Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 58: Separation meeting of wild Pokémon

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After a long journey, Dongdongshu and the others finally returned to their current residence.

As soon as they got close to the residence, some Pokémon climbed up to the treetops to watch out and went back to report the news. Upon hearing the news that Dongdongrat and the others were back, all the Pokémon living in this forest immediately ran out.

They haven't eaten for a long time, because the forest doesn't bear many fruits this year, and they haven't stored enough food for the winter. Not to mention that later, new Pokémon such as Tondo Rat were temporarily added.

At this moment, the Dongdong rats finally returned. Seeing Dongdongmouse, the Pokémon gathered together impatiently.

And Dong Dong Mouse quickly used his wrist power to take out all the energy cubes in the bag and threw them to these Pokémon.

Among these Pokémon, there are Nidoran, Arbor, Flying Mantis, etc. There are all kinds of strange things. Like the Dongdong rats, they are gathered together because of some wonderful fate in the forest.

The forest is sometimes very dangerous. In order to protect themselves, these Pokémon usually choose to live with their companions. It is rare for a lone ranger to live alone.

At this moment, Dongdongmouse is also distributing energy cubes to its Pokémon companions. Because he wanted to help the Pokémon in the forest survive the winter, Su Yu took out all the energy cubes stored at home and gave them to Dongdongshu and the others.

Anyway, there are still a lot of energy cubes he won from the rancher competition last time. Once these energy cubes are used up, Su Yu can go to the energy cube exchange point designated by the competition to collect them. The channels for obtaining energy cubes are better than those in the forest. Pokémon are much more convenient.

The total amount of these energy cubes is as much as three large sacks. You know, energy cubes are concentrated tree fruit essence.

Su Yu felt that these energy cubes alone should be enough to feed the Pokémon in the forest for a long time.

Therefore, after Dongdong Rat distributed almost all the energy cubes, the energy cubes consumed were less than one-eighth of the sack.

But these Pokémon no longer fight for it. The feeling of fullness that an energy cube can bring is already very strong. This time, these Pokémon ate at least three energy cubes per person, and they were completely full.

Dongdong... After all the Pokémon had eaten, Dongdongmouse relaxed. The scene just now was too scary. Almost all the Pokémon crowded in to fight for it, and they almost started fighting.

But just after sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Dongdongshu remembered Su Yu's instructions to it. Immediately, Dondong Rat stood up again, climbed onto Wrist's shoulder, and said to the Pokémon:

Dong dong, dong dong~! Everyone put down what they were doing and listen to what I have to say.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Dongdongshu also explained to these Pokémon what Su Yu had asked.

That's what Su Yu wants to do to hire wild Pokémon.

It described the appearance of Su Yu's ranch to the Pokémon, and roughly explained what they needed to do after going to Su Yu's ranch.

The environment there is beautiful, the Pokémon live and work in peace and contentment, and there is also a human rancher who leads them to build a ranch and is working hard to make the ranch better and better.

After saying all the words that he could think of to praise Suyu Ranch, Dongdongmouse finally asked the Pokémon:

Dong dong, dong dong. That's about it. Is any of you willing to go with me?

After hearing this, many Pokémon immediately expressed their lack of interest. One of the Arbor monsters even turned around and walked away, indicating that he was completely uninterested.

Cha... I don't want to go to a place where humans are.

Seeing a Pokémon taking the lead to leave, another group of Pokémon followed immediately. They prefer life in the forest to pasture.

To this, Totoro is indifferent. Every Pokémon has a life they prefer, and this cannot be forced.

But even though a large number of Pokémon left, there were also a lot of Pokémon left behind. Patchlitz, Flying Mantis, Screw Gopher, Transporter, and so on.

They seemed to be very interested in human pastures, so they were willing to follow Dongdong Rat to Su Yu.

Huh~? Then when are we leaving?

One of the flying mantises even urged.

Dong dong, dong dong. Wait for a while, everyone should go back and pack their things at home.

With that said, Dong Dong Rat ran back to the tree hole he owned in the forest and took out everything inside.

Inside, there were some good things it had accumulated in the process of searching for treasures, which it planned to give to Su Yu.

That evening.

Lazily turning off the TV, Su Yu found that he actually fell asleep while watching TV?

Haha~ Is it already so late?

After stretching, Su Yu got up from the sofa and looked outside. At this moment, the Pokémon are still playing outside.

The Frost Milk Fairy and the Braided Sheep seemed to have started to build a snowman. After Su Yu reasoned with the Braided Sheep last time, the Braided Sheep took the initiative to apologize to the Frosted Milk Fairy. Because of this, their relationship is basically on good terms.

Kati Dog, on the other hand, used fire-based moves in the snow and kept rolling in the snow, completely showing that he was not afraid of the cold.

Anyway, there is a thick layer of snow all around, so there is no need to worry about accidentally burning the grass in the pasture when using fire-based moves like before.

Because of this, Kati Dog used fire-type moves in the snow to his heart's content, and seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Su Yu picked up a bottle of goat's milk on the side. When delivering the goat's milk, he specially left a bottle for himself. After all, the quality of this goat's milk is comparable to that of Moo Moo Fresh Milk.

When the output and quality of the mount lambs increase in the future, Su Yu will be able to completely save money by running to town to buy Moo Moo milk.

However, at present, some dishes still require Moo Moo fresh milk. Like milk pudding for the braided sheep.

After drinking this bottle of goat's milk, Su Yu felt like he was strengthening his body, as if the power in his body had become stronger.

He raised his hand and arched his biceps. It seemed that this was not an illusion. It seemed that he had really become stronger?

It seems that just by drinking this goat's milk, I might be able to develop myself into a true new person.

Su Yu thought so.

He finally found the secret to the strength of the True Newcomer. When Xiaozhi was a child, he must have drank a lot of Moo Fresh Milk.

And just when Su Yu opened the door and was about to go out and play with the Pokémon for a while, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Taking out his cell phone, Su Yu was still wondering who would call him at this time. When Su Yu saw the note on the phone number, he was stunned for a moment.

Miss Junsha?

Seeing this name, Su Yu quickly answered the call. As soon as the call was connected, the other person asked:

Where are you? Are you still at the ranch?

Ah, yes. What's the matter? Su Yu responded

We recently discovered a den of the poaching gang and are organizing forces to take them down. And this den seems to be the place where your tropical dragon companion is imprisoned.

Would you be interested in coming tonight?

Hearing this, Su Yu was stunned for a moment. After searching for more than a month...did he finally find it?

Come on, I have to come. My tropical dragon has been training hard for a long time for this moment.

Su Yu replied.

He looked at Tropical Dragon who was training hard in the distance. Even though he had already mastered the four-leaf sword technique, Tropical Dragon was still training hard these days.

The purpose is to defeat the poaching gang and rescue its companions.

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