Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 282 Rayquaza’s test, the power of bondage

The content of my test is very simple, and the theme is bonds.

Well... the test from the green caterpillar is over. It seems that it trusts you very much, and it can be said that you must be its trainer.

Perhaps his personality has changed due to being separated from his true body for too long. This Rayquaza seemed quite talkative, completely inconsistent with Su Yu's image of Rayquaza.

But relatively speaking, this Rayquaza has become more communicative and not too aloof.

When the conversation changed, Rayquaza asked Su Yu:

What about you, rancher Su Yu? As far as I know, there are many Pokémon in your ranch. And you, the Pokémon around you, treat them almost equally and don't pay more for the green caterpillars.

Su Yu: ...

Isn't it wrong to treat everyone equally? Isn't it wrong to be too partial to certain Pokémon?

And my original intention of running this ranch is to gather more Pokémon and give them a nice enough home.

It is precisely because of this that he built facilities such as sky restaurants and convenience stores to enrich the lives of Pokémon, and even bought cabins for most Pokémon in need.

Because he knows that as a human who takes in these Pokémon, he has an obligation to run the ranch better and make the Pokémon's lives no longer boring.

And he himself is just an ordinary person who runs a ranch with some selfish desires and loves Pokémon. He cannot cover everything.

But you're right. Pokémon regard me as their only one, but I can't repay them more...

In the future, I should really work hard to do more for them.

Su Yu reflected.

After hearing Su Yu's reflection, Rayquaza laughed.

After he finished laughing, he changed the subject and said:

Now that you say that, let me see what you can do for your Pokémon.

With a wave of his hand, Rayquaza sent Su Yu into the test.

Su Yu felt that he had had another dream.

In the dream, he became an ordinary trainer, not a rancher.

When he was ten years old, his father gave him a birthday present, which was a green caterpillar.

Although it was just a very weak green caterpillar, Su Yu did not give up. Instead, he and the green caterpillar embarked on the road of becoming a trainer.

They grew stronger together and lived together. During this period, Su Yu did not conquer any other Pokémon.

And when he was eighteen years old, a dagger suddenly pierced out from the crowd and swung towards Su Yu.

Green Caterpillar!

Su Yu held the green caterpillar in his arms and was about to run away. However, the dagger was very fast and was in front of him in an instant.

Su Yu wanted to block the green caterpillar's knife without hesitation, but the green caterpillar was faster and more powerful than him.

Facing danger, it rushed forward without hesitation and blocked the most fatal injury.

The dream disappeared...

In the second dream, the green caterpillar was still his tenth birthday present.

While taking the green caterpillar to fight, a coolly dressed trainer suddenly appeared in front of Su Yu, and took out Kuailong's Poke Ball, expressing his desire to exchange it with the green caterpillar.

Looking at you, you must be a kid who has just become a trainer, right? Kuailong is a quasi-god. You've made a profit.

The other party said seductively.

Facing Kuailong's temptation, Su Yu, an ordinary ten-year-old man, had almost no hesitation. He rejected the other party's invitation to exchange. He was very disgusted with such things.

Because he felt that this was a betrayal of Pokémon. At the same time, Pokémon are also treated as commodities.

The dream dissipated again...

Su Yu didn't know how many dreams he had experienced. The further he went, the more difficult it became for him to distinguish between dreams and reality. He didn't know how many tests Rayquaza had set.

Until the last dream...

At the invitation of a good friend, Su Yu and the Green Caterpillar went to a chaotic foreign country that was not managed by the alliance, hoping to find a good job. As soon as the plane landed, Su Yu was imprisoned.

The other party sent a notice to Su Yu, saying that only one person and Pokémon can live.

After hearing the news, the eighteen-year-old Su Yu took one last look at the green caterpillar and held down the green caterpillar that was about to move.

The experience that came from nowhere made Su Yu know that if he didn't hold it down this time, the green caterpillar would really die for him.

Because of this, he has been working hard to exercise since he was ten years old. The reason is to hold down the green caterpillar at this moment.

You are a Pokémon, and you are of some use to these people.

I am a human being, and the waist is more valuable to them. So let me do this.

Su Yu smiled helplessly. If he had known it earlier, he would not have believed the cakes drawn by his friends and came here.

With that said, Su Yu stood up and informed the person who imprisoned him of his decision.

Then someone came immediately and escorted Su Yu out.

And when the picture turned to black and white, the dream finally stopped reincarnating.

Have I passed the test?

Standing up with support on his waist, Su Yu looked at Rayquaza blankly.

In response, Rayquaza nodded. In fact, there was no assessment from the beginning.

The green caterpillar regards Su Yu as the only one because Su Yu has done many things for it. The bond was not born for no reason. It was because of Su Yu's actions that the bond between him and the green caterpillar became deeper and deeper.

Because of this, Rayquaza has long recognized them. The reason why he did this assessment was because he wanted to see what Su Yu could do for the green caterpillar.

You have my approval, Su Yu, you are an excellent trainer. Moreover, you value Pokémon equally and are even willing to accept death for them.

The same goes for green caterpillars.

Rayquaza said majestically.

I will completely dissipate. After that, the main body may be able to sense the situation here.

As for my power... I placed it in a bond, let's use the bond to inspire it!

As the sound faded away, Rayquaza's shadow completely disappeared. But his words made Su Yu very confused.

Put it in a bond? Could it be said that it is the same bond evolution as Ash's version of Koga Ninja?

But why do we need to be bound for no reason? The system didn’t mention it in the description of the dishes before?

Su Yu didn't know that this was actually the green caterpillar's request to Rayquaza. Because it didn't want to see Su Yu grow old.

While fishing on the sea these days, the Green Caterpillar had many conversations with Old Man Hutch. It is precisely because of this that the Green Caterpillar sees the relationship between Old Man Hutch and the Winged Gull.

Normally, the stronger the Pokémon, the longer its lifespan will be. So between Su Yu and these Pokémon in the pasture, sooner or later there will be a day like Old Man Hutch.

Because of this, after seeing Rayquaza, the green caterpillar made a request to him. In its view, Rayquaza is so powerful that it should be able to solve this problem, right?

But Rayquaza said that this issue was not professionally appropriate for him.

But He knew that there was a way to form bonds and share life energy. The two parties forming a bond may even feel the pain of one of them.

This method can significantly extend human life. But for Pokémon, it is a burden. Because this is using the life energy of Pokémon to extend human life.

Uh-huh~! To this, the green caterpillar nodded in agreement without hesitation. The goat's milk from the mount lamb can help Su Yu live longer, and it itself should do something for Su Yu.

Even if your life span becomes shorter because of this, are you willing?

Rayquaza asked confused.

The green caterpillar nodded.

Okay, okay, then I will help you. But before that, I need to give that human being a test so that I can see if that human being is worth what you do.

Rayquaza said helplessly. He thought, if this human being showed flaws in the test, then...

Then the green caterpillar should have seen through the other party's true intentions. When the time comes, you will naturally regret this decision, right?

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