Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 319 King Lei Guan’s thanks

The so-called mobile phone is actually a new invention of mankind in recent years.

In the end, Su Yu decided to tell King Lei Guan about the contents.

If you want, I can also give you one. Just think of it as a thank you gift for helping me ripen the Sky Tree.

Hearing this, King Lei Guan showed an expression of interest. After understanding what a mobile phone was, he wanted to see it even more.

Seeing him like this, Su Yu also decided to take him to the town.

As soon as he heard that he was going out, Linyouma immediately ran over neighing. He and the snowstorm horse raced against each other to reach King Lei Guan.

It seems that you and your horse have a good relationship? Seeing this, Su Yu also asked.

Yes, the two beloved horses, Gu and Gu, have lived together on the land of Galar for the past tens of thousands of years.

It is also because of our deep feelings that we can combine our own strength with theirs, thereby enhancing our strength.

King Lei Guan smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Su Yu was going to call Wind Speed ​​Dog, Lei Guanwang said again:

Why don't you go out on this trip and ride on Gu's beloved horse?

With that said, he also handed over the reins of Lingyou Horse to Su Yu.

Su Yu tried to take the reins, but when he saw that the Linyou horse didn't respond, he rode on it cautiously.

It seemed that Lingyou Horse was still willing to let him ride. I won't just kick them away like I do with other people.

Came to town riding a ghost horse.

Wherever he passed, everyone was paying attention. There is no other reason. This tall horse is too conspicuous among the crowd.

The same goes for Lei Guanwang behind him. He was wearing a cloak and his round head was like a huge crown, looking very noble.

When he arrived in front of the mobile phone store, Su Yu also dismounted and tied the reins aside.

The owner of the electrical appliance store happened to be in the store at this time. When he saw that the person coming was Su Yu, he said doubtfully:

Hey, Su Yu, why are you here?

I brought a guest with me, and I just happened to come to your place to pick up a mobile phone. Su Yu pointed at Lei Guanwang behind him.

The boss looked up and saw a very huge head.

What a big head... the boss thought to himself.

After seeing Lei Guanwang's appearance, the boss was confused and said:

This looks like... it should be a Pokémon, right?

Yes. Su Yu nodded, This is the legendary Pokémon from the Galar region - King Lei Guan.

While Su Yu was introducing, Lei Guanwang also nodded slightly to the boss. The boss saw this and nodded quickly.

This Pokémon... seems kind of polite.

After listening to Su Yu's words, the boss was stunned for a moment. Wait, what did you say?

A legendary Pokémon? A Pokémon of the same level as the creator of the earth that I passed by a few days ago?

Oh my god, I actually saw a Legendary Pokémon with my own eyes!

Ah, I remembered it! The one we talked about on TV a few days ago, walking out of the legendary Pokémon ranch, wouldn't it be your home?

Hiss...yeah, I should have thought of it earlier.

At this time, the boss also reacted. He quickly called Lei Guanwang in, and greeted the clerks in the store, placing all the flagship phones in front of Lei Guanwang.

Well... you just have to choose. We will give you a 50% discount on the mobile phones you buy here.

I just don't know. Can I take a photo of you? It would be best if the photo can be kept in the store for advertising.

Hearing this, King Lei Guan looked at Su Yu. The attitudes of these humans changed so drastically that He didn't know how to deal with them.

It's up to you to decide. The boss is quite nice and usually doesn't mess around. Su Yu also said.

Since you have said so, then Gu... just agree. King Lei Guan shook his head helplessly.

After hearing this, the boss happily took out his camera and took a picture of Lei Guanwang.

And he said that all the mobile phones that Lei Guanwang wants can be free of charge.

After choosing a cold front blue mobile phone, Lei Guanwang followed Su Yu and turned around to leave the store.

His mobile phone also comes with a voice assistant. After returning to the ranch, Su Yu patiently taught him how to use it.

This invention of yours is quite interesting to use. After learning how to use it, King Lei Guan also said.

After that, Su Yu went to work in the fields.

He was weeding the ground when a phone call suddenly came over.

Su Yu took a look and saw that this phone number was the one he had just registered for Lei Guanwang.

After connecting, Su Yu asked doubtfully:

What's the matter, King Lei Guan, what's the matter?

Hearing this, the other person was silent for a while. Afterwards, King Lei Guan said:

It's nothing, I just suddenly wanted to call someone.

That's it...I thought something happened. Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

There was another period of silence on both sides, which made Su Yu feel very embarrassed.

He was just trying to find something to talk about, when King Lei Guan spoke first:

Su Yu...thank you.

Whether it's waking up Gu in the crown snowfield, bringing Gu a ghost horse, or taking Gu to buy a mobile phone. Without you, Gu might still be wandering around in the snowy field in a daze at this time.

I just made this call out of nowhere and wanted to say thank you.

I guess Lei Guanwang was also playing with her cell phone when she suddenly thought that she could call Su Yu to say thank you. You can feel that these words are all sincere.

But this sudden thank you made Su Yu a little confused. He laughed awkwardly and said there was no need to say thank you.

After that, they hung up the phone.

After adding a note to Lei Guanwang's mobile phone number, Su Yu continued to be busy in the fields.

Lei Guanwang's act of making a phone call suddenly set off a trend in the ranch.

The Pokémon imitated him and Frosty, calling each other to greet each other. Today, the leading gopher will fight Frost Milk Fairy, and tomorrow, Wind Speed ​​Dog will fight Sweet Dance Ni.

This move is quite similar to children playing house.

At this time, the real master was sitting at the wrought iron table under the Sky Tree, sipping the enlightenment black tea that Su Yu brewed for him.

After drinking the hot tea, King Lei Guan asked curiously:

How do you humans obtain income from your pastures now?

After returning to Galar, Gu Xiang also builds a flower house in Weimei Forest. But if so, he will need to gain income among you humans.

The smart greenhouse built by Su Yu has the function of adjusting temperature. This makes it possible for Galar, with its northern latitude and cooler climate, to have flowers blooming in winter.

That's why King Lei Guan was so interested.

In response, Su Yu replied:

It's simple. Just take the products produced in the pasture and trade them with humans.

If you want, I can recommend a candidate to you. She is a researcher of ancient legends in Galar. She can also keep your identity confidential.

What Su Yu was talking about was the Dan Emperor's childhood sweetheart, Sonia, whom he had met before.

Hearing this, King Lei Guan nodded, indicating that he had taken note of it.

At this time, Uncle Yang from next door happened to come to the door. He came under the Sky Tree and shouted from a distance:

Su Yu, my pasture is going to plant a very important crop recently. But I'm afraid that the crops won't mature before winter. So I don't know, can you ask your goat to come with me?

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