. He looked at Ma Li sadly. Those eyes would make Ma Li unconsciously soften her heart and unconsciously agree to everything he had. Require.

Ma Li looked away, closed her eyes, and said in a slow but firm voice: "As long as you give up on them, I promise you."

"I know my request is too much, but I can't do it without you. I just hope that you can be with me, not as a friend, not as a confidant, but as a couple, lovers, and husband and wife. I hope that we can grow old together in this strange world. Let the world survive." Xu Qiansu's voice was hoarse, and such a voice made Ma Li's heart tremble.

"I'm really sorry for asking you to accept the existence of Cattleya, Lillie, and Del... But I really like you, just like the sky in the distance, the boat under my feet, the lake water pouring into my lungs, and the whole world They are all being melted by magma...I really can’t do it without you.”

She opened her eyes, her almond-shaped eyes slightly squinted, and looked at the sky bisected by the setting sun and the night with misty eyes, her expression full of confusion.

Xu Qiansu looked at Ma Li with such an unspeakable expression that Ma Li didn't even have the courage to look back at him.

I don’t know how long it took, or how far the boat floated on Buxing Lake, until the sky was about to be invaded by night, until there was only a ray of golden light outside the skyline, and until the full moon hung in the night sky, Ma Li finally looked away. , looking at Xu Qiansu with light green eyes, a few drops of clear tears mixed with the lake water that had not yet dried up slid over the white side of the face.

"Half." She replied to Xu Qiansu.

"Half?" Xu Qiansu's eyes widened a bit and she looked at Ma Li with a little doubt. He used to be smarter than anyone else, but he didn't want to think about anything at this moment. He just wanted to know that Ma Li could Give an answer that is as specific as possible.

"I can try to get along with them for the time being. If I'm not happy, I will leave at any time." Ma Li gently wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves to calm down her mood. Her voice returned to its clear and calm voice, and she said slowly: "Here During this period, you can't kiss me or hug me, everything will be the same as before until I promise you."

Xu Qiansu blinked and asked curiously: "Spare tire?"

"You don't want to?" Ma Li looked sideways at Xu Qiansu.

"No! Miss Ma Li, I like you!" Xu Qiansu looked happy and couldn't suppress her smile. Miss Ma Li was a decisive person and would not allow half-measures. The spare tire was just Xu Qiansu's self-deprecating expression. In fact, Ma Li Miss Li's answer was already considered an agreement.

Except for the words "I like you", Xu Qiansu couldn't find any words to describe her mood at the moment!

Xu Qiansu couldn't help but open her arms and hugged Ma Li tightly. Her slender and graceful figure seemed to be trapped in Xu Qiansu's arms.

"You!" Ma Li put her hands on Xu Qiansu's chest and pushed hard, her voice slightly cold, "I told you you can't hug me, right?"

"Only this time! Just this day!" Xu Qiansu laughed loudly. He hugged Ma Li tightly and never let go. He tilted his head to look at the calm lake and shouted to it: "Buxing Lake! I like it. Miss Mary! Where is Miss Mary?"

Ma Li took a few breaths and finally stopped struggling. Her expression softened and she said with a doting smile, "I like you too, Xu Qiansu."

Xu Qiansu couldn't help laughing.

"Are you so happy? I didn't promise you to be your girlfriend."

"Miss Ma Li likes me. This is the happiest thing in the world!"

"Haha." Ma Li suddenly sneered, "Are you really number one?"

"...Okay, actually we are tied for first place." Xu Qiansu looked up at the night sky, the smile on her face slowly faded, and she tightened her arms around Ma Li.

Smooth skin, warm body temperature, soft body, beating heartbeat, Xu Qiansu could feel everything about Ma Li at this moment. He closed his eyes, leaned his face against Ma Li's face, wet hair Mixed between the two people's skin.

At this moment, Xu Qiansu had nothing else to ask for.

"Now you can see me when you wake up every day." Ma Li said with a smile.

"There is nothing more joyful than this!"

"I will accompany you to Alola."

"I hope to be able to teach me how to swim. Every time I fall into the water, I am saved by Miss Ma Li. Although it is sweet, it is always embarrassing."

"But if I can't stand them, or if you make me unhappy, I will leave immediately."

"I won't let you leave."

"Won't you make me angry?"

"Miss Ma Li looks so cute when she's angry, and her voice is clear and pleasant when she teaches me a lesson... But I won't let you leave me."

"Why are you always smiling?"

"Now that I see a gentleman, Yunhu is not happy."

Ma Li broke away from Xu Qiansu's arms and looked at him coldly, "That's it again! I should have said it a long time ago. You should never mention anything I don't understand again!"

"Then let me put it another way...because I like you." Xu Qiansu said softly.

Ma Li's fair and pretty face was actually a little rosy due to shyness at this moment, "Like this word, you have said it too many times."

Xu Qiansu didn't speak anymore. He looked into Ma Li's eyes, lowered his voice, and asked in a low voice, like a child who wants a toy, "Miss Ma Li, just this once...can I kiss you?"


"What about a kiss on the forehead or the side of the face?"

"No! I said I haven't agreed to be your girlfriend yet!" Ma Li's attitude was very firm.

"Okay." Xu Qiansu looked a little disappointed, "How about another hug?"

Ma Li dodged her eyes, lowered her gaze, and finally just nodded slightly.

The two hugged each other, and the night sky completely swallowed up the sunset. The lake was dark, with only a little bit of moonlight hanging down.

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