Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 357 Encountering Sirona, Holy Swordsman

Is it really all free?

With that said, Su Yu, who had just taken a few steps, stepped back again.

Hearing this, the stall owner quickly smiled and said:

Of course, you are the great hero who saved us all, so I must give you free!

This person actually knows me? Su Yu was a little surprised, but then he thought about it and realized that maybe someone from the original reporter had also taken a picture of him.

At that time, the cooling caused by Kyurem plunged most of the United States into a world of ice and snow. The vast majority of people were hiding at home and watching TV shivering.

Then what should I do? Su Yu asked again.

Just release all your Pokémon, and leave the rest to my Pokémon. With that said, the stall owner released a Gardevoir.

For Gardevoir, who has telepathic characteristics, if the talent in this area is relatively good, the intimacy assessment may also be a way to make money.

It can only be said that in the Pokémon world, everyone has their own unique skills.

Seeing this, Su Yu also walked forward with Frost Milk Fairy.

Gardevoir closed his eyes for a while and then said something to the stall owner with his mind.

The stall owner nodded from time to time, and finally, he translated to Su Yu:

Gardevoir said, you are a pair of partners who trust each other. In your heart, Frost Milk Fairy is a very reliable helper, and you are very relieved about it. And for Frost Milk Fairy, you are also the most powerful in its eyes. , the most trustworthy person.”

Such mutual trust is really rare. It seems that you have only lived together for a short time? Generally speaking, this will only happen when the Pokémon and the trainer have a good relationship with each other. Case.

The stall owner said that this situation is not uncommon. But more of them will still appear in those middle-aged trainers who have been with Pokémon for more than ten years.

After all, in the Pokémon world, everyone can have a partner. And when they live together, fight together, and get along day and night, it is easy to develop this kind of tacit understanding.

Hearing this, Su Yu nodded. What the stall owner said is basically consistent with the facts.

At this time, other Pokémon also cast curious glances. They stepped forward one after another, saying they wanted to test their intimacy with Su Yu.

After all the Pokémon were tested, they all looked at Gardevoir again, wanting it to rank the intimacy of the Pokémon in the ranch with Su Yu.

This... Seeing this, the stall owner was in trouble. He laughed a few times, feeling that it would be a bit hurtful if the rankings were announced.

Seeing that the Pokémon were inexplicably competitive, Su Yu shook his head helplessly.

He took out the Poke Ball and took the Pokémon back. As for the truth, let it be buried in the mist. Knowing too much about some things is not beautiful.

Strolling through the streets of Feiyun City.

As expected, there was a long queue at the door of the ice cream shop. Su Yu took the Pokémon and waited in line.

When it was Su Yu's turn to buy, he saw Sirona standing in front of the store, thinking about which flavor to choose.

Uh...Champion Bamboo Orchid, are you here too?

Su Yu was a little confused. Could it be that the long queue in front of the store was blocked because of Sirona's hesitation?

Huh? Hmm.

Hearing this, Sirona first raised her head and glanced at Su Yu, then rested her chin with her hand as if no one else was around and began to think.

Seeing that she was hesitating again, Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't want to do multiple-choice questions.

After buying one of each flavor for Sirona, Su Yu took them aside and found a park to sit down.

At this time, fountains were gushing in the park, and pigeons were flying in the square, grabbing the bread thrown by tourists.

Sirona looked at the ice cream and pondered for a moment, then said seriously:

Su Yu, thank you.

It's just...buying an ice cream, it's easy. Su Yu waved his hand.

You are the champion... It seems that every time I see you, you always hesitate in front of the ice cream shop? There are some things that may have good results if you choose according to your mood that day. When you are in a good mood, you can choose vanilla ;When you are in a bad mood, you can also choose the strawberry flavor to make yourself happy.

As he said that, Su Yu also shared the ice cream he bought with other Pokémon, including Sirona's Lucario, who also had a share.

Sirona listened, nodded thoughtfully, and said thank you seriously again.

After getting the ice cream, Lucario sat cross-legged on the ground and enjoyed the delicious food. At this time, it also noticed Cong Youbing, who was tiredly carrying his baby.

Cosmog seems to be of medium size, but in fact, it weighs only 0.1kg, and most of its body is made of gas.

This also makes Him easily blown by the wind. At this moment, Cong Youbing was as careful as an adult caring for a baby that was learning to walk.

In particular, Cosmogu is very curious and likes to explore everywhere. At this time, He was chasing a group of bean pigeons that were pecking at the ground. Seeing someone chasing them away, they flew away one after another.

Onion Youbing followed him all the way, fearing that Cosmogu would accidentally get lost.

After driving away the beanie pigeons several times in succession, Cosmo became very interested in antiques. He was about to continue to catch up, when a white light of evolution bloomed on his body.

After a while, he evolved into 999.9kg Cosmo. Moreover, it becomes unable to move freely, just like the green caterpillar evolves into an armored pupa.

This made the old father Cong Youbing feel a little overwhelmed. He tried to move the small nebula. Fortunately, with this weight, he could still move it.

However, because he was unable to move on his own, Cosmo could only remain like this, staying by the side of Onion Ranger, until he evolved into Solgaleo.

Chatted with Sirona for a while in the park.

Su Yu stood up to say goodbye and went to the hotel he booked in Feiyun City.

In the next few days, he and his Pokémon traveled to many places in Hezhong.

While hiking through a river valley, he saw three holy swordsmen who were giving special training to Keldeo by the river.

This surprised Su Yu. Can he encounter a legendary Pokémon just by taking a casual trip?

He looked at the Dongdong rat and thought that this might be its luck taking effect.

As for these four legendary Pokémon whose strength could only be described as average, Su Yu didn't particularly care. But he thought, maybe Cong Youbing could practice swordsmanship with them?

Therefore, Su Yu decided to stay in the river valley for a while. Relying on his achievements in saving Hezhong, the Holy Swordsman quickly accepted him and agreed to teach Cong Youbing sword skills.

In the next few days, Cong Youbing followed the Holy Swordsman to practice every day. Whenever this happens, Cosmo will ask it to place itself not far away, and just watch the Onion Rangers practicing.

During this period, Su Yu entertained the holy swordsmen with delicious food. King Lei Guan thought that it would be fine here, and began to study his power enhanced by cooking.

After several days of research, he developed the ability to develop a portable space, and transplanted many plants from the Weimei Forest into the space so that they could be farmed at any time.

After Su Yu learned about this, he also called him a good guy. The portable space that Hupa obtained through cooking was actually directly researched by Lei Guanwang?

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