After rescuing the Tropical Dragon tribe.

Because poachers are imprisoned for a long time and in large numbers, rangers need to find a place to house these Pokémon for a period of time.

Only after it is confirmed that these Pokémon are completely safe, pose no threat to humans, and are not overly aggressive, can they be released.

After all, there are so many Pokémon, and if some of them become malicious to humans during the process of being persecuted by poachers, related accidents will easily occur after they are released.

Su Yu even believed that the reason why he was able to take away his tropical dragon last time was because of Miss Junsha's endorsement. Otherwise, our own tropical dragon might also be housed for a while.

Because of this, Su Yu's tropical dragons had to be separated from their clan members again. But this time, its people are safe.


When we parted, Su Yu's tropical dragon was still reluctant to leave. In this regard, Miss Junsha said:

After they have been placed for a period of time to ensure that there is no danger, they can be released. As for whether they are returned to the forest or taken away by humans, it depends on the Pokémon's own wishes.

I will let someone notify you when their observation period ends. Before then, your ranch may be ready to house a large number of Pokémon.

The implication is that these tropical dragon tribesmen are likely to follow Su Yu's tropical dragon to Su Yu's pasture.

But this is not necessarily true. After all, those tropical dragons may want to leave more than getting along with humans.

After hearing this, Su Yu looked at his tropical dragon. He touched the Tropical Dragon's neck and asked:

If your companions choose to return to the mountains and forests, will you follow them?

This is a question that Su Yu doesn't want to touch. But no matter what choice Tropical Dragon makes, Su Yu will support it.

Perhaps back then, Xiaozhi had such a mentality and let Bi Diao and Bad Butterfly go.

After hearing this, Tropical Dragon glanced at Su Yu, and then at the Tropical Dragon tribe members who were leaving in the distance, with some hesitation in his eyes.

It didn't want to leave the tribe it had lived in since childhood, but when it came to Su Yu's ranch, it also met many companions, and Su Yu...

Seeing this, Su Yu patted the tropical dragon and said with a smile:

It doesn't matter. You can think about it for a few days and then make a decision when the time comes. Anyway, there is no rush.

Hearing this, Tropical Dragon nodded in disappointment.

At this time, Miss Junsha and the others had basically cleaned up the entire poacher base. The forest rangers not far away have already gathered up their teams and are preparing to go back to their homes.

Seeing this, Su Yu, after saying goodbye to Miss Junsha, also mounted the tropical dragon and was about to leave.

Wen, my name is Yang Wen. Seeing that Su Yu was still calling her Miss Junsha, Yang Wen said.

Actually, in terms of seniority, I'm still your cousin. Don't call me 'Miss Junsha' from now on.

Ah, okay, Jun...Sister Yang Wen. Su Yu said by mistake.

Su Yu knew the reason why the Junsha family still uses the name Junsha.

This is because when the secret realm first arrived, a Pokémon world native named Junsha walked out of the secret realm and saved the people of Donghuang who had no elves at the time.

After all, the secret realm had just arrived on Aquamarine, and people were exposed to magical creatures like Pokémon for the first time. They didn't know how to conquer them, nor how to get along with them.

But among them, there are some Pokémon with malicious intentions that come to destroy the villages where people live. In this case, even fully armed and armored humans cannot compete with Pokémon.

It was in such a situation that Junsha appeared. She saved the people in the village, taught them how to tame Pokémon, and taught them how to make Poké Balls.

Later, some of the people rescued by Junsha established the Donghuang Alliance's defense organization. In order to commemorate that Junsha, from then on, they called themselves Junsha when they went out.

But in the final analysis, they are still Donghuang people and have their own Donghuang names. However, when outside, she usually calls herself Junsha.

And after saying goodbye to Yang Wen...

Su Yu rode the tropical dragon all the way back to the ranch.

It was already late at night, and the tropical dragon landed gently. After jumping off the back of the tropical dragon, Su Yu put it into the elf ball and let it stay inside for the night.

Entering the house quietly, Frost Milk Fairy and the others were already asleep.

Su Yu quietly came to the TV and touched the back of the TV. The TV was actually a little hot?

It looks like someone just turned off the TV and pretended to sleep.

No need to guess, Su Yu also knew that they were braided sheep. Glancing at the braided sheep lying in the living room, Su Yu shook his head helplessly.

It seems that in the next few days, you will not be allowed to watch TV. Su Yu said softly.

He could probably guess how these braided sheep partyed late at night after finding out that he wouldn't be back until late at night.

The other Pokémon basically went to bed early, and these sheep must have thought they could hide it from him, so they waited until the other Pokémon fell asleep, then secretly got up and turned on the TV, thinking Stay up late and watch it.

When Su Yu said this, the ears of the braided sheep seemed to move in the darkness.

However, in order not to wake up other Pokémon, Su Yu didn't say much. Instead, after washing up, he climbed into bed.

When Su Yu woke up early the next morning, he started making waffles for breakfast. Paired with the nutritious goat milk produced by the riding lamb, this breakfast can be said to be quite rich.

The fragrance even spread outside the house, and at this moment, there was another knock on the door.

Come, come, who's there? Su Yu hurriedly ran out of the kitchen wearing an apron. When he opened the door, it was the postman he had seen before.

Seeing Su Yu, the postman smiled and said:

Good morning, smells so good. Do you want to have waffles for breakfast?

Yes, do you want to stay and eat together? Su Yu invited.

Hearing this, the postman shook his head:

No, I still have letters to send to the next family.

By the way, this is your monthly newspaper. Because the Chinese New Year is coming in a few days, this month's newspaper will be delivered in advance. Please understand.

Seeing Su Yu take the newspaper, the postman sighed:

Time flies so fast, and it's almost the New Year again~! Do you have any plans for the New Year this year?

I heard that the rancher of the ranch next door has bought new year's goods and is preparing to take his Pokémon home for the New Year!

Some ranchers’ parents, wives and children are not necessarily in the pastoral areas, and the Chinese New Year is one of the few times when they go home to reunite with their relatives. So they usually buy new year goods at this time and prepare to go home for the New Year.

But Su Yu has no relatives or reasons in this world... Well, he did meet a cousin yesterday, but she wasn't familiar with her either.

So Su Yu said:

Hmm... probably not. I will probably stay here and celebrate the New Year with the Pokémon.

That's right, that's right. There are many Pokémon in your ranch, so it will definitely be very lively by then.

Then I would like to wish you a happy new year and wish you a happy life. I will leave now~!

With that said, the postman came to his doodle.

At this moment, Duduli's three heads were constantly arguing with each other, as if they were arguing over which head should be the leader of the next trip.

Ahem, I also wish you a happy life. Looking at this rather joyous scene, Su Yu smiled.

After seeing off the postman, Su Yu returned to the house and looked at the calendar.

Is this February 6th?

It will be New Year's Eve in a few days, and it is indeed almost the New Year.

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