Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 287 The dismissed Squirtle Fire Brigade, Blastoise: I’m back

Su Yu is back?

Yes, Sister Anna.

Giving souvenirs to acquaintances in the pastoral area, Su Yu greeted them along the way.

Frost Milk Fairy's share of the special product was given to her mother by herself. After receiving the gift, Little Matcha was very happy and left the Frost Milk Fairy to have a meal in their pasture.

The Water Arrow Turtle went to the town early in the morning, preparing to find its fire brigade boys.

When Su Yu returned to the ranch, the green caterpillar was transmitting energy towards the Sky Tree.

After many enhancements, the green caterpillar now has the ability to feed back the Sky Tree. In the past, it was the Sky Tree that drove the green caterpillars to grow, but this time, it was finally the other way around.

With the transmission of green caterpillars, the Sky Tree no longer just grows upward, but begins to grow sideways.

The area covered by branches and leaves continues to expand, and the height of the tree also climbs slightly.

Fortunately, when Su Yu originally planted it, he chose a place far enough away from the house. Otherwise, the tree would have covered the house by now.

Huh? Sensing Su Yu's return, the green caterpillar turned around.

Su Yu said:

After a few more visits, this tree may be able to house many Pokémon. When the time comes, you can ask your tribe to move to the tree.

Living like this will be more convenient than living in an orchard.

Hearing this, the green caterpillar also nodded.

In the Sky Restaurant, I heard that Suyu Ranch was back, and many Pokémon from the ranch also came here. They gathered here again and each ordered a glass or two of Huangli juice and dessert.

This is a long lost reunion. When they heard that the ranch was leaving, they were worried for a long time, fearing that they would never drink such delicious Huangli juice again.

After the water arrow turtle went to the town carrying a bag of specialties, he ran back in a panic.

What's wrong?

Seeing the Blastoise in such a panic, Su Yu asked doubtfully. If anything, this was the first time he had seen the Water Arrow Turtle so flustered.

The water arrow turtle replied:

K-Kame...! The Squirtles in the town's fire brigade were fired!


He was so good, why was he suddenly fired?

Su Yu thought about it carefully, and it seemed that a long time had passed since the last time he saw the fire brigade.

Don't worry, I'll ask people I know to see if anyone knows their whereabouts.

With that said, Su Yu also took out his mobile phone.

However, after asking many people, they all said they had never seen those Squirtles.

Did you say why you were fired? Su Yu asked Water Arrow Turtle.

In response, Blastoise nodded. It is said that it is because the town's fire brigade has been reorganized and some professional trainers have to be hired. Because of this, they fired the wild Squirtles who were originally employed.

And it seemed that the Water Arrow Turtle was also very worried. After all, when he left, he promised to cover them when he came back. As a result, when I finally came back, I got the news that my younger brothers had been fired.

That's it... don't worry yet, I'll mobilize the Pokémon in the ranch to look for it together.

Those Squirtles knew how to take care of themselves. Even if they were fired, they must be living well now. It's just that they may be living in a place we don't know.

With that said, Su Yu also went to the ranch and called some Pokémon over.

As soon as he heard that he was going to find someone in the town, Feng Su Gou immediately volunteered. Its sense of smell is perfect for finding people.

Frost Milk Fairy and others also signed up one after another.

Su Yu organized them into groups one by one. Frost Milk Fairy and Green Caterpillar were with him, Water Arrow Turtle and Wind Speed ​​Dog were in a group, and the three mount lambs were in a group by themselves...

Taking them to the town, the Pokémon dispersed into groups.

Are you bringing Pokémon to the town for shopping? Su Yu. Do you want some freshly fried dough sticks?

When passing by a shop, the old lady inside asked kindly.

Want to eat? Su Yu looked at the Frost Milk Fairy and Green Caterpillar on his shoulder.

After Frost Milk Fairy nodded, he said:

Then take one, if you want something sweet.

After paying the money, Su Yu asked the old lady for news about the fire brigade, but also found nothing.

After that, he went to the fire brigade to take a look. The Water Arrow Turtle was in a panic earlier and didn't seem to pay any attention to the fire brigade.

But just when Su Yu was about to walk in, the mayor put his hand on his back:

Hey, Su Yu? Why are you here?

By the way, it's a coincidence. There's been a bumper harvest of watermelons in the town these days. I'm preparing to hold a watermelon convention, and I was thinking of inviting you.

Watermelon Convention? It sounds interesting.

Su Yu nodded and said:

Okay, I will definitely go then.

By the way, Mayor, do you know where the Squirtles in the fire brigade are now?

Su Yu thought that if he was the mayor, he should know the arrangements of the fire brigade.

And sure enough, the mayor nodded and said:

I know, they are in my courtyard now and are temporarily living in my place.

Su Yu:?

Weren't they... dismissed? Su Yu asked doubtfully.

The mayor guessed Su Yu's thoughts and said with a smile:

Our town is not a cold-blooded town. Naturally, we cannot treat the town's fire-fighting hero as you think.

Are you familiar with them? How about I take you to see them?

Wait until the Water Arrow Turtles received the message and were called back by the Green Caterpillar.

The mayor looked at the Water Arrow Turtle and couldn't help but sigh:

Oh, you are indeed the Blastoise you trained. I also watched the competition at the Caiyu Conference, and the Blastoise's performance was very exciting!

As he said that, the mayor also stretched out his hand, patted the water arrow turtle's shell, and made a clang sound.

When all the Pokémon on Su Yu's side arrived, the mayor also took Su Yu to his courtyard.

Along the way, some children also recognized them.

Look, it's the big brother from the Caiyu Conference, and his Blastoise!

The Blastoise looks so strong!

One of the children was bolder and asked Blastoise if he could lend him his sunglasses.


In response, Blastoise nodded. It took off its own sunglasses and gave them to the child, and took out a new pair from its carry-on baggage.

——I still have a lot of sunglasses like this, all of which Su Yu bought for me as spares!

After crossing the street, we finally arrived at the yard of the mayor's house.

In addition to Squirtle, there are many other Pokémon in the yard, a lot of them.

It seems that the mayor and Su Yu are of the same mind, and they both like to take in wild Pokémon.

The Squirtles were a little surprised when they saw their boss. They tried calling, and the Blastoise responded.


- Yes, kids, I'm back.

From now on, you will be protected by me! Come with me to Su Yu's ranch.

After confirming that this was their boss, the Squirtles also cheered and stepped forward. They surrounded the Water Arrow Turtle in the middle and curiously observed the evolved form of the Water Arrow Turtle.

Seeing this, the mayor also nodded:

It seems that it is better for them to follow you.

In that case, it's up to you to take them away.

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